Pocket Wallpaper Software is a very popular theme beautification software. It contains a large number of high-definition wallpaper resources and comprehensive coverage of various styles. Both boys and girls can find their favorite wallpapers through the platform. The wallpaper library is updated daily to obtain A different sense of freshness. It supports DIY wallpapers to suit personal preferences. Everyone is welcome to download from this site.
1. Rich content: It has rich resources such as wallpapers, themes, avatars, and widgets, and is constantly updated to see new content.
2. Resource sharing: If you see some good-looking wallpapers, you can share them on major social platforms and use them with your little sisters.
3. Wallpaper customization: Make personalized wallpapers, use the creation tools and upload your favorite materials to get your own style.
4. Clear classification: Different types of wallpapers are clearly classified, such as animation, games, scenery, cute pets, cute babies, food, etc.
5. One-click application: When you see some good-looking wallpapers, click the apply button to apply them directly to the desktop, and the wallpapers are constantly changing.
[Preview] You can preview the wallpaper online before setting it to see if the effect is what you want, using convenient operations.
【Massive】Massive resources such as themes, wallpapers, avatars, etc. support offline downloading of wallpapers and can be switched directly when needed.
[Homepage] Set up a refreshing homepage. Some exquisite wallpapers will be pushed to users in real time on the homepage, allowing you to choose from a variety of styles.
-The setting method of wallpaper is extremely simple, just click Apply. You can set the function of regularly changing the wallpaper, and it will automatically switch every time.
- All popular wallpaper elements on the Internet are available here, both boys and girls are taken care of, and wallpapers are recommended in real time based on the user's preferences.
- Powerful search tool to quickly find the wallpaper you want. The wallpaper supports online preview, so you can directly see the effect after setting.