Go package 可以模擬 net.PacketConn 和 net.Conn 介面的頻寬、延遲和封包遺失。
其主要用途是測試在不可靠的傳輸協定(例如 UDP 或 IP)上運行的應用程式和網路協定的穩健性。作為一個附帶好處,它也可以用作出站頻寬限制器。
package main
import (
const packetSize = 64
func main () {
// Create two connection endpoints over UDP
packetConn , conn := createConnections ()
// Create a lossy packet connection
bandwidth := 1048 // 8 Kbit/s
minLatency := 100 * time . Millisecond
maxLatency := time . Second
packetLossRate := 0.33
headerOverhead := lossy . UDPv4MinHeaderOverhead
lossyPacketConn := lossy . NewPacketConn ( packetConn , bandwidth , minLatency , maxLatency , packetLossRate , headerOverhead )
// Write some packets via lossy
var bytesWritten int
const packetCount = 32
go func () {
for i := 0 ; i < packetCount ; i ++ {
packet := createPacket ()
_ , err := lossyPacketConn . WriteTo ( packet , conn . LocalAddr ())
if err != nil {
log . Fatal ( err )
bytesWritten += len ( packet ) + headerOverhead
fmt . Println ( "Sent" , packetCount , "packets with total size of" , bytesWritten , "bytes" )
baseTransmissionDuration := time . Duration ( float64 ( bytesWritten * int ( time . Second )) / float64 ( bandwidth ))
earliestCompletion := baseTransmissionDuration + minLatency
latestCompletion := baseTransmissionDuration + maxLatency
fmt . Println ( "Expected transmission duration is between" , earliestCompletion , "and" , latestCompletion )
// Read packets at the other side
const timeout = 3 * time . Second
var packets , bytesRead int
startTime := time . Now ()
for {
_ = conn . SetReadDeadline ( time . Now (). Add ( timeout ))
buffer := make ([] byte , packetSize )
n , err := conn . Read ( buffer )
if err != nil {
bytesRead += n + headerOverhead
packets ++
dur := time . Now (). Sub ( startTime ) - timeout
fmt . Println ( "Received" , packets , "packets with total size of" , bytesRead , "bytes in" , dur )
// Close the connections
_ = lossyPacketConn . Close ()
_ = conn . Close ()
func createConnections () (net. PacketConn , net. Conn ) {
packetConn , err := net . ListenUDP ( "udp" , & net. UDPAddr {
IP : net . IPv4 ( 127 , 0 , 0 , 1 ),
Port : 0 ,
if err != nil {
log . Fatal ( err )
conn , err := net . DialUDP ( "udp" , nil , packetConn . LocalAddr ().( * net. UDPAddr ))
if err != nil {
log . Fatal ( err )
return packetConn , conn
func createPacket () [] byte {
packet := make ([] byte , packetSize )
rand . Read ( packet )
return packet
Sent 32 packets with total size of 2944 bytes
Expected transmission duration is between 2.909160305s and 3.809160305s
Received 23 packets with total size of 2116 bytes in 3.2507523s