1. All wallpapers are of high definition quality. Choose different resolutions to help you quickly find the wallpaper you want;
2. Users can download all wallpapers for free and use them without an Internet connection;
3. Provides a variety of categories, including but not limited to: popular, scenery, animals, celebrities, food, flowers, pets, sports, etc.
1. Allow users to customize wallpapers. Users can choose their own photos or take photos as wallpapers;
2. Users can also place various widgets and emoticons to create a personalized look for their mobile phones;
3. Similar wallpapers will be recommended based on the user's usage history and preferences, making it easier to discover other wallpapers with similar appearances.
1. It will be continuously updated to add new wallpapers and functions. This will ensure users always have ample choice and the latest features;
2. It collects many high-definition and exquisite mobile wallpaper resources, including dynamic wallpapers, video wallpapers, live wallpapers, etc.;
3. According to your own preferences, select your favorite wallpaper and set it as the background of your phone.
1. You can see beautiful high-definition wallpapers every time you open your phone, making your life more colorful;
2. It has a powerful wallpaper editor that users can use to convert their photos or videos into high-definition wallpapers;
3. Edit it in various styles, such as applying multiple filters, adjusting brightness and saturation, etc.