تلخيص مكالمات Google Meet باستخدام GPT-3.5.
يستخدم هذا المشروع نموذج OpenAI's gpt-3.5-turbo-16k.
انظر العرض التوضيحي أدناه للحصول على مثال.
أنشئ حساب خدمة في Google Cloud وقم بتنزيل ملف مفتاح JSON. راجع هذا المثال أو هذا لمزيد من التفاصيل.
احفظ مفتاح JSON في ملف credentials.json
ستقوم مواصفات بناء Docker بنسخ ملف credentials.json
إلى صورة الحاوية.
تذكر تمكين التفويض على مستوى النطاق لحساب الخدمة للوصول إلى ملفات Google Drive المملوكة لمستخدمين آخرين.
يستخدم مثال البناء هذا AWS ECR لتخزين صورة الحاوية. ومع ذلك، يمكنك استخدام أي سجل حاوية.
بسجل الحاوية الخاص بك.
تسجيل الدخول إلى AWS ECR:
aws ecr get-login-password --region us-east-1 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin 261082948988.dkr.ecr.us-east-1.amazonaws.com
بناء صورة عامل الميناء:
docker build -t meeting-notes .
ضع علامة على الصورة:
docker tag meeting-notes:latest 261082948988.dkr.ecr.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/autohost-meeting-notes:latest
ادفع الصورة إلى ECR:
docker push 261082948988.dkr.ecr.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/autohost-meeting-notes:latest
قم بإنشاء ملف معلمات CloudFormation:
cp stack-params.json stack-params-prod.json
قم بتحديث ملف stack-params-prod.json
بقيم المعلمات التالية:
نشر قالب CloudFormation باستخدام aws-cli
aws cloudformation create-stack
--stack-name meeting-notes-prod
--tags Key=service,Value=meeting-notes Key=Environment,Value=prod
--parameters file:// $( pwd ) /stack-params-prod.json
--template-body file:// $( pwd ) /cloudformation.yaml --profile default
قم بتحديث قالب CloudFormation باستخدام aws-cli
aws cloudformation update-stack
--stack-name autohost-meeting-notes-prod
--tags Key=service,Value=meeting-notes Key=Environment,Value=prod
--parameters file:// $( pwd ) /stack-params-prod.json
--template-body file:// $( pwd ) /cloudformation.yaml --profile default
قم ببناء صورة الحاوية أولاً.
قم بإنشاء ملف .env
بالمحتويات التالية:
بناء وتشغيل الصورة:
docker build -t meeting-notes . && docker run -p 9000:8080 --env-file=.env --rm meeting-notes
افتح نافذة طرفية جديدة، واستخدم curl
لاختبار نقاط النهاية التالية.
أرسل حدث Google Drive webhook إلى واجهة برمجة التطبيقات:
curl -XPOST " http://localhost:9000/2015-03-31/functions/function/invocations "
-d ' {"headers":{"x-goog-resource-uri":"https://www.googleapis.com/drive/v3/changes?alt=json&pageToken=511460",
"x-goog-channel-token":"roy%40autohost.ai"}} '
حدث SQS للعامل لتلخيص نص الاجتماع:
curl -XPOST " http://localhost:9000/2015-03-31/functions/function/invocations "
-d ' {"Records":[{"messageId":"1JlgPkv5j_N9ul39dWRV-cVcVPIB-lfUK9OcKMALhxgg","body":"{"title":"Roy / Nam (2024-08-16 14:33 GMT-4) – Transcript","id":"1dyoTC5HG4Sfc75jSfeFUU-Rq52XuOnz5aief_mfzirQ","link":"https://docs.google.com/document/d/1dyoTC5HG4Sfc75jSfeFUU-Rq52XuOnz5aief_mfzirQ/edit?usp=drivesdk","owner_email":"[email protected]"}","attributes":{"ApproximateReceiveCount":"1","AWSTraceHeader":"Root=1-6470f9b0-xxxx;Parent=xxxx;Sampled=0;Lineage=85108a56:0","SentTimestamp":"1685125554295","SenderId":"change-me:meeting-notes-prod-api","ApproximateFirstReceiveTimestamp":"1685125554296"},"messageAttributes":{},"md5OfBody":"11268099d001110f04757778362ddb11","eventSource":"aws:sqs","eventSourceARN":"arn:aws:sqs:us-east-1:change-me:meeting-notes-prod-prod-queue","awsRegion":"us-east-1"}]} '
مثال لرسالة بريد إلكتروني تم إرسالها إلى الحاضرين في الاجتماع:
Git Bootcamp (2023-05-29 14:03 GMT-4) - Transcript
Gilfoyle, Dinesh, Richard Hendricks, Jared Dunn, Monica Hall, Erlich Bachman
In the workshop, Gilfoyle provided an in-depth explanation of Git, focusing on the differences
between merging and rebasing. He emphasized the safety of using git fetch for downloading updates
from the remote repository and used visual aids to illustrate the differences between merging and rebasing.
He advised against squashing commits from develop to master to avoid confusion and duplication.
He also stressed the importance of updating branches and creating feature branches off of develop,
recommending the rule of two for branching off feature branches and merging changes into develop in
small increments. He introduced the concept of WIP or draft PRs for ongoing work and the need for a clear
team workflow. He also touched on the interactive rebase command and its options, and concluded with a
brief discussion on git log and its search options.
Key Decisions:
- Git fetch should be used for safely downloading updates from the remote repository.
- Squashing commits from develop to master should be avoided to prevent confusion and duplication.
- The rule of two should be followed for branching off feature branches and changes should be merged into develop in small pieces.
- A clear workflow should be established for the team, including the use of WIP or draft PRs for ongoing work.
Next Steps:
- Team members should familiarize themselves with the differences between merging and rebasing.
- Team members should practice using git fetch for downloading updates.
- Team members should avoid squashing commits from develop to master.
- Team members should follow the rule of two for branching off feature branches and merge changes into develop in small increments.
- Team members should use WIP or draft PRs for ongoing work.
- Team members should establish a clear workflow.
- Team members should familiarize themselves with the interactive rebase command and its options.
- Team members should learn how to use git log and its search options.
Full transcript:
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