pixel level contrastive learning
在 Pytorch 實現像素級對比學習,在論文「Propagate Yourself」中提出。除了在像素級進行對比學習之外,線上網路還進一步將像素級表示傳遞給像素傳播模組,並對目標網路強制執行相似性損失。他們在分割任務中擊敗了之前所有的無監督和監督方法。
$ pip install pixel-level-contrastive-learning
以下是如何使用此框架自我監督 resnet 訓練的範例,取得第 4 層(8 x 8「像素」)的輸出。
import torch
from pixel_level_contrastive_learning import PixelCL
from torchvision import models
from tqdm import tqdm
resnet = models . resnet50 ( pretrained = True )
learner = PixelCL (
resnet ,
image_size = 256 ,
hidden_layer_pixel = 'layer4' , # leads to output of 8x8 feature map for pixel-level learning
hidden_layer_instance = - 2 , # leads to output for instance-level learning
projection_size = 256 , # size of projection output, 256 was used in the paper
projection_hidden_size = 2048 , # size of projection hidden dimension, paper used 2048
moving_average_decay = 0.99 , # exponential moving average decay of target encoder
ppm_num_layers = 1 , # number of layers for transform function in the pixel propagation module, 1 was optimal
ppm_gamma = 2 , # sharpness of the similarity in the pixel propagation module, already at optimal value of 2
distance_thres = 0.7 , # ideal value is 0.7, as indicated in the paper, which makes the assumption of each feature map's pixel diagonal distance to be 1 (still unclear)
similarity_temperature = 0.3 , # temperature for the cosine similarity for the pixel contrastive loss
alpha = 1. , # weight of the pixel propagation loss (pixpro) vs pixel CL loss
use_pixpro = True , # do pixel pro instead of pixel contrast loss, defaults to pixpro, since it is the best one
cutout_ratio_range = ( 0.6 , 0.8 ) # a random ratio is selected from this range for the random cutout
). cuda ()
opt = torch . optim . Adam ( learner . parameters (), lr = 1e-4 )
def sample_batch_images ():
return torch . randn ( 10 , 3 , 256 , 256 ). cuda ()
for _ in tqdm ( range ( 100000 )):
images = sample_batch_images ()
loss = learner ( images ) # if positive pixel pairs is equal to zero, the loss is equal to the instance level loss
opt . zero_grad ()
loss . backward ()
print ( loss . item ())
opt . step ()
learner . update_moving_average () # update moving average of target encoder
# after much training, save the improved model for testing on downstream task
torch . save ( resnet , 'improved-resnet.pt' )
loss , positive_pairs = learner ( images , return_positive_pairs = True )
@misc { xie2020propagate ,
title = { Propagate Yourself: Exploring Pixel-Level Consistency for Unsupervised Visual Representation Learning } ,
author = { Zhenda Xie and Yutong Lin and Zheng Zhang and Yue Cao and Stephen Lin and Han Hu } ,
year = { 2020 } ,
eprint = { 2011.10043 } ,
archivePrefix = { arXiv } ,
primaryClass = { cs.CV }