هذا عرض توضيحي لبرنامج الدردشة الآلي لخدمة العملاء باستخدام الذكاء الاصطناعي التوليدي من خلال واجهات برمجة تطبيقات Vertex AI PaLM من Google Cloud. يستفيد التطبيق أيضًا من MongoDB Atlas Search للبحث عن الإجابات ذات الصلة في قاعدة بيانات MongoDB Atlas. وأخيرًا، يمكن للتطبيق اكتشاف العملاء غير الراضين من خلال تحليل المشاعر.
إعداد MongoDB أطلس
انشر مجموعة قاعدة بيانات MongoDB جديدة في حساب Atlas الخاص بك. يمكنك استخدام طبقة M0 المجانية لهذا العرض التوضيحي.
إنشاء قاعدة بيانات XYZ-Corp
قم بإنشاء مجموعة Customer
في قاعدة بيانات XYZ-Corp
وأدخل المستند التالي.
"customer_id" : " 111 " ,
"conversation" :[],
"Name" : " Venkatesh Shanbhag "
قم بإنشاء مجموعة Insurance
في قاعدة بيانات XYZ-Corp
وأدخل المستند التالي.
"context" : " You are a Customer support agent with name Sara working for XYZ-corp. n It does provides property Insurance. Sara will not reply for any queries regarding other types of insurance. n The company covers insurance of properties like - Hospitals, offices, shops, apartments. n Max insurance covered will decline over period of time. n XYZ-Corp only covers Fire and Earthquake hazard insurance. n You are allowed to provide only the details regarding the company itself. n Do not repond with sentiment in any of the responses. " ,
"type" : " Intro "
أنشئ مجموعة Claims
في قاعدة بيانات XYZ-Corp
وأدخل المستند التالي.
"claim_number" : " 12345 " ,
"Name" : " Venkatesh Shanbhag " ,
"Claim_amount" :{ "$numberLong" : " 10000 " },
"Currency" : " USD " ,
"Claim_status" : " In progress " , "customer_id" : " 111 "
قم بإنشاء فهرس بحث Atlas بالاسم default
في مجموعة Claims
باستخدام الإعدادات الافتراضية. اتبع وثائق بحث Atlas: https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/atlas-search/create-index/.
تتوفر قاعدة معرفية صغيرة في مجموعة بحث الدردشة. أدخل المستندات أدناه في MongoDB. في مشهد الحياة الواقعية، بدلاً من ناقلات النص، يتم تخزين تضمينات النص ويتم إجراء البحث بناءً على المتجهات.
{ "question" : " claim " , "Answer" : " Please provide 5 digit claim number " }
{ "question" : " Not resolved " , "Answer" : " Do you want to connect to an Agent for further assistence " }
{ "question" : " status of a claim " , "Answer" : " Please provide 5 digit claim number " }
{"question":"Company Policy","Answer":"1. Architects fees / Debris clearancenFollowing a valid claim for damage undernbuildings Causes below, we will also pay:n• Architects, surveyors, consulting engineersnand legal fees, but not fees for preparing anclaim;n• the cost of clearing debris from the site orndemolishing or shoring up the buildings;n• the cost to comply with government or localnauthority requirements but not if the ordernpredates the loss or damage.n2. Emergency services forced entrynLoss or damage to the buildings caused whennthe fire, police or ambulance service has to forcenan entry to the buildings because of annemergency or perceived emergency involvingnyou or your family.n3. Moving HomenIf you have entered into a contract to sell thenhome, the person buying it will have the fullnprotection of your policy for the buildings up tonthe date of completion of the purchase, as longnas the home is not covered by any otherninsurance.n4. Keys & locksnIf your keys are lost or stolen we will pay up tonthe limit for any one claim for the cost ofnreplacing keys and locks or lock mechanisms to:n• external doors and windows of the homen(but not to a garage or outbuildings);n• a safe within the home;n• an alarm protecting the home.nLimit – please refer to your schedulen5. Alternative AccommodationnWe will pay you up to the limit for any one claimnfor the reasonable cost of alternativenaccommodation for you, your family and yourndomestic pets when your home cannot be livednin due to loss or damage covered by this policy..nLimit – please refer to your schedule"}
{ "question" : " Proof of income " , "Answer" : " This document may become necessary whenever the sum n proposed is very high. Normally a sum proposed which is seven n to eight times of the declared income is acceptable for n insurance. But proposals do come to the insurer when the n known source of income of the proposer is much less compared n to the amount of insurance desired. A service holder normally n does not face this problem as his sources of income are n verifiable. n In case of business people, the assessed income is at times n much less compared to what is a desirable income for the n amount of insurance desired. In such cases the insurer at n times calls for assessed income tax returns, or Chartered n Accountant’s certificate etc. Such precautions are necessary n to eliminate the possibility of moral hazard. " }
{ "question" : " Not good " , "Answer" : " Do you want to connect via call to a Customer care representative? " }
{ "question" : " bad experience " , "Answer" : " Do you want to connect via call to a Customer care representative? " }
إعداد جوجل كلاود
قم بتعيين اسم مشروع Google Cloud.
gcloud config set project <PROJECT_ID>
استنساخ المستودع.
git clone https://github.com/mongodb-developer/Google-Cloud-Generative-AI-Chatbot.git
قم بتحديث سلسلة اتصال قاعدة بيانات MongoDB Atlas واسم مشروع Google Cloud في main.py
قم بتشغيل التطبيق.
python3 main.py
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