The mobile version of Biquge is a free novel reading tool with a simple and elegant page and a massive library of novels to meet the reading needs of all friends. Friends can read novels immersively. This Biquge mobile game app also has the function of reading and listening at the same time, allowing you to read audio novels. Below, the editor of this website brings you a free download from the official website of Biquge mobile game. Friends who like it can download it and try it out.
1. Theme classification: Here, detailed classification is carried out according to the theme of the novel, so that you can find it accurately.
2. List: You can update more popular lists in real time to see what others are watching.
3. Complete the novel: It is difficult to follow more serial novels. Here are the complete novels for you to watch.
4. Topics: There are various novel topics pushed here, and the content is more vertical.
1. Massive content: Collect massive content from multiple mainstream search engines and websites, so there will be no book shortage.
2. Fast: Powerful storage and search engine technology, fast content loading, and fast novel updates.
3. Comfortable: The interface interaction is simple and practical, and a variety of thoughtful reading modes allow you to enjoy comfortable reading.
4. Security: Multiple vulnerability protection rules to quickly filter out various web page Trojans and other security risks.
1. Very smooth loading, no need to wait, and no ads interspersed, so you can read it for free with confidence.
2. You can adjust your reading mode and create a good reading environment for yourself.
3. The book listening function is also a major feature, allowing you to free your hands and enjoy the storyline.
4. In Biquge, you can cache your favorite novel resources and read them anytime and anywhere.