IL2CppDumper writed in C++
這個專案是我理解unity的il2cpp原理時寫的一個小玩具,由於IL2CppDumper用C#開發,所以並不支援macOS和linux,il2cpp本身也是C++開發的,為了方便所以我選擇了用C++去開發,算是唯一款跨平台的il2cpp dump工具。目前工具支援il2cpp 24.0/24.1版本,其他版本移植的難度也不大。目前支援Android和iOS 64位元可執行文件,32位元需自行編譯。專案花費了大量時間和精力去開發維護,如果有幫助的話記得點小星星哦,enjoy~([email protected])
2020-06-01 update
正如前面所介紹那樣,這個項目只是一個小玩具,後面不再進行維護。由於現有遊戲大多都會進行加固操作,靜態的dump工具的並不通用。現已轉向了動態的il2cpp dump,目前能繞過市面上所有遊戲加固,支援unity5.x-unity2020版本,Android/iOS,arm/arm64,支援C#符號dump以及ida腳本生成,能力對標Il2CppDumper項目,正因為如此,該專案不會開源。如果你想做一個類似的動態dump工具,這個玩具專案仍然具有很好的參考性。 (X!A0@2020)
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/ /_ _| | |___ / ___|_ __ _ __ | _ _ _ _ __ ___ _ __ ___ _ __
/ | || | __) | | | '_ | '_ | | | | | | | '_ ` _ | '_ / _ '__|
/ | || |___ / __/| |___| |_) | |_) | |_| | |_| | | | | | | |_) | __/ |
/_/____|_____|_____|____| .__/| .__/|____/ __,_|_| |_| |_| .__/ ___|_|
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| XIL2CppDumper | a tool of C++ version IL2CppDumper made by xia0@2019 |
| Info | version: 0.2 support: iOS[arm64] Android[arm64] il2cpp[24.1/24.0] |
| Usage | XIL2CppDumper unity_metadata_file_path il2cpp_so_or_macho_file_path |
| Blog | |
| Github | |
| Specail thanks to Perfare's Il2CppDumper: |
Complete DLL restore (except code)
Supports (ELF) ELF64, MachO64 format
Supports Unity all version theoretically (test on unity3d(2017-2019))
Supports automated IDA script generation
Default use Clion to compile it to x64 progam.
For android arm32, It need compile to x86 binary for the same il2cpp header files.
dump C# all types and address
ida python script to restore symbol
Perfare - Il2CppDumper
nevermoe - [unity_metadata_loader](