Genshin Impact Transparent Wallpaper is a very practical wallpaper beautification software. It has a large number of wallpaper resources. You can choose the wallpaper that suits you according to your own preferences, including various popular pictures, animations, animations, etc. There is a lot of content, and The setting method is also very simple, users can operate it by themselves, and there are detailed instructions.
1. There are massive content updates every day, which can help players find what they want in a short time.
2. No matter what wallpaper resources you like, you can search for them.
3. The categories on the homepage are very detailed. Whatever you want, we can recommend it to you as soon as possible.
1. There are many types of wallpapers, allowing users to have many choices in the game.
2. You can adjust the transparency of the wallpaper and select appropriate parameters for your phone settings.
3. Users do not need to download, they can use it with just one click, which is very convenient.
1. Customize the wallpaper according to your preferences. You can set your wallpaper as you like.
2. Use audio response wallpaper to display your songs and match it with BGM wallpaper. I wonder if you have tried it.
3. It will automatically stop when the energy-saving mode is turned on, and provide FPS and quality settings.
1. Currently, the wallpaper of Genshin Impact has become very transparent, you just need to install it.
2. Then put the transparent wallpaper in to adjust all the lights and make the character richer.
3. When using it, you can quickly download and use it with one click. It is a super convenient and more convenient function.