開始| ?特點| ?️ 選項 |範例 | ?腳本 |移動的
API | ?格式 | ?錄音機|儀表板| ?語言環境 |農場
?️ 圖形使用者介面 | ?測試頁 | ?統一通訊模式 | ? CDP模式| ?圖表|網格
? ?遷移 |案例計劃 | ♻️ 模板 | ?混合動力| ?旅遊
?持續整合/持續交付 | ?️ JSMgr | ?譯者|主持人| ?對話 | ?️ 視覺
SeleniumBase 是用於 Web 自動化活動的專業工具包。專為測試網站、繞過驗證碼、提高工作效率、完成任務和擴展業務而建置。
從SeleniumBase/examples/資料夾中的200 多個範例中學習。
?請注意, SeleniumBase UC 模式(隱形模式)有自己的自述文件。
?另請注意,Seleniumbase CDP 模式有其自己單獨的自述文件。
調用,儘管某些語法格式需要pytest (SeleniumBase 中包含的 Python 單元測試框架,可以自動發現、收集和執行測試)。
?這是 my_first_test.py,它測試登入、購物和結帳:
pytest my_first_test.py
?這是 test_coffee_cart.py,它驗證電子商務網站:
pytest test_coffee_cart.py --demo
?這是 test_demo_site.py,它涵蓋了幾個操作:
pytest test_demo_site.py
(有關更多範例,請參閱 SeleniumBase/examples/ 資料夾。)
- 開始/安裝
- 基本範例/用法
- 常用測試方法
- 有趣的事實/了解更多
- 演示模式/調試
- 命令列選項
- 目錄配置
- SeleniumBase 儀表板
- 產生測試報告
SeleniumBase 是一個用於瀏覽器自動化和測試的 Python 框架。 SeleniumBase 使用 Selenium/WebDriver API 並behave
、 pynose
),並提供有組織的結構、測試發現、測試執行、測試狀態(例如通過、失敗或跳過)以及用於更改的命令列選項預設設定(例如瀏覽器選擇)。使用原始 Selenium,您需要設定自己的選項解析器來從命令列配置測試。
SeleniumBase 的驅動程式管理員可讓您更好地控制自動驅動程式下載。 (在pytest
來指定版本。)預設情況下,如果未設置,SeleniumBase 將下載與您的主要瀏覽器版本匹配的驅動程式版本。
SeleniumBase 會自動偵測 CSS 選擇器和 XPath,這表示您不需要在命令中指定選擇器的類型(但您可以選擇指定)。
SeleniumBase 方法通常在單一方法呼叫中執行多個操作。例如, self.type(selector, text)
1. 等待元素可見。
2. 等待元素進行互動。
3. 清除文字字段。
4. 輸入新文字。
5. 如果文字以"n"
結尾,請按 Enter/Submit。
對於原始 Selenium,這些操作需要多個方法呼叫。
未設定時,SeleniumBase 使用預設逾時值:
✅ self.click("button")
使用原始 Selenium,如果元素需要更多時間加載,方法將立即失敗(預設):
self.driver.find_element(by="css selector", value="button").click()
SeleniumBase 可讓您變更方法的明確逾時值:
✅ self.click("button", timeout=10)
使用原始 Selenium,需要更多程式碼:
WebDriverWait(driver, 10).until(EC.element_to_be_clickable("css selector", "button")).click()
當測試失敗時,SeleniumBase 會為您提供乾淨的錯誤輸出。使用原始 Selenium,錯誤訊息可能會變得非常混亂。
SeleniumBase 為您提供了產生儀表板和測試報告的選項。它還將失敗測試的螢幕截圖保存到./latest_logs/
資料夾。 Raw Selenium 沒有這些開箱即用的選項。
SeleniumBase 包括用於運行測試的桌面 GUI 應用程序,例如用於pytest
的 SeleniumBase Commander 和用於behave
的 SeleniumBase Behave GUI。
SeleniumBase 有自己的記錄器/測試產生器,用於從手動瀏覽器操作建立測試。
SeleniumBase 隨附測試案例管理軟體(「CasePlans」),用於組織測試和步驟描述。
SeleniumBase 包含用於建立資料應用程式的工具(「ChartMaker」),它可以從 Python 產生 JavaScript。
這是 test_simple_login.py,它使用BaseCase
類別繼承,並與 pytest 或 pynose 一起運行。 (使用self.driver
存取 Selenium 的原始driver
from seleniumbase import BaseCase
BaseCase . main ( __name__ , __file__ )
class TestSimpleLogin ( BaseCase ):
def test_simple_login ( self ):
self . open ( "seleniumbase.io/simple/login" )
self . type ( "#username" , "demo_user" )
self . type ( "#password" , "secret_pass" )
self . click ( 'a:contains("Sign in")' )
self . assert_exact_text ( "Welcome!" , "h1" )
self . assert_element ( "img#image1" )
self . highlight ( "#image1" )
self . click_link ( "Sign out" )
self . assert_text ( "signed out" , "#top_message" )
?這是來自 sb_fixture_tests.py 的測試,它使用sb
夾具。使用 pytest 運行。 (使用sb.driver
存取 Selenium 的原始driver
def test_sb_fixture_with_no_class ( sb ):
sb . open ( "seleniumbase.io/simple/login" )
sb . type ( "#username" , "demo_user" )
sb . type ( "#password" , "secret_pass" )
sb . click ( 'a:contains("Sign in")' )
sb . assert_exact_text ( "Welcome!" , "h1" )
sb . assert_element ( "img#image1" )
sb . highlight ( "#image1" )
sb . click_link ( "Sign out" )
sb . assert_text ( "signed out" , "#top_message" )
?這是 raw_login_sb.py,它使用SB
運行。 (使用sb.driver
存取 Selenium 的原始driver
from seleniumbase import SB
with SB () as sb :
sb . open ( "seleniumbase.io/simple/login" )
sb . type ( "#username" , "demo_user" )
sb . type ( "#password" , "secret_pass" )
sb . click ( 'a:contains("Sign in")' )
sb . assert_exact_text ( "Welcome!" , "h1" )
sb . assert_element ( "img#image1" )
sb . highlight ( "#image1" )
sb . click_link ( "Sign out" )
sb . assert_text ( "signed out" , "#top_message" )
?這是 raw_login_context.py,它使用DriverContext
運行。 (該driver
from seleniumbase import DriverContext
with DriverContext () as driver :
driver . open ( "seleniumbase.io/simple/login" )
driver . type ( "#username" , "demo_user" )
driver . type ( "#password" , "secret_pass" )
driver . click ( 'a:contains("Sign in")' )
driver . assert_exact_text ( "Welcome!" , "h1" )
driver . assert_element ( "img#image1" )
driver . highlight ( "#image1" )
driver . click_link ( "Sign out" )
driver . assert_text ( "signed out" , "#top_message" )
?這是 raw_login_driver.py,它使用Driver
運行。 (該driver
from seleniumbase import Driver
driver = Driver ()
try :
driver . open ( "seleniumbase.io/simple/login" )
driver . type ( "#username" , "demo_user" )
driver . type ( "#password" , "secret_pass" )
driver . click ( 'a:contains("Sign in")' )
driver . assert_exact_text ( "Welcome!" , "h1" )
driver . assert_element ( "img#image1" )
driver . highlight ( "#image1" )
driver . click_link ( "Sign out" )
driver . assert_text ( "signed out" , "#top_message" )
finally :
driver . quit ()
這是login_app.feature,它使用behavior-BDD Gherkin 語法。以behave
運行。 (了解SeleniumBase 行為 BDD整合)
Feature : SeleniumBase scenarios for the Simple App
Scenario : Verify the Simple App (Login / Logout)
Given Open "seleniumbase.io/simple/login"
And Type "demo_user" into "#username"
And Type "secret_pass" into "#password"
And Click 'a:contains("Sign in")'
And Assert exact text "Welcome!" in "h1"
And Assert element "img#image1"
And Highlight "#image1"
And Click link "Sign out"
And Assert text "signed out" in "#top_message"
?建議使用 Python 虛擬環境。
您可以從 PyPI 或 GitHub 安裝seleniumbase
?如何從 PyPI 安裝seleniumbase
pip install seleniumbase
來升級 SeleniumBase。)--force-reinstall
。) ?如何從 GitHub 複製安裝seleniumbase
git clone https://github.com/seleniumbase/SeleniumBase.git
cd SeleniumBase/
pip install -e .
?如何從 GitHub 複製升級現有安裝:
git pull
pip install -e .
以驗證 SeleniumBase 是否已成功安裝:
___ _ _ ___
/ __ | ___ | | ___ _ _ (_)_ _ _ __ | _ ) __ _ ______
_ _ / -_) / -_) ' | | | | ' | _ / _ ` (_- < -_)
| ___/ _ __ | _ _ __ | _ || _ | _ | _ ,_ | _ | _ | _ | ___/ _ _,_/__ | ___ |
│ * USAGE: " seleniumbase [COMMAND] [PARAMETERS] " │
│ * OR: " sbase [COMMAND] [PARAMETERS] " │
│ │
│ get / install [DRIVER_NAME] [OPTIONS] │
│ methods (List common Python methods) │
│ options (List common pytest options) │
│ behave-options (List common behave options) │
│ gui / commander [OPTIONAL PATH or TEST FILE] │
│ behave-gui (SBase Commander for Behave) │
│ caseplans [OPTIONAL PATH or TEST FILE] │
│ mkfile [FILE.py] [OPTIONS] │
│ mkrec / codegen [FILE.py] [OPTIONS] │
│ recorder (Open Recorder Desktop App.) │
│ record (If args: mkrec. Else: App.) │
│ mkpres [FILE.py] [LANG] │
│ mkchart [FILE.py] [LANG] │
│ print [FILE] [OPTIONS] │
│ translate [SB_FILE.py] [LANG] [ACTION] │
│ extract-objects [SB_FILE.py] │
│ inject-objects [SB_FILE.py] [OPTIONS] │
│ objectify [SB_FILE.py] [OPTIONS] │
│ revert-objects [SB_FILE.py] [OPTIONS] │
│ encrypt / obfuscate │
│ decrypt / unobfuscate │
│ proxy (Start a basic proxy server) │
│ download server (Get Selenium Grid JAR file) │
│ grid-hub [start | stop] [OPTIONS] │
│ grid-node [start | stop] --hub=[HOST/IP] │
│ │
│ * EXAMPLE = > " sbase get chromedriver stable " │
│ * For command info = > " sbase help [COMMAND] " │
│ * For info on all commands = > " sbase --help " │
✅ SeleniumBase 根據需要自動下載 webdriver,例如chromedriver
*** chromedriver to download = 121.0.6167.85 (Latest Stable)
Downloading chromedriver-mac-arm64.zip from:
https://storage.googleapis.com/chrome-for-testing-public/121.0.6167.85/mac-arm64/chromedriver-mac-arm64.zip ...
Download Complete !
Extracting [ ' chromedriver ' ] from chromedriver-mac-arm64.zip ...
Unzip Complete !
The file [chromedriver] was saved to:
Making [chromedriver 121.0.6167.85] executable ...
[chromedriver 121.0.6167.85] is now ready for use !
?如果您已複製 SeleniumBase,則可以從 Examples/ 資料夾執行測試。
這是 my_first_test.py:
cd examples/
pytest my_first_test.py
這是 my_first_test.py 的程式碼:
from seleniumbase import BaseCase
BaseCase . main ( __name__ , __file__ )
class MyTestClass ( BaseCase ):
def test_swag_labs ( self ):
self . open ( "https://www.saucedemo.com" )
self . type ( "#user-name" , "standard_user" )
self . type ( "#password" , "secret_sauce n " )
self . assert_element ( "div.inventory_list" )
self . assert_exact_text ( "Products" , "span.title" )
self . click ( 'button[name*="backpack"]' )
self . click ( "#shopping_cart_container a" )
self . assert_exact_text ( "Your Cart" , "span.title" )
self . assert_text ( "Backpack" , "div.cart_item" )
self . click ( "button#checkout" )
self . type ( "#first-name" , "SeleniumBase" )
self . type ( "#last-name" , "Automation" )
self . type ( "#postal-code" , "77123" )
self . click ( "input#continue" )
self . assert_text ( "Checkout: Overview" )
self . assert_text ( "Backpack" , "div.cart_item" )
self . assert_text ( "29.99" , "div.inventory_item_price" )
self . click ( "button#finish" )
self . assert_exact_text ( "Thank you for your order!" , "h2" )
self . assert_element ( 'img[alt="Pony Express"]' )
self . js_click ( "a#logout_sidebar_link" )
self . assert_element ( "div#login_button_container" )
self . open ( url ) # Navigate the browser window to the URL.
self . type ( selector , text ) # Update the field with the text.
self . click ( selector ) # Click the element with the selector.
self . click_link ( link_text ) # Click the link containing text.
self . go_back () # Navigate back to the previous URL.
self . select_option_by_text ( dropdown_selector , option )
self . hover_and_click ( hover_selector , click_selector )
self . drag_and_drop ( drag_selector , drop_selector )
self . get_text ( selector ) # Get the text from the element.
self . get_current_url () # Get the URL of the current page.
self . get_page_source () # Get the HTML of the current page.
self . get_attribute ( selector , attribute ) # Get element attribute.
self . get_title () # Get the title of the current page.
self . switch_to_frame ( frame ) # Switch into the iframe container.
self . switch_to_default_content () # Leave the iframe container.
self . open_new_window () # Open a new window in the same browser.
self . switch_to_window ( window ) # Switch to the browser window.
self . switch_to_default_window () # Switch to the original window.
self . get_new_driver ( OPTIONS ) # Open a new driver with OPTIONS.
self . switch_to_driver ( driver ) # Switch to the browser driver.
self . switch_to_default_driver () # Switch to the original driver.
self . wait_for_element ( selector ) # Wait until element is visible.
self . is_element_visible ( selector ) # Return element visibility.
self . is_text_visible ( text , selector ) # Return text visibility.
self . sleep ( seconds ) # Do nothing for the given amount of time.
self . save_screenshot ( name ) # Save a screenshot in .png format.
self . assert_element ( selector ) # Verify the element is visible.
self . assert_text ( text , selector ) # Verify text in the element.
self . assert_exact_text ( text , selector ) # Verify text is exact.
self . assert_title ( title ) # Verify the title of the web page.
self . assert_downloaded_file ( file ) # Verify file was downloaded.
self . assert_no_404_errors () # Verify there are no broken links.
self . assert_no_js_errors () # Verify there are no JS errors.
?有關 SeleniumBase 方法的完整列表,請參閱:方法摘要
✅ SeleniumBase 會自動處理常見的 WebDriver 操作,例如在測試前啟動 Web 瀏覽器、在失敗期間儲存螢幕截圖以及在測試後關閉 Web 瀏覽器。
✅ SeleniumBase 允許您透過命令列選項自訂測試。
✅ SeleniumBase 使用簡單的指令語法。例子:
self . type ( "input" , "dogs n " ) # (The "n" presses ENTER)
大多數 SeleniumBase 腳本可以使用pytest
、 pynose
pytest 夾具的測試只能使用pytest
來運作。 (請參閱語法格式)還有一種與 Beecut 一起運行的 Gherkin 測試格式。
pytest coffee_cart_tests.py --rs
pytest test_sb_fixture.py --demo
pytest test_suite.py --rs --html=report.html --dashboard
pynose basic_test.py --mobile
pynose test_suite.py --headless --report --show-report
python raw_sb.py
python raw_test_scripts.py
behave realworld.feature
behave calculator.feature -D rs -D dashboard
✅ pytest
包含自動測試發現。如果您沒有指定要執行的特定檔案或資料夾, pytest
結尾的 Python 檔案。test_
開頭的 Python 方法。有了 SeleniumBase pytest.ini 文件,您就可以修改預設發現設定。 Python類別名稱可以是任何名稱,因為seleniumbase.BaseCase
✅ 您可以進行飛行前檢查,以查看pytest
pytest --co -q
✅ 在檔案上呼叫pytest
✅ 不再有不穩定的測試! SeleniumBase 方法在與頁面元素互動之前自動等待頁面元素完成載入(最多逾時限制)。這意味著您的腳本中不再需要隨機的time.sleep()
✅ SeleniumBase 支援所有主流瀏覽器和作業系統:
瀏覽器: Chrome、Edge、Firefox 和 Safari。
系統: Linux/Ubuntu、macOS 和 Windows。
✅ SeleniumBase 適用於所有流行的 CI/CD 平台:
✅ SeleniumBase 包含一個名為MasterQA的自動/手動混合解決方案,可在手動測試人員處理驗證的同時透過自動化加速手動測試。
✅ SeleniumBase 支援離線執行測試(假設先前在線上時下載了 webdrivers )。
✅ 有關 SeleniumBase 功能的完整列表,請按此處。
pytest my_first_test.py --demo
? time.sleep(seconds)
import time ; time . sleep ( 3 ) # Do nothing for 3 seconds.
?使用 Python 內建pdb庫的調試模式可協助您調試測試:
import pdb ; pdb . set_trace ()
import pytest ; pytest . set_trace ()
breakpoint () # Shortcut for "import pdb; pdb.set_trace()"
pytest test_fail.py --pdb
pytest test_coffee_cart.py --trace
✅ 以下是pytest
-v # Verbose mode. Prints the full name of each test and shows more details.
-q # Quiet mode. Print fewer details in the console output when running tests.
-x # Stop running the tests after the first failure is reached.
--html=report.html # Creates a detailed pytest-html report after tests finish.
--co | --collect-only # Show what tests would get run. (Without running them)
--co -q # (Both options together!) - Do a dry run with full test names shown.
-n=NUM # Multithread the tests using that many threads. (Speed up test runs!)
-s # See print statements. (Should be on by default with pytest.ini present.)
--junit-xml=report.xml # Creates a junit-xml report after tests finish.
--pdb # If a test fails, enter Post Mortem Debug Mode. (Don't use with CI!)
--trace # Enter Debug Mode at the beginning of each test. (Don't use with CI!)
-m=MARKER # Run tests with the specified pytest marker.
✅ SeleniumBase 為測試提供了額外的pytest
--browser=BROWSER # (The web browser to use. Default: "chrome".)
--chrome # (Shortcut for "--browser=chrome". On by default.)
--edge # (Shortcut for "--browser=edge".)
--firefox # (Shortcut for "--browser=firefox".)
--safari # (Shortcut for "--browser=safari".)
--settings-file=FILE # (Override default SeleniumBase settings.)
--env=ENV # (Set the test env. Access with "self.env" in tests.)
--account=STR # (Set account. Access with "self.account" in tests.)
--data=STRING # (Extra test data. Access with "self.data" in tests.)
--var1=STRING # (Extra test data. Access with "self.var1" in tests.)
--var2=STRING # (Extra test data. Access with "self.var2" in tests.)
--var3=STRING # (Extra test data. Access with "self.var3" in tests.)
--variables=DICT # (Extra test data. Access with "self.variables".)
--user-data-dir=DIR # (Set the Chrome user data directory to use.)
--protocol=PROTOCOL # (The Selenium Grid protocol: http|https.)
--server=SERVER # (The Selenium Grid server/IP used for tests.)
--port=PORT # (The Selenium Grid port used by the test server.)
--cap-file=FILE # (The web browser's desired capabilities to use.)
--cap-string=STRING # (The web browser's desired capabilities to use.)
--proxy=SERVER:PORT # (Connect to a proxy server:port as tests are running)
--proxy=USERNAME:PASSWORD@SERVER:PORT # (Use an authenticated proxy server)
--proxy-bypass-list=STRING # (";"-separated hosts to bypass, Eg "*.foo.com")
--proxy-pac-url=URL # (Connect to a proxy server using a PAC_URL.pac file.)
--proxy-pac-url=USERNAME:PASSWORD@URL # (Authenticated proxy with PAC URL.)
--proxy-driver # (If a driver download is needed, will use: --proxy=PROXY.)
--multi-proxy # (Allow multiple authenticated proxies when multi-threaded.)
--agent=STRING # (Modify the web browser's User-Agent string.)
--mobile # (Use the mobile device emulator while running tests.)
--metrics=STRING # (Set mobile metrics: "CSSWidth,CSSHeight,PixelRatio".)
--chromium-arg= " ARG=N,ARG2 " # (Set Chromium args, ","-separated, no spaces.)
--firefox-arg= " ARG=N,ARG2 " # (Set Firefox args, comma-separated, no spaces.)
--firefox-pref=SET # (Set a Firefox preference:value set, comma-separated.)
--extension-zip=ZIP # (Load a Chrome Extension .zip|.crx, comma-separated.)
--extension-dir=DIR # (Load a Chrome Extension directory, comma-separated.)
--disable-features= " F1,F2 " # (Disable features, comma-separated, no spaces.)
--binary-location=PATH # (Set path of the Chromium browser binary to use.)
--driver-version=VER # (Set the chromedriver or uc_driver version to use.)
--sjw # (Skip JS Waits for readyState to be "complete" or Angular to load.)
--wfa # (Wait for AngularJS to be done loading after specific web actions.)
--pls=PLS # (Set pageLoadStrategy on Chrome: "normal", "eager", or "none".)
--headless # (The default headless mode. Linux uses this mode by default.)
--headless1 # (Use Chrome's old headless mode. Fast, but has limitations.)
--headless2 # (Use Chrome's new headless mode, which supports extensions.)
--headed # (Run tests in headed/GUI mode on Linux OS, where not default.)
--xvfb # (Run tests using the Xvfb virtual display server on Linux OS.)
--xvfb-metrics=STRING # (Set Xvfb display size on Linux: "Width,Height".)
--locale=LOCALE_CODE # (Set the Language Locale Code for the web browser.)
--interval=SECONDS # (The autoplay interval for presentations & tour steps)
--start-page=URL # (The starting URL for the web browser when tests begin.)
--archive-logs # (Archive existing log files instead of deleting them.)
--archive-downloads # (Archive old downloads instead of deleting them.)
--time-limit=SECONDS # (Safely fail any test that exceeds the time limit.)
--slow # (Slow down the automation. Faster than using Demo Mode.)
--demo # (Slow down and visually see test actions as they occur.)
--demo-sleep=SECONDS # (Set the wait time after Slow & Demo Mode actions.)
--highlights=NUM # (Number of highlight animations for Demo Mode actions.)
--message-duration=SECONDS # (The time length for Messenger alerts.)
--check-js # (Check for JavaScript errors after page loads.)
--ad-block # (Block some types of display ads from loading.)
--host-resolver-rules=RULES # (Set host-resolver-rules, comma-separated.)
--block-images # (Block images from loading during tests.)
--do-not-track # (Indicate to websites that you don't want to be tracked.)
--verify-delay=SECONDS # (The delay before MasterQA verification checks.)
--ee | --esc-end # (Lets the user end the current test via the ESC key.)
--recorder # (Enables the Recorder for turning browser actions into code.)
--rec-behave # (Same as Recorder Mode, but also generates behave-gherkin.)
--rec-sleep # (If the Recorder is enabled, also records self.sleep calls.)
--rec-print # (If the Recorder is enabled, prints output after tests end.)
--disable-cookies # (Disable Cookies on websites. Pages might break!)
--disable-js # (Disable JavaScript on websites. Pages might break!)
--disable-csp # (Disable the Content Security Policy of websites.)
--disable-ws # (Disable Web Security on Chromium-based browsers.)
--enable-ws # (Enable Web Security on Chromium-based browsers.)
--enable-sync # (Enable "Chrome Sync" on websites.)
--uc | --undetected # (Use undetected-chromedriver to evade bot-detection.)
--uc-cdp-events # (Capture CDP events when running in "--undetected" mode.)
--log-cdp # ("goog:loggingPrefs", {"performance": "ALL", "browser": "ALL"})
--remote-debug # (Sync to Chrome Remote Debugger chrome://inspect/#devices)
--ftrace | --final-trace # (Debug Mode after each test. Don't use with CI!)
--dashboard # (Enable the SeleniumBase Dashboard. Saved at: dashboard.html)
--dash-title=STRING # (Set the title shown for the generated dashboard.)
--enable-3d-apis # (Enables WebGL and 3D APIs.)
--swiftshader # (Chrome "--use-gl=angle" / "--use-angle=swiftshader-webgl")
--incognito # (Enable Chrome's Incognito mode.)
--guest # (Enable Chrome's Guest mode.)
--dark # (Enable Chrome's Dark mode.)
--devtools # (Open Chrome's DevTools when the browser opens.)
--rs | --reuse-session # (Reuse browser session for all tests.)
--rcs | --reuse-class-session # (Reuse session for tests in class.)
--crumbs # (Delete all cookies between tests reusing a session.)
--disable-beforeunload # (Disable the "beforeunload" event on Chrome.)
--window-position=X,Y # (Set the browser's starting window position.)
--window-size=WIDTH,HEIGHT # (Set the browser's starting window size.)
--maximize # (Start tests with the browser window maximized.)
--screenshot # (Save a screenshot at the end of each test.)
--no-screenshot # (No screenshots saved unless tests directly ask it.)
--visual-baseline # (Set the visual baseline for Visual/Layout tests.)
--wire # (Use selenium-wire's webdriver for replacing selenium webdriver.)
--external-pdf # (Set Chromium "plugins.always_open_pdf_externally":True.)
--timeout-multiplier=MULTIPLIER # (Multiplies the default timeout values.)
--list-fail-page # (After each failing test, list the URL of the failure.)
(請參閱此處的命令列選項定義的完整清單。有關命令列選項的詳細範例,請參閱customizing_test_runs.md )
資料夾中。如果您將 --archive_logs 新增至命令列選項,或在 settings.py 中將ARCHIVE_EXISTING_LOGS
設為 True,這些日誌將被移至archived_logs/
,否則日誌檔案將在下一次測試執行開始時被清理。 test_suite.py
cd examples/
pytest test_suite.py --chrome
pytest test_suite.py --firefox
覆蓋 seleniumbase/config/settings.py 的簡單方法是使用自訂設定檔。以下是新增至測試的命令列選項:(請參閱範例/custom_settings.py) --settings_file=custom_settings.py
(設定包括預設逾時值、雙重認證金鑰、資料庫憑證、S3 憑證和其他重要設定由測試使用。
?若要將附加資料從命令列傳遞到測試,請新增--data="ANY STRING"
執行測試時,您需要在根資料夾中儲存setup.cfg的副本。這些文件指定測試的預設配置詳細資訊。測試資料夾還應包含一個空白的init .py文件,以允許您的測試文件從該資料夾匯入其他文件。
? sbase mkdir DIR
sbase mkdir ui_tests
├── __init__.py
├── my_first_test.py
├── parameterized_test.py
├── pytest.ini
├── requirements.txt
├── setup.cfg
├── test_demo_site.py
└── boilerplates/
├── __init__.py
├── base_test_case.py
├── boilerplate_test.py
├── classic_obj_test.py
├── page_objects.py
├── sb_fixture_test.py
└── samples/
├── __init__.py
├── google_objects.py
├── google_test.py
├── sb_swag_test.py
└── swag_labs_test.py
新增至sbase mkdir
sbase mkdir ui_tests --basic
├── __init__.py
├── pytest.ini
├── requirements.txt
└── setup.cfg
在這些檔案中, pytest.ini
檔案(用於 pynose)。最後, requirements.txt
檔案可用於協助您將 seleniumbase 安裝到您的環境中(如果尚未安裝)。
""" test_fail.py """
from seleniumbase import BaseCase
BaseCase . main ( __name__ , __file__ )
class MyTestClass ( BaseCase ):
def test_find_army_of_robots_on_xkcd_desert_island ( self ):
self . open ( "https://xkcd.com/731/" )
self . assert_element ( "div#ARMY_OF_ROBOTS" , timeout = 1 ) # This should fail
pytest test_fail.py
?您會注意到建立了一個日誌資料夾「latest_logs」來保存有關失敗測試和螢幕截圖的資訊。在測試運行期間,如果您在 settings.py 中將 ARCHIVE_EXISTING_LOGS 設為 True,或者如果您使用--archive-logs
執行測試,則過去的結果將移至 archived_logs 資料夾。如果您選擇不歸檔現有日誌,它們將被刪除並替換為最新測試運行的日誌。
? pytest 的--dashboard
的 SeleniumBase 儀表板,該儀表板會在測試運行並產生結果時自動更新。例子:
pytest --dashboard --rs --headless
?此外,您可以在您選擇的連接埠上託管自己的 SeleniumBase 儀表板伺服器。以下是使用 Python 的http.server
python -m http.server 1948
以將儀表板作為 Web 應用程式檢視。這需要兩個不同的終端視窗:一個用於運行伺服器,另一個用於運行測試,它們應該從同一目錄運行。 (使用Ctrl+C停止 http 伺服器。)
?以下是 SeleniumBase 儀表板的完整範例:
pytest test_suite.py test_image_saving.py --dashboard --rs --headless
HTML 報表: ✅ 使用--html=report.html
pytest test_suite.py --html=report.html
✅ 將 pytest html 報表與 SeleniumBase 儀表板使用情況結合時,儀表板中的圓餅圖將會加入 html 報表中。此外,如果您在使用儀表板時將 html 報告 URL 設定為與儀表板 URL 相同(例如: --dashboard --html=dashboard.html
✅ 這是升級後的 html 報告的範例:
pytest test_suite.py --dashboard --html=report.html
如果在 Jenkins 中查看 pytest html 報告,您可能需要設定 Jenkins 設定以使 html 正確呈現。這是由於 Jenkins CSP 變更所致。
來取得 xml 報告。 Jenkins 可以使用此文件來顯示更好的測試報告。
pytest test_suite.py --junit-xml=report.xml
報告: --report
pynose test_suite.py --report
以在測試套件完成後立即顯示 pynose 報告。僅在本地運行測試時使用--show-report
behave behave_bdd/features/ -D dashboard -D headless
報告。 Jenkins 可以使用這些檔案來顯示更好的測試報告。
behave behave_bdd/features/ --junit -D rs -D headless
SeleniumBase 不再包含allure-pytest
pip install allure-pytest
現在您的測試可以建立 Allure 結果文件,該文件可以由 Allure 報告進行處理。
pytest test_suite.py --alluredir=allure_results
如果您希望使用代理伺服器進行瀏覽器測試(Chromium 或 Firefox),您可以在命令列上新增--proxy=IP_ADDRESS:PORT
pytest proxy_test.py --proxy=IP_ADDRESS:PORT
如果您希望使用的代理伺服器需要身份驗證,您可以執行以下操作(僅限 Chromium):
pytest proxy_test.py --proxy=USERNAME:PASSWORD@IP_ADDRESS:PORT
SeleniumBase 也支援 SOCKS4 和 SOCKS5 代理:
pytest proxy_test.py --proxy= " socks4://IP_ADDRESS:PORT "
pytest proxy_test.py --proxy= " socks5://IP_ADDRESS:PORT "
為了讓事情變得更簡單,您可以將常用代理程式新增至 proxy_list.py 中的 PROXY_LIST 中,然後使用--proxy=KEY_FROM_PROXY_LIST
pytest proxy_test.py --proxy=proxy1
?如果您希望變更瀏覽器測試的使用者代理程式(僅限 Chromium 和 Firefox),您可以新增--agent="USER AGENT STRING"
pytest user_agent_test.py --agent= " Mozilla/5.0 (Nintendo 3DS; U; ; en) Version/1.7412.EU "
? self.accept_alert()
自動等待並接受警報彈出視窗。 self.dismiss_alert()
可能會自行關閉彈出窗口,因為它們會呼叫 JavaScript 以確保頁面的readyState
接受彈出視窗(更多資訊請參閱此處)。如果彈出視窗是間歇性的,請將程式碼包裝在 try/ except 區塊中。
?了解 SeleniumBase 互動式演練(在examples/tour_examples/
pytest [YOUR_TEST_FILE.py] --with-db-reporting --with-s3-logging
self . open ( "https://xkcd.com/378/" ) # This method opens the specified page.
self . go_back () # This method navigates the browser to the previous page.
self . go_forward () # This method navigates the browser forward in history.
self . refresh_page () # This method reloads the current page.
self . get_current_url () # This method returns the current page URL.
self . get_page_source () # This method returns the current page source.
方法與 Python 的find()
命令結合使用來解析 HTML 以尋找特定內容。 (有關更高級的解析,請參閱 BeautifulSoup 範例。)
source = self . get_page_source ()
head_open_tag = source . find ( '<head>' )
head_close_tag = source . find ( '</head>' , head_open_tag )
everything_inside_head = source [ head_open_tag + len ( '<head>' ): head_close_tag ]
self . click ( "div#my_id" )
ProTip™:在大多數 Web 瀏覽器中,您可以右鍵單擊頁面並選擇Inspect Element
以查看建立自己的腳本所需的 CSS 選擇器詳細資訊。
self.type(selector, text)
# 使用指定值更新指定元素中的文字。如果元素遺失或文字欄位不可編輯,則會引發異常。例子:
self . type ( "input#id_value" , "2012" )
或 WebDriver .send_keys()
text = self . get_text ( "header h2" )
attribute = self . get_attribute ( "#comic img" , "title" )
self . wait_for_element_present ( "div.my_class" , timeout = 10 )
(注意:您也可以使用: self.assert_element_present(ELEMENT)
self . wait_for_element_visible ( "a.my_class" , timeout = 5 )
self . find_element ( "a.my_class" , timeout = 5 ). click ()
# But you're better off using the following statement, which does the same thing:
self . click ( "a.my_class" ) # DO IT THIS WAY!
ProTip™:您可以在 CSS 選擇器中使用點來表示類別名稱(例如: div.class_name
在 CSS 選擇器中搜尋任何部分值,如下所示:
self . click ( 'a[name*="partial_name"]' )
self . assert_text ( "Make it so!" , "div#trek div.picard div.quotes" )
self . assert_text ( "Tea. Earl Grey. Hot." , "div#trek div.picard div.quotes" , timeout = 3 )
(注意: self.find_text(TEXT, ELEMENT)
和self.wait_for_text(TEXT, ELEMENT)
self . assert_true ( var1 == var2 )
self . assert_false ( var1 == var2 )
self . assert_equal ( var1 , var2 )
❓ is_element_visible(selector):
if self . is_element_visible ( 'div#warning' ):
print ( "Red Alert: Something bad might be happening!" )
❓ is_element_present(selector):
存在於 HTML 中)
if self . is_element_present ( 'div#top_secret img.tracking_cookie' ):
self . contact_cookie_monster () # Not a real SeleniumBase method
else :
current_url = self . get_current_url ()
self . contact_the_nsa ( url = current_url , message = "Dark Zone Found" ) # Not a real SeleniumBase method
def is_there_a_cloaked_klingon_ship_on_this_page ():
if self . is_element_present ( "div.ships div.klingon" ):
return not self . is_element_visible ( "div.ships div.klingon" )
return False
❓ is_text_visible(text, selector):
if self . is_text_visible ( "You Shall Not Pass!" , "h1" ):
self . open ( "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3xYXUeSmb-Y" )
def get_mirror_universe_captain_picard_superbowl_ad ( superbowl_year ):
selector = "div.superbowl_%s div.commercials div.transcript div.picard" % superbowl_year
if self . is_text_visible ( "Yes, it was I who summoned you all here." , selector ):
return "Picard Paramount+ Superbowl Ad 2020"
elif self . is_text_visible ( "Commander, signal the following: Our Network is Secure!" ):
return "Picard Mirror Universe iboss Superbowl Ad 2018"
elif self . is_text_visible ( "For the Love of Marketing and Earl Grey Tea!" , selector ):
return "Picard Mirror Universe HubSpot Superbowl Ad 2015"
elif self . is_text_visible ( "Delivery Drones... Engage" , selector ):
return "Picard Mirror Universe Amazon Superbowl Ad 2015"
elif self . is_text_visible ( "Bing it on Screen!" , selector ):
return "Picard Mirror Universe Microsoft Superbowl Ad 2015"
elif self . is_text_visible ( "OK Glass, Make it So!" , selector ):
return "Picard Mirror Universe Google Superbowl Ad 2015"
elif self . is_text_visible ( "Number One, I've Never Seen Anything Like It." , selector ):
return "Picard Mirror Universe Tesla Superbowl Ad 2015"
elif self . is_text_visible ( "Let us make sure history never forgets the name ... Facebook" , selector ):
return "Picard Mirror Universe Facebook Superbowl Ad 2015"
elif self . is_text_visible ( """With the first link, the chain is forged.
The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden,
the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably.""" , selector ):
return "Picard Mirror Universe Wikimedia Superbowl Ad 2015"
else :
raise Exception ( "Reports of my assimilation are greatly exaggerated." )
❓ is_link_text_visible(link_text):
if self . is_link_text_visible ( "Stop! Hammer time!" ):
self . click_link ( "Stop! Hammer time!" )
如果您的測試打開一個新選項卡/窗口,您可以切換到它。 (SeleniumBase 會自動切換到不會開啟about:blank
URL 的新分頁。)
self . switch_to_window ( 1 ) # This switches to the new tab (0 is the first one)
? iframe遵循與新視窗相同的原則:如果要在 iframe 中執行操作,則必須先切換到 iframe:
self . switch_to_frame ( "iframe" )
# ... Now perform actions inside the iframe
self . switch_to_parent_frame () # Exit the current iframe
若要退出多個 iframe,請使用self.switch_to_default_content()
。 (如果在單一 iframe 內,這與self.switch_to_parent_frame()
self . switch_to_frame ( 'iframe[name="frame1"]' )
self . switch_to_frame ( 'iframe[name="frame2"]' )
# ... Now perform actions inside the inner iframe
self . switch_to_default_content () # Back to the main page
?您也可以使用上下文管理器在 iframe 內進行操作:
with self . frame_switch ( "iframe" ):
# ... Now perform actions while inside the code block
# You have left the iframe
這也適用於嵌套 iframe:
with self . frame_switch ( 'iframe[name="frame1"]' ):
with self . frame_switch ( 'iframe[name="frame2"]' ):
# ... Now perform actions while inside the code block
# You are now back inside the first iframe
# You have left all the iframes
jQuery 是一個功能強大的 JavaScript 函式庫,可讓您在 Web 瀏覽器中執行進階操作。如果您所在的網頁已經載入了 jQuery,您可以立即開始執行 jQuery 腳本。您將知道這一點,因為網頁將在 HTML 中包含類似以下內容的內容:
< script src =" https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.6.3/jquery.min.js " > </ script >
?如果您想在尚未載入 jQuery 的頁面上使用 jQuery,這是可以的。為此,請先執行以下命令:
self . activate_jquery ()
self . execute_script ( "jQuery, window.scrollTo(0, 600)" ) # Scrolling the page
self . execute_script ( "jQuery('#annoying-widget').hide()" ) # Hiding elements on a page
self . execute_script ( "jQuery('#hidden-widget').show(0)" ) # Showing hidden elements on a page
self . execute_script ( "jQuery('#annoying-button a').remove()" ) # Removing elements on a page
self . execute_script ( "jQuery('%s').mouseover()" % ( mouse_over_item )) # Mouse-over elements on a page
self . execute_script ( "jQuery('input#the_id').val('my_text')" ) # Fast text input on a page
self . execute_script ( "jQuery('div#dropdown a.link').click()" ) # Click elements on a page
self . execute_script ( "return jQuery('div#amazing')[0].text" ) # Returns the css "text" of the element given
self . execute_script ( "return jQuery('textarea')[2].value" ) # Returns the css "value" of the 3rd textarea element on the page
(上面的大部分指令都可以直接使用內建的 SeleniumBase 方法來完成。)
❗ 有些網站具有限制性的內容安全策略,以防止使用者將 jQuery 和其他外部庫載入到其網站上。如果您需要在這些網站上使用 jQuery 或其他 JS 函式庫,請新增--disable-csp
命令列選項來載入繞過 CSP 的 Chromium 擴充功能。
start_page = "https://xkcd.com/465/"
destination_page = "https://github.com/seleniumbase/SeleniumBase"
self . open ( start_page )
referral_link = '''<a class='analytics test' href='%s'>Free-Referral Button!</a>''' % destination_page
self . execute_script ( '''document.body.innerHTML = " %s " ''' % referral_link )
self . click ( "a.analytics" ) # Clicks the generated button
(由於大眾的需求,這個流量產生範例已透過self.generate_referral(start_page, end_page)
和self.generate_traffic(start_page, end_page, loops)
方法包含在 SeleniumBase 中。)
from seleniumbase import BaseCase
BaseCase . main ( __name__ , __file__ )
class DeferredAssertTests ( BaseCase ):
def test_deferred_asserts ( self ):
self . open ( "https://xkcd.com/993/" )
self . wait_for_element ( "#comic" )
self . deferred_assert_element ( 'img[alt="Brand Identity"]' )
self . deferred_assert_element ( 'img[alt="Rocket Ship"]' ) # Will Fail
self . deferred_assert_element ( "#comicmap" )
self . deferred_assert_text ( "Fake Item" , "ul.comicNav" ) # Will Fail
self . deferred_assert_text ( "Random" , "ul.comicNav" )
self . deferred_assert_element ( 'a[name="Super Fake !!!"]' ) # Will Fail
self . deferred_assert_exact_text ( "Brand Identity" , "#ctitle" )
self . deferred_assert_exact_text ( "Fake Food" , "#comic" ) # Will Fail
self . process_deferred_asserts ()
以便日誌檔案中的螢幕截圖與進行延遲斷言的 URL 相符。
如果您需要存取標準 WebDriver 附帶的任何命令,您可以像這樣直接呼叫它們:
self . driver . delete_all_cookies ()
capabilities = self . driver . capabilities
self . driver . find_elements ( "partial link text" , "GitHub" )
(一般來說,您需要使用可用的 SeleniumBase 版本的方法。)
您可以使用pytest --reruns=NUM
pytest --reruns=1 --reruns-delay=1
裝飾器重試失敗的方法。 (第一次導入: from seleniumbase import decorators
)。要了解有關 SeleniumBase 裝飾器的更多信息,請按此處。
“在將程式碼部署到生產環境之前捕獲 QA 中的錯誤!”