英語| 日本語(日語)| 繁體中文(中文)| 簡體中文(中文)
- ArchGW -Arch是代理商的智能門戶。由(快速)LLMS設計,可用於安全處理,豐富的可觀察性以及與API的無縫集成 - 所有外部業務邏輯。由Engoy代理的核心貢獻者建立在Envoy上。
- OpenLit- AI工程的開源平台:Opentelemetry -native LLM可觀察性,GPU監視,護欄,評估,提示管理,庫存,庫存,遊樂場。與40+ LLM提供商,Vectordb,Agent Frameworks和GPU集成。
- Aura -voice-光環就像Siri一樣,但在您的瀏覽器中。針對低延遲響應優化的AI語音助手。
- COAI-下一代AI一站式國際化解決方案。 下一代ai一站式b/c端解決方案,支持支持模型緩存,豐富美觀的後台管理與儀錶盤數據統計。,豐富美觀的後台管理與儀錶盤數據統計。
- 自我運行計算機 - 一個框架,可實現多模型操作計算機。
- Blinko-使用Typescript構建的開源,自託管的個人筆記工具優先考慮隱私。
- 很棒的名單
- 提示
- 聊天機器人
- 瀏覽器擴展
- 克里斯
- 重新實現
- 教程
- Langchain
- 統一
- Openai
- 其他的
- Awesome-Chatgpt-api-精心策劃的應用程序和工具列表不僅使用新的ChatGpt API,而且還允許用戶配置自己的API鍵,從而可以免費且按需使用自己的配額。
- Awesome-Chatgpt-Prompts-此回購包括ChatGpt提示策劃,以更好地使用Chatgpt。
- Awesome-Chatgpt-精心策劃的很棒的工具,演示,CHATGPT文檔和GPT-3
- 令人敬畏的奇特奇特(Chatgpt) - 完全開放的替代品的列表
- 很棒的chatgpt-prompts-zh- chatgpt中文調教指南。各種場景使用指南。學習怎麼讓它聽你的話。
- 很棒的聊天 - chatgpt資料匯總學習,持續更新......
- Awesome-Compbio-Chatgpt- CHATGPT和其他LLMS IM計算生物學的社區策劃應用的令人敬畏的存儲庫
- 很棒的聊天 - ⚡關於chatgpt的一切
- Awesome -Chatgpt-選定的Chatgpt演示,工具,文章等等
- 很棒的chatgpt-zh- chatgpt中文指南,chatgpt中文調教指南,指令指南,精選資源清單,更好的使用
- 很棒的聊天 - ?精心策劃的令人敬畏的ChatGpt資源列表,包括庫,SDK,API等。 ?請考慮通過給該項目來支持該項目。
- 很棒的gpt4-策劃的很棒的資源,用例和演示的GPT-4
- 很棒的GPT-Security-策劃了令人敬畏的安全工具,實驗案例或LLM或GPT的其他有趣事物的列表。
- 很棒的GPT4-PROMPTS-一系列很棒的GPT4提示
- 很棒的聊天 - ? CHATGPT的很棒列表 - Openai開發的人工智能聊天機器人
- 很棒的免費chatgpt-?免費的chatgpt鏡像網站列表,免費的chatgpt鏡像網站列表,不斷更新。
- 很棒的GPT-PROMPT-TROMPT-GRAMPERING-精心策劃的很棒的資源,工具和其他閃亮的東西,用於GPT及時工程。
- 很棒的chatgpt-prompts-cybersecurity-網絡安全chatgpt指令集,訓練chatgpt成為一名網絡安全專家
- 很棒的ai-?很棒的AI
- 很棒的chatgpt-code-interpreter-示例 - 您可以使用Chatgpt +代碼解釋器組合可以做的很棒的事情
- Awesome -ai -對開源ai轉發套殼應用生態進行研究,收集開源ai轉發套殼應用,並進行對比。
- 很棒的chatgpt-ai-zh-全網曝光超1000萬的「ai github開源,永久免費更新,提供
- Awesome-llm-eval-Awesome-llm-eval:策劃的工具,演示,論文,文檔,用於評估大型語言模型,例如Chatgpt,Llame,GLM
- Awesome-Chatgpt-Dataset-解鎖LLM的功能:探索這些數據集以培訓您自己的Chatgpt!
- 很棒的GPT-與GPT,Chatgpt,OpenAI,LLM等相關的令人敬畏的項目和資源的精心策劃列表。
- 很棒的Instruction-dataset-一組開源數據集,用於培訓遵循指令的LLMS(Chatgpt,Llama,羊駝)
- Awesome -Chatgpt-策劃的與Chatgpt相關項目的精選列表。
- 很棒的促銷工程 - 此存儲庫包含一個手工策劃的資源,用於及時工程,重點是生成預培訓的變壓器(GPT),CHATGPT,PALM等
- 很棒的生成-AI-策劃的生成AI工具,作品,模型和參考的列表
- 很棒的開放式GPT-與GPT,GPT 相關開源項目合集、精選的開源項目集合
- Awesome-Aitools-與AI相關的實用程序集合。歡迎提交問題並提取請求 /收藏ai相關的實用工具,歡迎提交
- 很棒的gpts-精選的GPT列表?
- 很棒的細分 - 任何東西 - 跟踪和收集與任何細分有關的論文/項目/其他。
- 很棒的AIGC教程 - 大型語言模型,AI繪畫等的策劃教程和資源。
- 很棒的gpts-社區創建的所有GPT的收集
- 及時的文化學習 - 具有最新和最尖端更新的LLM的掌握:掌握LLM的精通LLM的精通資源:掌握LLM的精通資源。
- 很棒的GPT商店 - 自定義GPT商店 - 公共可用的主要GPT集合
- 很棒的聊天 - ?最佳資源,工具,應用程序,Chatgpt的用法的很棒的清單
- BlackFriday-GPTS-PROMPTS-不需要訂閱的免費GPT列表
- 最好的ML-Python-?令人敬畏的機器學習Python庫的排名列表。每週更新。
- 令人敬畏的 - 奧佩尼 - 視覺示例 - 對於想要嘗試並在OpenAi Vision API上進行的任何人來說,必須擁有資源
- Awesome-llm-kg-關於統一LLM和KGS的很棒的論文
- 很棒的ai-gpts-很棒的AI GPTS,OpenAi GPTS,GPT-4,CHATGPT,GPTS,提示,插件,提示洩漏
- 很棒的GPT-Agent-策劃的GPT網絡安全列表
- 很棒的一單擊部門 - ?一單擊部署許多GitHub開源項目,以促進快速體驗一鍵部署各種github開源ai項目
- LLM-Rounowing Papers-關於大語模型(LLM)推理的論文和資源的收集,包括思維鏈(COT),教學獎勵等。
- Awesome-Chatgpt商店 - 精心策劃的很棒的自定義GPTS
- 洩漏的GPTS-洩漏的GPT提示繞過25個消息限製或嘗試不加訂閱的GPT。
- 很棒的chatgpt-project- 1. chatgpt註冊2. chatgpt成品項目整理3。高效使用
- 令人敬畏的llm驅動器 - 關於LLM驅動的代理商的真棒。論文 /倉庫 /博客 / ...
- 很棒的GPT店 - GPT商店中精選的GPT列表
- aitReasureBox-?在AI上收集實用的AI存儲庫,工具,網站,論文和教程。 實用的ai百寶箱?
- 令人敬畏的llm - 理論 - 在語言模型(LLMS)中的推理(包括思考鏈(COT),指導調整和多模式)中的論文和資源的收集。
- Awesome-llm and-aigc-關於大型語言模型,視覺基礎模型和AI生成的內容的一些很棒的公共項目的集合。
- 令人敬畏的llm - 不確定性可靠性 - 棒極了 - 固定性:大語言模型中的不確定性,可靠性和魯棒性的列表
- 很棒的獎勵 - 來自GPTS商店中最高的GPT的CHATGPT提示列表。及時工程,及時攻擊和及時保護。高級及時工程論文。
- 令人敬畏的二十個截止性-LLM-可用於構建可以“擁有”或進行可重現研究的產品的LLM資源集合。
- Awesome-GPT4-有關GPT-4語言模型的提示,工具和資源的策劃列表。
- Awesome-Transformer-NLP-策劃的NLP資源列表,專注於變壓器網絡,注意機制,GPT,BERT,CHETGPT,LLMS和轉移學習。
- 很棒的克勞德 - 宣傳 - 此倉庫包括Claude Prest Curation,可以更好地使用Claude。
- Awesome-ai-SDK- SDK,框架,庫和用於創建,監視,調試和部署自動AI代理的數據庫
- 很棒的克勞德 - 獎勵 - 吉特克評論
- chatgpt -corpus- chatgpt中文語料庫中文語料庫小說語料客服語料用於訓練大模型
- 很棒的gpt-?令人敬畏的資源集合,涵蓋了與ChatGpt相關的廣泛工具,文檔,資源,應用程序和用例。
- Lobe-chat-Agent-? /?代理索引 - 這是Lobechat的代理索引。它從該存儲庫中訪問index.json,以向代理市場顯示可用代理的列表。
- 很棒的python-?手工挑選的真棒Python圖書館和框架,按類別組織
- 很棒的llm-lole-playing-with-persona-很棒的 - llm-lole-playing-with-persona:策劃的大語模型的資源清單,用於與分配的角色扮演角色扮演
- 很棒的chatgpt-zh- chatgpt中文指南,chatgpt中文調教指南,指令指南,應用開髮指南,精選資源清單,更好的使用
- 令人敬畏的機器人生成的文本 - 不斷更新有關GPT(例如GPT)及其分析和檢測的相關資源列表。
- Awesome_GPT_SUPER_PROMPTING- CHATGPT越獄,GPT助手提示洩漏,GPT提示注射,LLM提示,超級提示,提示hack,atmprions Hack,Picker Security,AI提示工程,對抗機器學習。
- Lobe-Chat-Plugins-? /?插件索引 - 這是Lobechat的插件索引。它從此存儲庫中訪問index.json,以向用戶顯示lobechat的可用插件列表。
- Awesome-Llm-Strawberry- LLM論文,博客和項目集合,重點是Openai O1和推理技術。
- Awesome-llm-apps - 使用OpenAI,Anthropic,Gemini和OpenSource模型的RAG收集了很棒的LLM應用程序。
- Awesome-llm-resourses-? llm資料總結|摘要世界上最好的LLM資源。
- 很棒的代理商 - AI自治代理的列表
- GPT-Repository-Loader-將代碼存儲庫轉換為LLM及時友好的格式。主要由GPT-4建造。
- mygptreader -mygptreader是Slack上的一個機器人,可以閱讀和總結任何網頁,包括電子書在內的文檔,甚至是YouTube的視頻。它可以通過聲音與您交流。
- 促進機器人技術 - 用於將LLMS應用於機器人技術的社區和具有CHATGPT集成的機器人模擬器
- chat-gpt-quine- @realtimeai,有人試圖在幾週前與chatgpt一起做出自我改善的提示。它只花了11代才能崩潰進入...病理模式。
- Blender_jarvis-通過文本提示控制攪拌器的幫助
- 提示 - 提示工程|使用GPT或其他基於提示的模型獲取結構化輸出。加入我們的Discord,進行及時設計,LLM和其他最新研究
- Schemagpt-使用GPT -3 Magic的提示,用於RDF圖案的Python庫?
- CAFO- [CVPR 2023]提示,生成,然後緩存:級聯模型使得強大的學習者
- GPT3-Interview-Bot-GPT3面試聊天機器人
- AMA__PROMPTING-問我任何語言模型提示
- LMOPS-啟用AI功能的通用技術,帶有LLM和MLLMS
- 樹皮 - ?文本促進的生成音頻模型
- 及時工程指南 - ?指南,論文,講座,筆記本和資源及時工程
- Langchain and-Ervenlabs-with-PDF-Analysis-我們如何將OpenAI,Langchain和Elevenlabs混合在一起,以使用PDFS中封裝的一系列知識來表達對提示的回答?
- PROMPTR -PROMPTR是使用GPT在代碼庫上操作的CLI工具。 Progptr動態地將一個或多個文件包含在您的GPT提示中,它可以選擇解析並應用GPT建議的更改到您的代碼庫中。為了各種目的,包括幾個提示模板,用戶可以創建自己的模板。
- chatgpt-clone- Chatgpt的克隆,使用官方型號和bing,反向工程UI,具有AI模型切換,消息搜索和提示模板(WIP)
- chatgpt-prompt-genius-讓您的創意果汁不僅在提示中流動,而且還可以為這個開源項目做出貢獻#chatgpt#gpt4 #chatgptprompts
- Chatgpt-Adventure- gatgpt創建文本冒險遊戲的起始提示
- chatgpt-Text到中間圖像 - 使用Chatgpt優化提示,然後將其發送以復制以創建圖像。
- 提示獵人 - 將提示和圖像從Midjourney詳細信息頁面保存到您的概念頁面
- ChatBox-支持Windows,Mac&Linux的Chatgpt API(OpenAI API)的桌面應用程序。 開源的chatgpt桌面應用,提示,全平台支持,全平台支持,下載安裝包就能用
- chatgpt -shortcut-最大化您的效率和生產力。 讓生產力加倍的chatgpt快捷指令,按照領域和功能分區,可對提示詞進行標籤篩選、關鍵詞搜索和一鍵複製。,可對提示詞進行標籤篩選、關鍵詞搜索和一鍵複製。
- 迅速 - 在打字稿/JavaScript中構建LLM應用程序。 ???
- ChatGPT3免費prompt-list-免費的指南,用於創建ChatGpt3提示
- 及時引擎 - 用無花果創建應用程序
- CHATGPT-SIRI-使用Chatgpt API GPT-3.5-Turbo&GPT-4模型的Siri快捷方式,支持連續對話,配置API鍵並保存聊天記錄。 由chatgpt api api gpt-3.5-turbo&gpt-4 siri,支持連續對話
- Hustlegpt-Challenge-與AI聯合創始人建立初創公司
- DOCSGPT-創建帶微調的小型模型: - : - : - 工程: - 事後的鏈條鏈條鏈接 -
- chatgpt -prompts-這是我創建和要共享的提示。
- chatgpt-data-Science-prompts- 60個有用的數據科學提示的存儲庫
- CWK-CHATGPT-MIDJOURNEY-PROMPT-TEMPLATE-CWK-CHATGPT-MIDJOURNEY-PROMPT-TEMPLATE v1.2概述的是最後一個版本:23個提示類型。我將切換到面向對象的方法:完整的重寫。它可以與chatgpt.一起工作。
- chatgpt-prompts-bug-bounty- chatgpt提示漏洞賞金和pentesting
- 股票交易 - 削減 - 蘋果快捷方式,用於共享使用個性化提示
- chatgpt -prompts -AI慢慢接管。以下是一些使用ChatGpt/API提示,可幫助您解鎖100%的生產率。
- Soren -Sorencai是AI軟件工程師助理提示
- 聊天機器人注射-Exploits-聊天機器人注入和漏洞利用示例:策劃的及時工程師命令的列表 - chatgpt
- AI -notes-軟件工程師的註釋可以加快新的AI開發。用作lspace.swyx.io編寫和產品集思廣益的數據存儲,但已清理了 /資源文件夾下的規範參考。
- Squidgy -Prompts-對#gpt3 / #chatgpt和語言學習感興趣的任何#langtwt的人?我們剛剛發布了一組開源的提示集,以幫助學習者建造甲板,句子礦山,正確的語法,玩文字遊戲等。可以自己或@squidgiesApp中使用。
- chatgpt_dan- chatgpt dan,越獄提示
- Researchchatgpt -50個研究工作的Chatgpt用例
- 指責 - 開放式融資!革命
- AISH-帶有本地存儲的Chatgpt CLI,用於提示和消息。
- Ranedeer-ai tutor先生-GPT-4 AI導師提示可自定義的個性化學習經驗。
- chatgpt-prompt-indevelopers-in-phevelopers-《面向開發者的 chatgpt 提示詞工程》非官方版中英雙語字幕 chatgpt 提示詞工程》非官方版中英雙語字幕非官方的字幕“ chatgpt提示開發人員的工程”
- 提示 - 工程 - 開發人員 - 吳恩達《 chatgpt提示開發人員的工程》課程中文版,視頻地址:https://www.bilibili.com/video/bv1bo4y1a7fu
- Unleashedgpt-釋放:又是另一個Chatgpt越獄
- GPT -Prompts-有用的GPT提示
- 及時工程 - 使用OpenAI的GPT-4(例如Openai的GPT-4)使用大型語言模型的技巧和技巧。
- 奇妙的獎勵 - 提示精選,chatgpt使用指南,提升
- recurrentgpt- recurrentGpt:(任意)長文本的交互式生成在每個時間步上段落段落,並分別更新其基於語言的長期記憶存儲在硬盤驅動器和提示中。回購:ABS:
- Jopilot-4-job-job-keekers-Jopilot支持的提示
- 經過思考的中心 - 基準測試大型語言模型的複雜推理能力,並通過鏈條提示
- chatgpt-admin-web-帶有用戶管理和後台管理系統的chatgpt webui
- PowerPlatform -Prompts-此存儲庫包含一個迅速示例的集合,該示例可與Power Platform中的GPT模型一起使用。
- Tutor -GPT -Langchain LLM應用。動態的幾次元素元件用於輔導任務。
- CHAT-GPT-GAMES - 在Chatgpt中進行可玩遊戲的提示
- taskmatrix- @jksyaw @langchainai @flowiseai @bubble如果提示是描述性的並且可以彼此區分,我的理解是,代理仍然可以為大量工具工作。要使用一系列工具的示例使用,請查看Microsoft的VisualChatgpt存儲庫不確定100萬…
- gptworld-了解提示的難題
- Demogpt-⚡Demogpt使您只需使用提示即可創建快速演示。 ⚡?明星支持我們的工作!
- 文本到彩色-Neovim Colorshemes在使用Chatgpt的文本提示下生成的Neovim Colorshemes
- GPT-Prompt-Geanterer-介紹
代理,創建最佳的GPT提示。僅描述任務,AI系統的鏈條將: - 生成許多可能的提示 - 在排名的錦標賽中測試它們 - 返回最佳提示 - 開放源:它的開放源:它的開放源: - 及時工程javaScript-developers-從deeplearning.ai提示開發人員的chatgpt工程概述的註釋
- GPT -Runner-與您的文件對話!管理並運行您的AI預設!
- 提示 - 會自動測試在CHATGPT實例上的提示注射攻擊
- Intellinode-通過統一的提示層和性能評估,訪問Chatgpt,Llama,穩定擴散,WaveNet等最新AI模型
- 促進思想之樹 - 使用經過思考的提示來提高Chatgpt的推理
- chatgpt-prompt-scripts-油猴chatgpt提示腳本插件,在
- LLM.REPORT -LLM.REPORT是一個開放源日誌記錄和分析平台:記錄您的CHATGPT API請求,分析成本並提高提示。
- 指令 - 指令官方實施;優化CHATGPT(API LLM)不良提示並最終獲得好提示的第一個框架!
- chatgpt-prompt-devandering-for-for-developers-吳恩達《 chatgpt提示開發人員工程》課程中英版
- 聊天鍵 - 通過Chatgpt和Autohotkey增強您的生產力
- OpenPrompt.co-創建。使用。分享。 chatgpt提示
- 與PROMPT-PROMPT-PROMPT-PROMPT-with-with-with-langchain-大語言模型(LLMS)(如Chatgpt)(langchain&及時的工程教程),以及帶有自定義數據的Chatgpt。 Jupyter筆記本電腦上的加載和索引數據,創建提示模板,CSV代理以及使用檢索QA鏈查詢自定義數據。使用私人LLM(Llama 2)與PDF文件聊天的項目,推文情感分析。
- Learning Prompt -永久免費開源的aigc課程,目前已支持chatgpt,Midjourney,跑道,穩定擴散,AI數字人
- Intellinode-通過統一的及時層和性能評估,訪問Chatgpt,Llama,擴散,擁抱的面部等最新AI模型
- Azure-Openai-llm-vector-langchain-Azure Openai,Oss llm?1。矢量db和?langchain?2。抹布Chatgpt演示3。Microsoft♾️LLM?圖書館等
- chatgpt -rassistant -基於簡化搭建的chatgpt對話助手,無須科學上網即可使用
- Dev-Chatgpt-Prompts-個人收集了開發人員的CHATGPT提示!
- PINSTA -CHATGPT UI以鍵盤為中心,移動友好,可以同步跨設備聊天歷史記錄並蒐索過去的對話。
- chatgpt-prompt-sample-eyapanese- chatgptの提示のサンプルです。
- chatgpt -prompts -分門別類的chatgpt中文引導語大全。
- chat-gpt-prompts-from-aiprm-zh-來自aiprm社區的兩千多個chatgpt提示
- Botpress-建造和部署GPT/LLM代理的開源輪轂⚡️
- 提示 - 構建高質量的LLM應用程序 - 從原型製作,測試到生產部署和監視。
- 生成的人物 - 12堂課,開始使用生成AI開始建造? https://microsoft.github.io/generative-ai-for-beginners/
- 思想樹 - 插入和播放思想樹的實現:使用大型語言模型進行故意解決的問題,將模型推理提高至少70%
- Learn_prompting-通過學習提示|及時工程,生成AI和LLM指南|加入我們的不和諧,參加最大的及時工程學習社區
- decryptprompt -總結
- 洋紅色 - 無縫整合LLM作為python函數
- chatgpt_system_prompt-存儲所有代理的系統提示
- Langgpt -Langgpt:授權所有人成為及時的專家!結構化提示,GPT的語言,結構化提示詞,結構化提示
- chatgpt-prompts for-Academictementing寫作 - 此寫作提示列表涵蓋了一系列主題和任務,包括集思廣益的研究思想,改善語言和風格,進行文學評論以及製定研究計劃。
- 自我refine -llms可以對他們的工作產生反饋,使用它來改善輸出,然後迭代地重複此過程。
- GPTS-洩漏的GPT提示
- 多模態 - 馬斯特羅 - 有效提示大型多模式模型,例如GPT-4 Vision,Llava或COGVLM。
- 提示板 - 大語模型的統一評估框架
- NLP-2-2nd-Edition-Fransformers-Formers-Fransformer模型從BERT到GPT-4,環境從擁抱臉到Openai。微調,培訓和及時的工程示例。帶有Chatgpt,GPT-3.5-Turbo,GPT-4和DALL-E的獎勵部分,包括跳躍開始GPT-4,語音到文本,文本到語音,與DALL-E的文本到Image Generation,Dall-E,Google Cloud Cloud AI,HuggingGpt等等
- LLM -GUARD- LLM交互的安全工具包
- 提示4 ReasoningPapers- ACL2023論文的存儲庫“與語言模型提示:調查的推理”。
- 知識 - 知識是一種用於保存,搜索,訪問,探索和聊天的工具,並與您喜歡的所有網站,文檔和文件聊天。
- 提示 - 測試您的提示,型號,抹布。評估和比較LLM輸出,捕獲回歸併提高及時質量。 llm evals for Openai/azure gpt,人類克勞德(Claude),vertexai gemini,ollama,本地和私人模型,例如Mistral/Mixtral/lllama with Ci/cd
- 群 - 構建,部署和擴展可靠的自動源代理以進行工作流動自動化。加入我們的社區:https://discord.gg/dbjbmjtswd
- GPTSTORE -PROMPTS-這是GPTSTORE上排名前100的提示,我們可以用來學習和改善及時的工程。
- aigc - 《構築大語言模型應用:llm在真實世界應用的開源電子書,介紹了大語言模型的基礎知識和應用
- lingoose-? lingoose這是使用管道開發基於LLMS的應用程序的GO框架
- LLM -GUARD- LLM交互的安全工具包
- chatgpt -prompts- chatgpt和bing ai提示策劃
- 安全性提示 - 中國安全提示評估和改善LLM的安全性。 中文安全提示,用於評估和提升大模型的安全性。
- Chatgpt-Academic-Prompt-使用ChatGpt進行學術寫作
- Dustranctgpt-Prompts-基於CHATGPT和GPT-3.5基於指令的提示的集合,用於生成和分類文本。
- EdgeChains -Edgechains.js打字稿/JavaScript生產友好的生成型AI。基於JSONNET。 WebAssembly所做的任何地方都可以使用。提示現場發言和“配置中的外部代碼”。 Kubernetes&Edge友好。與Openai GPT,Gemini,Llama2,人類,Mistral等兼容
- 提示教程 - chatgpt,提示,llm
- Chatdev -Chatdev IDE是構建AI代理的工具,無論是遊戲中的NPC還是強大的代理工具,您都可以為此平台設計所需的內容。
- contoso -chat-此樣本具有完整的End2End過程,該過程使用及時流動和AI Studio創建RAG應用程序。它包括GPT 3.5 Turbo LLM應用程序代碼,評估,使用AZD CLI的部署自動化,用於評估和部署的GitHub操作以及用於多個LLM任務映射的意圖映射。
- Langgpt -Langgpt:授權所有人成為及時的專家!結構化提示,GPT的語言,結構化提示詞,結構化提示
- Aisuperdomain -AILA(AI超元域):Windows,MacOS和Android的Premier AI集成工具。詢問一次,從10+ AI的答案中獲得答案,例如Chatgpt,Gemini,Claude3,Copilot,Poe,Poe,困惑等。功能可自定義的AI和提示。
- Code2Prompt-一種CLI工具,將您的代碼庫轉換為帶有源樹的單個LLM提示符,提示模板和令牌計數。
- LLM-Prompt-Library-高級代碼和文本操作提示各種LLMS。適用於GPT-4,Claude,Llama3,Gemini和其他高性能開源LLM。
- zzz-api-優質穩定的openai的api接口-for企業和開發者。openai的api api proxy,支持chatgpt的api的,支持openai的api的api接口
- Easy Instruct- [ACL 2024] LLMS易於使用的指令處理框架。
- Finrobot -Finrobot:使用LLMS的財務應用程序的開源AI代理平台
- 奇妙的獎勵 - 提示精選,chatgpt使用指南,提升
- 越獄_llms- [CCS'24]一個數據集由Reddit,Discord,網站和開源數據集的15,140個CHATGPT提示(包括1,405個越獄提示)組成。
- step_into_llm-思維孔在線課程:進入LLM
- 提示 - 大型語言模型自動化和自主語言代理開發框架。以Pythonic的方式構建您的LLM代理應用程序!
- EDDI-及時和對話管理中間件,用於對話AI API,例如Openai Chatgpt,Facebook擁抱臉,擬人化的Claude,Google Gemini和Ollama。精益,寧靜,可擴展和雲原生。由Quarkus驅動的Java開發,配有Docker,並用Kubernetes或OpenShift精心策劃。
- aigc_interview -aigc 求職面經、必備基礎知識、提示詞工程、 chatgpt,穩定擴散,提示,
- NPI-工具使用AI代理的API平台
- KERAS-LLM-ROBOT-一個Web UI項目,以學習大型語言模型。該項目包括諸如聊天,量化,微調,及時工程模板和多模式之類的功能。
- comfyui-n-nodes- confyui的自定義節點套件,其中包括GPT文本推出生成,LoadVideo,SaveVideo,LoadFromeFromFolder和Frame Interpolator
- 提示鏈 - 排隊提示CHATGPT和CLAUDE以提高性能
- 助手 - 征服Vscode中的任何代碼:一鍵註釋,轉換,UI對代碼和文件的AI批處理處理! 在vscode中征服任何代碼:一鍵註釋、轉換、 ui 圖生成代碼、 ai批量處理文件!?
- comfyui_llm_party -dify在comfyui中包括Omost,GPT -Sovits,Chattts和Flux提示節點,訪問Feishu,Discord,Discord,並適應所有具有類似OpenAI/Gemini Interfaces的LLM,例如O1,O1,Ollama,ollama,Qwen,Qwen,Qwen,Qwen,Glm,Deepseek,Moonsek,Moonshot,Moonshot,Moonshot,douraao,douraao。適用於本地LLM,例如Llama/ peach-9b/ qwen/ glm,鏈接neo4j kg,實現了GraphRag/ rag的功能。
- Chatgpt-Openai-Smart-Speaker-此AI智能揚聲器使用語音識別和文本到語音來啟用語音驅動的對話和與OpenAI和代理商的視覺功能。用戶會在麥克風中發出提示,並且該程序將提示發送到OpenAI以生成響應。然後將響應轉換為音頻文件,然後播放給用戶。
- AI-BootCamp-生成AI上的自定進度訓練營。有關ML基礎知識,LLMS,RAGS,Langchain,Langgraph,微調Llama 3和AI代理商(Crewai)的教程(CREWAI)
- chatgpt -lite -Fast Chatgpt UI,並支持Openai和Azure Openai。 快速的chatgpt ui,支持openai和azure openai。
- 長novel-gpt-該項目包括一個基於gpt等大語言模型的長篇小說生成器,同時還有各類小說生成提示,持續更新以提供最佳的小說創作體驗。,持續更新以提供最佳的小說創作體驗。,持續更新以提供最佳的小說創作體驗。
- langfuse-?開源LLM工程平台:LLM可觀察性,指標,evals,提示管理,操場,數據集。與LlamainDex,Langchain,OpenAi SDK,Litellm等集成。 YC W23
- 網關 - 燃燒的快速AI網關,帶有集成的護欄。通往200多個LLM的路線,50多個AI護欄具有1個快速友好的API。
- AI -notes-軟件工程師的註釋可以加快新的AI開發。用作https://latent.space寫作和產品集思廣益的數據存儲,但已清理了/資源文件夾下的規範參考。
- Helicone-?開發人員的開源LLM觀察性平台。用於監視,指標,evals,代理跟踪,及時管理,操場等的一行集成。支持OpenAI SDK,Vercel AI SDK,人類SDK,Litellm,LlamainDex,Langchain等。 ? YC W23
- LUNARY- LLMS的生產工具包。可觀察性,及時管理和評估。
- pezzo-?開源,開發人員首位LLMOPS平台旨在簡化及時設計,版本管理,即時交付,協作,故障排除,可觀察性等等。
- ArchGW -Arch是代理商的智能門戶。由(快速)LLMS設計,可用於安全處理,豐富的可觀察性以及與API的無縫集成 - 所有外部業務邏輯。由Engoy代理的核心貢獻者建立在Envoy上。
- OpenLit- AI工程的開源平台:Opentelemetry -native LLM可觀察性,GPU監視,護欄,評估,提示管理,庫存,庫存,遊樂場。與40+ LLM提供商,Vectordb,Agent Frameworks和GPU集成。
- GPT4All -GPT4All:聊天機器人接受了大量清潔助手數據的培訓,包括代碼,故事和對話
- Open-Assistant-OpenAssistant是一個基於聊天的助手,可以理解任務,可以與第三方系統進行交互並動態檢索信息以進行此操作。
- FastChat-“ Vicuna:開放聊天機器人給GPT -4印象深刻”的發行回購
- Kubernetes-Chatgpt-Bot- kubernetes問題的Chatgpt Bot。
- chatgpt-telegram-bot-這是在電報機器人中工作的早期嘗試
- chatgpt_telegram_bot -cómoInpemarar chatgpt con gpt -4 en telegram://t.co/fyumptn5vjvía@hipertextual
- chatrwkv- chatrwkv就像chatgpt,但由RWKV(100%RNN)語言模型和開源提供動力。
- chatgpt-at-at home- chatgpt @ home:大語言模型(LLM)聊天機器人應用程序,由chatgpt撰寫
- chuanhuchatgpt- gui for chatgpt api
- gpt3discord-不符合不和諧的強大的GPT3接口。 chatgpt風格的對話,圖像生成,AI模式,自定義索引/知識庫,YouTube摘要等等!
- wechat-on wechat-基於Chatgpt的微信機器人,該機器人使用OpenAI API和Itchat庫。 使用chatgpt搭建微信聊天機器人,基於gpt3.5 api和itchat實現
- Chatgpt-in-slack-迅速演示如何構建一個Slack應用程序,使最終用戶與Chatgpt Bot互動
- gpt-discord-bot-用Python編寫的示例Discord Bot使用完成API與
型號進行對話,以及用於過濾消息的溫和度API。 - chatgpt -slackbot -Openaiのchatgpt apiをslack上で利用するためのslackbotスクリプト(日本語での利用が前提)
- chatgpt-discord-bot-將Chatgpt集成到您自己的Discord Bot中
- vrchatbot -vrchatにai botを作るためのリポジトリ
- Blender-GPT-由GPT3/4 +低語整合提供支持的多合一攪拌器助手
- Dolly -Databricks'Dolly,一種在Databricks機器學習平台上訓練的大型語言模型
- chatgpt -fabilures-用於chatgpt和類似型號的失敗檔案
- ResearchGPT-開源LLM的研究助理,可讓您與研究論文進行對話
- Wikipedia-gpt3-bot-depp bot通過查詢Wikipedia來回答問題並用GPT-3總結答案
- chatgpt-tegram-bot-一個簡單的電報機器人,允許與chatgpt進行交互(帶有語音註釋和用於生成圖像的支持)。
- chatgeopt-一個非常基本的,非常脆弱的概念證明,用於地理空間搜索的AI助手
- chatgpt-trading-bot-for-kucoin-這是Kucoin的交易腳本,它不斷根據市場數據和OpenAI的GPT-3.5語言模型生成的預測模型來持續下放和銷售訂單。
- vocode -python-?建立基於語音的LLM代理。模塊化 +開源。
- 馬文 - ??包括用於GPT驅動的機器人和AI功能的電池庫
- Baize-讓Chatgpt用一個GPU在數小時內教您自己的聊天機器人!
- Baize -Chatbot-讓Chatgpt用一個GPU在數小時內教您自己的聊天機器人!
- GPT4All -UI -GPT4All Chatbot UI
- yolopandas -チャットでpandas操作これ便利。“ fy23 Q2のどこどこ會社の何何製品に關する売り上げデータをグラフ化してね。” ってセールスオペレーションチームにお願いしているので、これ使って簡単に chatgptにデータ取得お願いできるようにしよう。
- chatdoctor -醫療特化aiチャット「chatdoctor」chatgpt も使ってモデルをトレーニングしてる様子全コードとデータセット、モデルの重みがオープンソース化する予定らしい ..!
- GPT4Free-通過多個反向工程API的API(POE.com,phind.com,phind.com,chat.openai.com,phind.com,writesonic.com,sqlchat.ai,sqlchat.ai,t3nsor.com,you.com等)通過幾個反向工程的API進行免費GPT -4/3.5腳本分散。
- auto-gpt-zh-auto-gpt中文版本及愛好者組織ai領域創業領域創業用
- Voice-Fenerator-Webui-多語言語音生成工具
- autogpt-telegram-chatbot-在這裡!通過電報使用您自己的AutoGPT版本進行自動訪問您的移動設備。自豪地開源此項目。迫不及待想看看我們將共同建立什麼!
- PDFGPT -PDF GPT允許您使用GPT功能與PDF文件的內容聊天。唯一在聊天機器人中轉動PDF文件的開源解決方案!
- NAVI-基於GPT的網絡安全AI
- Chatgpt-Comporparison檢測 - 人類Chatgpt比較語料庫(HC3),探測器等!
- hackgpt-我利用Openai和Chatgpt做黑客事物
- 談話到聊天 - 使用您的聲音與Chatgpt AI交談,並通過聲音收聽其答案
- CHATGPT-TELEGRAGR-WORKERS-輕鬆在Cloudflare工人上部署自己的電報Chatgpt bot。
- 反射 - 人類 - eval-基於反射的GPT-4代理是關於基因術語的最先進的代理,將“準確瓶頸”從正確的代碼轉移到正確的測試Genhumaneval的準確性: - 基於GPT-4 88%的GPT-4 88%-GPT-4 67.0.0%-Codet 65.8%-CODET 65.8%-ppalm 26.2%26.2%26.2%。
- gptchat -telegram-每次都厭倦了打開gptchat網站,所以我製作了一個電報bot。如果您也想要一個,我讓設置非常容易(您只需要運行一個命令!?)。查看回購嗎?
- Twitter-comment-bot-一個機器人,該機器人在包含指定關鍵字的推文上註釋。該機器人使用OpenAI API來生成評論,並將Twitter API發布。它旨在連續運行,每個評論之間都有固定的延遲。
- CODEMANCER-命令行中的AI編碼助手。
- chatgpt -codereview-?由CHATGPT提供支持的代碼評論機器人
- keepchatgpt -讓我們在使用chatgpt 過程中更高效、更順暢,完美解決chatgpt網絡錯誤,不再頻繁地刷新網頁,足足省去10個多餘的步驟。還可以取消後台監管審計。解決了這幾類報錯:(1)嘗試獲取資源時NetworkError。 (2)出了問題。如果這個問題持續存在,請通過我們的幫助中心在help.openai.com上與我們聯繫。 (3)此內容可能違反我們的內容政策。 (4)找不到對話。
- chatgpt-wework-robot-零代碼、一鍵部署 chatgpt到企業微信,無須vpn,速度快
- ChatBot -UI-開源Chatgpt UI。
- 聊天與gpt-帶有聲音的開源changpt應用
- whatsapp-chatgpt- chatgpt + dall-e + whatsapp = ai助手?
- chatgpt-wechat-bot- chatgpt for微信https://github.com/autumnwhj/chatgpt-wechat-bot
- ChatBot-UI-Pro-AI搜索和聊天Balaji Srinivasan的“網絡狀態”。
- CHATGPT-TWITTER-BOT-由Openai的Chatgpt API提供動力的Twitter機器人。是Aliveeee?
- BetterChatGpt-與Better Chatgpt一起玩和聊天 - 一個令人驚嘆的開源Web應用程序,具有更好的UI,用於探索Openai的Chatgpt API! (網站 + Windows + MacOS + Linux)
- chatgpt -exporter-出口並分享您的chatgpt對話歷史記錄
- UnChatgpt -UnChatgpt使用OpenAI API創建類似聊天機器人的聊天體驗。它與chatgpt相似,但無需等待隊列或訪問權限有限。
- Rubberduck-Vscode-使用官方的OpenAI API使用AI驅動的代碼編輯,說明,代碼生成,錯誤診斷和聊天。
- Teams-Openai-Bot-樣本團隊OpenAi Bot
- SpeechGpt- SpeechGPT是一個Web應用程序,使您能夠與Chatgpt交談。
- langchainjs-我們已經在JS中實現了AutoGPT,以及新的讀寫工具以編寫文件,您可以在Node.js中的本地文件系統以及所有其他JS Envs中的內存文件系統來支持。我們將隨著時間的流逝而發展。示例在這裡
- Chat-Langchainjs-複製Chatlangchain(類似於Chatgpt的機器人,僅回答有關Langchain文檔的問題),並帶有打字稿後支持的Heard @swyx今天晚些時候擁有Hackathon。希望這可以作為某些項目的起點!
- 星期五-GPT -AI에게r&r을부여해서업무를업무를。
- Telegram-Chatgpt-Concierge-Bot-通過電報和聲音與Openai的Chatgpt互動。
- ChatGpt -Telegram-使用一個命令運行自己的gptchat電報機器人!
- gitgpt-自然語言命令行GIT助手
- larkgpt -lark chatgpt bot
- Localai-?自我託管,社區驅動的簡單本地openai兼容的API用GO編寫。可以用作OpenAI的倒入替換,並在CPU上使用消費級硬件運行。 GGML兼容模型的API,例如:Llama.cpp,羊Alpaca.cpp,gpt4all.cpp,vicuna,vicuna,koala,gpt4all-j,cerebras
- gpt_jailbreak_status-這是一個存儲庫,旨在提供有關OpenAI GPT語言模型的狀態的更新。
- CHAT -GPT-聊天對話保存書籤
- chatgpt -android-? Chatgpt Android與Stream Chat SDK在Android上展示了OpenAi的Chatgpt。
- gpt-voice-chat-與chatgpt AI的真實語音聊天
- chatgpt-從r的接口
- chatdollkit- chatdollkit使您可以將3D型號製成聊天機器人
- Unity-Voicevox-Bridge-Unity上からVoiceVox と連攜して合成音聲を簡単に再生できるシンプルなライブラリ作ってみました! chatgpt api とかのお供に!
- Gortanagtp-語音和文本互動的控制台應用程序最新chatgpt API
- HeyChatgpt-最小的iOS應用程序,通過您的聲音與Chatgpt進行交互。
- Glowby -Glowby Basic可幫助您創建自己的基於語音的AI助手。
- 微信 - 為個人微信接入chatgpt
- Discord-chatbot-gpt4free-這是免費檢測圖像檢測的不和諧聊天機器人
- Big-Agi-由GPT-4及以後提供動力的個人AI應用程序,具有AI角色,AGI功能,文本對圖像,語音,響應流,代碼突出和執行,PDF導入,為開發人員預設,更多。部署和禮物#big-agi-energy!使用Next.js,React,Joy。
- Rasagpt -Rasagpt是第一個在Rasa和Langchain頂部建造的無頭LLM聊天機器人平台。 w/ w/ rasa,fastapi,langchain,llamaindex,sqlmodel,pgvector,ngrok,telegram
- Figmachain -Figmachain是一組Python腳本,它們基於無花果設計生成HTML/CSS代碼。使用OpenAI的GPT-3模型,Figmachain使開發人員能夠從FIGMA設計輸入中快速生成HTML/CSS代碼。它還包括一個基於簡化的聊天機器人接口,用於交互式代碼生成。
- gpt4free -ts-這是Xtekky/gpt4free的打字稿版本的複制項目
- Slack -GPT-簡單的Slack應用程序 / Bot啟動器,使用Langchain,OpenAI和Pincone矢量店來提出問題
- LLM-AS-Chatbot-LLM作為聊天機器人服務
- PDF-Chatbot-自行跟踪數據的分析:交互式可視化和預測算法
- Ask_Chatgpt-軌道控制台中的AI驅動助手寶石。 changpt在鐵軌中的全部力量
- Ecoute -Ecoute是一種實時轉錄工具,可為用戶的麥克風輸入(您)和用戶的揚聲器輸出(揚聲器)提供實時轉錄本。它還使用OpenAI的GPT-3.5產生建議的響應,供用戶根據對話的實時轉錄來說明。
- Privategpt-一個應用程序,可以使用GPT的力量私下與您的文檔交互,100%私下,無數據洩漏
- LLAVA-大型語言和視覺助理助理於多模式GPT-4級功能。
- OpenChat-使用OpenChat運行並創建類似於Chatgpt的機器人,嵌入並共享這些機器人的任何地方,即開源聊天機器人控制台。
- ST -CHAT-簡化組件,用於聊天機器人UI
- 摘要-GPT-BOT- AI驅動的文本摘要電報機器人,可生成文本,URL和YouTube視頻的簡明摘要。
- Bard -api-非官方的Python軟件包,通過Cookie Value返回Google Bard的響應。
- DialoQbase-輕鬆創建聊天機器人
- Video-Chatgpt-Video-Chatgpt是一個視頻對話模型,能夠生成有關視頻的有意義的對話。它結合了LLM的功能與適用於時空視頻表示的預處理的視覺編碼器。
- LLAVA-MED-生物醫學的大型語言和視覺助理,建立在多模式GPT-4級功能上。
- Ethgpt-以太坊代碼庫和文檔的聊天機器人。
- Telegram-chatgpt-bot-Nodejs基於Nodejs用於CHATGPT的機器人,它在電報上運行,現在具有高級功能,例如語音聊天和圖像生成。
- chatgpt-telegram-bot-?與OpenAI的官方Chatgpt API集成的電報機器人提供答案,用Python編寫
- Ai-Chatbot-由Vercel Labs構建的全功能,可黑客的Next.js AI聊天機器人
- 自動核心 - 芝士歷史 - ?添加聊天自動清除功能為chatgpt以獲取更多隱私
- chatgpt widescreen-將寬屏 +全屏模式添加到chatgpt以進行增強查看
- chatgpt-infinity-∞產生無數範圍的changpt(用任何語言!)產生無盡的答案。
- chatgpt-auto-refresh-↻↻保持chatgpt會話新鮮以避免網絡錯誤 + cloudflare檢查
- chatgpt -apps-?利用Chatgpt或增強其UX的驚人力量的應用程序
- 嵌入鏈 - 輕鬆在任何數據集上創建LLM驅動機器人的框架。
- 紙張儀式 - 由Openai LLM提供支持的Arxiv紙的鬆弛機器人。
- vercel-ai-chatbot-由Vercel Labs&Supabase構建的完整的,supabaseified next.js ai chatbot
- LLM推導 - 大語言模型(LLM)推理API和聊天機器人
- GPT4Tools -GPT4Tools是一個智能係統,可以自動決定,控制和利用不同的視覺基礎模型,從而使用戶可以在對話中與圖像進行交互。
- Ultimate-Chatgpt-最終的Chatgpt是AI驅動的虛擬助手,旨在提供增強的寫作和解決問題的體驗。
- 微信 - 蓋特伯特 - 基於Chatgpt的微信機器人沒有風險,非常穩定!
- feishubot -飛書群聊/私聊chatgpt機器人
- Gradio -chatbot-可以自動轉換的工具?擁抱面空間,魔搭創空間和gradio chatbot進入免費的API。支持GPT4FREE,CHETGPT,LLAMA2,MPT,FALCON CHAT,CHATGLM,通義千問和許多其他聊天機器人。
- CHATGPT-WEB-由React構建的商業可行的Chatgpt Web應用程序。 使用REACT搭建的一款可商業化的chatgpt web應用。
- Word-gpt-plus- Word GPT Plus是一個單詞加載項,將ChatGpt模型集成到Microsoft Word中。支持官方和Web API。
- 與您一起聊天 - 使用langchain和gpt4/chatgpt與Azure Openai服務和OpenAI
- Openai-Chatgpt-Bot- Darkmakerofc(Nima先生)和團隊開設AI AI Chatgpt Bot,您可以在WhatsApp上對chatgpt進行典範。
- 開放 - chatgpt.github.io- Liesenfeld,Andreas,Alianda Lopez和Mark Dingemanse。 2023年。“開放Chatgpt:在指令調整的文本生成器中跟踪開放性,透明度和問責制。”在第五屆對話用戶界面國際會議論文集。 Eindhoven。 doi:10.1145/3571884.3604316。
- chatdrug-毒品發現
- AKS-Openai-Terraform-本文展示瞭如何通過Terraform部署Azure Kubernetes服務(AKS)群集和Azure OpenAi服務,以及如何使用Azure Ad Workload標識並撥打Chatgpt模型的Chatgpt API來對Azure OpenAi進行身份驗證,以對Azure OpenAi進行身份驗證。
- 機器人-GPT-大型模型時代基於ROS2和CHATGPT的模擬框架
- Chatgpt-Finetune-UI-簡單的python webui用於微調chatgpt(gpt-3.5-turbo)
- poe-api-wrapper-?使用httpx的Poe.com的Python API包裝器。這樣,您將可以免費訪問Chatgpt,Claude,Llama,Google-Palm等!
- Llama-GPT-一個自託管的,離線,類似於Chatgpt的聊天機器人。由Llama2。100%私人提供支持,沒有數據離開您的設備。新:Code Llama支持!
- 扶輪社 - 我把舊的旋轉手機變成了基於Chatgpt的家庭助理,現在您也可以
- rusty_llama-一個簡單的chatgpt克隆在前端和後端的Rust中。使用開源語言模型和parwindcss。
- GPT_CODEINTERPRETER-由Python代碼解釋器和其他多個功能實現的最終和免費OpenAI提供商,由ChatGpt&GPT -4提供支持!
- webai-to-api- chatgpt,克勞德,吟遊詩人到api :)
- CHATGPT -MINIMAL-使用Next.js和OpenAI流API構建的輕量級CHATGPT機器人。 一個使用next.js和openai流API創建的簡易
- Open_Source_chatgpt_list-開放努力,以實現類似Chatgpt的模型及其他方式。
- chatgpt-dingtalk-robot-零代碼、一鍵部署 chatgpt到釘釘,無須vpn
- chatterstack-輕鬆管理chatgpt對話變量
- Pokergpt -Pokergpt是一個撲克不和諧機器人,可讓您與Chatgpt -4一起玩Texas Hold'em撲克。
- KITT-使用LiveKit實時與Chatgpt進行交談
- Chino-chan-Bot-Bot Messenger =tíchHợPChatgpt。
- chatbase-每個網站的chatgpt。都可以通過在您的網站內容上培訓的個性化聊天機器人來回答訪問者的問題。 chatbase,sitegpt,dante ai的替代方案
- Plotai -Plotai-您的最終繪圖助手! ?使用Chatgpt-3.5在Python腳本或筆記本中直接在Python中創建圖。
- Tianmu -Tianmu:具有多平台支持,降價支持,多模式,連續對話和可自定義命令的現代AI工具。 一個app 支持文心一言、通義千問、駱駝,chatgpt等
- YouTube -Summarizer-電報機器人旨在匯總用chatgpt的YouTube視頻內容。
- chatgpt -nuxt -chatgpt web nuxt 3 vue 3版本
- 防火牆 - 通過致電防火牆,用戶可以確保大型型號的準確性,同時大大降低了與之互動時隱私洩漏的風險。我們認為,FireWallllm是一個受隱私保護的Chatgpt交互平台。
- Langchain-Chatchat-Langchain-Chatchat (原 langchain-chatglm)langchain與Langchain-Chatchat(以前是Langchain-Chatglm),基於本地知識的LLM(例如Chatglm)QA應用程序with langchain
- Wukong -Robot-? wukong-robot 是一個簡單、靈活、優雅的中文語音對話機器人/智能音箱項目,支持
- Autogen-啟用下一代大型語言模型應用程序。加入我們的Discord:https://discord.gg/pabnfjrkgz
- gptdiscord-一個強大的,多合一的GPT接口,用於不和諧。 chatgpt風格的對話,圖像生成,AI模式,自定義索引/知識庫,YouTube摘要等等!
- BOTSHARP- .NET中的AI代理應用程序框架
- Anys-llm-開放源Chatgpt等效體驗,用於開放和關閉源LLM,嵌入式和矢量數據庫。支持無限的文檔,線程和並髮用戶和管理都非常乾淨。
- 魔術 - 創建一個基於自定義CHATGPT的網站聊天機器人
- 抹布 - 通過自然語言在您的數據上建立chatgpt
- Llamasharp-在C#中輕鬆而快速運行Llama/GPT模型!將Llamasharp與語義內核,Unity,WPF和WebApp集成在一起也很容易。
- Open-Custom-GPT-創建自定義GPT並使用助手API在網站上添加/嵌入/嵌入/嵌入
- 微信 - 蘇明 - bot-微信群聊總結助手js版
- WebWhiz -WebWhiz允許您創建一個AI聊天機器人,該機器人了解您的產品,並可以立即響應客戶的查詢。
- Deep -Chat-網站的完全可定制的AI聊天機器人組件
- 微信 - 微信逆向微信逆向
- mplug-owl- [官方實施] mplug-owl&mplug-owl2:阿里巴巴Mllm家族。
- astrbot -qq和qq頻道都可用的chatgpt,bing,claude,huggingchat機器人,支持插件| 原QQCHANELCHATGPT
- casibase - ⚡️Open-source LangChain-like AI knowledge database with web UI,and Enterprise SSO⚡️, supports OpenAI, Azure, HuggingFace, OpenRouter, ChatGLM and local models, chat demo: https://ai.casbin.com, admin portal demo: https://ai.casibase.com
- Ai-Chatbot- vercel構建的全功能,可黑客的Next.js AI聊天機器人
- CHATPDF-與任何PDF聊天。輕鬆上傳您要與之聊天的PDF文檔。即時答案。詢問問題,提取信息並用AI總結文檔。包括來源。
- OpenAssistAntGPT-使用OpenAI API助手構建聊天機器人的開源平台。
- A-Research-Assistant-ARIA是您的AI研究助理,由GPT大型語言模型提供支持
- Aidea -idea是一款支持gpt 以及國產大語言模型通義千問、文心一言等,支持穩定的擴散文生圖、圖生圖、 sdxl1.0 、超分辨率、圖片上色的全能型 app。
- chatgpt-webot-與chatgpt(gpt-3.5或較新)聊天,基於微信接口
- vbot -微信,企微,機器人,企業微信,企微機器人,微信機器人
- org -ai- emacs作為您的個人AI助手。使用LLMS(例如Chatgpt或Llama)進行文本生成或DALL-E以及穩定的擴散進行圖像生成。還支持語音輸入 /輸出。
- Linly-中文1&2,中文falcon 基礎模型;
- gpt-ai輔助 - openai + line + vercel = gpt ai助手
- TS-GPT-基於SpringCloudalibaba開發的雙端GPT應用程序,包括語音對話,繪圖,圖像識別和文本對話
- Chatgpt -Yourchatrobot- QQ/Wechat中的CHATGPT的非官方實施。 一個非官方的chatgpt騰訊QQ/微信(非公眾號)實現版
- 微信 - ?一個基於openai chatgpt +微弱的wechaty實現的微信機器人,可以用來幫助你自動回复微信消息,或者管理微信群/好友,檢測殭屍粉等...
- Chatfred -Alfred Workflow使用Chatgpt,Dall·E 2和其他模型進行聊天,圖像生成等。
- catai -ui for?型號。在當地經營AI助手
- chatgpt-telegram-bot-?AI聊天電報機器人可以使用Zeabur上的Python,Fly.io和Replit在GPT和Claude2.1提供動力的Web搜索。
- Bidara-Bidara是GPT-4聊天機器人,被指示可幫助科學家和工程師使用生物仿製研究所的逐步設計過程來理解,學習和效仿活物來創建可持續設計和技術的策略。
- 射手座-GPT -4/Gemini語音/視頻探索工具
- chat-with-with-github-repo-此存儲庫包含兩個python腳本,這些腳本演示瞭如何使用SpraTlit,OpenAi GPT-3.5-Turbo和Activeloop的Deep Lake創建聊天機器人。
- pandas -ai-與您的數據(SQL,CSV,PANDAS,PORARS,NOSQL等)聊天。 Pandasai使用LLMS(GPT 3.5 / 4,人類,Vertexai)和抹布進行數據分析對話。
- chatgpt-mirai-qq-bot- 一鍵部署!真正的 ai 聊天機器人!支持 支持QQ,電報,不和諧、微信 、微信
- Quivr-您的Genai第二大腦?個人生產力助理(抹布)⚡️?使用Langchain,GPT 3.5 / 4 Turbo,私人,擬人化,Vertexai,Ollama,LLMS與您的文檔(PDF,CSV,...)和應用聊天,您可以與用戶共享!由檢索型發電機提供動力的OpenAi GPTS和CHATGPT的本地和私人替代品。
- SmallTalk-基於tinymstruct的聊天模塊,該模塊與@Openai GPT-3 / 3.5-Turbo / Chatgpt集成。 @TinyStruct
- 女僕 - 女僕是一個跨平台撲朔迷離的應用程序,用於與GGUF / LLAMA.CPP型號接口,以及Ollama和Ollama和Openai型號。
- pandas -ai-與您的數據(SQL,CSV,PANDAS,PORARS,NOSQL等)聊天。 Pandasai使用LLMS(GPT 3.5 / 4,人類,Vertexai)和抹布進行數據分析對話。
- 微弱
- ChatGptAssistantaUtoBlogger-此自動博客使用GPT Assistant的API在電子商務網站上自動ostoblog
- Chaty-一行代碼,滿足您所有的chatgpt想像力
- 微信 - 輔助pro-智能微秘書,一個全能的微信機器人管理平台
- ChatGpt-Telegram-Bot-具有平穩AI體驗的電報機器人。
- nlux-開源react / javascript庫以構建對話ai接口
- chatgpt-line-bot-這是一個存儲庫,可讓您將Chatgpt集成到行中。
- langup -ai -agi社交網絡bot。比利比利| 直播聊天數字人| 視頻@自動回复| 私信機器人| 終端聊天| 語音交互
- 可自定義的GPT-Chatbot-由Django Rest框架構建的動態,可擴展的AI聊天機器人,支持PDF,文檔,網站和YouTube視頻的自定義培訓。利用Openai的GPT-3.5,Pinecone,Faiss和芹菜進行無縫整合和性能。
- Darkgpt-Darkgpt是基於GPT-4-200K(推薦使用)的OSINT助手,旨在在洩漏的數據庫上執行查詢,因此提供了一個人工智能助手,該助手在傳統的OSINT過程中很有用。
- Kuebiko-使用GPT -3和Google Cloud TTS的AI Twitch TTS聊天機器人
- AI -Catalog-巨大的AI模型目錄。跨各個域的AI工具,平台和資源的精選列表。
- 多模式 - Arena-聊天機器人競技場符合多模式!多模式的競技場使您可以並排基準視覺模型,同時提供圖像作為輸入。支持Minigpt-4,Llama-Adapter V2,Llava,Blip-2等!
- 聊天機器人 - 聊天機器人,主流的趨勢都調整到了,主流的趨勢都調整到了gpt類模式,本項目也與時俱進
- Wechatbotcmd -微信機器人wechatbotcmd是一個創新的基於python 3.11開發的項目,通過結合
- Chatgpt-on-CS-基於大模型的智能對話客服工具,支持微信、千牛、嗶哩嗶哩、抖音企業號、抖音、抖店、微博聊天、小紅書專業號運營、小紅書、知乎等平台接入,可選擇gpt3.5/ gpt4.0/懶人百寶箱懶人百寶箱)
- AgentCloud -Agent Cloud就像擁有自己的GPT構建器,並帶有額外的好東西。 GUI功能1)可以在本地嵌入260+數據源的RAG管道2)創建對話應用程序(如GPTS)3)創建多代理流程自動化應用程序(CREWAI)4)工具5)團隊+用戶權限。使用Docker和我們的install.sh快速開始
- OpenLC-使用竊竊私語和LLM(GPT,Claude,et,al)將語音轉錄並轉換為LRC文件。 使用低語和llm(gpt,claude等)來轉錄、翻譯你的音頻為字幕文件。
- Wrest -Chat -微信機器人,PC微信API/BOT/SDK,內置web管理界面
- ChatBot -App-移動專用ChatGpt應用程序,支持GPT3,GPT4和Gemini Pro模型。 擁有自己的移動端chatgpt/gemini應用。
- Chatgpt-on-CS-基於大模型的智能對話客服工具,支持微信、千牛、嗶哩嗶哩、抖音企業號、抖音、抖店、微博聊天、小紅書專業號運營、小紅書、知乎等平台接入,可選擇gpt3.5/ gpt4.0/懶人百寶箱懶人百寶箱)
- MOSS- Fudan University的開源工具增強的對話語言模型
- wa -openai-使用圖書館baileys
- gpt-rassistant-android-免費的chatgpt api的安卓語音助手,可用音量鍵喚起並進行語音交流免費的CHATGPT API語音助手,用於通過音量鍵進行語音交互激活,支持網絡連接,視覺照片識別和問題模板等功能。
- gpt -home-在家chatgpt!基本上是更好的Google Nest Hub或Amazon Alexa家庭助理。使用OpenAI API建立在Raspberry Pi上。
- gpt-computer-rassistant-GPT-4O用於Windows,MacOS和Ubuntu
- nlux- ?????????會話AI JavaScript庫
- 流媒體 - 流媒體 - sales銷冠——— llm大模型??,一個能夠根據給定的商品特點對商品進行解說並激髮用戶的購買意願的賣貨主播模型。內含詳細的數據生成流程❗?另外還集成了lmdeploy 加速推理、 rag rag 加速推理、 tts文字轉語音?
- Chatbase -Alternative-每個網站的CHATGPT。 chatbase,sitegpt,dante ai的替代方案
- Speak -gpt-基於Openai Chatgpt的個人語音助手。
- Incarnamind-通過GPT 3.5,GPT-4 Turbo,Claude和Local開源LLMS連接並與您的多個文檔(PDF和TXT)聯繫並聊天
- 未分析的 - 開源聊天套件,設計用於與AI型號無縫交互的工程。
- discord-llm-chatbot-llmcord.py•與您的朋友與LLMS交談!
- 指示2 -centerg2Act:用大語言模型將多模式指令映射到機器人動作
- Guru -ai-一個簡單而復雜的AI聊天機器人,裝有功能
- VoxelGPT-可以查詢視覺數據集,搜索五十一個文檔並回答一般計算機視覺問題的AI助手
- XYBot - 基于docker和pywxdll hook注入的微信机器人?️!✅高度可自定义! ✅支持自我编写插件!非常多的功能:天气?️、获取新闻?、ChatGPT聊天、Hypixel玩家查询?、随机图片?、随机链接?、随机群成员、五子棋♟️、签到✅、查询积分、积分榜?、积分转送?、积分抽奖?、积分红包?等
- GPTPortal - A feature-rich portal to chat with GPT-4, Claude, Gemini, Mistral, & OpenAI Assistant APIs via a lightweight Node.js web app; supports customizable multimodality for voice, images, & files.
- CreativeChatGLM - 欢迎来到 ChatGLM 创意世界!你可以使用修订和续写的功能来生成创意内容!
- ChatPilot - ChatPilot: 实现AgentChat对话,支持Google搜索、文件网址对话(RAG)、代码解释器功能,复现了Kimi Chat(文件,拖进来;网址,发出来)。
- Whatsapp-Ai-BOT - Introducing the AI Chatbot for WhatsApp - a cutting-edge solution powered by OpenAI's ChatGPT, Playground & DALL·E. This innovative chatbot has been developed using NodeJS technology and leverages the latest advancements in AI to provide an unmatched user experience for WhatsApp today!
- fastui-chat - minimalistic ChatBot Interface in pure python
- pokitoki - Humble GPT Telegram Bot
- openai-chat-api-workflow - ? An Alfred 5 Workflow for using OpenAI Chat API to interact with GPT-3.5/GPT-4 ? It also allows image generation ?️, image understanding ?, speech-to-text conversion ?, and text-to-speech synthesis ?
- AIUI - AIUI is a platform enabling seamless two-way verbal communication with AI.
- OPERA - [CVPR 2024 Highlight] OPERA: Alleviating Hallucination in Multi-Modal Large Language Models via Over-Trust Penalty and Retrospection-Allocation
- bot-on-anything - Connect AI models (like ChatGPT-3.5/4.0, Baidu Yiyan, New Bing, Bard) to apps (like Wechat, public account, DingTalk, Telegram, QQ). 将 ChatGPT、必应、文心一言、谷歌Bard 等对话模型连接各类应用,如微信、公众号、QQ、Telegram、Gmail、Slack、Web、企业微信、飞书、钉钉等。
- psychic - Data integration platform for LLMs. Connect to SaaS tools with turnkey auth and sync documents from N data sources with only one integration
- gpt-computer-assistant - gpt-4o for windows, macos and linux
- OpenAssistantGPT - A Community Open-Source Saas for Crafting/Building/Creating Chatbots with OpenAI's Assistant API that you can add to your website.
- ChatGPT - I've developed a ChatGPT clone using Next.js 14, Shadcn-UI, Prisma ORM, and integrated it with the OpenAI API. It offers a user-friendly conversational AI experience.
- ChatGPT-Linebot-using-python-flask-on-vercel - GPT-Linebot using python flask for vercel
- ComfyUI-GPT_SoVITS - a comfyui custom node for GPT-SoVITS!您現在可以在comfyui中聲音克隆和TTS
- slack-bot - Ready to use Slack bot for lazy developers: start Jenkins jobs, watch Jira tickets, watch pull requests with AI support...
- psychic - Data integration platform for LLMs. Connect to SaaS tools with turnkey auth and sync documents from N data sources with only one integration
- repopack - ? Repopack is a powerful tool that packs your entire repository into a single, AI-friendly file. Perfect for when you need to feed your codebase to Large Language Models (LLMs) or other AI tools like Claude, ChatGPT, and Gemini.
- finic - Data integration platform for LLMs. Connect to SaaS tools with turnkey auth and sync documents from N data sources with only one integration
- llmcord.py - A Discord LLM chat bot that supports any OpenAI compatible API (OpenAI, Mistral, Groq, OpenRouter, ollama, oobabooga, Jan, LM Studio and more)
- django-ai-assistant - Integrate AI Assistants with Django to build intelligent applications
- MindSQL - MindSQL: A Python Text-to-SQL RAG Library simplifying database interactions. Seamlessly integrates with PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite, Snowflake, and BigQuery. Powered by GPT-4 and Llama 2, it enables natural language queries. Supports ChromaDB and Faiss for context-aware responses.
- insights-bot - A bot works with OpenAI GPT models to provide insights for your info flows.
- Babagaboosh - App that lets you have a verbal conversation with OpenAi's GPT 4
- wandbot - wandbot is a technical support bot for Weights & Biases' AI developer tools that can run in Discord, Slack, ChatGPT and Zendesk
- ai-data-analysis-MulitAgent - AI-Driven Research Assistant: An advanced multi-agent system for automating complex research processes. Leveraging LangChain, OpenAI GPT, and LangGraph, this tool streamlines hypothesis generation, data analysis, visualization, and report writing. Perfect for researchers and data scientists seeking to enhance their workflow and productivity.
- lobe-vidol - ? Lobe Vidol - Making Virtual Idols Accessible for EveryOne
- RLAIF-V - RLAIF-V: Aligning MLLMs through Open-Source AI Feedback for Super GPT-4V Trustworthiness
- builderbot - ? Crear Chatbot WhatsApp en minutos. Únete a este proyecto OpenSource
- hey - AI-Powered Pair Programming Friend!
- Auto-Gmail-Creator - Open Source Bulk Auto Gmail Creator Bot with Selenium & Seleniumwire ( Python ). Feel free to contact me with Django/Flask, ML, AI, GPT, Automation, Scraping.
- design-studio - Tiledesk's open-source visual, no-code designer where LLM/GPT AI meets a flexible 'graph' approach. Create conversations and automations effortlessly – a Voiceflow and Botpress alternative.
- chatgpt-voice - Have a conversation with ChatGPT. Casually ? ? ⚡️
- Open-LLaVA-NeXT - An open-source implementation for training LLaVA-NeXT.
- langchain-chatbot - Examples of chatbot implementations with Langchain and Streamlit
- OpsPilot - OpsPilot is an open source intelligent operation and maintenance assistant based on deep learning and LLM technology developed by the WeOps team. OpsPilot是WeOps团队开源的一个基于深度学习与LLM技术的智能运维助理
- whatsapp-ai-bot - This is a WhatsApp AI bot that uses various AI models, including Gemini, GPT, DALL-E, Flux and StabilityAI, to generate responses to user input.
- AI-in-a-Box - AI-in-a-Box leverages the expertise of Microsoft across the globe to develop and provide AI and ML solutions to the technical community. Our intent is to present a curated collection of solution accelerators that can help engineers establish their AI/ML environments and solutions rapidly and with minimal friction.
- Starmoon - An open source voice-enabled, compact, empathic AI hardware + software ? framework for companionship, entertainment, education, pediatric care, IoT robotics applications, AI-enhanced robotics application services, research, and DIY robotics kit development using Python, NextJs, Arduino, ESP32, LLMs (GPT), STT, TTS, Emotion Analysis, AI agent
- LocalAI - ? The free, Open Source alternative to OpenAI, Claude and others.自託管和本地第一。 Drop-in replacement for OpenAI, running on consumer-grade hardware. No GPU required. Runs gguf, transformers, diffusers and many more models architectures. Features: Generate Text, Audio, Video, Images, Voice Cloning, Distributed inference
- bisheng - BISHENG is an open LLM devops platform for next generation Enterprise AI applications. Powerful and comprehensive features include: GenAI workflow, RAG, Agent, Unified model management, Evaluation, SFT, Dataset Management, Enterprise-level System Management, Observability and more.
- agency-swarm - The only reliable agent framework built on top of the latest OpenAI Assistants API.
- ragflow - RAGFlow is an open-source RAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation) engine based on deep document understanding.
- LlamaIndexTS - Data framework for your LLM applications. Focus on server side solution
- repomix - ? Repomix (formerly Repopack) is a powerful tool that packs your entire repository into a single, AI-friendly file. Perfect for when you need to feed your codebase to Large Language Models (LLMs) or other AI tools like Claude, ChatGPT, and Gemini.
- LangBot - 原名 QChatGPT ;?高稳定性、?支持扩展、?多模态的 ChatGPT QQ / QQ频道 / One Bot 机器人? | 支持 OpenAI GPT、Claude、Gemini Pro、DeepSeek、Moonshot(Kimi)、gpt4free、One API、Ollama、dify 的 QQ / QQ频道 / OneBot 机器人 / Agent 平台
- open-im-server - IM Chat ChatGPT
- aws-genai-llm-chatbot - A modular and comprehensive solution to deploy a Multi-LLM and Multi-RAG powered chatbot (Amazon Bedrock, Anthropic, HuggingFace, OpenAI, Meta, AI21, Cohere, Mistral) using AWS CDK on AWS
- podcastfy - An Open Source Python alternative to NotebookLM's podcast feature: Transforming Multimodal Content into Captivating Multilingual Audio Conversations with GenAI
- multi-agent-orchestrator - Flexible and powerful framework for managing multiple AI agents and handling complex conversations
- chat-gpt-google-extension - Free 3DS Primary Entrypoint <=11.2
- chatgpt-retrieval-plugin - The ChatGPT Retrieval Plugin lets you easily search and find personal or work documents by asking questions in everyday language.
- Gepetto - IDA plugin which queries OpenAI's gpt-3.5-turbo language model to speed up reverse-engineering
- google-chatgpt-plugin - @ykdojo awesome @ykdojo! there is already a google chatgpt plugin too ?
- natbot - Drive a browser with GPT-3
- DAILA - A decompiler-unified plugin for accessing the OpenAI API to improve your decompilation experience
- regexplore - Regexplore is a Volatility plugin designed to mimic the functionality of the Registry Explorer plugins in EZsuite
- chat-todo-plugin - ✅ ChatGPT Plugin for managing a TODO list
- textual - Textual is a Rapid Application Development framework for Python.使用簡單的Python API構建複雜的用戶界面。 Run your apps in the terminal and (coming soon) a web browser!
- ReconAIzer - A Burp Suite extension to add OpenAI (GPT) on Burp and help you with your Bug Bounty recon to discover endpoints, params, URLs, subdomains and more!
- Agent-LLM - An Artificial Intelligence Automation Platform. AI Instruction management from various providers, has an adaptive memory, and a versatile plugin system with many commands including web browsing. Supports many AI providers and models and growing support every day.
- web-llm - Bringing large-language models and chat to web browsers.一切都在瀏覽器內部運行,沒有服務器支持。
- langchain-aiplugin - "langchain as an aiplugin"-super cool .@hwchase17 @langchainai this is like giving #chatgpt superpowers as it can now easily use langchain components(agents,chains etc)as plugins. this repo will scale up in no time.example: retrievalqa chain as a plugin
- plugins-quickstart - Get a ChatGPT plugin up and running in under 5 minutes!
- dangermode - Dangermode is a ChatGPT Plugin written with Python and FastAPI that allows ChatGPT to execute code snippets in an IPython session.
- examples - 如果你对如何开发chatgpt plugin感兴趣,推荐看一下这个视频,完整的介绍了:1. 什么是chatgpt plugin2. 如何开发一个langchain文档查询的chatgpt plugin3. 如何安装调试chatgpt plugin视频::
- chat-gpt-jupyter-extension - A browser extension that lets you chat with ChatGPT from any local Jupyter notebook.
- web-stable-diffusion - Bringing stable diffusion models to web browsers.一切都在瀏覽器內部運行,沒有服務器支持。
- ipython-gpt - ipython-gpt - a jupyter/ipython interface to chatgptvery promising extension to chat with chatgpt directly from your jupyter notebook or ipython shell.
- tweetGPT - TweetGPT is a chrome extension that generates tweets and replies using chatGPT
- ChatGPT-pdf - A Chrome extension for downloading your ChatGPT history to PNG, PDF or a sharable link
- chatgpt-chrome-extension - A ChatGPT Chrome extension. Integrates ChatGPT into every text box on the internet.
- summarize.site - Summarize web pages using OpenAI ChatGPT
- transformers.js - Run ? Transformers in your browser!
- bob-plugin-openai-translator - 基于 ChatGPT API 的文本翻译、文本润色、语法纠错 Bob 插件,让我们一起迎接不需要巴别塔的新时代!
- chatgpt-extension - Minimal require.js implements CommonJS
- docGPT - ChatGPT directly within Google Docs as an Editor Add-on ?
- ChatGPT-Assistant - say goodbye to manual extension development with chatgpt! i made this extension automatically with chatgpt. #openai #openaichat
- chatGPTBox - Integrating ChatGPT into your browser deeply, everything you need is here
- YouTube_Summary_with_ChatGPT - YouTube Summary with ChatGPT is a simple Chrome Extension (manifest v3) that allows you to get both YouTube video transcripts and summary of the video with OpenAI's ChatGPT AI technology.
- simpread - 简悦 ( SimpRead ) - 让你瞬间进入沉浸式阅读的扩展
- chatgpt-wechat-landing-page - 一个 Chrome 浏览器插件,通过 ChatGPT 来自动响应微信私信或群聊中 @你 的消息的智能聊天机器人
- WebGPT - Run GPT model on the browser with WebGPU. An implementation of GPT inference in less than ~2000 lines of vanilla Javascript.
- tabSidian - tabSidian gathers your open browser tabs and turns them into a markdown list.
- chatgpt-advanced - WebChatGPT: A browser extension that augments your ChatGPT prompts with web results.
- chatgpt-vscode - A VSCode extension that allows you to use ChatGPT
- openai-translator - 基于 ChatGPT API 的划词翻译浏览器插件和跨平台桌面端应用 - Browser extension and cross-platform desktop application for translation based on ChatGPT API.
- obsidian-textgenerator-plugin - Text generator is a handy plugin for Obsidian that helps you generate text content using GPT-3 (OpenAI).
- logseq-plugin-gpt3-openai - A plugin for GPT-3 AI assisted note taking in Logseq
- chatgpt-arxiv-extension - A browser extension that enhance search engines with ChatGPT
- chatgpt-google-extension - A browser extension that enhance search engines with ChatGPT
- nextjs-chatgpt-app - Responsive chat application powered by OpenAI's GPT-4, with response streaming, code highlighting, various presets for developers. Using Next.js, React, Joy.
- sharegpt - Easily share permanent links to ChatGPT conversations with your friends
- chatgpt-raycast - ChatGPT raycast extension
- GPT-Toolbox - GPT extension for VSCode
- CodeCursor - An extension for using Cursor in Visual Studio Code.
- butler.vim - ? Your butler. A ChatGPT like Vim/Neovim plugin that communicate with the OpenAI APIs
- AgentGPT - ? Assemble, configure, and deploy autonomous AI Agents in your browser.
- gpt-assistant - An experiment to give an autonomous GPT agent access to a browser and have it accomplish tasks
- AutoGPT-Next-Web - ? Assemble, configure, and deploy autonomous AI Agents in your browser.一键免费部署你的私人AutoGPT 网页应用
- chatgpt-plugin-ts - Everything you need to start building ChatGPT Plugins in JS/TS
- whisper_ros - whisper_ros://t.co/rqb3qulyyospeak_ros_voicevox_plugin、ros2があれば音声対話システムが作れますね(vad未実装なので音声認識精度はガバガバですが
- pg_gpt - Experimental extension that brings OpenAI API to your PostgreSQL to run queries in human language.
- kubectl-ai - Kubectl plugin for OpenAI GPT
- ChatGPT_Extension - ChatGPT Extension is a really simple Chrome Extension (manifest v3) that you can access OpenAI's ChatGPT from anywhere on the web.
- ChatGPT - A ChatGPT C# client for MacOS, Windows, Linux, Android, iOS and Browser. Powered by Avalonia UI framework.
- CodeGPT.nvim - CodeGPT is a plugin for neovim that provides commands to interact with ChatGPT.
- ChatGPT.nvim - Neovim plugin for interacting with OpenAI GPT-3 chatbot, providing an easy interface for exploring GPT-3 and NLP.
- mind-wave - Emacs AI plugin based on ChatGPT API
- askgpt.vim - A plugin for Vim that incorporates ChatGPT to allow you to ask questions about your code.
- ChatGPT-Plugins-Collection - An unofficial collection of Plugins for ChatGPT, in any programming language!
- burpgpt - A Burp Suite extension that integrates OpenAI's GPT to perform an additional passive scan for discovering highly bespoke vulnerabilities, and enables running traffic-based analysis of any type.
- openai-chatgpt-everywhere-extension - Sample CSV file
- awesome-chatgpt-plugins - List of interesting resources for building and using ChatGPT plugins.
- Chrome-GPT - An AutoGPT agent that controls Chrome on your desktop
- Auto-GPT-MetaTrader-Plugin - The AutoGPT MetaTrader Plugin is a software tool that enables traders to connect their MetaTrader 4 or 5 trading account to Auto-GPT.
- Auto-GPT-Plugins - Plugins for Auto-GPT
- nextjs-chatgpt-plugin-starter - ChatGPT plugin starter project using Next.js
- sftly-replace - A Chrome extention to replace the selected text softly
- chatgpt-plugin - ?@Solanalabs has developed an open-source reference implementation for a ChatGPT plugin.?The availability of #ChatGPT plugins will enable #Solana users to verify their wallet balances, transfer tokens, and acquire NFTs.?INFO
- bmtools - BMTools: Tool Learning for Big Models, Open-Source Solutions of ChatGPT-Plugins, supports BabyAGI and Auto-GPTgithub:
- pake - The chrome-extension of 900Month is built by AngularJS.
- CopilotForXcode - The missing GitHub Copilot and ChatGPT Xcode Source Editor Extension
- gpt-terminal-plugin - Universal command line plugin for ChatGPT
- smartgpt - A program that provides LLMs with the ability to complete complex tasks using plugins.
- chatgpt-plugin - Build ChatGPT plugins with Cloudflare's Developer Platform ?
- QGPTAgent - The QGPT Agent is a powerful plugin for QGIS that utilizes the advanced natural language processing capabilities of the OpenAI GPT model to automate various processes in QGIS. With this plugin, users can interact with the QGIS software using natural language commands, significantly reducing the time and effort required to complete various tasks.
- dify - One API for plugins and datasets, one interface for prompt engineering and visual operation, all for creating powerful AI applications.
- chatgpt-retrieval-plugin - The ChatGPT Retrieval Plugin lets you easily find personal or work documents by asking questions in natural language.
- GameDealGenie-ChatGPT-Plugin - ChatGPT plugin to get the current deals on PC games from multiple stores. Powered by Cheapshark
- openai-plugin-fastapi - Scott Guthrie の基調講演で紹介された OpenAI プラグインのサンプルコードChatGPT Plugin Quickstart using Python and FastAPI #MSBuild
- ChatGPT-Plugins-Searchable - Make your ChatGPT Plugin store searchable.让你的 ChatGPT 插件商店支持搜索。https://greasyfork.org/scripts/466901-chatgpt-plugins-searchable
- chat-ai-plugin - "The Power of Autonomy in Every Chat." - Transform ChatGPT into a powerful autonomous agent that can independently accomplish complex tasks.
- github-chatGPT-plugin - A ChatGPT plugin to give access to GitHub.
- chatgpt-code-plugin - Code ChatGPT Plugin is a TypeScript Code Analyzer that enables ChatGPT to "talk" with YOUR code
- Auto-GPT-Crypto-Plugin - The AutoGPT Crypto Plugin is a software tool that enables traders to connect their Crypto wallet or exchange to Auto-GPT.
- ChatGPT-Developer-Plugins - Run ChatGPT plugins for free without having access to Plus subscription
- chatgpt-simple-todo-plugin - With this minimal code and instructions, you can get started on developing a ChatGPT Plugin. It's perfect as an example for your first plugin development.
- codeexplain.nvim - A nvim plugin Powered by GPT4ALL for Real-time Code Explanation and Vulnerability Detection (no internet necessary)
- chatgpt-export - A browser bookmarklet for exporting conversations with ChatGPT as markdown files.
- logseq-chatgpt-plugin - A tightly integrated ChatGPT plugin for Logseq.
- autogpt-package - It's like Auto-GPT met Brew. The easiest and fastest way to get started with AutoGPT with any backend of your choice & whatever plugins you may need
- PowerToys4OpenAI - GPT chat extension for Chrome, Edge, and Opera. Direct integration with search results. Full chat interface with history management. No server needed & cost effective.
- napari-chatgpt - A napari plugin to process and analyse images with chatGPT!
- kaguya - A ChatGPT plugin that allows you to load and edit your local files in a controlled way, as well as run any Python, JavaScript, and bash script.
- duckduckgpt - ? DuckDuckGo add-on that brings the magic of ChatGPT to search results (powered by GPT-4!)
- bravegpt - ? Brave Search add-on that brings the magic of ChatGPT to search results (powered by GPT-4!)
- listennotes-chatgpt-plugin - Listen Notes ChatGPT Plugin for AI-powered podcast search. Powered by PodcastAPI.com and Cloudflare Pages.
- chatgpt-github-plugin - This repository contains a plugin for ChatGPT that interacts with the GitHub API. It can fetch information about GitHub repositories, including the list of repositories, branch and files in a repository, and the content of a specific file.
- chatgpt-plugin-clerk-auth - ChatGPT plugin example using Cloudflare Workers and Clerk OAuth2 backend.
- vscode-i-dont-care-about-commit-message - Yet another AI git commit plugin, but without the need for manual confirmation.
- openai-translator - 基于 ChatGPT API 的划词翻译浏览器插件和跨平台桌面端应用 - Browser extension and cross-platform desktop application for translation based on ChatGPT API.
- ais-ninja - A ChatGPT that supports plugins. TG: https://t.me/+bIZncGryj_85MjYx
- openplugin - Seamlessly integrate with OpenAI's ChatGPT plugins via API (or client), offering the same powerful functionality as the ChatGPT api + plugins!
- continue - ⏩ the open-source autopilot for software development—a VS Code extension that brings the power of ChatGPT to your IDE
- GPT-Plugins - GPT-Plugins is a GitHub repository that serves as a comprehensive list of plugins, add-ons, and extensions for ChatGPT, as well as other language models that are compatible with the GPT architecture.
- web5-chatgpt-plugin - A chatGPT plugin that adds web5 code assistance and knowledge to ChatGPT
- chatgpt-plugin - Code interpreter on steroids for ChatGPT. Run any language, any terminal process, use filesystem freely. All with access to the internet.
- awesome-chatgpt-plugins - A curated list of all of the ChatGPT plugins available within ChatGPT plus, includes detailed descriptions and usage docs, as well as unofficial sources of plugins
- meeper - Meeper - is your secretary for any in-browser conference.
- codesherpa - A code interpreter and ChatGPT plugin
- ethgpt - ChatGPT Plugin for Ethereum and EVM dApp / smart contract functionalities
- GodMode - AI Chat Browser: Fast, Full webapp access to ChatGPT / Claude / Bard / Bing / Llama2! I use this 20 times a day.
- Image-To-Text-OCR-extension-for-ChatGPT - Image To Text (OCR) Chrome extension for ChatGPT
- search-recommendations - 搜索推荐词采集与内容生成助手是一款强大的Chrome插件,专为小红书、抖音、B站、知乎、百度、google用户设计。它能够自动收集并显示这些平台的搜索推荐词或联想词,保存下载为csv文件,帮助您更轻松地进行搜索、浏览和发现感兴趣的内容。同时可以利用chatgpt自动化批量生产与采集内容发布到wordpress站点。
- openai.mini - Implement OpenAI APIs and plugin-enabled ChatGPT with open source LLM and other models.
- openplugin - Seamlessly integrate with OpenAI's ChatGPT plugins via API (or client), offering the same powerful functionality as the ChatGPT api + plugins!
- chatgpt-desktop - ChatGPT in windows including AIPRM in it ( for people who can't install it on firefox )
- superpower-chatgpt - ChatGPT with superpowers! Search chat history, create folders, export all chats, pin messages, access thousands of community prompts, incognito mode, language and tone selection, and many more features
- show-me-chatgpt-plugin - Create and edit diagrams in ChatGPT
- ChatGPT-Plugins - Repo for giving ChatGPT the ability to use web browsing, python code execution, and custom plugins
- ChatIDE - AI Coding Assistant in your IDE - ChatGPT (OpenAI) and Claude (Anthropic) in a VSCode extension.
- vim-chatgpt - Vim Plugin For ChatGPT
- obsidian-weaver - Weaver is a useful Obsidian plugin that integrates ChatGPT/GPT-3 into your note-taking workflow. This plugin makes it easy to access AI-generated suggestions and insights within Obsidian, helping you improve your writing and brainstorming process.
- chatgpt-plugins - Official ChatGPT Plugins?
- auto-chatgpt - Automate interaction with the browser version of ChatGPT.
- chatlab - Bringing ChatGPT Plugins to your notebooks
- paperchat - PaperChat - cli, API and ChatGPT plugin to query arXiv's dataset
- chatgpt-microphone - Add voice-to-text and shortcut snippets to ChatGPT
- github-chatgpt-plugin - ChatGPT plugin to interact with anything in GitHub. Install “Chat With Code” from the ChatGPT plugin store.
- eclipse-chatgpt-plugin - An Eclipse plugin that integrates with ChatGPT
- automatic-chatgpt-dan - Browser userscript to automatically send DAN messages to ChatGPT
- sk-nl2ef-plugin - A ChatGPT plugin built with Semantic Kernel that queries a database via natural language. Winner of Microsoft's first Semantic Kernel hackathon in the "Most Useful for the Enterprise" category.
- Awesome-Plugins - Awesome-Plugins is a GitHub repository that serves as a comprehensive list of plugins, add-ons, and extensions for ChatGPT, as well as other language models that are compatible with the GPT architecture.
- Free-personal-AI-Assistant-with-plugin - ? Would you like to use GPT4 with Plugins but don't want to pay $20/month? This is the solution! With this repository you can have free clone of ChatGPT with plugin
- LeanDojoChatGPT - ChatGPT plugin for theorem proving in Lean
- awesome-chatgpt-plugins - Most comprehensive list of ChatGPT Plugins in a single page!
- gp.nvim - GPT.nvim: Neovim AI plugin ~ OpenAI's ChatGPT & Copilot & Speech to text
- LLMBot - 插件概念原型机 /// Agents System/自决策 |类 ChatGpt 插件系统| Gpt-3.5/Gpt-4 |Assistant | Cross-Platform | ? Async | ? Plugin System
- bob-plugin-openai-translator - 基于 ChatGPT API 的文本翻译、文本润色、语法纠错 Bob 插件,让我们一起迎接不需要巴别塔的新时代!Licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
- Openaibot - ⚡️ Build Your Own AssistantBot|? Discord/Slack/Kook/Telegram |? 复刻 ChatGpt 架构 |⛓ ToolCall/FunctionCall|? Plugin Support | ? sh & docker-compose
- LibreChat - Enhanced ChatGPT Clone: Features OpenAI, Bing, Anthropic, OpenRouter, PaLM 2, AI model switching, message search, langchain, DALL-E-3, ChatGPT Plugins, OpenAI Functions, Secure Multi-User System, Presets, completely open-source for self-hosting. More features in development
- pgvecto.rs - Scalable Vector database plugin for Postgres, written in Rust, specifically designed for LLM
- AI-Prompt-Genius - Curate a custom library of AI Prompts
- Ebook-Translator-Calibre-Plugin - A Calibre plugin to translate ebook into a specified language.
- WPeChatGPT - A plugin for IDA that can help to analyze binary file, it is based on the gpt-3.5-turbo model trained by OpenAI, the same as ChatGPT.
- chatgpt-plugin - 云崽qq机器人的chatgpt插件
- chatgpt-google-summary-extension - Chrome extension to view ChatGPT summaries alongside Google search results and YouTube videos, also supports Yahoo! ニュース、PubMed、PMC、NewsPicks、Github、Nikkei、 Bing、Google Patents, and any page summary.
- CodeGPT - JetBrains extension providing access to state-of-the-art LLMs, such as GPT-4, Code Llama, and others, all for free
- ReadSomething - 一个开源的 Chrome 插件,可以将网页转成阅读模式,并且内置了 AI 总结、翻译、Markdown 转换等功能。
- writely - ❤️ A chrome extension as an alternative to Notion AI that goes beyond Notion AI. | 一个替代 Notion AI 的浏览器插件,不止于 Notion AI
- CoDeveloperGPTengine - Co-Developer GPT Engine: creating ChatGPT plugins for developers that allow reading / searching / writing files, executing (build) actions
- neoai.nvim - Neovim plugin for intracting with GPT models from OpenAI
- nonebot_plugin_naturel_gpt - 一个基于NoneBot框架的Ai聊天插件,对接OpenAi文本生成接口,实现了机器人的人格 自定义/切换,聊天记忆等功能
- vim-ai - AI-powered code assistant for Vim. OpenAI and ChatGPT plugin for Vim and Neovim.
- AI-Employe - Create browser automation as if you were teaching a human using GPT-4 Vision.
- raycast-openai-translator - 基于 ChatGPT API 的 Raycast 翻译插件 - Raycast extension for translation based on ChatGPT API.
- AI-Prompt-Genius - Curate a custom library of AI Prompts
- supermemory - Build your own second brain with supermemory.這是您書籤的changpt。使用Chrome擴展名導入推文或保存網站和內容。
- OpenCharacters - Simple little web interface for creating characters and chatting with them. It's basically a single HTML file - no server. Share characters using a link (character data is stored within the URL itself). All chat data is stored in your browser using IndexedDB. Currently supports OpenAI APIs and ~any Hugging Face model.
- py-gpt - Desktop AI Assistant powered by GPT-4, GPT-4 Vision, GPT-3.5, DALL-E 3, Langchain, Llama-index, chat, vision, image generation and analysis, autonomous agents, code and command execution, file upload and download, speech synthesis and recognition, web access, memory, context storage, prompt presets, plugins, assistants & more. Linux, Windows, Mac.
- chatgpt-to-notion - ChatGPT to Notion brings the cleverness of ChatGPT right into your Notion workspace!
- neural - AI Vim/Neovim code generation plugin (OpenAI, ChatGPT, and more)
- Sophia - Effortless plugin and play Optimizer to cut model training costs by 50%. New optimizer that is 2x faster than Adam on LLMs.
- ChatGPT-Gnome-Desktop-Extension - ChatGPT Gnome Desktop Extension | Talk with ChatGPT from your menubar!
- privacy-settings - Guide to privacy settings for most major softwares and services.
- nonebot-plugin-bilichat - 一个通过 OpenAI 来对b站视频进行总结的多功能 B站解析插件
- Raycast-Easydict - A Raycast Extension for looking up words or translating text in an easy way. Support 48+ languages, support Linguee and Youdao dictionary, support OpenAI, DeepL, Google, Bing, Apple, Baidu, Tencent, Volcano, Youdao and Caiyun translation.
- model.nvim - Neovim plugin for interacting with LLM's and building editor integrated prompts.
- BrowserGPT - Command your browser with GPT
- VisualChatGPTStudio - Add chatGPT functionalities directly on Visual Studio
- crawlee-python - Crawlee—A web scraping and browser automation library for Python to build reliable crawlers. Extract data for AI, LLMs, RAG, or GPTs. Download HTML, PDF, JPG, PNG, and other files from websites. Works with BeautifulSoup, Playwright, and raw HTTP. Both headful and headless mode. With proxy rotation.
- supermemory - Build your own second brain with supermemory.這是您書籤的changpt。使用Chrome擴展名導入推文或保存網站和內容。
- Auto-GPT-Plugin-Template - A starting point for developing your own plug-in for Auto-GPT
- joplin-plugin-jarvis - Joplin (note-taking) assistant running a very intelligent system (OpenAI/GPT, Hugging Face, Gemini, Llama, Universal Sentence Encoder, etc.)
- ChatLLM-Web - Chat with LLM like Vicuna totally in your browser with WebGPU, safely, privately, and with no server. Powered by web llm.
- raycast-g4f - Raycast extension to use GPT-4, Llama-3, and more... all for FREE. No API Key required!
- bob-plugin-openai-polisher - 使用 OpenAI API 给文本进行润色和语法纠错的 Bob 插件!完美代替 Grammarly!Licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
- GPT-Prompter - Browser extension to get a fast prompt (of the selected text) for OpenAI`s GPT-3, GPT-4 & ChatGPT API . Available in the Chrome web store and Firefox browser add-ons
- web-llm-chat - Chat with AI large language models running natively in your browser. Enjoy private, server-free, seamless AI conversations.
- chatgpt-advanced - WebChatGPT: A browser extension that augments your ChatGPT prompts with web results.
- linkedIn_auto_jobs_applier_with_AI - LinkedIn_AIHawk is a tool that automates the jobs application process on LinkedIn. Utilizing artificial intelligence, it enables users to apply for multiple job offers in an automated and personalized way.
- Plugin-VoiceGPT - Use ChatGPT instead of Google Assistant
- codecompanion.nvim - A Copilot Chat experience in Neovim, complete with inline assistant. Supports Anthropic, Gemini, Ollama and OpenAI LLMs
- open-assistant-api - The Open Assistant API is a ready-to-use, open-source, self-hosted agent/gpts orchestration creation framework, supporting customized extensions for LLM, RAG, function call, and tools capabilities. It also supports seamless integration with the openai/langchain sdk.
- parrot.nvim - parrot.nvim ? - the plugin that brings stochastic parrots to Neovim. This is a gp.nvim-fork focused on simplicity.
- ChatGPTWizard - A ChatGPT, WriteSonic, YouChat, and Ollama(offline) plug-in for Embarcadero RAD Studio IDE XE5 to 12.1. https://getitnow.embarcadero.com/chatgptwizard
- Auto_Jobs_Applier_AIHawk - Auto_Jobs_Applier_AIHawk is a tool that automates the jobs application process. Utilizing artificial intelligence, it enables users to apply for multiple job offers in an automated and personalized way.
- ai-commits-intellij-plugin - AI Commits for IntelliJ based IDEs/Android Studio.
- ogpt.nvim - Chat with Ollama/Huggingface/TextGen/OpenAI/Gemini/Anthropic GPT Neovim Plugin: Effortless Natural Language Generation with LLM API
- ChatGPTToolkitExtension - 提升 ChatGPT, Gemini, Claude, phind, Groq 網站的使用體驗,提供一些好用功能。像是自動從 URL 填入提示、在回應的地方出現自動提示按鈕。
- LLM_Web_search - An extension for oobabooga/text-generation-webui that enables the LLM to search the web using DuckDuckGo
- DevoxxGenieIDEAPlugin - DevoxxGenie is a plugin for IntelliJ IDEA that uses local LLM's (Ollama, LMStudio, GPT4All, Llama.cpp and Exo) and Cloud based LLMs to help review, test, explain your project code.
- AGiXT - AGiXT is a dynamic AI Agent Automation Platform that seamlessly orchestrates instruction management and complex task execution across diverse AI providers. Combining adaptive memory, smart features, and a versatile plugin system, AGiXT delivers efficient and comprehensive AI solutions.
- AutoGPT-Next-Web - ? Assemble, configure, and deploy autonomous AI Agents in your browser.一键免费部署你的私人AutoGPT 网页应用
- Auto_Jobs_Applier - Auto_Jobs_Applier_AIHawk is a tool that automates the jobs application process. Utilizing artificial intelligence, it enables users to apply for multiple jobs in an automated and personalized way.
- browser-use - Open-Source Web Automation library with any LLM
- Auto_Jobs_Applier - Auto_Jobs_Applier by AIHawk is an Agen that automates the jobs application process. Utilizing artificial intelligence, it enables users to apply for multiple jobs in an automated and personalized way.
- Auto_Jobs_Applier_AI_Agent - Auto_Jobs_Applier_AI_Agent by AIHawk is an AI Agent that automates the jobs application process. Utilizing artificial intelligence, it enables users to apply for multiple jobs in an automated and personalized way.
- zsh_codex - This is a ZSH plugin that enables you to use OpenAI's Codex AI in the command line.
- pipelines - Pipelines: Versatile, UI-Agnostic OpenAI-Compatible Plugin Framework
- Aura -voice-光環就像Siri一樣,但在您的瀏覽器中。針對低延遲響應優化的AI語音助手。
- ChatGPT - Reverse engineered ChatGPT API
- shell_gpt - A command-line productivity tool powered by ChatGPT, will help you accomplish your tasks faster and more efficiently.
- PyChatGPT - ⚡️ Python client for the unofficial ChatGPT API with auto token regeneration, conversation tracking, proxy support and more.
- chatgpt-wrapper - API for interacting with ChatGPT and GPT4 using Python and from Shell.
- chatblade - A CLI Swiss Army Knife for ChatGPT
- Alice - Giving ChatGPT access to a real terminal
- command-ai - AI chatbot in your terminal, powered by OpenAI API
- GPT_Vuln-analyzer - Uses ChatGPT API, Python-Nmap, DNS Recon modules and uses the GPT3 model to create vulnerability reports based on Nmap scan data, and DNS scan information. It can also perform subdomain enumeration to a great extent
- shell-genie - Your wishes are my commands
- DirectAI - ChatGPT queries via OpenAI API in your terminal
- GPTalk - GPT-3 client for Windows and Unix with memories management that supports both text and speech in any language.
- Reptyl - Cross-platform command line shell that supports execution of commands in natural language
- wanna - Shell command launcher with natural language
- datasetGPT - A command-line interface to generate textual and conversational datasets with LLMs.
- chatgpt-cli - fanfou bots
- engshell - An English-language shell for any OS, powered by LLMs
- node-chatgpt-api - A client implementation for ChatGPT and Bing AI. Available as a Node.js module, REST API server, and CLI app.
- chat-gpt-cli - PhantomJS QUnit testrunner which export results to JUnit XML format and coverage to Cobertura XML format to use with CI tools like Jenkins.
- terminalGPT - Get GPT like chatGPT on your terminal
- chatgpt-gsheets - [new] #chatgpt in sheets! ?integrate the #chatgpt #api in @googlesheets in a few clicks, @1littlecoder shows you how!use cases: #seo, #socialmedia, #marketing, you name it! - tutorial: code: cost: $2/million tokens! ?
- gptsh - GPT.sh is a CLI tool built with NodeJs and powered by Open AI's GPT-3. It's main purpose is to translate natural language questions and requests into shell commands.
- chatgpt-api - Node.js client for the official ChatGPT API.
- ChatGPT-Next-Web - 一键拥有你自己的 ChatGPT 网页服务。 One-Click to deploy your own ChatGPT web UI.
- ai-cli - Get answers for CLI commands from GPT3 right from your terminal
- chathub - All-in-one chatbot client
- bing-chat - Node.js client for Bing's new AI-powered search. It's like ChatGPT on steroids
- aicommits - A CLI that writes your git commit messages for you with AI
- opencommit - GPT CLI to auto-generate impressive commits in 1 second ??
- react-native-chatgpt - A React Native wrapper around ChatGPT to seamlessly integrate it with your applications. It handles authentication, streamed responses, and keeping track of conversations. 100% client-side ?
- GPT-Shell - GPT-Shell is an OpenAI based chat-bot that is similar to OpenAI's ChatGPT. Also allows creating Dalle2 images.
- autodoc - Experimental toolkit for auto-generating codebase documentation using LLMs
- commit-assist - Auto generate commit messages using ChatGPT
- ai-shell - A CLI that converts natural language to shell commands.
- doschgpt - A proof-of-concept ChatGPT client for DOS.
- gptcommit - A git prepare-commit-msg hook for authoring commit messages with GPT-3.
- a - CLI tool to generate code from GPT3
- plz-cli - Copilot for your terminal
- aichat - Using ChatGPT/GPT-3.5/GPT-4 in the terminal.
- rusty - GPT-3 powered CLI tool to help you remember bash commands.
- cligpt - cligpt is a command-line interface for interacting with the ChatGPT API from OpenAI.
- ata - Ask the Terminal Anything (ATA): ChatGPT in the terminal
- acli - Assisted command line, powered by Open AI's API
- openaigo - OpenAI GPT3/3.5 ChatGPT API Client Library for Go, simple, less dependencies, and well-tested
- cligpt - ChatGPT but in the terminal
- CodeGPT - A CLI written in Go language that writes git commit messages or do a code review brief for you using ChatGPT AI (gpt-4, gpt-3.5-turbo model) and automatically installs a git prepare-commit-msg hook.
- search - a cli google client written by ai (chatgpt) that bypasses captcha and rate limiting by using the google alerts "preview" feature
- chatgpt-backup - Single client side script to backup your entire ChatGPT conversation history
- PowerShellAI - PowerShell AI module for OpenAI GPT-3 and DALL-E
- chatGPT-shell-cli - Simple shell script to use OpenAI's ChatGPT and DALL-E from the terminal. No Python or JS required.
- chatgpt-shell - Minimal ChatGPT and DALL-E Emacs shells
- client - ⚡️ OpenAI PHP is a supercharged community-maintained PHP API client that allows you to interact with OpenAI API.
- slickgpt - SlickGPT is a light-weight "use-your-own-API-key" web client for the OpenAI API written in Svelte. It offers GPT-4 integration, a userless share feature and other superpowers.
- chatgpt-ui - A ChatGPT web client that supports multiple users, multiple database connections for persistent data storage, supports i18n. Provides Docker images and quick deployment scripts.
- openai-java - OpenAI GPT-3 Api Client in Java
- hfuzz - Wordlist for web fuzzing, made from a variety of reliable sources including: result from my pentests, git.rip, ChatGPT, Lex, nuclei templates, web-scanners, seclist, bo0m, and more.
- the-art-of-command-line - Master the command line, in one page
- auto-copilot-cli - Auto Copilot is a CLI tool that uses OpenAI models to generate commands for the terminal and file system operations to achieve a goal.
- DelphiOpenAI - OpenAI API client for Delphi. Use ChatGPT, DALL-E and other products.
- free-chatgpt-client-pub - A free chatgpt client, now Supported online search.no need for a key, no need to log in.Multi-node automatic speed measurement switch,Long text translation with no word limit, AI graphics.免费的chatgpt客户端,已支持联网搜索,无需密钥,无需登录,多节点自动测速切换,长文翻译不限字数,AI出图
- duet-gpt - A conversational semi-autonomous developer assistant. AI pair programming without the copypasta.
- elia - A terminal ChatGPT client built with Textual
- README-AI - CLI tool that generates beautiful and informative README Markdown files. Powered by OpenAI's GPT APIs ?
- openai-powershell-samples - Launched my @OpenAI/@Azure PowerShell Samples! With the PowerShellAI module, you'll have the power of ChatGPT at your fingertips. Explore the samples in Polyglot Interactive Notebooks. Let's redefine what's possible with AI! ? #PowerShell #MSBuild
- TermGPT - Giving LLMs like GPT-4 the ability to plan and execute terminal commands
- chatgpt-cli - Simple yet effective command line client for chatting with ChatGPT using the official API
- OpenAIR - OpenAI R client
- ChatGPT-Midjourney - ? 一键拥有你自己的 ChatGPT+Midjourney 网页服务 Own your own ChatGPT+Midjourney web service with one click
- termGPT - A simple wrapper to call openAI's chatGPT on the terminal written in Python
- Chat2DB - An intelligent and versatile general-purpose SQL client and reporting tool for databases which integrates ChatGPT capabilities.(智能的通用数据库SQL客户端和报表工具)
- llm-toolbox - LLM-Toolbox is a versatile collection of command-line interface (CLI) tools that utilize AI to perform various tasks, including proofreading, identifying appropriate shell commands, generating automatic commit messages, and more.
- chatgpt.js - ? A powerful client-side JavaScript library for ChatGPT
- Clippy - Clippy by FireCube.
- aider - aider is GPT powered coding in your terminal
- SaaS-Template-GPT - ? Wasp- immediately started with a SaaS template that includes social/email login, GPT/Stripe integration, cron jobs, ... → super fast start⚡️-
wasp db
CLI command is also a nice touch, immediately starts a local Postgres db in the background - openai-cli - A universal cli for OpenAI, written in BASH.
- Chat2DB - An intelligent and versatile general-purpose SQL client and reporting tool for databases which integrates ChatGPT capabilities.(智能的通用数据库SQL客户端和报表工具)
- gpt-web-terminal - Open ChatGPT with Programmer's Approach! GPT Terminal is a platform that allows you to communicate with GPT in a terminal.
- chatgpt-web - ChatGPT Web One-click deployment
- tgpt - ChatGPT in terminal without needing API keys
- chatgpt-cli - ChatGPT CLI is an advanced command-line interface for OpenAI's ChatGPT, offering streaming, query mode, and history tracking for seamless and context-aware conversations. Ideal for both users and developers, it provides advanced configuration and easy setup options to ensure a tailored conversational experience with the GPT model.
- lobe-commit - ? Lobe Commit is a CLI tool that uses Langchain/ChatGPT to generate Gitmoji-based commit messages
- SuperSummarizeAI - Unleash the power of AI with SuperSummarizeAI! Effortlessly extract, condense, and clip content from webpages and YouTube videos using ChatGPT. Turning endless streams of content into digestible summaries.
- minion - The easiest and most lightweight way for developers to use ChatGPT in a CLI.
- chai-ruby - cd into the directory open in GNOME Files with a terminal emulator of your choice
- llm-code-interpreter - Powered by AI Playgrounds by E2B. Code interpreter on steroids for ChatGPT. Run any language, any terminal process, use filesystem freely. All with access to the internet.
- lobe-chat - ? Lobe Chat - an open-source, extensible (Function Calling), high-performance chatbot framework. It supports one-click free deployment of your private ChatGPT/LLM web application.
- paperify - Transform any document, web page, or eBook into a research paper (ChatGPT not required)
- cli - BashSenpai is a terminal assistant powered by ChatGPT.
- unit-runtime - Unit Runtime 是一个 ChatGPT 等 AI 代码的运行环境,可一键启动并实时交互,帮助您快速构建和测试 AI 代码。Unit Runtime is an efficient and user-friendly AI code execution environment that allows for one-click startup and real-time interaction, helping you quickly build and test AI code.
- aih - Talk to AI modes in terminal. Bard|GPT3.5|Claude2|Llama2|Falcon180
- Sense - OpenAI client for Android with ChatGPT support
- sparrow - ChatGPT Style client-compatible Backend Server, open source implementation.
- chatgpt-md-translator - CLI to translate Markdown docs using ChatGPT API
- ollama-webui - ChatGPT-Style Responsive Chat Web UI Client (GUI) for Ollama ?
- BibiGPT-v1 - BibiGPT v1 · one-Click AI Summary for Audio/Video & Chat with Learning Content: Bilibili | YouTube | Tweet丨TikTok丨Dropbox丨Google Drive丨Local files | Websites丨Podcasts | Meetings | Lectures, etc. 音视频内容 AI 一键总结 & 对话:哔哩哔哩丨YouTube丨推特丨小红书丨抖音丨快手丨百度网盘丨阿里云盘丨网页丨播客丨会议丨本地文件等 (原 BiliGPT 省流神器 & AI课代表)
- open-interpreter - OpenAI's Code Interpreter in your terminal, running locally
- chatgpt-java - ChatGPT Java SDK支持流式输出、Gpt插件、联网。支持OpenAI官方所有接口。ChatGPT的Java客户端。OpenAI GPT-3.5-Turb GPT-4 Api Client for Java
- llm-workflow-engine - Power CLI and Workflow manager for LLMs (core package)
- openai-kotlin - OpenAI API client for Kotlin with multiplatform and coroutines capabilities.
- sqlchat - Chat-based SQL Client and Editor for the next decade
- ShellGPT - ShellGPT is a free chatgpt client, now Supported online search.no need for a key, no need to log in.Multi-node automatic speed measurement switch,Long text translation with no word limit, AI graphics.免费的chatgpt客户端,已支持联网搜索,无需密钥,无需登录,多节点自动测速切换,长文翻译不限字数,AI出图
- gptel - A simple LLM client for Emacs
- OpenAI-DotNet - A Non-Official OpenAI RESTful API Client for DotNet
- every-chatgpt-gui - Every front-end GUI client for ChatGPT
- yai - Your AI powered terminal assistant.
- gpt-cli - Command-line interface for ChatGPT, Claude and Bard
- Gemini - The open source implementation of Gemini, the model that will "eclipse ChatGPT" by Google
- MoneyPrinterTurbo - 利用AI大模型,一键生成高清短视频 Generate short videos with one click using AI LLM.
- zap-gpt - Este projeto explora a integração do ChatGPT com o WhatsApp, transformando o chatbot em um assistente virtual capaz de realizar tarefas como falar com amigos, responder a perguntas de clientes, e muito mais, com um toque de humanização nas conversas.
- zap-gpt-free - Este projeto explora a integração do ChatGPT com o WhatsApp, transformando o chatbot em um assistente virtual capaz de realizar tarefas como falar com amigos, responder a perguntas de clientes, e muito mais, com um toque de humanização nas conversas.
- chatAir - ☁️A native Android client for OpenAI and Gemini ☁️OpenAI 和 Gemini 的原生安卓客户端
- matrix-chatgpt-bot - Talk to ChatGPT via any Matrix client!
- lobe-cli-toolbox - ? Lobe CLI Toolbox - AI CLI Toolbox, enhancing git commit and i18n workflow efficiency
- openai-scala-client - Scala client for OpenAI API
- ChatGPTCLIBot - ChatGPT Bot in CLI with long term memory support using Embeddings.
- openai4j - Java client library for OpenAI API.Full support for all OpenAI API models including Completions, Chat, Edits, Embeddings, Audio, Files, Assistants-v2, Images, Moderations, Batch, and Fine-tuning.
- json-translator - jsontt - AI JSON Translator with GPT + other FREE translation modules to translate your json/yaml files into other languages ✅ Check Readme ✌ Supports GPT / DeepL / Google / Bing / Libre / Argos
- gptme - Chat with LLMs equipped with local tools: executes python and bash, edits local files, browses the web.
- Apt - AI Productivity Tool - Free and open-source, enhancing user productivity while ensuring privacy and data security. It provides efficient and convenient AI solutions, including but not limited to: built-in exclusive ChatGPT, one-click batch intelligent processing of images and videos, and more.
- chatgpt-subtitle-translator - Efficient translation tool based on ChatGPT API
- tenere - TUI interface for LLMs written in Rust
- Chat2DB - AI-driven database tool and SQL client, The hottest GUI client, supporting MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, DB2, SQL Server, DB2, SQLite, H2, ClickHouse, and more.
- OpenHands - ? OpenHands: Code Less, Make More
- ai-digest - A CLI tool to aggregate your codebase into a single Markdown file for use with Claude Projects or custom ChatGPTs.
- web-mirai-panel - ? Web UI 一键配置 ChatGPT Mirai QQ Bot 机器人,支持多实例管理,配置编辑,文件提交,健康检查,终端执行,支持密码访问。 ? Web UI of ChatGPT Mirai QQ Bot robot, support for multi-instance management, configuration editing, file submission, health check, terminal execution, support for password access.
- Nexior - One click to deploy your own AI Application Web UI, including GPT, Midjourney, ChatDoc, QrArt and easily earn profits.
- aider - aider is AI pair programming in your terminal
- laravel - ⚡️ OpenAI PHP for Laravel is a supercharged PHP API client that allows you to interact with OpenAI API
- WrenAI - Open-source SQL AI Agent for Text-to-SQL. Supporting PostgreSQL, DuckDB, MySQL, MS SQL, ClickHouse, Trino, JSON, CSV, Parquet data sources, and more!
- Queryable - Run OpenAI's CLIP and Apple's MobileCLIP model on iOS to search photos.
- ChatGPTs - ? 一键拥有你自己的ChatGPT+众多AI网页服务 | One click access to your own ChatGPT+numerous AI web services
- ChatAny - ? 一键拥有你自己的 ChatGPT+众多AI 网页服务 | One click access to your own ChatGPT+Many AI web services
- ChatAny - ? 一键拥有你自己的 ChatGPT+众多AI 网页服务 | One click access to your own ChatGPT+Many AI web services
- cz-git - cz-git | czg DX first and more engineered, lightweight, customizable, standard output format Commitizen adapter and CLI
- cherry-studio - ? Cherry Studio is a desktop client that supports for multiple LLM providers
- plandex - AI driven development in your terminal. Designed for large, real-world tasks.
- PDFMathTranslate - PDF scientific paper translation with preserved formats - 基于 AI 完整保留排版的 PDF 文档全文双语翻译,支持 Google/DeepL/Ollama/OpenAI 等服务,提供 CLI/GUI/Docker
- gpt-engineer - Platform to experiment with the AI Software Engineer. Terminal based. NOTE: Very different from https://gptengineer.app
- whisper-ctranslate2 - Whisper command line client compatible with original OpenAI client based on CTranslate2.
- PaLM-rlhf-pytorch - Implementation of RLHF (Reinforcement Learning with Human Feedback) on top of the PaLM architecture. Basically ChatGPT but with PaLM
- minGPT - A minimal PyTorch re-implementation of the OpenAI GPT (Generative Pretrained Transformer) training
- mm-cot - Official implementation for "Multimodal Chain-of-Thought Reasoning in Language Models" (stay tuned and more will be updated)
- picoGPT - An unnecessarily tiny implementation of GPT-2 in NumPy.
- gpt-neox - An implementation of model parallel autoregressive transformers on GPUs, based on the DeepSpeed library.
- GPTZero - An open-source implementation of GPTZero
- SpikeGPT - Implementation of "SpikeGPT: Generative Pre-trained Language Model with Spiking Neural Networks"
- ml-ane-transformers - Reference implementation of the Transformer architecture optimized for Apple Neural Engine (ANE)
- memorizing-transformers-pytorch - Implementation of Memorizing Transformers (ICLR 2022), attention net augmented with indexing and retrieval of memories using approximate nearest neighbors, in Pytorch
- lit-llama - Implementation of the LLaMA language model based on nanoGPT.支持閃光注意力,INT8和GPTQ 4BIT量化,Lora和Llama-Adapter微調,預訓練。 Apache 2.0許可。
- large-model-parallelism - Functional local implementations of main model parallelism approaches
- bloomz.cpp - C++ implementation for BLOOM
- swift-coreml-transformers - Swift Core ML 3 implementations of GPT-2, DistilGPT-2, BERT, and DistilBERT for Question answering. Other Transformers coming soon!
- lit-parrot - Implementation of the StableLM/Pythia/INCITE language models based on nanoGPT. Supports flash attention, LLaMA-Adapter fine-tuning, pre-training. Apache 2.0許可。
- gpt-code-ui - An open source implementation of OpenAI's ChatGPT Code interpreter
- DragGAN - Online Demo and Implementation of DragGAN - "Drag Your GAN: Interactive Point-based Manipulation on the Generative Image Manifold"
- femtoGPT - Pure Rust implementation of a minimal Generative Pretrained Transformer
- lit-gpt - Hackable implementation of state-of-the-art open-source LLMs based on nanoGPT.支持閃光注意力,INT8和GPTQ 4BIT量化,Lora和Llama-Adapter微調,預訓練。 Apache 2.0許可。
- exllama - A more memory-efficient rewrite of the HF transformers implementation of Llama for use with quantized weights.
- AStarNet - Official implementation of A* Networks
- codeinterpreter-api - Open source implementation of the ChatGPT Code Interpreter ?
- Local-Code-Interpreter - A local implementation of OpenAI's ChatGPT Code Interpreter.
- ChatPiXiu - ChatPiXiu: Docs of OpenLLMAI. Survey, reproduction and domain/task adaptation of open source chatgpt alternatives/implementations. PiXiu-貔貅 means fortune.
- vall-e - PyTorch implementation of VALL-E(Zero-Shot Text-To-Speech), Reproduced Demo https://lifeiteng.github.io/valle/index.html
- textgen - TextGen: Implementation of Text Generation models, include LLaMA, BLOOM, GPT2, BART, T5, SongNet and so on. 文本生成模型,实现了包括LLaMA,ChatGLM,BLOOM,GPT2,Seq2Seq,BART,T5,UDA等模型的训练和预测,开箱即用。
- LaMDA-rlhf-pytorch - Open-source pre-training implementation of Google's LaMDA in PyTorch. Adding RLHF similar to ChatGPT.
- langchain - Elixir implementation of a LangChain style framework.
- kan-gpt - The PyTorch implementation of Generative Pre-trained Transformers (GPTs) using Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks (KANs) for language modeling
- TextRL - Implementation of ChatGPT RLHF (Reinforcement Learning with Human Feedback) on any generation model in huggingface's transformer (blommz-176B/bloom/gpt/bart/T5/MetaICL)
- ShareGPT4Video - An official implementation of ShareGPT4Video: Improving Video Understanding and Generation with Better Captions
- GPT2 - PyTorch Implementation of OpenAI GPT-2
- T2M-GPT - (CVPR 2023) Pytorch implementation of “T2M-GPT: Generating Human Motion from Textual Descriptions with Discrete Representations”
- stable-baselines3 - PyTorch version of Stable Baselines, reliable implementations of reinforcement learning algorithms.
- WhisperLive - A nearly-live implementation of OpenAI's Whisper.
- GenAI_Agents - This repository provides tutorials and implementations for various Generative AI Agent techniques, from basic to advanced.它是構建智能,交互式AI系統的綜合指南。
- Hello-Python - Curso para aprender el lenguaje de programación Python desde cero y para principiantes. Más de 30 clases, 25 horas en vídeo, código y grupo de chat. Desde sus fundamentos hasta la creación de un API Backend con base de datos y más...
- notebooks - code for deep learning courses
- gpt4all-colab - gpt4all (the best chatgpt clone) running locally and on colab tutorial - - to @camenduru's colab -
- X-Decoder - Tutorials and programming exercises for learning Q# and quantum computing
- AI-Powered-Video-Tutorial-Generator - Create AI-Generated Video Tutorials with Character Animation and Slides!
- semantic-kernel-rag-chat - Tutorial for ChatGPT + Enterprise Data with Semantic Kernel, OpenAI, and Azure Cognitive Search
- alexa-gpt - A tutorial on how to use ChatGPT in Alexa
- qxresearch-event-1 - Python hands on tutorial with 50+ Python Application (10 lines of code) @xiaowuc2
- leedl-tutorial - 《李宏毅深度学习教程》,PDF下载地址:https://github.com/datawhalechina/leedl-tutorial/releases
- bpf-developer-tutorial - Learn eBPF by examples | eBPF 开发者教程与知识库:通过小工具和示例一步步学习 eBPF,包含性能、网络、安全等多种应用场景
- tensorflow-nlp-tutorial - tensorflow를 사용하여 텍스트 전처리부터, Topic Models, BERT, GPT, LLM과 같은 최신 모델의 다운스트림 태스크들을 정리한 Deep Learning NLP 저장소입니다.
- langchain-kr - LangChain 공식 Document, Cookbook, 그 밖의 실용 예제를 바탕으로 작성한 한국어 튜토리얼입니다. 본 튜토리얼을 통해 LangChain을 더 쉽고 효과적으로 사용하는 방법을 배울 수 있습니다.
- llm-python - Large Language Models (LLMs) tutorials & sample scripts, ft. langchain, openai, llamaindex, gpt, chromadb & pinecone
- Play-with-LLMs - Tutorial on training, evaluating LLM, as well as utilizing RAG, Agent, Chain to build entertaining applications with LLMs.分享如何训练、评估LLMs,如何基于RAG、Agent、Chain构建有趣的LLMs应用。
- zero_to_gpt - Go from no deep learning knowledge to implementing GPT.
- BioGPT - microsoft research has released biogpt, a large language model trained on biomedical research literature. the model achieves better-than-human performance on answering questions from the biomedical literature, as evaluated on pubmedqa. the code for the …
- stanford_alpaca - Code and documentation to train Stanford's Alpaca models, and generate the data.
- openai-python - The OpenAI Python library provides convenient access to the OpenAI API from applications written in the Python language.
- FlexGen - Running large language models on a single GPU for throughput-oriented scenarios.
- RWKV-LM - RWKV is an RNN with transformer-level LLM performance. It can be directly trained like a GPT (parallelizable). So it's combining the best of RNN and transformer - great performance, fast inference, saves VRAM, fast training, "infinite" ctx_len, and free sentence embedding.
- mario-gpt - Generating Mario Levels with GPT2. Code for the paper "MarioGPT: Open-Ended Text2Level Generation through Large Language Models" https://arxiv.org/abs/2302.05981
- bilingual_book_maker - Make bilingual epub books Using AI translate
- llm-security - New ways of breaking app-integrated LLMs
- GLM-130B - GLM-130B: An Open Bilingual Pre-Trained Model (ICLR 2023)
- trlx - A repo for distributed training of language models with Reinforcement Learning via Human Feedback (RLHF)
- ChatGLM-6B - ChatGLM-6B:开源双语对话语言模型 | An Open Bilingual Dialogue Language Model
- GPTSAN - General-purpose Swich transformer based Japanese language model
- gpt-2 - Code for the paper "Language Models are Unsupervised Multitask Learners"
- gptlang - A new programming language implemented by GPT-4.
- BIG-bench - Beyond the Imitation Game collaborative benchmark for measuring and extrapolating the capabilities of language models
- hlb-gpt - Minimalistic, fast, and experimentation-friendly researcher's toolbench for GPT-like models in ~<365 lines of code. Reaches <3.8 validation loss on wikitext-103 on a single A100 in ~138 seconds.
- hn_summary - Summarizes top stories from Hacker News using a large language model and post them to a Telegram channel.
- transformers - ? Transformers: State-of-the-art Machine Learning for Pytorch, TensorFlow, and JAX.
- self-instruct - Aligning pretrained language models with instruction data generated by themselves.
- knowledge_gpt - Accurate answers and instant citations for your documents.
- lqae - Language Quantized AutoEncoders
- stanford_alpaca - Code and documentation to train Stanford's Alpaca models, and generate the data.
- fib - are bloom, opt-175b, t0, and gpt-neox "factually consistent"? new preprint! we introduce fib - the factual inconsistency benchmark - and evaluate 23 llms. work done with @anisham197 @byryuer @mohitban47 @colinraffel? ? ?
- petals - ? Run 100B+ language models at home, BitTorrent-style. Fine-tuning and inference up to 10x faster than offloading
- emailGPT - a quick and easy interface to generate emails with ChatGPT
- gpt3-contextual - Contextual chat with GPT-3 model of OpenAI API
- camel - CAMEL: Communicative Agents for “Mind” Exploration of Large Scale Language Model Society
- pubmed-gpt - Use gpt to summarize abstracts for a pubmed query
- haltt4llm - This project is an attempt to create a common metric to test LLM's for progress in eliminating hallucinations which is the most serious current problem in widespread adoption of LLM's for many real purposes.
- olm-datasets - Pipeline for pulling and processing online language model pretraining data from the web
- sat-reading - new blog: language models vs. the sat reading test! they score ~90%, and flan-t5 does as well as gpt-3.5! finetuning even better!all the deets: available here, including a new huggingface dataset with questions (+models):
- tenetlang - A GPT-Designed Language Built for Humans
- ebook-GPT-translator - Enjoy reading with your favorite style.
- srt-gpt-translator - Subtitle translator
- datasloth - Natural language Pandas queries and data generation powered by GPT-3
- trl - Train transformer language models with reinforcement learning.
- ChatGPT-vs.-BERT - ?[ChatGPT4NLU] A Comparative Study on ChatGPT and Fine-tuned BERT
- unilm - Large-scale Self-supervised Pre-training Across Tasks, Languages, and Modalities
- document.ai - 基于向量数据库与GPT3.5的通用本地知识库方案(A universal local knowledge base solution based on vector database and GPT3.5)
- LAVIS - LAVIS - A One-stop Library for Language-Vision Intelligence
- gpt-subtrans - Project using OpenAI/ChatGPT to translate subtitle files
- paper-qa - LLM Chain for answering questions from documents with citations
- guardrails - Adding guardrails to large language models.
- chatgpt-document-extraction - A proof of concept tool for using ChatGPT to transform messy text documents into structured JSON
- h2ogpt - Come join the movement to make the world's best open source GPT led by H2O.ai
- LLMZoo - ⚡LLM Zoo is a project that provides data, models, and evaluation benchmark for large language models.⚡
- INSIGHT - INSIGHT is an autonomous AI that can do medical research!
- h2o-llmstudio - H2O LLM Studio - a framework and no-code GUI for fine-tuning LLMs
- nlp-resume-parser - NLP-powered, GPT-3 enabled Resume Parser from PDF to JSON.
- chatgpt-clone - ChatGPT interface with better UI
- camel - ? CAMEL: Communicative Agents for “Mind” Exploration of Large Scale Language Model Society
- auto-redteam - Redteaming LLMs using other LLMs
- self-ask - Code and data for "Measuring and Narrowing the Compositionality Gap in Language Models"
- llm-lobbyist - Code for the paper: "Large Language Models as Corporate Lobbyists" (2023).
- Transformers-Tutorials - This repository contains demos I made with the Transformers library by HuggingFace.
- dsp - ???: Demonstrate-Search-Predict. A framework for composing retrieval and language models for knowledge-intensive NLP.
- OpenAGI - OpenAGI: When LLM Meets Domain Experts
- GraphGPT - Extrapolating knowledge graphs from unstructured text using GPT-3 ♂️
- backend-GPT - 6/ "gpt is all you need for the backend" : use an llm to help you write a backendwired: llm is the backendinspiring project from a recent scale hackathon. the llm backend takes state as json blob and modifies it based on... english description.
- gpt-commit-summarizer - gpt based tool that writes the commit message for you
- tesseract.js - Pure Javascript OCR for more than 100 Languages ??
- subtitle-translator - Translate subtitle using ChatGPT
- vault-ai - OP Vault ChatGPT: Give ChatGPT long-term memory using the OP Stack (OpenAI + Pinecone Vector Database). Upload your own custom knowledge base files (PDF, txt, etc) using a simple React frontend.
- ai-code-translator - Use AI to translate code from one language to another.
- chatgpt-i18n - Translate your locale json files with AI assistance.
- flux - LLM Power Tool
- platform - @erikschluntz when i initially played with gpt-3 agents in the summer of last year (you can see an example here: whereby you can give a gpt-3 agent with access to a javascript repl a goal to accomplish), that's where i ended up, and i didn't think it was that…
- minds - MindsJS - Build AI powered workflows easily
- FreedomGPT - This codebase is for a React and Electron-based app that executes the FreedomGPT LLM locally (offline and private) on Mac and Windows using a chat-based interface (based on Alpaca Lora)
- chart-gpt - AI tool to build charts based on text input
- alpaca.cpp - Locally run an Instruction-Tuned Chat-Style LLM
- ChatARKit - Using ChatGPT to create AR experiences with natural language.
- alpaca.cpp - Locally run an Instruction-Tuned Chat-Style LLM (Android/Linux/Windows/Mac)
- rust-bert - Rust native ready-to-use NLP pipelines and transformer-based models (BERT, DistilBERT, GPT2,...)
- PentestGPT - A GPT-empowered penetration testing tool
- gpttools - gpttools extends gptstudio for package development to help you document code, write tests, or even explain code
- semantic-kernel - Integrate cutting-edge LLM technology quickly and easily into your apps
- CoCoGen - there are nlp tasks in which codex performs better than gpt-3 and t5,if you convert the nl problem into pseudo-python!: appear in #emnlp2022)work led by @aman_madaan , with @shuyanzhxyc yiming yang @gneubig and me
- github-summarizer - A PHP GitHub summarizer using Chat GPT.
- LSL-snippets - Small scripts written (or modified) by me, in Linden Scripting Language (LSL), for Second Life.
- HealthGPT - Query your Apple Health data with natural language ?
- pdf-epub-GPT-translator - learn python + flask
- gpt-3 - GPT-3: Language Models are Few-Shot Learners
- GPT-4-LLM - nice summary of our "instruction tuning with gpt-4!" @omarsar0 generated instruction-following & feedback data is released, leading to superior self-instruct llms. stay tuned while we are pushing more into the github repo.
- siri-chatgpt - now you can transform siri into the real #chatgpt! simply download this shortcut (link in repo ) to your iphone, edit its script in the shortcuts app (ie paste your api key into the text box), and say, "hey siri, chatgpt". ask your favorite question!
- gpt-jargon - Jargon is a natural language programming language specified and executed by LLMs like GPT-4.
- practical-llms - #aiscllmworkshopa quick way to go from zero to dangerous (like, be able to confidently bullshit like chatgpt, but also quickly ramp up on how to go from idea to product with the latest & greatest in llm, with 9 continuous hours of hour-long presentations!
- happycommit - HappyCommit is a delightful tool that harnesses the power of OpenAI's GPT-3.5 Turbo language model to generate meaningful and descriptive Git commit messages for you.
- JamesGPT - Jailbreak for ChatGPT: Predict the future, opine on politics and controversial topics, and assess what is true. May help us understand more about LLM Bias
- ChatPaper - Use ChatGPT to summarize the arXiv papers. 全流程加速科研,利用chatgpt进行论文总结+润色+审稿+审稿回复
- minichain - Sequence-to-sequence model with LSTM encoder/decoders and attention
- AutoPR - Fix issues with AI-generated pull requests, powered by ChatGPT
- privateGPT - Interact privately with your documents using the power of GPT, 100% privately, no data leaks
- SalesGPT - Context-aware AI Sales Agent to automate sales outreach.
- automated-interpretability - LLMs Can Explain Neurons in Other LLMsExplain GPT-2 neuron's behavior by showing GPT-4 (token, activation) pairsSimulate neuron's activations based on explanation w/ GPT-4Score explanation based on how well simulated activations match real activations
- evalplus - EvalPlus for rigourous evaluation of LLM-synthesized code
- chat2plot - chat to visualization with LLM
- databerry - The no-code platform for building custom LLM Agents
- guidance - A guidance language for controlling large language models.
- SmartPilot - A Python program leveraging OpenAI's language models to generate, analyze, and select the best answer to a given question.
- developer - with 100k context windows on the way, it's now feasible for every dev to have their own smol developer
- pyllms - Minimal Python library to connect to LLMs (OpenAI, Anthropic, AI21, Cohere, Aleph Alpha, HuggingfaceHub, Google PaLM2, with a built-in model performance benchmark.
- llm-numbers - Numbers every LLM developer should know
- StructGPT - The code and data for "StructGPT: A general framework for Large Language Model to Reason on Structured Data"
- scikit-llm - Seamlessly integrate powerful language models like ChatGPT into scikit-learn for enhanced text analysis tasks.
- zeno-build - Build, evaluate, analyze, and understand LLM-based apps
- privateGPT - Interact privately with your documents using the power of GPT, 100% privately, no data leaks
- Chat-with-Document-s-using-ChatGPT-API-and-Text-Embedding - Chat with Document(s) using ChatGPT API and Text Embedding
- qlora - QLoRA: Efficient Finetuning of Quantized LLMs
- BriefGPT - Locally hosted tool that connects documents to LLMs for summarization and querying, with a simple GUI.
- XrayGPT - XrayGPT: Chest Radiographs Summarization using Medical Vision-Language Models.
- Voyager - An Open-Ended Embodied Agent with Large Language Models
- gorilla - Gorilla: An API store for LLMs
- sudolang-llm-support - SudoLang LLM Support for VSCode
- azure-search-openai-demo - A sample app for the Retrieval-Augmented Generation pattern running in Azure, using Azure Cognitive Search for retrieval and Azure OpenAI large language models to power ChatGPT-style and Q&A experiences.
- infiniteGPT - InfiniteGPT is a Python script that lets you input an unlimited size text into the OpenAI API. No more tedious copy & pasting. Long live multithreading!
- ToolBench - An open platform for training, serving, and evaluating large language model for tool learning.
- localGPT - Chat with your documents on your local device using GPT models. No data leaves your device and 100% private.
- azure-search-openai-demo-csharp - A sample app for the Retrieval-Augmented Generation pattern running in Azure, using Azure Cognitive Search for retrieval and Azure OpenAI large language models to power ChatGPT-style and Q&A experiences.
- llm - Access large language models from the command-line
- AutoGPTQ - An easy-to-use LLMs quantization package with user-friendly apis, based on GPTQ algorithm.
- ALGO - Introducing ALGO, a code synthesis framework guided by LLM-generated oracles. Integrated with ALGO, Codex is 8x better and ChatGPT 1.3x better at contest-level problems. Plus, ALGO verifies your solution before submission!?:?:
- FairEval - Large Language Models are not Fair Evaluators- A bias in the evaluation of adopting LLMs, eg, GPT-4, as a referee to score- Successfully mitigates the bias, resulting in closer alignment with human judgmentsrepo:
- pdf2md - This project, pdf2md, transforms academic paper PDF files into digestible text files. By analyzing the layout of the PDF file, the application restructures paragraphs and translates desired content. The final result is a conveniently exported text file.
- ontogpt - GPT-based ontological extraction tools, including SPIRES
- selefra - The open-source policy-as-code software that provides analysis for Multi-Cloud and SaaS environments, you can get insight with natural language (powered by OpenAI).
- haystack - ? Haystack is an open source NLP framework to interact with your data using Transformer models and LLMs (GPT-4, ChatGPT and alike). Haystack offers production-ready tools to quickly build complex question answering, semantic search, text generation applications, and more.
- WizardLM - Family of instruction-following LLMs powered by Evol-Instruct: WizardLM, WizardCoder
- sparrow - Data extraction from documents with ML
- lamini - Today:?Hosted data generator for training LLMs like ChatGPT ?An open-source LLM, trained on the generated data with the Lamini engine Early access waitlist to full training, incl. enterprise VPC etc.
- long_stable_diffusion - Long-form text-to-images generation, using a pipeline of deep generative models (GPT-3 and Stable Diffusion)
- gpt-migrate - Easily migrate your codebase from one framework or language to another.
- openchat - OpenChat: Less is More for Open-source Models
- WebGLM - WebGLM: An Efficient Web-enhanced Question Answering System (KDD 2023)
- MetaGPT - The Multi-Agent Meta Programming Framework: Given one line Requirement, return PRD, Design, Tasks, Repo | 多智能体元编程框架:给定老板需求,输出产品文档、架构设计、任务列表、代码
- PdfGptIndexer - An efficient tool for indexing and searching PDF text data using OpenAI's GPT-2 model and FAISS (Facebook AI Similarity Search) index, designed for rapid information retrieval and superior search accuracy.
- SuperAGI - <⚡️> SuperAGI - A dev-first open source autonomous AI agent framework. Enabling developers to build, manage & run useful autonomous agents quickly and reliably.
- OpenLLM - Operating LLMs in production
- GPT-Bargaining - Code for Arxiv 2023: Improving Language Model Negociation with Self-Play and In-Context Learning from AI Feedback
- dreamGPT - Leverage hallucinations from Large Language Models (LLMs) for novelty-driven explorations.
- lnchat - So I built a thing - LNChat. You hook this app up to your node and then you can ask it plaintext questions like, "what is my newest channel", "show me a channel summary". ChatGPT bridges the gap. It's pretty fun, but not super useful.然而。
- ai00_rwkv_server - A localized open-source AI server that is better than ChatGPT.
- chinese-llm-benchmark - 中文大模型能力评测榜单:覆盖百度文心一言、chatgpt、阿里通义千问、讯飞星火、belle / chatglm6b 等开源大模型,多维度能力评测。不仅提供能力评分排行榜,也提供所有模型的原始输出结果!
- RankGPT - Is ChatGPT Good at Search? LLMs as Re-Ranking Agent
- smile - SMILE: Single-turn to Multi-turn Inclusive Language Expansion via ChatGPT for Mental Health Support
- C3SQL - The code for the paper C3: Zero-shot Text-to-SQL with ChatGPT
- CodeDroidAI - Generate code and forms with AI for Delphi Object Pascal and C++Builder using LLMs like ChatGPT and Vicuna-13b.
- ChatGPT-AutoHotkey-Utility - An AutoHotkey script that uses ChatGPT API to process text.
- jekyll-chatgpt-translate - Automated translating of Jekyll pages via ChatGPT: all you need is just an OpenAI API key
- autotranslate - Videos Transcription and Translation with Faster Whisper and ChatGPT
- nextlint - A rich text editor, notion like Editor, build with svelte + tiptap. Enhance writing experiences with ChatGPT
- chatgpt-api-python-sales - Find real-time sales with AI-powered Python API using ChatGPT and LLM (Large Language Model) App.
- AiNiee-chatgpt - 一款基于【mtool】或【Translator++】,chatgpt自动批量翻译工具,主要是用来翻译各种RPG游戏。
- openai-forward - 一个专为大型语言模型设计的转发服务 · 一键部署你的私人AI代理 · LLM Proxy · OpenAI API Reverse Proxy
- gpt4-playground - Clone of OpenAI's ChatGPT and Playground environments to enable experimenting with API keys.
- github-pr-summary - Use ChatGPT to summarize & review GitHub Pull Requests
- SiriGPT - Unleash the power of SiriGPT: the intersection of ChatGPT's intelligence, DALL·E's creativity, and Whisper's precise audio transcription for your Apple devices with support of 20 languages.
- chie - An extensive desktop app for ChatGPT and other LLMs.
- chatnio - document of Zh-Website project (using vitepress)
- Selective_Context - Compress your input to ChatGPT or other LLMs, to let them process 2x more content and save 40% memory and GPU time.
- GPT-RAG - Sharing the learning along the way we been gathering to enable Azure OpenAI at scale in a secure manner. GPT-RAG core is a Retrieval-Augmented Generation pattern running in Azure, using Azure Cognitive Search for retrieval and Azure OpenAI large language models to power ChatGPT-style and Q&A experiences.
- LLMforDialogDataGenerate - Generate dialog data from documents using LLM like ChatGLM2 or ChatGPT;利用ChatGLM2,ChatGPT等大模型根据文档生成对话数据集
- Auto-i18n - 使用 ChatGPT 自动将 Markdown 文件批量翻译为多语言 | Auto translate Markdown files to multi languages using ChatGPT
- chat-with-your-data-solution-accelerator - A Solution Accelerator for the RAG pattern running in Azure, using Azure Cognitive Search for retrieval and Azure OpenAI large language models to power ChatGPT-style and Q&A experiences. This includes most common requirements and best practices.
- RSS-GPT - Using ChatGPT to summarize your personalized RSS feeds
- one-api - OpenAI 接口管理 & 分发系统,支持 Azure、Anthropic Claude、Google PaLM 2、智谱 ChatGLM、百度文心一言、讯飞星火认知、阿里通义千问、360 智脑以及腾讯混元,可用于二次分发管理 key,仅单可执行文件,已打包好 Docker 镜像,一键部署,开箱即用. OpenAI密鑰管理和再分配系統,使用單個API為所有LLM,並具有英文UI。
- Baichuan2 - A series of large language models developed by Baichuan Intelligent Technology
- marqo - Vector search for humans. Also available on cloud - cloud.marqo.ai
- khoj - An AI copilot for your second brain. Search and chat with your personal knowledge base, online or offline
- Otter - ? Otter, a multi-modal model based on OpenFlamingo (open-sourced version of DeepMind's Flamingo), trained on MIMIC-IT and showcasing improved instruction-following and in-context learning ability.
- RWKV-Runner - A RWKV management and startup tool, full automation, only 8MB. And provides an interface compatible with the OpenAI API. RWKV is a large language model that is fully open source and available for commercial use.
- MNBVC - MNBVC(Massive Never-ending BT Vast Chinese corpus)超大规模中文语料集。对标chatGPT训练的40T数据。MNBVC数据集不但包括主流文化,也包括各个小众文化甚至火星文的数据。MNBVC数据集包括新闻、作文、小说、书籍、杂志、论文、台词、帖子、wiki、古诗、歌词、商品介绍、笑话、糗事、聊天记录等一切形式的纯文本中文数据。
- Easydict - 一个简洁优雅的词典翻译 macOS App。开箱即用,支持离线 OCR 识别,支持有道词典,? 苹果系统词典,? 苹果系统翻译,ChatGPT,DeepL,Google,Bing,百度和火山翻译。A concise and elegant Dictionary and Translator macOS App for looking up words and translating text.
- NExT-GPT - Code and models for NExT-GPT: Any-to-Any Multimodal Large Language Model
- TavernAI - Atmospheric adventure chat for AI language models (KoboldAI, NovelAI, Pygmalion, OpenAI chatgpt, gpt-4)
- lmql - A language for constraint-guided and efficient LLM programming.
- chatarena - ChatArena (or Chat Arena) is a Multi-Agent Language Game Environments for LLMs. The goal is to develop communication and collaboration capabilities of AIs.
- Data-Science-Roadmap - Data Science Roadmap from A to Z
- deepeval - The Evaluation Framework for LLMs
- inference - Replace OpenAI GPT with another LLM in your app by changing a single line of code. Xinference使您可以自由使用所需的LLM。借助Xinference,您有權使用任何開源語言模型,語音識別模型和多模式模型(無論是在雲,本地人還是筆記本電腦上)進行推理。
- chameleon-llm - Codes for "Chameleon: Plug-and-Play Compositional Reasoning with Large Language Models".
- HuatuoGPT - HuatuoGPT, Towards Taming Language Models To Be a Doctor. (開放醫療GPT)
- DB-GPT-Hub - A repository that contains models, datasets, and fine-tuning techniques for DB-GPT, with the purpose of enhancing model performance in Text-to-SQL
- aidea-server - AIdea 是一款支持 GPT 以及国产大语言模型通义千问、文心一言等,支持 Stable Diffusion 文生图、图生图、 SDXL1.0、超分辨率、图片上色的全能型 APP。
- llm-viz - 3D Visualization of an GPT-style LLM
- AppAgent - AppAgent: Multimodal Agents as Smartphone Users, an LLM-based multimodal agent framework designed to operate smartphone apps.
- AgentBench - A Comprehensive Benchmark to Evaluate LLMs as Agents
- NeumAI - Neum AI is a best-in-class framework to manage the creation and synchronization of vector embeddings at large scale.
- LLMs-from-scratch - Implementing a ChatGPT-like LLM from scratch, step by step
- TransformerLens - A library for mechanistic interpretability of GPT-style language models
- KwaiAgents - A generalized information-seeking agent system with Large Language Models (LLMs).
- MotionGPT - [NeurIPS 2023] MotionGPT: Human Motion as a Foreign Language, a unified motion-language generation model using LLMs
- chatgpt-tool-hub - An open-source chatgpt tool ecosystem where you can combine tools with chatgpt and use natural language to do anything.
- LLMSurvey - The official GitHub page for the survey paper "A Survey of Large Language Models".
- talk2arxiv - Talk to any ArXiv paper using ChatGPT
- autopilot - Code Autopilot, a tool that uses GPT to read a codebase, create context and solve tasks.
- openai-forward - 大语言模型高效转发服务 · An efficient forwarding service designed for LLMs. · OpenAI API Reverse Proxy
- FasterTransformer - Transformer related optimization, including BERT, GPT
- hacker-news-digest - ? Let ChatGPT Summarize Hacker News for You
- openai-translator - A translator that uses OpanAI.
- llm-paper-daily - Daily updated LLM papers. 每日更新 LLM 相关的论文,欢迎订阅 ? 喜欢的话动动你的小手 ? 一個
- Azure-OpenAI-demos - Azure Open AI (demos, documentation, accelerators).
- chatWeb - ChatWeb can crawl web pages, read PDF, DOCX, TXT, and extract the main content, then answer your questions based on the content, or summarize the key points.
- StreamRAG - Video Search and Streaming Agent ♂️
- gptscript - Natural Language Programming
- sgpt - SGPT: GPT Sentence Embeddings for Semantic Search
- visual-openllm - something like visual-chatgpt, 文心一言的开源版
- GPT-Fathom - GPT-Fathom is an open-source and reproducible LLM evaluation suite, benchmarking 10+ leading open-source and closed-source LLMs as well as OpenAI's earlier models on 20+ curated benchmarks under aligned settings.
- OpenCodeInterpreter - OpenCodeInterpreter is a suite of open-source code generation systems aimed at bridging the gap between large language models and sophisticated proprietary systems like the GPT-4 Code Interpreter. It significantly enhances code generation capabilities by integrating execution and iterative refinement functionalities.
- flutter_chatgpt - Flutter ChatGPT APP. The chatgpt chat app implemented by flutter supports custom modes and contextual continuous dialogue. In addition, it supports admob advertisement configuration, accessing open screen advertisements, interstitial advertisements, Banner advertisements, etc.
- ai00_server - A localized open-source AI server that is better than ChatGPT.
- CipherChat - A framework to evaluate the generalization capability of safety alignment for LLMs
- bonito - A lightweight library for generating synthetic instruction tuning datasets for your data without GPT.
- azure-open-ai-embeddings-qna - A simple web application for a OpenAI-enabled document search. This repo uses Azure OpenAI Service for creating embeddings vectors from documents. For answering the question of a user, it retrieves the most relevant document and then uses GPT-3, GPT-3.5 or GPT-4 to extract the matching answer for the question.
- open-interpreter - A natural language interface for computers
- EvaluationPapers4ChatGPT - Resource, Evaluation and Detection Papers for ChatGPT
- private-gpt - Interact with your documents using the power of GPT, 100% privately, no data leaks
- VLMEvalKit - Open-source evaluation toolkit of large vision-language models (LVLMs), support GPT-4v, Gemini, QwenVLPlus, 30+ HF models, 15+ benchmarks
- LLMPapers - Papers & Works for large languange models (ChatGPT, GPT-3, Codex etc.).
- AIGenPipeline - AI based code generation pipeline: command line tool and framework for systematic code generation using AI in a build process
- agency - ♂️ Library designed for developers eager to explore the potential of Large Language Models (LLMs) and other generative AI through a clean, effective, and Go-idiomatic approach.
- subtitle-translator-electron - ↔️ Translate subtitle using ChatGPT
- obsidian-ava - Quickly format your notes with ChatGPT in Obsidian
- spacy-transformers - ? Use pretrained transformers like BERT, XLNet and GPT-2 in spaCy
- chatgpt-universe - ChatGPT Universe is fleeting notes on ChatGPT, GPT, and large language models (LLMs)
- InternVL - [CVPR 2024 Oral] InternVL Family: A Pioneering Open-Source Alternative to GPT-4V. 接近GPT-4V表现的可商用开源模型
- GPTSwarm - ? GPTSwarm: LLM agents as (Optimizable) Graphs
- nixtla - TimeGPT-1: production ready pre-trained Time Series Foundation Model for forecasting and anomaly detection. Generative pretrained transformer for time series trained on over 100B data points. It's capable of accurately predicting various domains such as retail, electricity, finance, and IoT with just a few lines of code .
- TransformerLens - A library for mechanistic interpretability of GPT-style language models
- BetterOCR - ? Better text detection by combining multiple OCR engines (EasyOCR, Tesseract, and Pororo) with ? LLM.
- viz-gpt - Make contextual data visualization with Chat Interface from tabular datasets. AI data visualization.
- ChatIE - The online version is temporarily unavailable because we cannot afford the key.您可以克隆並在本地運行。注意:我們設置了Defaul OpenAI鍵。如果鍵超過計劃並且無效,請告訴我們。響應速度取決於Openai。 (有時候,官員太擁擠和慢)
- RepoToText - Turn an entire GitHub Repo into a single organized .txt file to use with LLM's (GPT-4, Claude Opus, Gemini, etc)
- ocular - AI Powered Search and Chat for Orgs - Think ChatGpt meets Google Search but powered by your data.
- AutoCoder - We introduced a new model designed for the Code generation task. Its test accuracy on the HumanEval base dataset surpasses that of GPT-4 Turbo (April 2024) and GPT-4o.
- langui - UI for your AI. Open Source Tailwind components tailored for your GPT, generative AI, and LLM projects.
- go-translate - Translator on Emacs. Supports multiple engines such as Google, Bing, deepL, ChatGPT, StarDict, Youdao and so on.
- ChatTTS - A generative speech model for daily dialogue.
- chatgpt-your-files - Production-ready MVP for securely chatting with your documents using pgvector
- auto-novel - 轻小说机翻网站,支持网络小说/文库小说/本地小说
- Q-Bench - ①[ICLR2024 Spotlight] (GPT-4V/Gemini-Pro/Qwen-VL-Plus+16 OS MLLMs) A benchmark for multi-modality LLMs (MLLMs) on low-level vision and visual quality assessment.
- lowcode-vscode - lowcode tool, support ChatGPT and other LLM
- HuatuoGPT-II - HuatuoGPT2, One-stage Training for Medical Adaption of LLMs. (開放醫療GPT)
- AI-Vtuber - 一个端到端的AI主播定制模块,当前支持对接b站直播间,支持本地chatglm3和智谱api语言模型,支持so-vits-svc、gpt-sovits和bert-vits2语音模型。
- Recommendation-Systems-without-Explicit-ID-Features-A-Literature-Review - Paper List of Pre-trained Foundation Recommender Models
- mem0 - Long-term memory for LLMs
- Github-Ranking-AI - A list of the most popular AI Topic repositories on GitHub based on the number of stars they have received.| AI相关主题Github仓库排名,每日自动更新。
- searchGPT - Grounded search engine (ie with source reference) based on LLM / ChatGPT / OpenAI API. It supports web search, file content search etc.
- rag-gpt - RAG-GPT, leveraging LLM and RAG technology, learns from user-customized knowledge bases to provide contextually relevant answers for a wide range of queries, ensuring rapid and accurate information retrieval.
- embedJs - A NodeJS RAG framework to easily work with LLMs and embeddings
- AmadeusGPT - [NeurIPS 2023] We turn natural language descriptions of behaviors into machine-executable code
- fastapi - 智元 Fast API 是一站式API管理系统,将各类LLM API进行统一格式、统一规范、统一管理,使其在功能、性能和用户体验上达到极致。
- gtt - Google Translate TUI (Originally). Now support Apertium, Argos, Bing, ChatGPT, DeepL, DeepLX, Google, Reverso.
- AlignBench - 大模型多维度中文对齐评测基准 (ACL 2024)
- factool - FacTool: Factuality Detection in Generative AI
- tree-of-thought-puzzle-solver - The Tree of Thoughts (ToT) framework for solving complex reasoning tasks using LLMs
- llmgraph - Create knowledge graphs with LLMs
- Sunsimiao - ?孙思邈中文医疗大模型(Sunsimiao):提供安全、可靠、普惠的中文医疗大模型
- MiniCPM - MiniCPM3-4B:An edge-side LLM that surpasses GPT-3.5-Turbo.
- cloudflare-rag - Fullstack "Chat with your PDFs" RAG (Retrieval Augmented Generation) app built fully on Cloudflare
- empower-functions - GPT-4 level function calling models for real-world tool using use cases
- HallusionBench - [CVPR'24] HallusionBench: You See What You Think? Or You Think What You See? An Image-Context Reasoning Benchmark Challenging for GPT-4V(ision), LLaVA-1.5, and Other Multi-modality Models
- repo2txt - Web-based tool converts GitHub repository contents into a single formatted text file
- bigcodebench - BigCodeBench: Benchmarking Code Generation Towards AGI
- FastGPT - FastGPT is a knowledge-based platform built on the LLMs, offers a comprehensive suite of out-of-the-box capabilities such as data processing, RAG retrieval, and visual AI workflow orchestration, letting you easily develop and deploy complex question-answering systems without the need for extensive setup or configuration.
- guardrails - Adding guardrails to large language models.
- E2B - Secure open source cloud runtime for AI apps & AI agents
- MaxKB - 基于大语言模型和 RAG 的知识库问答系统。开箱即用、模型中立、灵活编排,支持快速嵌入到第三方业务系统。
- SillyTavern - LLM Frontend for Power Users.
- instructor - structured outputs for llms
- instructor - structured outputs for llms
- buzz - Buzz transcribes and translates audio offline on your personal computer.由Openai的耳語提供動力。
- ai - Build AI-powered applications with React, Svelte, Vue, and Solid
- rivet - The open-source visual AI programming environment and TypeScript library
- griptape - Modular Python framework for AI agents and workflows with chain-of-thought reasoning, tools, and memory.
- agentic - AI agent stdlib that works with any LLM and TypeScript AI SDK.
- faster-whisper - Faster Whisper transcription with CTranslate2
- tokencost - Easy token price estimates for 400+ LLMs. TokenOps.
- TEN-Agent - TEN Agent is the world's first real-time multimodal agent integrated with the OpenAI Realtime API, RTC, and features weather checks, web search, vision, and RAG capabilities.
- refact - WebUI for Fine-Tuning and Self-hosting of Open-Source Large Language Models for Coding
- ax - The unofficial DSPy framework. Build LLM powered Agents and "Agentic workflows" based on the Stanford DSP paper.
- code-interpreter - Python & JS/TS SDK for running AI-generated code/code interpreting in your AI app
- atomic-agents - Building AI agents, atomically
- langchain - ⚡ Building applications with LLMs through composability ⚡
- text-generation-webui - A gradio web UI for running Large Language Models like LLaMA, llama.cpp, GPT-J, OPT, and GALACTICA.
- llama_index - LlamaIndex (GPT Index) is a project that provides a central interface to connect your LLM's with external data.
- llama - Inference code for LLaMA models
- GPTQ-for-LLaMa - 4 bits quantization of LLaMA using GPTQ
- gptuber-by-langchain - GPTがYouTuberをやります
- intelgpt - IntelGPT is a command line tool that allows you to examine specific input such as URLs, file hashes, domain names, and IP addresses using GPT3.
- knowledge-gpt - Extract knowledge from all information sources using gpt and other language models. Index and make Q&A session with information sources.
- llama_index_starter_pack - This repository provides very basic flask, streamlit, and docker examples for the llama_index (fka gpt_index) package
- xturing - Build and control your own LLMs
- llama-int8 - Quantized inference code for LLaMA models
- point-alpaca - we release our weights from recreated stanford alpaca 7b - llama finetuned on synthetic instruction dataset. it's surprisingly good:(keep in mind, the following results is just from the smallest 7b model; gpt-3 is 175b)
- agentchain - Chain together LLMs for reasoning & orchestrate multiple large models for accomplishing complex tasks
- llm-strategy - Directly Connecting Python to LLMs - Dataclasses & Interfaces <-> LLMs
- llama-cpp-python - Python bindings for llama.cpp
- basaran - Basaran is an open-source alternative to the OpenAI text completion API. It provides a compatible streaming API for your Hugging Face Transformers-based text generation models.
- llama-lab - if you build a space with @gpt_index, just fill out this form here! credits for llama agi go to logan, who helped to pioneer this from scratch:
- Ask-Anything - ChatGPT with video understanding! And many more supported LMs such as miniGPT4, StableLM, and MOSS.
- VLog - Transform Video as a Document with ChatGPT, CLIP, BLIP2, GRIT, Whisper, LangChain.
- alpaca-lora - Instruct-tune LLaMA on consumer hardware
- ClassGPT - ChatGPT for lecture slides
- KoAlpaca - KoAlpaca: Korean Alpaca Model based on Stanford Alpaca (feat. LLAMA and Polyglot-ko)
- novice-ChatGPT - ChatGPT API Usage using LangChain, LlamaIndex, Guardrails, AutoGPT and more
- ai-playground - i was playing around with perplexityai and wanted to figure out how it worked. so i wrote a simple open-source clone with @openai gpt-3.5turbo, @langchainai, @trychroma and with documentation.一探究竟。
- alpaca-electron - An even simpler way to run Alpaca
- langflow - ⛓️ LangFlow is a UI for LangChain, designed with react-flow to provide an effortless way to experiment and prototype flows.
- gpt4all-ts - gpt4all and llama typescript bindings
- pyllamacpp - Official supported Python bindings for llama.cpp + gpt4all
- llama.cpp - Port of Facebook's LLaMA model in C/C++
- dalai - The simplest way to run LLaMA on your local machine
- GenAI_LLM_timeline - ChatGPT, GenerativeAI and LLMs Timeline
- open_llama - OpenLLama - a permissively licensed open source reproduction of Meta AI's LLaMA. ? „OpenLLaMA exhibits comparable performance to the original LLaMA and GPT-J across a majority of tasks, and outperforms them in some tasks.“ ?
- pyCodeAGI - My current exploration: PyCodeAGI, an @LangChainAI #AIAgent that builds a Python console app given an objective, just got superpowers with @OpenAI #GPT4: asked it to build a 'magic app' - it built something creative. There was not even a single error in…
- Multimodal-GPT - Multimodal-GPT
- snowChat - Chat on you're snowflake database - Text to SQL
- DB-GPT - Interact your data and environment using the local GPT, no data leaks, 100% privately, 100% security
- LaWGPT - ? Repo for LaWGPT, Chinese-Llama tuned with Chinese Legal knowledge. 基于中文法律知识的大语言模型
- InternGPT - InternGPT (iGPT) is an open source demo platform where you can easily showcase your AI models. Now it supports DragGAN, ChatGPT, ImageBind, multimodal chat like GPT-4, SAM, interactive image editing, etc. Try it at igpt.opengvlab.com
- chainlit - Build Python LLM apps in minutes ⚡️
- Flowise - Drag & drop UI to build your customized LLM flow using LangchainJS
- semantic-search-nextjs-pinecone-langchain-chatgpt - Embeds text files into vectors, stores them on Pinecone, and enables semantic search using GPT3 and Langchain in a Next.js UI
- redpajama.cpp - Extend the original llama.cpp repo to support redpajama model.
- OgbujiPT - Toolkit for using self-hosted large language models, through langchain & other means
- godot-dodo - Finetuning large language models for GDScript generation.
- eva - Database system for building simpler and faster AI-powered applications
- LangChain-Tutorials - 挺好奇ChatGPT那种流式输出,费了牛劲,堆砌出了基于Python LangChain的实现,涵盖控制台和Web3应用的异步流式输出。Python异步编程还需深入学习?代码?视频分享?bilibili: #LangChain #ChatGPT #OpenAI
- chat-efficient - DIY ChatGPT using Streamlit, LangChain and open-source LLMs
- gpt-producer - Introducing "GPT-Producer"Bring your Digital Piano, your @OpenAI API key, and your #GPU and become an artist! #musicgen #audiocraft #gpt @LangChainAI @MetaAI for the tools that made this possible!
- MedicalGPT - MedicalGPT: Training Your Own Medical GPT Model with ChatGPT Training Pipeline. 训练医疗大模型,实现包括二次预训练、有监督微调、奖励建模、强化学习训练。
- rag-stack - ? Deploy a private ChatGPT alternative hosted within your VPC. ? Connect it to your organization's knowledge base and use it as a corporate oracle. Supports open-source LLMs like Llama 2, Falcon, and GPT4All.
- opencompass - OpenCompass is an LLM evaluation platform, supporting a wide range of models (LLaMA, LLaMa2, ChatGLM2, ChatGPT, Claude, etc) over 50+ datasets.
- dolphin - General video interaction platform based on LLMs, including Video ChatGPT
- api-for-open-llm - openai style api for open large language models, using LLMs just as chatgpt! 开源大模型的统一后端接口
- AtomGPT - 中英文预训练大模型,目标与ChatGPT的水平一致
- litellm - lightweight package to simplify LLM API calls - Azure, OpenAI, Cohere, Anthropic, Replicate. Manages input/output translation
- BayLing - “百聆”是一个基于LLaMA的语言对齐增强的英语/中文大语言模型,具有优越的英语/中文能力,在多语言和通用任务等多项测试中取得ChatGPT 90%的性能。BayLing is an English/Chinese LLM equipped with advanced language alignment, showing superior capability in English/Chinese generation, instruction following and multi-turn interaction.
- auto-news - A personal news aggregator to pull information from multi-sources + LLM (ChatGPT via LangChain) to help us reading efficiently with less noises, the sources including: Tweets, RSS, YouTube, Web Articles, Reddit, and personal Journal notes.
- Zhongjing - A Chinese medical ChatGPT based on LLaMa, training from large-scale pretrain corpus and multi-turn dialogue dataset.
- opencompass - OpenCompass is an LLM evaluation platform, supporting a wide range of models (LLaMA, LLaMa2, ChatGLM2, ChatGPT, Claude, etc) over 50+ datasets.
- gradioGPT - Easy to hack template for your next chatGPT app with Gradio and Langchain
- FindTheChatGPTer - ChatGPT爆火,开启了通往AGI的关键一步,本项目旨在汇总那些ChatGPT的开源平替们,包括文本大模型、多模态大模型等,为大家提供一些便利
- gpt_academic - 为ChatGPT/GLM提供实用化交互界面,特别优化论文阅读/润色/写作体验,模块化设计,支持自定义快捷按钮&函数插件,支持Python和C++等项目剖析&自译解功能,PDF/LaTex论文翻译&总结功能,支持并行问询多种LLM模型,支持chatglm2等本地模型。兼容文心一言, moss, llama2, rwkv, claude2, 通义千问, 书生, 讯飞星火等。
- Real_time_fallacy_detection - Real-time Fallacy Detection using OpenAI whisper and ChatGPT/LLaMA/Mistral
- evadb - Database system for AI-powered apps
- langchain4j - Java version of LangChain
- llm-chain -
is a powerful rust crate for building chains in large language models allowing you to summarise text and complete complex tasks - langroid - Harness LLMs with Multi-Agent Programming
- EasyEdit - An Easy-to-use Knowledge Editing Framework for LLMs.
- llama_index - LlamaIndex (formerly GPT Index) is a data framework for your LLM applications
- Alpaca-CoT - We unified the interfaces of instruction-tuning data (eg, CoT data), multiple LLMs and parameter-efficient methods (eg, lora, p-tuning) together for easy use. We welcome open-source enthusiasts to initiate any meaningful PR on this repo and integrate as many LLM related technologies as possible. 我们打造了方便研究人员上手和使用大模型等微调平台,我们欢迎开源爱好者发起任何有意义的pr!
- azure-openai-proxy - Azure OpenAI Service Proxy. Convert OpenAI official API request to Azure OpenAI API request. Support GPT-4,Embeddings,Langchain. Adapter from OpenAI to Azure OpenAI.
- code-review-gpt - Your personal code reviewer powered by LLMs (OpenAI GPT-3.5/4, Llama2, Azure AI) & Embeddings ⚡️ Improve code quality and catch bugs before you break production
- GPTRouter - Smoothly Manage Multiple LLMs (OpenAI, Anthropic, Azure) and Image Models (Dall-E, SDXL), Speed Up Responses, and Ensure Non-Stop Reliability.
- dr-doc-search - Converse with book - Built with GPT-3
- talk-codebase - Tool for chatting with your codebase and docs using OpenAI, LlamaCpp, and GPT-4-All
- LLPhant - LLPhant - A comprehensive PHP Generative AI Framework using OpenAI GPT 4. Inspired by Langchain and LLamaIndex
- Auto-Llama-cpp - Uses Auto-GPT with Llama.cpp
- entaoai - Chat and Ask on your own data. Accelerator to quickly upload your own enterprise data and use OpenAI services to chat to that uploaded data and ask questions
- kani - kani (カニ) is a highly hackable microframework for chat-based language models with tool use/function calling. (NLP-OSS @ EMNLP 2023)
- PIXIU - This repository introduces PIXIU, an open-source resource featuring the first financial large language models (LLMs), instruction tuning data, and evaluation benchmarks to holistically assess financial LLMs. Our goal is to continually push forward the open-source development of financial artificial intelligence (AI).
- open-webui - ChatGPT-Style WebUI for Ollama (Formerly Ollama WebUI)
- CareGPT - ? CareGPT (关怀GPT)是一个医疗大语言模型,同时它集合了数十个公开可用的医疗微调数据集和开放可用的医疗大语言模型,包含LLM的训练、测评、部署等以促进医疗LLM快速发展。Medical LLM, Open Source Driven for a Healthy Future.
- PIXIU - This repository introduces PIXIU, an open-source resource featuring the first financial large language models (LLMs), instruction tuning data, and evaluation benchmarks to holistically assess financial LLMs. Our goal is to continually push forward the open-source development of financial artificial intelligence (AI).
- generative_ai_with_langchain - Build large language model (LLM) apps with Python, ChatGPT and other models. This is the companion repository for the book on generative AI with LangChain.
- llm-books - 利用LLM构建应用实践笔记
- langflow - ⛓️ Langflow is a dynamic graph where each node is an executable unit. Its modular and interactive design fosters rapid experimentation and prototyping, pushing hard on the limits of creativity.
- ChatLLM - 轻松玩转LLM兼容openai&langchain,支持文心一言、讯飞星火、腾讯混元、智谱ChatGLM等
- MiniCPM-V - MiniCPM-Llama3-V 2.5: A GPT-4V Level MLLM on Your Phone
- LLamaTuner - Easy and Efficient Finetuning LLMs. (Supported LLama, LLama2, LLama3, Qwen, Baichuan, GLM , Falcon) 大模型高效量化训练+部署.
- langtorch - Building composable LLM applications & workflow with Java.
- dialog - RAG LLM Ops App for easy deployment and testing
- aikit - Fine-tune, build, and deploy open-source LLMs easily!
- llm-ui - The React library for LLMs
- search_with_ai - ? Free Search with AI, Open-Source Perplexity, ? Support Ollama/SearXNG, Support Docker deployment. 让AI大模型和搜索引擎回答你的问题,支持本地大模型(Ollama)、聚合搜索引擎SearXNG,支持Docker一键部署。
- GPT-Actions - GPT Auth provides a user-friendly solution to quickly setup oauth for your custom GPT and self-host it.
- langchain-swift - LangChain for Swift. Optimized for iOS, macOS, watchOS (part) and visionOS.(beta)
- RepoAgent - An LLM-powered repository agent designed to assist developers and teams in generating documentation and understanding repositories quickly.
- obsidian-local-gpt - Local Ollama and OpenAI-like GPT's assistance for maximum privacy and offline access
- LangChain-Chinese-Getting-Started-Guide - LangChain 的中文入门教程
- QiZhenGPT - QiZhenGPT: An Open Source Chinese Medical Large Language Model|一个开源的中文医疗大语言模型
- azure-search-openai-javascript - A TypeScript sample app for the Retrieval Augmented Generation pattern running on Azure, using Azure AI Search for retrieval and Azure OpenAI and LangChain large language models (LLMs) to power ChatGPT-style and Q&A experiences.
- LLaMA-Omni - LLaMA-Omni is a low-latency and high-quality end-to-end speech interaction model built upon Llama-3.1-8B-Instruct, aiming to achieve speech capabilities at the GPT-4o level.
- text2text - Text2Text: Crosslingual NLP/G toolkit
- llama.go - llama.go is like llama.cpp in pure Golang!
- autolabel - Label, clean and enrich text datasets with LLMs.
- agentops - Python SDK for AI agent monitoring, LLM cost tracking, benchmarking, and more. Integrates with most LLMs and agent frameworks like CrewAI, Langchain, and Autogen
- CyberScraper-2077 - A Powerful web scraper powered by LLM | OpenAI, Gemini & Ollama
- MLE-agent - ? MLE-Agent: Your intelligent companion for seamless AI engineering and research. ? Integrate with arxiv and paper with code to provide better code/research plans ? OpenAI, Anthropic, Ollama, etc supported. ? Code RAG
- sage - Chat with any codebase in under two minutes | Fully local or via third-party APIs
- rocketnotes - AI-powered Markdown note taking app - Leverage vector embeddings and LLMs with your personal notes - 100% local or in the cloud
- search2ai - Help your LLMs online
- ChatAI - Mozilla community directory -- A centralized directory of all Mozilla contributors!
- llama-hub - A library of data loaders for LLMs made by the community -- to be used with GPT Index and/or LangChain
- AICommand - ChatGPT integration with Unity Editor
- AIShader - ChatGPT-powered shader generator for Unity
- ChatGPT-API-unity - Binds ChatGPT chat completion API to pure C# on Unity.
- OpenAI-Unity - An unofficial OpenAI Unity Package that aims to help you use OpenAI API directly in Unity Game engine.
- UnityChatGPT - Few examples with Chat GPT In Unity
- gptcache - @ferret_db @ossinsight @milvusio we'd love to get a ferretdb backend for gptcache. we'll add it to the todo list.and on behalf of milvus developers and the broader community, thanks for the shout-out!
- unity-AI-Chat-Toolkit - 使用unity实现AI聊天相关功能。目前这个库包含了对chatgpt、chatglm等大语言模型的api调用的代码实现以及实现了微软Azure以及百度AI的语音服务功能,语音服务均采用web api实现,支持Windows/WebGL/Android等平台
- open-ai - OpenAI PHP SDK : Most downloaded, forked, contributed, huge community supported, and used PHP (Laravel , Symfony, Yii, Cake PHP or any PHP framework) SDK for OpenAI GPT-3 and DALL-E. It also supports chatGPT-like streaming. (ChatGPT AI is supported)
- betterscan-ce - Code Scanning/SAST/Static Analysis/Linting using many tools/Scanners + OpenAI GPT with One Report (Code, IaC) - Betterscan Community Edition (CE)
- open-saas - A free, open-source SaaS app starter for React & Node.js with superpowers. Production-ready.社區驅動。
- betterscan-ce - Code Scanning/SAST/Static Analysis/Linting using many tools/Scanners + OpenAI GPT with One Report (Code, IaC) - Betterscan Community Edition (CE)
- betterscan-ce - Code Scanning/SAST/Static Analysis/Linting using many tools/Scanners + OpenAI GPT with One Report (Code, IaC) - Betterscan Community Edition (CE)
- openai-kit - A community Swift package used to interact with the OpenAI API
- Auto-GPT - An experimental open-source attempt to make GPT-4 fully autonomous.
- BlenderGPT - Use commands in English to control Blender with OpenAI's GPT-4
- evals - Evals is a framework for evaluating OpenAI models and an open-source registry of benchmarks.
- VulChatGPT - Use IDA PRO HexRays decompiler with OpenAI(ChatGPT) to find possible vulnerabilities in binaries
- OpenChatKit - #openchatkit is the first #opensource alternative to #chatgpt! ?it's a 20b param. model built by ex-@openai folks (@togethercompute) and fine-tuned using @aieleuther's gpt-neox-20b!? demo: ? gh: video: @itakgol ↓
- chatgpt-python - Unofficial Python SDK for OpenAI's ChatGPT
- gpt-commit - Generate commit messages using ChatGPT
- tiktoken - tiktoken is a fast BPE tokeniser for use with OpenAI's models.
- wolverine - @denfromufa @openai nice tool! but i meant a tool to chat with gpt-4 in my terminal, ie, something like
- chatgpt-clone - Build Yo'own ChatGPT with OpenAI API & Gradio
- pyChatGPT - An unofficial Python wrapper for OpenAI's ChatGPT API
- davinci-functions - Library to ask OpenAI GPT for generating objects on the Python runtime.
- chatgpt_ros - ROS wrapper for ChatGPT API
- genai - What if GPT could help you notebook?
- GPTReview - Get OpenAI GPT models to review your PR's
- scrapeghost - ? Experimental library for scraping websites using OpenAI's GPT API.
- Auto-GPT - An experimental open-source attempt to make GPT-4 fully autonomous.
- openai_tools - Growing set of scripts to explore pdf publication using ChatGPT API
- openai-cookbook - Examples and guides for using the OpenAI API
- disco-diffusion - openai开发的ai模型目前比较知名的有: #chatgpt、#midjourney、#stablediffusionchat 今天为大家更新5个好用的ai算法模型学习渠道1、神力中文ai算法市场:、disco-diffusion型:、百度文心 ernie-vilg:
- chatgpt-mac - ChatGPT for Mac, living in your menubar.
- everything-chatgpt - ? Explore what happens under the hood with the ChatGPT web app (chat.openai.com). And some speculation, of course.
- userscripts - ? MTurk, ChatGPT and other Greasemonkey userscripts.
- chatgpt-mirror - A mirror of ChatGPT based on the gpt-3.5-turbo model.
- ChatGPTCustomizer - ChatGPTCustomizer helps you personalize your chat experience by using the power of the ChatGPT API
- gptproxy - use gitlab api key to proxy openai api.
- cloudflare-proxy - Cloudflare Worker 代理请求 ChatGPT API,支持 Stream 流式输出
- vscode-chatgpt - An unofficial Visual Studio Code - OpenAI ChatGPT integration
- chatgpt-demo - A demo repo based on OpenAI API.
- OpenGpt - Create your own ChatGPT App in seconds.
- chatgpt-vercel - Elegant and Powerfull.由Openai和Vercel提供動力。
- ts-chatgpt - A library that is created to receive pure responses that are typed using the official ChatGPT API.
- openai-node - Node.js library for the OpenAI API
- nextjs-openai-doc-search - Template for building your own custom ChatGPT style doc search powered by Next.js, OpenAI, and Supabase.
- gptagent.js - Build AI Agents with TS/JS
- M5Unified_StackChan_ChatGPT - 「ChatGPT API搭載AIスタックチャン」です。
- whisper.cpp - Port of OpenAI's Whisper model in C/C++
- ChatGPT - ? ChatGPT Desktop Application (Mac, Windows and Linux)
- chat-ai-desktop - Unofficial ChatGPT desktop app for Mac & Windows menubar using Tauri & Rust
- chatgpt-dingtalk - ? 钉钉 & ? GPT-3.5 让你的工作效率直接起飞 私聊群聊方式、单聊串聊模式、角色扮演、图片创作
- go-openai - OpenAI ChatGPT, GPT-3, GPT-4, DALL·E, Whisper API wrapper for Go
- feishu-chatgpt - ?飞书 ×(GPT-3.5 + DALL·E + Whisper)= 飞一般的工作体验 语音对话、角色扮演、多话题讨论、图片创作、表格分析、文档导出
- k8sgpt - Giving Kubernetes SRE superpowers to everyone
- ChatGPT-Proxy-V4 - Cloudflare Bypass for OpenAI based on
- chat-gpt-ppt - Use ChatGPT (or other backends) to generate PPT automatically, all in one single file.
- CallGPT - A dead simple way to call the ChatGPT API from your machine
- dev-gpt - dev-gpt, an automated python developer
- ruby-openai - OpenAI API + Ruby! ?❤️ Now with ChatGPT and Whisper...
- openai_pipe - A UNIX-ey interface to OpenAI
- gptchatteR - An experimental and unofficial wrapper for interacting with OpenAI GPT models in R.
- askgpt - A chat interface build on top of OpenAI's API endpoints
- openai - This R package provides an SDK to the Open AI API
- ChatGptNet - A ChatGPT integration library for .NET
- Simple-ChatGPT-API-Desktop - Simple ChatGPT API for Desktop
- openai-gpt-dev-notes-for-cn-developer - 如何快速开发一个OpenAI/GPT应用:国内开发者笔记
- cheetah - Whisper & GPT-based app for passing remote SWE interviews
- ChatGPTSwift - Access ChatGPT API using Swift
- nitmgpt - nitmgpt (Notification-in-the-middle GPT). Filter ads or spam notifications via ChatGPT.
- iChatGPT - OpenAI ChatGPT SwiftUI app for iOS, iPadOS, macOS
- SwiftOpenAI - OpenAI API build with Swift ❤️
- OpenAISwift - This is a wrapper library around the ChatGPT and OpenAI HTTP API
- whetstone.chatgpt - A simple light-weight library that wraps the Open AI API.
- subvert - Generate subtitles, summaries, and chapters from videos in seconds
- carrot - Free ChatGPT Site List 这儿为你准备了众多免费好用的ChatGPT镜像站点,当前100+站点
- impressive-chatgpt - A collection of impressive and useful results from OpenAI's chatgpt
- bbFuzzing.txt - bbfuzzing.txta unique vocabulary that is 70% generated with openai chatgpt.the remaining 30% is a compilation of dictionaries from bo0om, circuit and other bugbounters. #chatgpt
- chat-with-chatgpt - Chat with ChatGPT via GitHub issue comments.
- ChatGPT - ChatGPT Native Desktop Application (Windows, Mac, Android, iOS, and Linux)
- KeepChatGPT - ChatGPT畅聊插件。解决所有报错,让我们的AI体验无比顺畅、丝滑、高效。并且持续更新更多的增强功能,包括取消审计、克隆对话、净化首页等等。
- claude-to-chatgpt - This project converts the API of Anthropic's Claude model to the OpenAI Chat API format.
- anse - Supercharged experience for ChatGPT, DALL-E and Stable Diffusion.
- chatgpt-demo - Minimal web UI for ChatGPT.
- casdoor - An open-source Identity and Access Management (IAM) / Single-Sign-On (SSO) platform powered by Casbin and AI gateway with web UI supporting OAuth 2.0, OIDC, SAML and OpenAI ChatGPT
- JetChatGPT - ChatGPT in Jetpack Compose using OpenAI API
- cosmosdb-chatgpt - Sample application that combines Azure Cosmos DB with Azure OpenAI ChatGPT service
- ix - Autonomous GPT-4 agent platform
- openai-cloudflare - An OpenAI API proxy running with Cloudflare worker.
- KeepChatGPT - 这是一个ChatGPT的畅聊与增强插件。开源免费。不仅能解决所有报错不再刷新,还有保持活跃、取消审计、克隆对话、净化首页、展示大屏、展示全屏、言无不尽、拦截跟踪、日新月异等多个高级功能。让我们的AI体验无比顺畅、丝滑、高效、简洁。
- cf-openai-azure-proxy - A Cloudflare worker script to proxy OpenAI's request to Azure OpenAI Service
- polyglot - ?️ 桌面端AI语言练习应用
- k8sgpt-operator - Automatic SRE Superpowers within your Kubernetes cluster
- obsidian-smart-connections - Chat with your notes in Obsidian! Plus, see what's most relevant in real-time! Interact and stay organized. Powered by OpenAI ChatGPT, GPT-4 & Embeddings.
- nextjs-openai-doc-search - Template for building your own custom ChatGPT style doc search powered by Next.js, OpenAI, and Supabase.
- reliableGPT - Get 100% uptime, reliability from OpenAI. Handle Rate Limit, Timeout, API, Keys Errors
- pva-aoai-integration-solution - 中身は大したことないが自治体の取り組みとして興味深い。Azure OpenAIーーーこのリポジトリは、神戸市役所でのChatGPTの試行利用に向けて作成したフロー等をソリューション化し公開するものです。
- jp-azureopenai-samples - 日本マイクロソフトからGPTのリファレンスアーキテクチャを公開。日本語のシナリオがベースになったサンプル実装が目白押しです!このリポジトリ押さえておけば色々捗りますね。ログとか認証周りまであるの嬉しい。~サンプル一覧~1. コールセンター向けGPTアシスタント…
- iChatGPT - OpenAI ChatGPT SwiftUI app for iOS, iPadOS, macOS
- zod-gpt - Get structured, fully typed, and validated JSON outputs from OpenAI and Anthropic models.
- ai-beehive - AI 蜂巢,基于 Java 使用 Spring Boot 3 和 JDK 17,支持的功能有 ChatGPT、OpenAi Image、Midjourney、NewBing 等等
- cloudflare-reverse-proxy - cloudflare反向代理|OpenAI/ChatGPT 免翻墙代理|github免翻墙代理|github下载加速|google代理|cloudflare万能代理
- opengpt - A reverse engineered unofficial ChatGPT proxy (bypass Cloudflare 403 Access Denied)
- chatgpt-plus - 基于 OpenAI API 实现的 ChatGPT Web 应用,包括通用版和角色版。自带管理后台,采用 Go + Vue3 + element-plus 实现。
- springboot-openai-chatgpt - 超级AI大脑一个基于Spring Boot架构,支持web,Android,IOS,H5多端应用,使用了OpenAI的ChatGPT模型实现了智能聊天机器人。用户可以在界面上与聊天机器人进行对话,聊天机器人会根据用户的输入自动生成回复。同时也支持画图,用户输入文本,便可以自动制作文生文生图。未来会接入:文心一言、通义千问、MOSS等国产AI大模型,持续更新中,更多功能等着你来解锁
- chatgpt-quickstart - Build a chat application using Azure OpenAI with ChatGPT.
- autoblogger - This is an autoblogger that uses the ChatGPT API and Stable Diffusion API to create fully optimized blog posts and post them automatically to wordpress
- chatserver-api - 基于OPENAI的ChatGPT API开发的AI助手系统 Chatserver-web 支持本地数据向量话提问 基于Golang语言的后端API服务
- laravel-synth - Generate Laravel code with ChatGPT
- openai-billing-query - 单页面项目,批量可视化查询openai(chatgpt)余额,支持显示总量,已使用,剩余量,已用比例,到期时间,GPT-4,是否绑卡。This is a single-page project that enables batch visualization query for openai (chatgpt) balance. It supports displaying total amount, used amount, remaining amount, usage ratio, expiration time, GPT-4, and whether it is bound with a card.
- aks-openai - Azure Cosmos samples to leverage Bulk capabilities for Graph API accounts
- function-gpt - This is a typescript library that helps handle function calling with OpenAI's ChatGPT API.
- chef-gpt - Customizable recipe generator powered by OpenAI and ChatGPT. Built with Next.Js Tailwind CSS Radix UI Supabase Clerk.
- gpt4docstrings - Generating Python docstrings with OpenAI ChatGPT!!
- power-chatgpt - A Power Tool For ChatGPT
- cg - The commit GPT using OpenAI's chatGPT for free
- ninja - Reverse engineered ChatGPT proxy
- free-chat - forked from @anse-app/chatgpt-demo. Index site at https://free-chat.asia/
- Vontigo - ? Vontigo is an open-source CMS built with SvelteKit, featuring ? AI-powered (ChatGPT) content generation. With fast page loads and seamless routing, Vontigo offers a user-friendly interface with customizable themes and templates.
- 7-docs - Use any public GitHub repository as a source and ask questions through ChatGPT about it
- chatgpt-pre-commit-hooks - Pre-commit hooks collection that utilizes ChatGPT and OpenAI platform to validate changes made to the codebase.
- chatpad - Not just another ChatGPT user-interface!
- chatgpt-nuxt - 基于 Nuxt.js 框架的 ChatGPT 类项目,支持 OpenAI 和 Azure 两种 API 切换,支持黑暗模式、中英日多语言切换。
- chat - 有用户管理功能的ChatGPT API透明代理后台
- chatgpt-nodejs-web - chatgpt nodejs服务,集成了ChatGLM、GPT3.5、GPT4、GPT联网、必应、Claude、百度文心一言等模型
- chatgpt-ui - ChatGPT UI with auth, targeted towards business-ey usecases, written in Elixir + LiveView
- chatgpt-ai-template - ? Horizon AI Template - Trendiest Open-source ChatGPT UI AI Template & Starter Kit for React, NextJS & Chakra UI
- chatgpt-history-export-to-md - A script to effortlessly extract your entire ChatGPT data export from JSON files to nicely-formatted markdown files.
- chatgpt-aoai - create your own chatgpt portal using azure openai
- siyuan - A privacy-first, self-hosted, fully open source personal knowledge management software, written in typescript and golang.
- Free-ChatGPT-API - 基于pandora的ChatGPT API,实现了pool token的自动更新
- QChatGPT - ?高稳定性、?支持插件、?实时联网的 ChatGPT QQ 机器人? | 支持 ChatGPT、New Bing、Claude、Google Bard、gpt4free、One API 的 QQ 机器人平台
- novel - Notion-style WYSIWYG editor with AI-powered autocompletion.
- feishu-openai - ? 飞书 ×(GPT-4 + DALL·E-3 + Whisper)= 飞一般的工作体验 语音对话、角色扮演、多话题讨论、图片创作、表格分析、文档导出
- openai - OpenAI .NET sdk - ChatGPT, Whisper, GPT-3, GPT-4, Azure OpenAI and DALL-E
- chatgpt - 全网最易部署,响应速度最快的ChatGPT环境。PHP版调用OpenAI接口进行问答和画图,采用Stream流模式通信,一边生成一边输出。前端采用EventSource,支持Markdown格式解析,支持公式显示,代码有着色处理,支持画图。页面UI简洁,支持上下文连续会话。源码只有几个文件,没用任何框架,支持所有PHP版本,全部开源,极易二开。保姆级教程,全部周边资源,欢迎进群交流,一切全免费。
- Dingtalk-OpenAI - ? 钉钉 & ? GPT-3.5 让你的工作效率直接起飞 私聊群聊方式、单聊串聊模式、角色扮演、图片创作
- chatgpt-web - ChatGPT web interface using the OpenAI API
- OpenAI-API-dotnet - An unofficial C#/.NET SDK for accessing the OpenAI GPT-3 API
- ChatGPT_JCM - OpenAI管理界面,聚合了OpenAI的所有接口进行界面操作(所有模型、图片、音频、微调、文件)等,支持Markdown格式(公式、图表,表格)等,后期会一点一点的将OpenAI接口进行接入大家支持一下,右上角点个Star,我会一直更新下去,大家一起学习,一起加油,一起努力,一起成长。
- aiac - Artificial Intelligence Infrastructure-as-Code Generator.
- openai - Dart/Flutter SDK for ChatGPT and all OpenAI APIs (GPT, Dall-e..)
- chat - chat web app for teams, sass with user management and ratelimit, support chatgpt(openai & azure), claude or custom model
- VirtualWife - VirtualWife是一个虚拟数字人项目,项目还处于孵化阶段,有很多需要优化的地方,作者想打造一个拥有自己“灵魂”的虚拟数字人,你可以像朋友一样和她相识,作者希望虚拟数字人融入人类生活,作为恋爱导师,心理咨询师,解决人类的情感需求。
- copilot-gpt4-service - Convert the Github Copilot request into a ChatGPT request, free to use the GPT-4 model.
- PatrikZeros-ChatGPT-API-UI - Static webpage that allows you to use your OpenAI API key for the same experience as you get with ChatGPT!
- NeuroGPT - Free ChatGPT 3.5 / ChatGPT 4 | Free OpenAI / ChatGPT API
- ant-codeAI - AI generate code
- BestGPTs - Top ranked OpenAI GPTs
- chat_gpt_sdk - Flutter ChatGPT
- chatgpt-web - 用 Express 和 Vue3 搭建的 ChatGPT 此项目 Fork 自 Chanzhaoyu/chatgpt-web 新增了多租户管理以及云端消息同步功能 基于 MIT 协议,免费且作为开源学习使用
- tiktoken-go - go version of tiktoken
- openai-proxy - openai-proxy is a solution provided for Chinese users to address the issue of being unable to make requests to the OpenAI API.
- hello-ai - 抢走你工作的不是AI,而是掌握使用AI工具的人。 降维打击最为致命:毁灭你,与你何干《三体》
- ChatGPT-Paper-Reader - This repo offers a simple interface that helps you to read&summerize research papers in pdf format. You can ask some questions after reading. This interface is developed based on openai API and using GPT-3.5-turbo model.
- lux-admin-vuetify3 - Create the best admin based on Vue3.2, Vite4.1, TypeScript, Vuetify3, Chat GPT,Firebase etc.
- gpt-tokenizer - JavaScript BPE Tokenizer Encoder Decoder for OpenAI's GPT-2 / GPT-3 / GPT-4. Port of OpenAI's tiktoken with additional features.
- tiktokenizer - Online playground for OpenAPI tokenizers
- cognee - Memory management for the AI Applications and AI Agents
- 金融 - ? Free open-source personal finance tracking web application powered by ChatGPT.
- chatgpt-web - Pure Javascript ChatGPT demo based on OpenAI API
- one-api - OpenAI 接口管理 & 分发系统,改自songquanpeng/one-api。支持更多模型,加入统计页面,完善非openai模型的函数调用。
- lux-ui - Create the best admin based on Vue3.x, Vite5.x, TypeScript, Vuetify3.x, Chat GPT
- chatgpt-pro - ChatGPT-Pro is an advanced application that combines the power of ChatGPT and DALL.E.
- AI-Functions - AI-Powered Function Magic: Never code again with GPT models!
- chat2api - A service that can convert ChatGPT on the web to OpenAI API format.
- ai-codereviewer - AI Code Reviewer: Enhance your GitHub workflow with AI-powered code review!使用OpenAI的GPT-4 API獲得有關拉的請求的智能反饋和建議,提高代碼質量並節省開發人員的時間。
- yomo - ? Stateful Serverless Framework for building Geo-distributed Edge AI Infra
- Gumroad-Landing-Page-Generator - This project is a Python script that scrapes data from a Gumroad site, generates a colorful and well-designed HTML page using OpenAI's GPT-4 model, and deploys the generated page to Vercel.
- ninja - Reverse engineered ChatGPT proxy
- chatgpt-adapter - 集成了openai-api、bing、gemini、coze、绘画 多款AI的聊天接口适配到 OpenAI API 标准接口服务端。
- ChatGPT.Net - C# library for ChatGPT using official OpenAI API
- hisabi - ? Free open-source personal finance tracking web application powered by ChatGPT.
- stride-gpt - An AI-powered threat modeling tool that leverages OpenAI's GPT models to generate threat models for a given application based on the STRIDE methodology.
- generative-manim - ? GPT for video generation ⚡️
- celeris-web - Celeris Web is a highly performant and customizable front-end development template built with Vue 3, Vite, and TypeScript. It features the latest syntax, components and APIs auto importing, state management, Chinese font presets, internationalization, and integration with OpenAI's ChatGPT API.
- liboai - A C++17 library to access the entire OpenAI API.
- tiktoken-rs - Ready-made tokenizer library for working with GPT and tiktoken
- ai-commit - Automagically generate conventional git commit messages with AI. - 使用 AI 自动生成约定式 git 提交信息。
- MatGPT - MATLAB app to access ChatGPT API from OpenAI
- one-hub - OpenAI 接口管理 & 分发系统,改自songquanpeng/one-api。支持更多模型,加入统计页面,完善非openai模型的函数调用。
- whodb - A lightweight next-gen data explorer - Postgres, MySQL, SQLite, MongoDB, Redis, MariaDB & Elastic Search with Chat interface
- sum4all - 网页、视频、图片大模型总结
- Pet-GPT - Pet-GPT 是一个使用 PyQt 编写的桌面宠物程序,支持调用 OpenAI 的 GPT 进行上下文对话,然后主动找你聊天!
- PureChat - PureChat 是一个集成 ChatGPT 的聊天应用,基于 Vue3 ,Vite5,Electron开发
- OpenGPT-4o - OpenGPT 4o is a free alternative to OpenAI GPT 4o
- aoai-realtime-audio-sdk - Azure OpenAI code resources for using gpt-4o-realtime capabilities.
- inbox-zero - Open source email app to reach inbox zero fast.
- ToolJet - Low-code platform for building business applications. Connect to databases, cloud storages, GraphQL, API endpoints, Airtable, Google sheets, OpenAI, etc and build apps using drag and drop application builder. Built using JavaScript/TypeScript.
- AutoGPT - AutoGPT is the vision of accessible AI for everyone, to use and to build on. Our mission is to provide the tools, so that you can focus on what matters.
- pr-agent - CodiumAI PR-Agent: An AI-Powered ? Tool for Automated Pull Request Analysis, Feedback, Suggestions and More! ?
- whisper-diarization - Automatic Speech Recognition with Speaker Diarization based on OpenAI Whisper
- swarm - Educational framework exploring ergonomic, lightweight multi-agent orchestration.由OpenAI解決方案團隊管理。
- DashPlayer - 为英语学习者量身打造的视频播放器,助你通过观看视频、沉浸真实语境,轻松提升英语水平。#美剧 #播放器 #听力
- logfire - Uncomplicated Observability for Python and beyond! ?
- new-api - AI模型接口管理与分发系统,支持将多种大模型转为OpenAI格式调用、支持Midjourney Proxy、Suno、Rerank,兼容易支付协议,仅供个人或者企业内部管理与分发渠道使用,请勿用于商业用途,本项目基于One API二次开发。
- STranslate - A ready-to-use, ready-to-go translation ocr tool developed by WPF/WPF 开发的一款即开即用、即用即走的翻译、OCR工具
- fastembed - Fast, Accurate, Lightweight Python library to make State of the Art Embedding
- openai-openapi - OpenAPI specification for the OpenAI API
- openai-dotnet - The official .NET library for the OpenAI API
- stable-ts - Transcription, forced alignment, and audio indexing with OpenAI's Whisper
- async-openai - Rust library for OpenAI
- o1-engineer - o1-engineer is a command-line tool designed to assist developers in managing and interacting with their projects efficiently.利用OpenAI API的功能,該工具提供了諸如代碼生成,文件編輯和項目計劃之類的功能,以簡化您的開發工作流程。
- simple-one-api - OpenAI 接口接入适配,支持千帆大模型平台、讯飞星火大模型、腾讯混元以及MiniMax、Deep-Seek,等兼容OpenAI接口,仅单可执行文件,配置超级简单,一键部署,开箱即用. Seamlessly integrate with OpenAI and compatible APIs using a single executable for quick setup and deployment.
- WAAS - Whisper as a Service (GUI and API with queuing for OpenAI Whisper)
- COAI-下一代AI一站式國際化解決方案。 下一代 AI 一站式 B/C 端解决方案,支持 OpenAI,Midjourney,Claude,讯飞星火,Stable Diffusion,DALL·E,ChatGLM,通义千问,腾讯混元,360 智脑,百川 AI,火山方舟,新必应,Gemini,Moonshot 等模型,支持对话分享,自定义预设,云端同步,模型市场,支持弹性计费和订阅计划模式,支持图片解析,支持联网搜索,支持模型缓存,丰富美观的后台管理与仪表盘数据统计。
- 自我運行計算機 - 一個框架,可實現多模型操作計算機。
- Blinko-使用Typescript構建的開源,自託管的個人筆記工具優先考慮隱私。
- visual-chatgpt - Official repo for the paper: Visual ChatGPT: Talking, Drawing and Editing with Visual Foundation Models
- nanoGPT - The simplest, fastest repository for training/finetuning medium-sized GPTs.
- gpt_index - Tensors and Dynamic neural networks in Python with strong GPU acceleration
- nebullvm - Plug and play modules to optimize the performances of your AI systems
- gpt-2-output-dataset - Dataset of GPT-2 outputs for research in detection, biases, and more
- IATelligence - IATelligence is a Python script that will extract the IAT of a PE file and request GPT to get more information about the API and the ATT&CK matrix related
- ColossalAI - Making large AI models cheaper, faster and more accessible
- aoc-gpt - Solve Advent of Code puzzles with GPT-3
- EdgeGPT - Reverse engineered API of Microsoft's Bing Chat AI
- chatGPT-python-elm - A repository fully generated by ChatGPT making it believed it checked out a this repository which I described like the first line of the README.
- Sekiryu - Automatic decompilation and analysis of binary files with your favorite decompiler and and ChatGPT
- xiaogpt - Play ChatGPT with xiaomi AI speaker
- gpt-wpre - Whole-Program Reverse Engineering with GPT-3
- chatgpt_academic - 科研工作专用ChatGPT拓展,特别优化学术Paper润色体验,支持自定义快捷按钮,支持markdown表格显示,Tex公式双显示,代码显示功能完善,新增本地Python工程剖析功能/自我剖析功能
- chatgpt-api - This repository contains code to parse various site
- babyagi - 3 cool projects to play around with autonomous agents:- auto-gpt: babyagi: camel: one is your favorite?
- metaseq - Repo for external large-scale work
- ThreatResearch - during our latest incident response, @charleslomboni implemented #chatgpt into #ghidra.we've released the code so you could use it too: called it askjoe ?enjoy & share
- stable-diffusion-webui - Stable Diffusion web UI
- examples - Fast and flexible reference benchmarks
- ChatGDB - Harness the power of ChatGPT inside the GDB or LLDB debugger!
- whisper - Robust Speech Recognition via Large-Scale Weak Supervision
- point-e - Point cloud diffusion for 3D model synthesis
- stable-diffusion-webui-chatgpt-utilities - Enables use of ChatGPT directly from the UI
- reflexion - Reflexion: an autonomous agent with dynamic memory and self-reflection
- stackexplain - Explain your error message with ChatGPT
- nanoChatGPT - A crude RLHF layer on top of nanoGPT with Gumbel-Softmax trick
- flash-attention - Fast and memory-efficient exact attention
- cgpt_exceptions - made a python package to automatically get help from chatgpt when an exception is thrown.一探究竟!
- go-gpt3 - Python interface to Amazon Web Services
- talkGPT - An simple Python program that help you talk with ChatGPT, practice Spoken English ...
- XX-Net - A proxy tool to bypass GFW.
- ida_gpt - code to integrate #chatgpt into @hexrayssa to comment gpt's description of functions and rename variables and function names for you.
- pubmedgpt - Composing methods for ML training efficiency
- nanoGPT - The simplest, fastest repository for training/finetuning medium-sized GPTs.
- slither - Static Analyzer for Solidity
- bpy-chat-gpt - Chat GPT api integrated into a simple blender addon
- scrapbox_chatgpt_connector - ChatGPT reads Scrapbox
- Partial-English-Subtitle-Translation - 各位假门假事儿学英语的亲们,我又带学英语的工具来啦这次是只翻译字幕中的生词,自己选难度。本次 #抛砖 的重点是,通过gpt翻译出了单词在句中的含义。网页版::
- GilgaiDetection - Simple colour thresholdhing for Gilgai detection
- chatgpt_stock_report - 그날의 증권사 리포트를 챗 gpt를 활용해 요약하는 레포
- DeeperSpeed - DeepSpeed is a deep learning optimization library that makes distributed training easy, efficient, and effective.
- MM-REACT - Official repo for MM-REACT
- WavCaps - This reporsitory contains metadata of WavCaps dataset and codes for downstream tasks.
- Painter - Painter & SegGPT Series: Vision Foundation Models from BAAI
- Auto-GPT - An experimental open-source attempt to make GPT-4 fully autonomous.
- Robo-GPT - A simple and extensible program that helps you run GPT-4 model autonomously.
- gpt-4-search - A command line GPT-4 REPL with Google search in 200 lines of code
- symbolicai - Compositional Differentiable Programming Library
- MiniGPT-4 - @bentossell minigpt-4 does this in their demo.
- DeepSpeed - DeepSpeed is a deep learning optimization library that makes distributed training and inference easy, efficient, and effective.
- micro-gpt - A minimal generic autonomous agent.
- gptdeploy - One line to create them all
- cloudgpt - Vulnerability scanner for AWS customer managed policies using ChatGPT
- LlamaAcademy - A school for camelids
- magic-happens - A kubernetes operator you should never run under any circumstances
- Multi-GPT - An experimental open-source attempt to make GPT-4 fully autonomous.
- Image2Paragraph - Transform Image into Unique Paragraph with ChatGPT, BLIP2, OFA, GRIT, Segment Anything, ControlNet.
- xai-gpt-agent-toolkit - Xircuits toolkit for creating and experimenting with BabyAGI/AutoGPT-style agents
- celltypewriter - update: you can now use #celltypewriter without a #gpt4 api-key. we've set up a #free version so you can try it out on your #data. this will be active for a few days or until funds run out : ) have fun! github link:
- AutoGPT-FR - Version française d'Auto GPT
- DeepSpeedExamples - Example models using DeepSpeed
- Caption-Anything - Caption-Anything is a versatile tool combining image segmentation, visual captioning, and ChatGPT, generating tailored captions with diverse controls for user preferences.
- AudioGPT - AudioGPT: Understanding and Generating Speech, Music, Sound, and Talking Head
- Machine-Learning-Goodness - The Machine Learning project including ML/DL projects, notebooks, cheat codes of ML/DL, useful information on AI/AGI and codes or snippets/scripts/tasks with tips.
- data-winners - A collection of FREE python and R scripts for website development, analysis, and optimization. Includes advanced resources for topical authority and semantic content optimization.
- critique-apps - Apps built using Inspired Cognition's Critique.
- deep-rl-class - This repo contains the syllabus of the Hugging Face Deep Reinforcement Learning Course.
- deep-RL-elements - Deep RL algorithm in pytorch
- viper - Code for the paper "ViperGPT: Visual Inference via Python Execution for Reasoning"
- ChatCaptioner - Official Repository of ChatCaptioner
- galai - Model API for GALACTICA
- gost-install.ipynb - 通过 Jupyter Notebook 安装 GOST
- chatgpt-desktop - Duel with your facebook friends in flappy bird game play
- yobulkdev - Open Source & AI driven Data Onboarding Platform:Free flatfile.com alternative
- WTF-JavaScript - 我最近在重新学 JavaScript, 巩固一下细节, 也写一个“WTF JavaScript极简入门”,供新人学习。
- gpt3-email - Using GPT-3 to help you write emails.
- chatgpt-action - Let ChatGPT review PRs for you
- scalene - Scalene: a high-performance, high-precision CPU, GPU, and memory profiler for Python with AI-powered optimization proposals
- BingGPT - Desktop application of new Bing's AI-powered chat (Windows, macOS and Linux)
- ChatGPT-Feishu - 给飞书准备的 ChatGPT 机器人
- ARC - The Abstraction and Reasoning Corpus
- pdf.js - PDF Reader in JavaScript
- adrenaline - Talk to your codebase
- lorem-chatum-for-indesign - Lorem Chatum script for Adobe InDesign that uses ChatGPT to produce better lorem ipsum
- monocle-rizz - rizzGPT
- gptrpg - A demo of an GPT-based agent existing in an RPG-like environment
- ChattyCaty - chattycaty - oss tool that creates polymorphic programs using gpt models.
- appwrite - Secure Backend Server for Web, Mobile & Flutter Developers AKA the 100% open-source Firebase alternative.
- wechat-chatgpt - Use ChatGPT On Wechat via wechaty
- roomGPT - Upload a photo of your room to generate your dream room with AI.
- noobnooc - The content of my profile, blog, and homepage (https://www.nooc.ink) .
- code-gpt - Make sense of any code, anytime.
- Portal - protal releases:system tray mode supportsapi chat mode historyoptional solution for chatgpt web disconnection issuesautomatic remote update
- commitgpt - Automatically generate commit messages using ChatGPT
- chatgpt-md - A (nearly) seamless integration of ChatGPT into Obsidian.
- paul-graham-gpt - AI search & chat for all of Paul Graham's essays.
- colorGPT - Generating color name captured from real-world using AI
- novu - The open-source notification infrastructure with fully functional embedded notification center
- chatapi-single - Simple and powerful ChatGPT-API-Server
- kindle-gpt - AI search & chat on your Kindle highlights.
- gpt-4-for-code - Some examples of GPT-4 for code!
- M5Core2ImageAvatarLiteChatGPT - ImageAvatarLiteChatGPT for M5Stack Core2
- gpt4all-chat - gpt4all-j chat
- ggml - Tensor library for machine learning
- blindvisaidgpt - An interactive aid for blind people using microsoft/visual-chatgpt
- cformers - SoTA Transformers with C-backend for fast inference on your CPU.
- Pake - ??將任何網頁變成帶Rust的桌面應用程序。 ? 很简单的用 Rust 打包网页生成很小的桌面 App
- run-wild - Augment GPT-4 Environment Access
- gpt-macro - ChatGPT powered Rust proc macro that generates code at compile-time.
- nofwl - NoFWL Desktop Application
- gwipt - Automatically commit all edits to a wip branch with GPT-3 commit messages
- whatsapp-gpt - #8 chatgpt for whatsapp and telegramadd chatgpt to your groupchats:• whatsappgpt: • telegramgpt:
- chatgpt-web - 基于ChatGPT3.5 API实现的私有化web程序
- legitify - Detect and remediate misconfigurations and security risks across all your GitHub and GitLab assets
- wechatgpt - wechatgpt golang版 chatgpt机器人(可docker部署),目前支持wechat,telegram
- xiaogpt.git - bilibili后台源码
- wechat-chatGPT - 实现微信公众号被动返回接口的ChatGPT
- dnscrypt-proxy - dnscrypt-proxy 2 - A flexible DNS proxy, with support for encrypted DNS protocols.
- review-gpt - An automatic code review tool that uses gpt-3, gpt-3.5, and gpt-4
- kube-ovn - A Bridge between SDN and Cloud Native (Project under CNCF)
- gpt-takes-the-bar-exam - GPT Takes the Bar Exam
- offensive-chatgpt - Offensive security use cases of ChatGPT
- ChatGPT-Saver - Chat GPT ChatGPT Saver
- ChatGPT-Simple - Build a simple locally hosted version of ChatGPT in less than 100 lines of code
- LongReadBenchmark - Benchmarking long-read RNA-seq analysis tools
- GptMedCode - @zakkohane @arjunmanrai from #ehr analytic perspective, was wondering if obtaining codes could be automated using #chatgpt backend. but the quality of codes returned was not that reliable. quality ~ icd > loinc > snomed
- AISisterAIChan - ChatGPT3.5を搭載した伺かゴースト「AI妹アイちゃん」です。利用には別途ChatGPTのAPIキーが必要です。
- Entrepreneur-GPT - 2017 GUJAM
- ChatGPTforRhino - chatgptforrhinoにgui実装してそれっぽくした!あとgithubに置いといた!
- OutlineStormingGPT - Just a tool to talk softly with GPT
- Auto-GPT.git - Advanced Games Engineering Project - Cubic Voxel Game Maker
- ChatGPT-Bypass - Simple scripts that allows you to bypass content filtering in ChatGPT through the API
- robustlearn - A respository for MDATP PowerBI Templates
- check - Streaming Media Unlock Test
- haoel.github.io - 前两天看到耗子哥更新了上网的文档 也来说一下我是怎么解决 chatgpt和 new bing 就算挂了梯子还是无法登录或者使用问题的:gost + cloudflare warp,配置起来也比较简单 (1/n)
- FlexGen - A game for landscape planing
- chatgpt-web - 用 Express 和 Vue3 搭建的 ChatGPT 演示网页
- SPTH - Second Part To Hell's artworks: artificial (life/evolution/intelligence)
- whatsapp-chatgpt - Procedural noise-map generator ?
- MathGPT - 免費數字驅動的數學模型人工智能 | 為你的數字建立數學模型 |
- ChatGPT.el - ChatGPT in Emacs
- flutter_chatgpt_api - Use ChatGPT from Flutter / Dart
- chatchan-dist - Chat酱独立部署版,docker方案自带代理
- MaterialGPT - MaterialGPT is a clone of ChatGPT using API
- chatwire - Self hosted ChatGPT clone using Laravel
- ChatGPTForTelegram - 目前机器人基于ChatGPT进行开发 使用机器人可以让你轻松进行对话, 后续机器人的更新升级一个命令即可搞定, 无需再上服务器进行升级机器人
- GPTstudio - R and FORTRAN based optimizer specifically written to estimate genetic variance component models, in which fixed effects and moderation effects are allowed.
- binary-dist - 実行可能バイナリ配布用
- GPTeacher - A collection of modular datasets generated by GPT-4, General-Instruct - Roleplay-Instruct - Code-Instruct - and Toolformer
- AI-Toolbox - Building a comprehensive resource for AI enthusiasts and professionals
- following-instructions-human-feedback - @rachel_l_woods this is my go-to paper for instructing gpt to not hallucinate
- Audits-Smart-Contracts - announcing audit report congratulations chat gpt ? audits dm -
- Malware - macOS Malware Collection
- inPars - VOSviewer Online is a tool for network visualization. It is a web-based version of VOSviewer, a popular tool for constructing and visualizing bibliometric networks.
- ai-review.vim - Count your code, quickly.
- gayolGate - Information about my GitHub profile
- minlora - exciting news! i just released my new repo, minlora ? this powerful library lets you apply lora to any pytorch model in a few lines of code. from @huggingface's transformers, diffusers, to @karpathy's nanogpt. check it out now at
- EOSIO-Vulnerability-Scanner - Bug Bounty for P0 Network security issue on a layer 1 blockchain protocol
- paytm-movies - #bimbisara #jan9mon collection 1,852₹, 77% occupancy (1,852/2,400), 5 shows, #testcinemaocl #waterland
- chatgpt-vscode - Your best AI pair programmer in VS Code
- PolyglotSiri-Apple-Shortcut - PolyglotSiri is based on ChatGPT-Siri and enhances its multilingual and speech capabilities.
- M5Burner_M5Unified_StackChan_ChatGPT_README - M5Burner版M5Unified_StackChan_ChatGPTのREADMEです。
- stableLM - SDK for interacting with stability.ai APIs (eg stable diffusion inference)
- AI-Twitter-History - ChatGPT is good but you don't know how to use it
- gpt-legion - Radiant Blockchain Node (RXD) - SHA512/256 Proof-of-Work
- JinJinLeDao_QA_Dataset - The dataset contains over 18,000 Chinese question-answer pairs extracted from 281 episodes of the Chinese podcast "JinJinLeDao".
- AlitaAI - #notion #chatgpt #AlitaAI 肝了一个月终于出来了,和 ChatGPT 一起产品/设计/前后端 ,新人求关注Alita AI(save to notion)是一款基于 Notion、ChatGPT 的人工智能助手, 能帮你渐进式学习、自动化高效录入知识片段抢先版:
- 2048 - yet another 2048, but this time it's controlled by GPT
- VardaGPT - Associative memory-enhanced GPT-2 model
- gpt-json - Structured and typehinted GPT responses in Python
- gptneox - What the Package Does (One Line, Title Case)
- babyagi4all - BabyAGI to run with GPT4All
- open-chat-video-editor - Open source short video automatic generation tool
- AIXP - AI-Exchange Protocol (AIXP): A Communication Standard for Artificial Intelligence Agents
- chat-ui - Open source codebase powering the HuggingChat app
- pandora - 潘多拉,一个让你呼吸顺畅的ChatGPT。Pandora, a ChatGPT that helps you breathe smoothly.
- ChatWaifu_Mobile - 移动版二次元 AI 老婆聊天器
- ChatALL - Concurrently chat with ChatGPT, Bing Chat, bard, Alpaca, Vincuna, Claude, ChatGLM, MOSS, iFlytek Spark, ERNIE and more, discover the best answers
- fastGPT - Fast GPT-2 inference written in Fortran
- menubar - a menubar with Zero latency access to ChatGPT/Bard/Claude! A/B test them, or use them in the background. I use this 20 times a day.
- quivr - Dump all your files and thoughts into your GenerativeAI Second Brain and chat with it
- GPTeam - GPTeam: An open-source multi-agent simulation
- learnGPT - A free, open source, AI powered alternative to Quizlet.
- GirlfriendGPT - Girlfriend GPT is a Python project to build your own AI girlfriend using ChatGPT4.0
- Mr.trans - Illuminate Minds, Transcend Learning
- chat_gpt_error_handler - Try out my new gem "chat_gpt_error_handler" today!It pops a (hopefully) helpful ChatGPT snippet before your error stacktrace
- PandaGPT - PandaGPT: One Model To Instruction-Follow Them All
- rinna_gpt-neox_ggml-lora - The repository contains scripts and merge scripts that have been modified to adapt an Alpaca-Lora adapter for LoRA tuning when assuming the use of the "rinna/japanese-gpt-neox..." [gpt-neox] model converted to ggml.
- gptlink - 10分钟搭建自己可免费商用的ChatGPT环境,搭建简单,包含用户,订单,任务,付费等功能
- tell-me-a-story-ai - "Tell me a story" is a small app that allows you to write a story using ChatGPT and React Native.
- chatgpt-yaml-generator - Give ChatGPT full knowledge of Kubernetes schemas + validation capabilities
- ComposeAI - An Android & iOS application ChatGPT like made with Compose Multiplatform
- GreatMaster - Master, help us to awaken and enlighten. 大师,我悟了。
- SAIL - SAIL: Search Augmented Instruction Learning
- PodcastCopilot - Scalable, fast, and lightweight system for large-scale topic modeling
- gpt-aggregated-edition - 聚合ChatGPT官方版、ChatGPT免费版、文心一言、Poe、chatchat等多平台,支持自定义导入平台
- larc_gpt4 - larc solving with gpt4
- go-proxy-bingai - 用 Vue3 和 Go 搭建的微软 New Bing 演示站点,拥有一致的 UI 体验,支持 ChatGPT 提示词,国内可用。
- slack-knowledgebase-chatgpt-responder - ChatGPT powered slack responder to the questions that are about NearForm knowledge base
- simpleaichat - Python package for easily interfacing with chat apps, with robust features and minimal code complexity.
- instruction-tuned-sd - Code for instruction-tuning Stable Diffusion.
- gpt-engineer - Specify what you want it to build, the AI asks for clarification, and then builds it.
- FalconStreaming - Falcon40B and 7B (Instruct) with streaming, top-k, and beam search
- lightspeedGPT - Use GPT4 and GPT3.5 on inputs of unlimited size. Uses multithreading to process multiple chunks in parallel. Useful for tasks like Named Entity Recognition, information extraction on large books, datasets, etc.
- bloop - bloop is a fast code search engine written in Rust.
- obsidian-copilot - A ChatGPT Copilot in Obsidian
- thinkgpt - Tunisair App REST API
- babyagi-ui - BabyAGI UI is designed to make it easier to run and develop with babyagi in a web app, like a ChatGPT.
- GPT4Company - Gpt4Company is a request forwarder used to prevent Samsung-style leaks. Gpt4Company 是一个用来避免三星式泄密的请求转发器
- chatgpt-spring-boot-starter - Spring Boot ChatGPT Starter
- nuclei_gpt - Chat automates Nuclei template generation
- sample-app-aoai-chatGPT - [PREVIEW] Sample code for a simple web chat experience targeting chatGPT through AOAI.
- GENIUS - Can GPT-4 Perform Neural Architecture Search?
- chatgpt-source-watch - Analyzing the evolution of ChatGPT's codebase through time with curated archives and scripts
- PROFILEGPT - PROFILEGPT is a tool for analyzing profiles and hashtags on Twitter. The application exploits various technologies and APIs to collect data and generate information for users.
- chatgpt-auto-continue - ⏩ Automatically continue generating multiple ChatGPT responses
- a1gpt - throwaway GPT inference
- freegpt-webui - GPT 3.5/4 with a Chat Web UI. No API key required.
- commavq - commaVQ is a dataset of compressed driving video
- chatgpt-localfiles - Make local files accessible to ChatGPT
- SlashGPT - @snakajima さんによるSlashGPTの解説後でコードを確認する。
- nba-cba-ai-chat - Use AI to ask questions about the new 676-page NBA CBA.
- Taqyim - Python intefrace for evaluation on chatgpt models
- gpt-code-search - GitHub Action to upload your app for automating the distribution of your app.
- Callisto - Callisto - An Intelligent Binary Vulnerability Analysis Tool
- OpenELM - Evolution Through Large Models
- chatgpt-to-api - Advanced HTTP Library
- chatgpt-web-share - A fully-featured multi-user ChatGPT Web system, with Plus account or API as providers.
- poe-api - A reverse engineered Python API wrapper for Quora's Poe, which provides free access to ChatGPT, GPT-4, and Claude.
- leetcode - 推荐免费ChatGPT网站:www.lintcode.com/chat-gpt?utm_source=tf-github-lucifer LeetCode Solutions: A Record of My Problem Solving Journey.( leetcode题解,记录自己的leetcode解题之路。)
- chatgpt-business - 已汇总41个Chatgpt商业版及提供更多的变现方式,商业源码程序,账号API渠道,支付收款渠道,服务器渠道,课程配套服务,CHATGPT知识星球,开发定制外包
- chapyter - Chapyter: ChatGPT Code Interpreter in Jupyter Notebooks
- ChatGPT-Midjourney-Pro - ?️ 基于 Golang + Vue3 + NaiveUI 的全新 ChatGPT-Midjourney 的 AIGC 应用
- timetask - 一款支持自定义定时任务的chatgpt-on-wechat插件
- chatgpt-mirror-server-deploy - chatgpt-mirror-server快速部署库文件
- gpt-react-designer - ⚡️ Generate and preview ⚛️ React components with ? chatgpt
- personoids-lite - "The Power of Autonomy in Every Chat." - Transform ChatGPT into a powerful autonomous agent that can independently accomplish complex tasks.
- AIChatWeb - 在ChatGPT-Next-Web的基础上,增加注册登录,额度限制,邀请,敏感词,支付,基于docker一键部署。提供后台管理系统,可配置标题、欢迎词、额度不足提醒、公告
- gptAssist - gptAssist is a simple WebView wrapper for ChatGPT
- personal_chatgpt - personal chatgpt
- explain-source-code-by-chatgpt - ?? chatgpt讲解Go知名项目的源码
- ChatGPT_principle_fine-tuning_code_paper - 本『ChatGPT资源库(原理/微调/代码/论文)』的初始版本来自July CSDN博客上阅读量高达50万的ChatGPT系列,联合发起人:七月ChatGPT原理课学员,6月初正式对外发布
- spring-chatgpt-sample - A ChatGPT like sample using Spring / Java Stack
- azurechatgpt - ? Azure ChatGPT: Private & secure ChatGPT for internal enterprise use
- ChatGPT-Nine-Ai - 使用 Nestjs 和 Vue3 搭建的 商业化ChatGPT网站
- gptlink-web - A ChatGPT web app by React and Tailwind CSS,API by gptlink。
- ChatGPT-Virtual-Live - ChatGPT虚拟主播、支持B站、抖音、视频号
- chatgpt-web-plus - chatgpt-web-plus
- MindGeniusAI - Auto generate MindMap with ChatGPT
- ExcelGPT - chatgpt for Excel ,基于ExcelDNA开发
- OpenCopilot - ChatGPT的跨平台桌面客户端,简洁的用户界面和随时唤起的体验。有构建本地知识库、网络检索、长文本阅读、执行本地代码等功能。
- drugchat - DrugChat: Towards Enabling ChatGPT-Like Capabilities on Drug Molecule Graphs
- ChatGPT-SDImg-Web - 基于ChatGPT-Next-Web,集成SD webui AI绘图,实现注册登录,次数限制,充值,分享等功能
- ESP32-ChatGPT - This Repo contains the code for using ChatGPT on ESP32 board along with Audio Response using i2s amplifier module
- gihyo-ChatGPT - Gihyo ChatGPT Book
- azurechatgpt - ? Azure ChatGPT: Private & secure ChatGPT for internal enterprise use
- OpenGPT-Business - chatgpt商业应用!79E/ChatGpt-Web 的1.3.9最新!本人破解,无需授权!
- ChatGPT-fine-tuning - Utility class for training fine tuning ChatGPT
- ChatGPT-Next-Web-Pro - 基于chatgpt-next-web,增加了midjourney绘画功能。后续会接入stable-diffusion,注册登录,后台管理,接入知识库等。
- chirp - Relay ChatGPT questions and answers from Discord
- SQL-GPT - Use ChatGPT to generate SQL and perform execution. Optimization and error correction of SQL is also possible.
- ChatPaper2Xmind - 论文XMind笔记生成工具,将论文pdf通过ChatGPT转换为带有图片和公式的简要XMind笔记,提高论文阅读效率。
- TIME-SEA-chatgpt - 基于SpringBoot3开发的Ai平台 含双端 网页以及小程序 包含chatgpt newbing claude , 双端数据同步 支持自定义预设词,功能板块定义,各类绘图 web兼容手机展示
- Chat-CodeReview - ChatGPT集成Gitlab,自动审计代码进行评论
- NeuroGPT - Бесплатный ChatGPT 3.5 / ChatGPT 4
- chatreview - Code Review Mode for ChatGPT
- pandora - ChatGPT Coding Unleashed! Pandora gives ChatGPT the ability to read and write files and run commands on your machine.
- feishu-chatgpt - 一个集成ChatGPT的飞书应用
- midjourney_turbo - chatgpt-on-wechat的mj画图插件,支持次数限制,GPT关键词润色,图片合成,以图生图
- humanify - Un-minify Javascript code using ChatGPT
- careerboost - chatGPT 이력서 첨삭 서비스
- livecodingthefuture-docker-terraform - Projeto Criado para salvar os Exemplos da Live Conding The Future. Realizando deploy de uma aplicação web em cloud com Docker, Terraform, Bard e ChatGPT
- chatgpt-jiezi - ChatGPT 管理端-解字
- GPT-WEB-JAVA - 基于JDK8 AI 聊天机器人!微信公众号 Midjourney画图、卡密兑换、web 支持ChatGPT、Midjourney画图、sd画图,卡密兑换,易支付,公众号引流,邮件注册
- ChatGPT-Python-Applications - ChatGPT Python Applications integrated with third party libraries and modules
- ChatLog - ⏳ ChatLog: Recording and Analysing ChatGPT Across Time
- claude-in-slack-server - HTTP server that help you interact with Claude in slack, compatible with ChatGPT Web API.
- chat-review - ChatGPT Gitlab Code Review
- ChatGPTBook - 《ChatGPT原理与实战:大型语言模型的算法、技术和私有化》
- nvim-gpt - Integrated ChatGPT + Bing AI in NeoVim just for neo-pioneers like you :)
- ChatReviewer - ChatReviewer: 使用ChatGPT分析论文优缺点,提出改进建议
- ChatGLM-Tuning - 一种平价的chatgpt实现方案, 基于ChatGLM-6B + LoRA
- chatgpt - Use ChatGPT inside Emacs
- Using-ChatGPT-to-Learn-Programming - "Learn how to use ChatGPT to enhance your learning of Programming
- Apilot - 基于chatgpt_on_wechat项目的一个api调用插件
- ChatGPT_Custom_Instructions - Repo of custom instructions that you can use for ChatGPT
- chatnio - 轻量级 ChatGPT 聊天平台, 实现 ChatGPT 联网功能,多账户均衡负载,缓存,鉴权系统,支持 Stream 实时响应,图像生成,对话记忆功能 Lightweight ChatGPT chat platform, implement ChatGPT online searching service, multi-account load balancing, cache, authentication system, supports stream real-time response, image generation and memory function
- talk - Talking with ChatGPT is a breeze
- brain-reply - 更优雅的ChatGPT客户端
- wechat_gpt_laf - 使用Laf云平台,两步将ChatGPT接入微信公众号
- bionicgpt - BionicGPT is an on-premise replacement for ChatGPT, offering the advantages of Generative AI while maintaining strict data confidentiality
- ChatGPT-Next-Web-PRO - ChatGPT-Next-Web 接入管理后台,包括:key管理、用户鉴权、公众号注册/扫码登录、支付管理、卡密管理等
- ChatGPT-AutoExpert - ? Supercharged Custom Instructions for ChatGPT (non-coding) and ChatGPT Advanced Data Analysis (coding).
- muchat-aio - 团队版 ChatGPT Web 应用,多用户,免登录。适合公司、组织或小团体内部使用。Team version of ChatGPT web application- multi-user and no log-in required. Suitable for internal use in companies, organizations or small groups.
- chatgpt-web-go - A golang service for chatgpt application
- reddit-profile-analyzer - ChatGPT-based reddit profile analyzer. BYO api key
- bionic-gpt - BionicGPT is an on-premise replacement for ChatGPT, offering the advantages of Generative AI while maintaining strict data confidentiality
- chatgpt-token - Fully automated token deployment on ETH, using ChatGPT and DALL-E.
- RickAndMortai - a chatgpt thingy with rick and morty characters and portals and theres shrek idk.
- sd-webui-chatgpt - This is a repository for using ChatGPT in Stable Diffusion web UI.
- pictureChange - 适用于chatgpt-on-wechat项目插件
- ChatGPT_Agent - A Game Demo Powered by ChatGPT Agents
- gin-vue-admin - 基于vite+vue3+gin搭建的开发基础平台(支持TS,JS混用),集成jwt鉴权,权限管理,动态路由,显隐可控组件,分页封装,多点登录拦截,资源权限,上传下载,代码生成器,表单生成器,chatGPT自动查表等开发必备功能。
- LMFlow - An Extensible Toolkit for Finetuning and Inference of Large Foundation Models. Large Models for All.
- reloadium - Hot Reloading, Profiling and AI debugging for Python
- chatgpt-java - ChatGPT Java SDK。支持 GPT3.5、 GPT4 API。开箱即用。
- alldata - AllData大数据产品是可定义数据中台,以数据平台为底座,以数据中台为桥梁,以机器学习平台,GPT平台为框架,提供全链路数字化解决方案。微信群:https://docs.qq.com/doc/DVHlkSEtvVXVCdEFo
- SuperCLUE - SuperCLUE: 中文通用大模型综合性基准 | A Benchmark for Foundation Models in Chinese
- worktool - 【企业微信】企业微信机器人 聊天机器人、自动加好友、自动拉群、自动群发机器人 免Root零封号 集成ChatGPT
- next-enterprise - An enterprise-grade Next.js boilerplate for high-performance, maintainable apps. Packed with features like Tailwind CSS, TypeScript, ESLint, Prettier, testing tools, and more to accelerate your development.
- HydraLab - Intelligent cloud testing made easy.
- vectordb - Epsilla is a high performance Vector Database Management System. Try out hosted Epsilla at https://cloud.epsilla.com/
- WeChatMsg - 提取微信聊天记录,将其导出成HTML、Word、CSV文档永久保存,对聊天记录进行分析生成年度聊天报告
- gpts-works - A Third-party GPTs store
- gpt-researcher - GPT based autonomous agent that does online comprehensive research on any given topic
- ChatGPT-Next-Web - A well-designed cross-platform ChatGPT UI (Web / PWA / Linux / Win / MacOS). 一键拥有你自己的跨平台 ChatGPT 应用。
- ChatGLM-Finetuning - 基于ChatGLM-6B、ChatGLM2-6B、ChatGLM3-6B模型,进行下游具体任务微调,涉及Freeze、Lora、P-tuning、全参微调等
- ChatGPT-Next-Web - A well-designed cross-platform ChatGPT UI (Web / PWA / Linux / Win / MacOS). 一键拥有你自己的跨平台 ChatGPT 应用。
- gpt-crawler - Crawl a site to generate knowledge files to create your own custom GPT from a URL
- vimGPT - Browse the web with GPT-4V and Vimium
- modelscope-agent - ModelScope-Agent(开源版GPTs): An agent framework connecting models in ModelScope with the world
- chatgpt-wechat - 企业微信/微信 安全使用的 ChatGPT 个人助手应用
- jan - Jan is an open source alternative to ChatGPT that runs 100% offline on your computer
- gerev - ? AI-powered enterprise search engine ?
- Replit-Xray - Replit容器部署xray代理,支持自定义伪装网页,一键五协议共存,支持搭建vless、vmess、trojan、shadowsocks、socks,支持本地上传与replit平台fork两种模式部署
- GPTSecurity - 塑造未来的安全领域智能革命
- auto_job__find__chatgpt__rpa - This is a tool used to automatically generate a cover letter using chatgpt based on your resume and job description and send messages to bosses in China.
- hamulete - ?️国立台湾大学、新加坡国立大学、早稻田大学、东京大学,中央研究院(台湾)以及中国重点高校及科研机构,社科、经济、数学、博弈论、哲学、系统工程类学术论文等知识库。
- GPT-4V-Act - AI agent using GPT-4V(ision) capable of using a mouse/keyboard to interact with web UI
- Generative_Deep_Learning_2nd_Edition - The official code repository for the second edition of the O'Reilly book Generative Deep Learning: Teaching Machines to Paint, Write, Compose and Play.
- smart-ide - 在vscode插件中结合chatgpt能力,实现智能研发提效
- comfyui-mixlab-nodes - Workflow-to-APP、ScreenShare&FloatingVideo、GPT & 3D、SpeechRecognition&TTS
- smart-excel-ai - Generate the Excel formulas you need in seconds using ChatGPT.
- zotero-gpt - GPT Meet Zotero.
- gpt4v-browsing - Web Scraping with GPT-4 Vision API and Puppeteer
- inke - A WYSIWYG notebook with AI assisted writing and real-time collaboration. Support self hosting. 一个所见即所得的Markdown笔记本,支持AI辅助写作和多人协作,支持自部署,使用IndexedDB存储笔记。
- twitterbio - Generate your Twitter bio with Mixtral and GPT-3.5.
- SeeAct - SeeAct is a system for generalist web agents that autonomously carry out tasks on any given website, with a focus on large multimodal models (LMMs) such as GPT-4V(ision).
- AI-Infinity - A set of AI tools that will help you explore the infinite possibilities of AI.
- ChatGPT-Proxy - ChatGPT Proxy
- flutter_chat_box - Flutter开发的和ChatGPT聊天的App,全平台支持
- composum-AI - Artificial intelligence services for the Composum Pages CMS and Adobe AEM
- council - Council is an open-source platform for the rapid development and robust deployment of customized generative AI applications
- ChatGemini - ChatGemini 是一个基于 Google Gemini 的网页客户端,对标 ChatGPT 3.5,操作逻辑同 ChatGPT 3.5 一致,同时支持在聊天中上传图片,应用会自动调用 Gemini-Pro-Vision 模型进行识图。
- yakGPT - Locally running, hands-free ChatGPT UI
- GalTransl - 支持GPT-3.5/GPT-4/Newbing/Sakura等大语言模型的Galgame自动化翻译解决方案
- MoneyPrinter - Automate Creation of YouTube Shorts using MoviePy.
- ChatGPT-DeMod - Tampermonkey/Greasemonkey script that hides the moderation results when communicating with ChatGPT.
- gpt-newspaper - GPT based autonomous agent designed to create personalized newspapers tailored to user preferences.
- CoGPT - Hmm Copilot or GPT?誰知道。 Get access to gpt-4 via copilot.
- rome - Locating and editing factual associations in GPT (NeurIPS 2022)
- chatgpt-next - 微信风格的 ChatGPT,使用 Next.js 构建,私有化部署的最佳选择!
- wechatSDK - 微信机器人是一个创新的基于Python 3.11开发的项目,通过结合ChatGPT模型和微信原生API,为用户提供智能聊天、自动绘画、自动发朋友圈、自动发视频号等多样的API集成服务,旨在提升日常沟通效率和趣味性。
- Bunny - A family of lightweight multimodal models.
- ChatGPT-API-Faucet - AI 圈的水龙头网站,每24小时可领取一个令牌用于开发测试 AI 产品
- WELearnHelper - 显示WE Learn随行课堂题目答案;支持班级测试;自动答题;刷时长;基于生成式AI(ChatGPT)的答案生成
- devchat - Automate your dev tasks with AI-powered scripts, from your IDE's chat panel.
- ChatGPTSwiftUI - A ChatGPT native iOS, macOS, watchOS, tvOS SwiftUI Application
- qcg-installer - ChatGPT QQ 机器人的自动安装器,自动化部署,适用于QChatGPT项目: https://github.com/RockChinQ/QChatGPT
- wechatSDK - 微信机器人是一个创新的基于Python 3.11开发的项目,通过结合ChatGPT模型和微信原生API,为用户提供智能聊天、自动绘画、自动发朋友圈、自动发视频号等多样的API集成服务,旨在提升日常沟通效率和趣味性。
- FreeGPT35 - Utilize the unlimited free GPT-3.5-Turbo API service provided by the login-free ChatGPT Web.
- SWE-agent - SWE-agent takes a GitHub issue and tries to automatically fix it, using GPT-4, or your LM of choice. It solves 12.29% of bugs in the SWE-bench evaluation set and takes just 1.5 minutes to run.
- GalTransl - 支持GPT-3.5/GPT-4/Newbing/Sakura等大语言模型的Galgame自动化翻译解决方案 Automated translation solution for visual novels supporting GPT-3.5/GPT-4/Newbing/Sakura
- VAR - [GPT beats diffusion] [scaling laws in visual generation?] Official impl. of "Visual Autoregressive Modeling: Scalable Image Generation via Next-Scale Prediction"
- ChatWaifu - Combined ChatGPT with Moegoe TTS to create a Chatting Waifu
- AutoAgents - [IJCAI 2024] Generate different roles for GPTs to form a collaborative entity for complex tasks.
- suno-api - Use API to call the music generation AI of suno.ai, and easily integrate it into agents like GPTs.
- ChatGPT-miniprogram - ? ChatGPT 小程序
- 99AI - 99AI 稳定版:基于 NineAI 二开的可商业化 AI Web 应用(免授权,无后门,支持快速部署)。目标 ALL-IN-CHAT
- geekai - AI 助手全套开源解决方案,自带运营管理后台,开箱即用。集成了 ChatGPT, Azure, ChatGLM,讯飞星火,文心一言等多个平台的大语言模型。支持 MJ AI 绘画,Stable Diffusion AI 绘画,微博热搜等插件工具。采用 Go + Vue3 + element-plus 实现。
- ChatGPT-on-WeChat - ?️ Deploy ChatGPT on your WeChat within 2 steps! 两步在云端部署你的微信ChatGPT聊天机器人!?️
- ai-to-pptx - Ai-to-pptx是一个使用AI技术(ChatGpt和Gemini)制作PPTX的助手,支持在线修改和导出PPTX。 主要功能: 1 使用ChatGPT等大语言模型来生成大纲 2 生成的内容允许用户再次修改 3 生成PPTX的时候可以选择不同的模板 4 支持在线修改PPTX的文字内容,样式,图片等 5 支持导出PPTX,PDF,PNG等多种格式
- DAIL-SQL - A efficient and effective few-shot NL2SQL method on GPT-4.
- auto-playwright - Automating Playwright steps using ChatGPT.
- mi-gpt - ? 将小爱音箱接入 ChatGPT 和豆包,改造成你的专属语音助手。
- hostedgpt - An open version of ChatGPT you can host anywhere or run locally.
- typingmind - The most advanced Web UI for AI chat
- reflex-chat - A ChatGPT clone built in Reflex
- gptpdf - Using GPT to parse PDF
- vectorhub - Quickly and easily build AI website or application by using embeddings!
- chatgpt-artifacts - Bring Claude's Artifacts feature to ChatGPT
- Protofy - AI Supercharged LowCode Platform CMS and Framework
- go2coding.github.io - AI工具导航,免费chatgpt,chatgpt4,midjourney,notion ai,tome.app
- chatgpt - uniapp、hyperf MineAdmin 实现的 chatgpt应用,支持小程序、h5、app!
- vscode-chatgpt-reborn - Refactor, improve, and debug your code in VSCode with GPT-3 and GPT-4.
- Chatgpt-Makes-Money - ChatGPT副业赚钱技巧必看, ChatGPT副业赚钱秘籍, ChatGPT从入门到精通
- sendbird-uikit-react - Build chat in minutes with Sendbird UIKit open source code.
- sol-mate-eink - The Sol Mate GPT but on your e-Paper display!
- gptstore-data-backup - The daily archive of GPT Store's trending data
- ChatGPT-airport-tizi-fanqiang - ChatGPT科学上网梯子机场推荐,GPT4升级教程,Claude-3免费使用教程
- vscode-reborn-ai - Refactor, improve, and debug your code in VSCode with GPT-3 and GPT-4.
- gpts - A collection of the GPTs created by rUv
- zerox - Zero shot pdf OCR with gpt-4o-mini
- gpt-games - Build games with GPT
- DecodingTrust - A Comprehensive Assessment of Trustworthiness in GPT Models
- TalkingHeads - A library to communicate with ChatGPT, Claude, Copilot, Gemini, HuggingChat, and Pi
- ChatGPT-Mirror - 一键部署自己的 ChatGPT 镜像站
- WiNGPT2 - WiNGPT是一个基于GPT的医疗垂直领域大模型,旨在将专业的医学知识、医疗信息、数据融会贯通,为医疗行业提供智能化的医疗问答、诊断支持和医学知识等信息服务,提高诊疗效率和医疗服务质量。
- modded-nanogpt - GPT-2 (124M) quality in 5B tokens
- minimind - 【大模型】3小时完全从0训练一个仅有26M的小参数GPT,最低仅需2G显卡即可推理训练!
- AI-Youtube-Shorts-Generator - A python tool that uses GPT-4, FFmpeg, and OpenCV to automatically analyze videos, extract the most interesting sections, and crop them for an improved viewing experience.
- miniperplx - A minimalistic AI-powered search engine that helps you find information on the internet. Search with models like GPT-4o mini, Claude 3.5 Sonnet and o1-mini!
- ai-commit - Make commits easier with ChatGPT, Gitmoji and Conventional Commits
- show-me - A visual and transparent alternative to open-source ChatGPT O1
- chatgpt-api-server - 基于chatgpt官网账号转接对外实现API服务
- ChatALL - Concurrently chat with ChatGPT, Bing Chat, Bard, Alpaca, Vicuna, Claude, ChatGLM, MOSS, 讯飞星火, 文心一言 and more, discover the best answers
- shadcn-nextjs-boilerplate - Shadcn UI NextJS Boilerplate ⚡️ Free Open-source ChatGPT UI Admin Dashboard Template - Horizon AI Boilerplate
- TaskWeaver - CMake integration in Visual Studio Code