我討論瞭如何使用 Asp.Net Core WebAPI 在 Reactjs 中載入映像。我們正在建立 Asp.Net Core Web API 並建立具有實體框架核心的 SQL Server 資料庫。然後我建立了一個用於映像載入的 asp.net Core API 控制器。
我們在 Reactjs 中創建了客戶端應用程式。為此設計了帶有圖像上傳器的表單。單獨顯示所選影像預覽。在表單提交事件中,我將所選圖像載入到 Asp.Net Web API 中。
工具: VS Code、Visual Studio、SSMS、Postman
客戶端: Reactjs
API: Asp.Net Core WebAPI
該控制器連接到資料庫連接,並透過處理 HTTP GET、POST、PUT 和 DELETE 請求來提供列出、插入、更新和刪除員工記錄的方法。
該控制器透過與員工表單互動來工作,員工可以在其中上傳圖像。此表單是在React端設計的,是使用專案根目錄下的npx create-react-app命令建立的。
為GET、POST、PUT和DELETE操作提供了相關方法。透過 GET 請求,將列出所有現有員工記錄。 PUT 要求更新指定的員工記錄,也用於變更員工的個人資料圖片。 POST 要求新增新的員工記錄並上傳員工的個人資料照片。 DELETE 要求刪除指定的員工記錄。
此外,還提供了兩種特殊方法 SaveImage() 和 DeleteImage(),用於載入和刪除員工記錄中的影像。這些方法處理員工個人資料圖像的上傳和刪除。
using System ; using System . Collections . Generic ; using System . Linq ; using System . Threading . Tasks ; using Microsoft . AspNetCore . Http ; using Microsoft . AspNetCore . Mvc ; using Microsoft . EntityFrameworkCore ; using EmployeeRegisterAPI . Models ; using System . IO ; using Microsoft . AspNetCore . Hosting ; namespace EmployeeRegisterAPI . Controllers { [ Route ( "api/[controller]" ) ] [ ApiController ] public class EmployeeController : ControllerBase { private readonly EmployeeDbContext _context ; private readonly IWebHostEnvironment _hostEnvironment ; public EmployeeController ( EmployeeDbContext context , IWebHostEnvironment hostEnvironment ) { _context = context ; this . _hostEnvironment = hostEnvironment ; } // GET: api/EmployeeModels [ HttpGet ] public async Task < ActionResult < IEnumerable < EmployeeModel > > > GetEmployees ( ) { return await _context . Employees . Select ( x => new EmployeeModel ( ) { EmployeeID = x . EmployeeID , EmployeeName = x . EmployeeName , Occupation = x . Occupation , ImageName = x . ImageName , ImageSrc = String . Format ( "{0}://{1}{2}/Images/{3}" , Request . Scheme , Request . Host , Request . PathBase , x . ImageName ) } ) . ToListAsync ( ) ; } // GET: api/Employee/5 [ HttpGet ( "{id}" ) ] public async Task < ActionResult < EmployeeModel > > GetEmployeeModel ( int id ) { var employeeModel = await _context . Employees . FindAsync ( id ) ; if ( employeeModel == null ) { return NotFound ( ) ; } return employeeModel ; } // PUT: api/Employee/5 // To protect from overposting attacks, enable the specific properties you want to bind to, for // more details, see https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2123754. [ HttpPut ( "{id}" ) ] public async Task < IActionResult > PutEmployeeModel ( int id , [ FromForm ] EmployeeModel employeeModel ) { if ( id != employeeModel . EmployeeID ) { return BadRequest ( ) ; } if ( employeeModel . ImageFile != null ) { DeleteImage ( employeeModel . ImageName ) ; employeeModel . ImageName = await SaveImage ( employeeModel . ImageFile ) ; } _context . Entry ( employeeModel ) . State = EntityState . Modified ; try { await _context . SaveChangesAsync ( ) ; } catch ( DbUpdateConcurrencyException ) { if ( ! EmployeeModelExists ( id ) ) { return NotFound ( ) ; } else { throw ; } } return NoContent ( ) ; } // POST: api/Employee // To protect from overposting attacks, enable the specific properties you want to bind to, for // more details, see https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2123754. [ HttpPost ] public async Task < ActionResult < EmployeeModel > > PostEmployeeModel ( [ FromForm ] EmployeeModel employeeModel ) { employeeModel . ImageName = await SaveImage ( employeeModel . ImageFile ) ; _context . Employees . Add ( employeeModel ) ; await _context . SaveChangesAsync ( ) ; return StatusCode ( 201 ) ; } // DELETE: api/Employee/5 [ HttpDelete ( "{id}" ) ] public async Task < ActionResult < EmployeeModel > > DeleteEmployeeModel ( int id ) { var employeeModel = await _context . Employees . FindAsync ( id ) ; if ( employeeModel == null ) { return NotFound ( ) ; } DeleteImage ( employeeModel . ImageName ) ; _context . Employees . Remove ( employeeModel ) ; await _context . SaveChangesAsync ( ) ; return employeeModel ; } private bool EmployeeModelExists ( int id ) { return _context . Employees . Any ( e => e . EmployeeID == id ) ; } [ NonAction ] public async Task < string > SaveImage ( IFormFile imageFile ) { string imageName = new String ( Path . GetFileNameWithoutExtension ( imageFile . FileName ) . Take ( 10 ) . ToArray ( ) ) . Replace ( ' ' , '-' ) ; imageName = imageName + DateTime . Now . ToString ( "yymmssfff" ) + Path . GetExtension ( imageFile . FileName ) ; var imagePath = Path . Combine ( _hostEnvironment . ContentRootPath , "Images" , imageName ) ; using ( var fileStream = new FileStream ( imagePath , FileMode . Create ) ) { await imageFile . CopyToAsync ( fileStream ) ; } return imageName ; } [ NonAction ] public void DeleteImage ( string imageName ) { var imagePath = Path . Combine ( _hostEnvironment . ContentRootPath , "Images" , imageName ) ; if ( System . IO . File . Exists ( imagePath ) ) System . IO . File . Delete ( imagePath ) ; } } }
使用了許多變數。 defaultImageSrc 變數保存預設影像路徑。 initialFieldValues變數包含組件初始狀態下要使用的初始值。使用 useState,可以在元件內追蹤值的狀態。
當文字輸入欄位變更時,將呼叫handleInputChange 函數。函數使用e.target.name和e.target.value捕獲更改欄位的名稱和值,並使用setValues函數更新values變數。
如果圖片上傳區域發生變化,就會呼叫showPreview函數。此函數將所選檔案的路徑保存在 imageFile 變數中,並使用 FileReader 物件建立檔案預覽並更新 imageSrc 變數。
驗證函數驗證表單的正確性。此函數用於確保正確填充values變數。 setErrors 函數更新錯誤變量,resetForm 函數重置表單並清除錯誤變數。
提交表單時呼叫handleFormSubmit 函數。此函數使用 FormData 物件檢索表單數據,並透過呼叫 addOrEdit 函數將資料傳送到伺服器。
applyErrorClass 函數將無效字段類別應用於錯誤字段,從而導致這些字段顯示錯誤。
import React , { useState , useEffect } from 'react'
const defaultImageSrc = '/img/3135715.png'
const initialFieldValues = {
employeeID : 0 ,
employeeName : '' ,
occupation : '' ,
imageName : '' ,
imageSrc : defaultImageSrc ,
imageFile : null
export default function Employee ( props ) {
const { addOrEdit , recordForEdit } = props
const [ values , setValues ] = useState ( initialFieldValues )
const [ errors , setErrors ] = useState ( { } )
useEffect ( ( ) => {
if ( recordForEdit != null )
setValues ( recordForEdit ) ;
} , [ recordForEdit ] )
const handleInputChange = e => {
const { name , value } = e . target ;
setValues ( {
... values ,
[ name ] : value
} )
const showPreview = e => {
if ( e . target . files && e . target . files [ 0 ] ) {
let imageFile = e . target . files [ 0 ] ;
const reader = new FileReader ( ) ;
reader . onload = x => {
setValues ( {
... values ,
imageFile ,
imageSrc : x . target . result
} )
reader . readAsDataURL ( imageFile )
else {
setValues ( {
... values ,
imageFile : null ,
imageSrc : defaultImageSrc
} )
const validate = ( ) => {
let temp = { }
temp . employeeName = values . employeeName == "" ? false : true ;
temp . imageSrc = values . imageSrc == defaultImageSrc ? false : true ;
setErrors ( temp )
return Object . values ( temp ) . every ( x => x == true )
const resetForm = ( ) => {
setValues ( initialFieldValues )
document . getElementById ( 'image-uploader' ) . value = null ;
setErrors ( { } )
const handleFormSubmit = e => {
e . preventDefault ( )
if ( validate ( ) ) {
const formData = new FormData ( )
formData . append ( 'employeeID' , values . employeeID )
formData . append ( 'employeeName' , values . employeeName )
formData . append ( 'occupation' , values . occupation )
formData . append ( 'imageName' , values . imageName )
formData . append ( 'imageFile' , values . imageFile )
addOrEdit ( formData , resetForm )
const applyErrorClass = field => ( ( field in errors && errors [ field ] == false ) ? ' invalid-field' : '' )
return (
< >
< div className = "container text-center" >
< p className = "lead" > p >
div >
< form autoComplete = "off" noValidate onSubmit = { handleFormSubmit } >
< div className = "card" style = { { backgroundColor : '#ced114' } } >
< img src = { values . imageSrc } className = "card-img-top" />
< div className = "card-body" >
< div className = "form-group" >
< input type = "file" accept = "image/*" className = { "form-control-file" + applyErrorClass ( 'imageSrc' ) }
onChange = { showPreview } id = "image-uploader" />
div >
< div className = "form-group" style = { { backgroundColor : '#ced114' } } >
< input className = { "form-control" + applyErrorClass ( 'employeeName' ) } placeholder = "Employee Name" name = "employeeName"
value = { values . employeeName }
onChange = { handleInputChange } />
div >
< div className = "form-group" >
< input className = "form-control" placeholder = "Occupation" name = "occupation"
value = { values . occupation }
onChange = { handleInputChange } />
div >
< div className = "form-group text-center" >
< button type = "submit" className = "btn btn-light" style = { { color : '#ced114' } } > Submit button >
div >
div >
div >
form >
此 React 元件處理建立、編輯、刪除和檢視員工記錄。
它使用 useState 和 useEffect React 掛鉤。 useState 為組件的狀態定義狀態變數並傳回 setState。 useEffect 運行一個函數來回應載入或重繪元件等事件。
Axios 用於進行 RESTful Web 服務呼叫。名為employeeAPI 的輔助函數實例化RESTful 調用,並且可以使用Axios 的功能來變更資源URL。
freshEmployeeList 函數從伺服器擷取員工記錄,並使用 setEmployeeList 將其設定為元件的狀態。
addOrEdit 函數處理建立或更新員工記錄。 FormData 物件包含員工記錄的使用者條目。
onDelete 函數要求使用者確認是否要刪除記錄,然後向伺服器發送 DELETE 請求。
imageCard 函數用來顯示員工名片。該卡包含員工的照片、姓名、工作說明和刪除按鈕。
{imageCard(employeeList[3 * i])} | {employeeList[3 * i + 1] ? imageCard(employeeList[3 * i + 1]) : null} | {employeeList[3 * i + 2] ? imageCard(employeeList[3 * i + 2]) : null} |
import React , { useState , useEffect } from 'react'
import Employee from './Employee'
import axios from "axios" ;
export default function EmployeeList ( ) {
const [ employeeList , setEmployeeList ] = useState ( [ ] )
const [ recordForEdit , setRecordForEdit ] = useState ( null )
useEffect ( ( ) => {
refreshEmployeeList ( ) ;
} , [ ] )
const employeeAPI = ( url = 'https://localhost:44334/api/Employee/' ) => {
return {
fetchAll : ( ) => axios . get ( url ) ,
create : newRecord => axios . post ( url , newRecord ) ,
update : ( id , updatedRecord ) => axios . put ( url + id , updatedRecord ) ,
delete : id => axios . delete ( url + id )
function refreshEmployeeList ( ) {
employeeAPI ( ) . fetchAll ( )
. then ( res => {
setEmployeeList ( res . data )
} )
. catch ( err => console . log ( err ) )
const addOrEdit = ( formData , onSuccess ) => {
if ( formData . get ( 'employeeID' ) == "0" )
employeeAPI ( ) . create ( formData )
. then ( res => {
onSuccess ( ) ;
refreshEmployeeList ( ) ;
} )
. catch ( err => console . log ( err ) )
employeeAPI ( ) . update ( formData . get ( 'employeeID' ) , formData )
. then ( res => {
onSuccess ( ) ;
refreshEmployeeList ( ) ;
} )
. catch ( err => console . log ( err ) )
const showRecordDetails = data => {
setRecordForEdit ( data )
const onDelete = ( e , id ) => {
e . stopPropagation ( ) ;
if ( window . confirm ( 'Are you sure to delete this record?' ) )
employeeAPI ( ) . delete ( id )
. then ( res => refreshEmployeeList ( ) )
. catch ( err => console . log ( err ) )
const imageCard = data => (
< div className = "card" onClick = { ( ) => { showRecordDetails ( data ) } } >
< img src = { data . imageSrc } className = "card-img-top rounded-circle" />
< div className = "card-body" >
< h5 > { data . employeeName } h5 >
< span > { data . occupation } span > < br />
< button className = "btn btn-light delete-button" onClick = { e => onDelete ( e , parseInt ( data . employeeID ) ) } >
< i className = "far fa-trash-alt" > i >
button >
div >
div >
return (
< div className = "row" >
< div className = "col-md-12" style = { { backgroundColor : '#ced114' } } >
< div className = "jumbotron jumbotron-fluid py-4" style = { { backgroundColor : '#ced114' } } >
< div className = "container text-center" style = { { backgroundColor : '#ced114' } } >
< h1 className = "display-4" style = { { backgroundColor : '#ced114' , color : 'yellow' } } > Employee Register h1 >
div >
div >
div >
< div className = "container text-center" >
< p className = "lead" > p >
div >
< div className = "col-md-4" >
< Employee
addOrEdit = { addOrEdit }
recordForEdit = { recordForEdit }
div >
< div className = "col-md-8" >
< table >
< tbody >
//tr > 3 td
[ ... Array ( Math . ceil ( employeeList . length / 3 ) ) ] . map ( ( e , i ) =>
< tr key = { i } >
< td > { imageCard ( employeeList [ 3 * i ] ) } td >
< td > { employeeList [ 3 * i + 1 ] ? imageCard ( employeeList [ 3 * i + 1 ] ) : null } td >
< td > { employeeList [ 3 * i + 2 ] ? imageCard ( employeeList [ 3 * i + 2 ] ) : null } td >
tr >
tbody >
table >
div >
div >
我在我的專案中使用.Net Core 6.0。下面列出了專案中需要下載的Nuget套件。
PM > NuGet I nstall-Package Microsoft.VisualStudio.Web.CodeGeneration.Design -Version 6.0.13
PM > NuGet I nstall-Package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore -Version 7.0.4
PM > NuGet I nstall-Package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer -Version 7.0.4
PM > NuGet I nstall-Package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Tools -Version 7.0.4
PM > NuGet I nstall-Package Microsoft.AspNetCore.Cors -Version 2.2.0
首先,讓我們在 Models 資料夾中新增一個類別。我將其命名為 EmployeeModel。
public class EmployeeModel
[ Key ]
public int EmployeeID { get ; set ; }
[ Column ( TypeName = "nvarchar(50)" ) ]
public string EmployeeName { get ; set ; }
[ Column ( TypeName = "nvarchar(50)" ) ]
public string Occupation { get ; set ; }
[ Column ( TypeName = "nvarchar(100)" ) ]
public string ImageName { get ; set ; }
讓我們在 Models 資料夾中建立一個 Context 類別。
using Microsoft . EntityFrameworkCore ;
namespace EmployeeRegisterAPI . Models
public class EmployeeDbContext : DbContext //burada ef Dbcontext den kalitim aldirdik
public EmployeeDbContext ( DbContextOptions < EmployeeDbContext > options ) : base ( options )
public DbSet < EmployeeModel > Employees { get ; set ; }
讓我們轉到 Startup.cs 資料夾並為 ConfigureServices 方法建立一個連接字串。
public void ConfigureServices ( IServiceCollection services )
services . AddControllers ( ) ;
//Baglanti dizesini olusturduk ve bu kodda sql server icin bir ConnectionString olusturduk "DevConnection" diye bunula baglanti bilgilerimizi appsettings de belirtecegiz
services . AddDbContext < EmployeeDbContext > ( options => options . UseSqlServer ( Configuration . GetConnectionString ( "DevConnection" ) ) ) ;
"Logging" : {
"LogLevel" : {
"Default" : "Information" ,
"Microsoft" : "Warning" ,
"Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime" : "Information"
} ,
"AllowedHosts" : "*" ,
//buradan sonraki kod satirlaridir
"ConnectionStrings" : {
"DevConnection" : "Server=LAPTOP-6OAEM3JA; Database=EmployeeDB; Trusted_Connection=True; MultipleActiveResultSets=True;"
PM > Add-Migration " InitialCreate "
PM > update-database
然後讓我們檢查資料庫是否已從MSSQL 建立。
然後讓我們為我們的模型建立一個控制器,我將使用 API 控制器以及使用 EF 控制器的操作。
圖片將在這裡,其中 2 張
5 這些服務稱為 AddDb.AddDbContext(options => options.UseSqlServer(Configuration.GetConnectionString("DevConnection")));每次我們向該 EmployeeController 發出請求時,該函數都會為該員工控制器建立請求。 EmployeeController的建構子是 public EmployeeController(EmployeeDbContext context) 這段程式碼中的EmployeeDbContext值就是這個asp.net依賴注入方法,它是由框架本身自動管理的,所以這個控制器中的請求現在將與db通訊。
npx create-react-app employee-register-client
用於客戶端的 Oxios 指令
$ npm install react-axios
從現在開始,我們已經建立了專案的結構,我希望您在我的儲存庫中查看我的程式碼。祝你好運 :)
GET /api/Employee
範圍 | 藥品 | 解釋 |
api_key | string | 必要的。您的 API 金鑰。 |
GET /api/Employee/${id}
範圍 | 藥品 | 解釋 |
id | string | 必要的。被呼叫的item的key值 |
{ "employeeID" : 3 , "employeeName" : " piedhorse " , "occupation" : " C# " , "imageName" : " capture_20231646962.jpeg " , "imageFile" : null , "imageSrc" : " https://localhost:44334/Images/capture_20231646962.jpeg " }