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Web design tutorial
  • Taming CSS Selectors—Strengthening Our Stylesheets

    Taming CSS Selectors—Strengthening Our Stylesheets

    The size of the CSS file and the number of HTTP requests caused are the most critical factors in CSS performance reflow and render time
  • Object-oriented CSS FAQ

    Object-oriented CSS FAQ

    Objects are similar to classes in JAVA and maintain OO characteristics. A CSS object consists of 4 parts: HTML that may be one or more DOM nodes; CSS style declaration starting from the class name of the wrapper node; sprites components such as background
  • Test shows that Flash and HTML5 work at similar efficiency

    Test shows that Flash and HTML5 work at similar efficiency

    Using different browsers on Mac and Windows platforms, Flash and HTML5 perform differently, with no clear winner.
  • Five elements of perfect image processing in web design

    Five elements of perfect image processing in web design

    Computer-generated images with simple forms (such as logos, icons) are preferred in PNG format, while photos with rich colors must be JPEG. If there are few colors and no gradients, the GIF format should be used.
  • CSS modularization and multi-person division of labor and collaboration

    CSS modularization and multi-person division of labor and collaboration

    If several people are working on the front desk of a website at the same time, how can they be allocated so that the style of the entire website is unified, the style file structure is reasonable, there is no duplication and redundancy, and the efficiency
  • Design methods to effectively improve website conversion rate

    Design methods to effectively improve website conversion rate

    Use more pictures in website design to indirectly convey some information. Some pictures that have nothing to do with the product can also change the user's impression of the website and subconsciously affect the user's desire to consume.
  • Variables


    Most of the time, a JavaScript application needs to work with information. Here are two examples:
  • Play with CSS3 colors

    Play with CSS3 colors

    Traditionally, the colors used in CSS are either in hexadecimal format or rgb format, like rgb(171,205,239).
  • Modify the number of articles on the WordPress article editing page

    Modify the number of articles on the WordPress article editing page

    WordPress allows us to batch edit article attributes, but only 15 items are displayed on each page. Sometimes, you may feel that it is not enough and want to add more.
  • Data types

    Data types

    A value in JavaScript is always of a certain type. For example, a string or a number.There are eight basic data types in JavaScript. Here, we’ll cover them in general and in the next chapters we’ll talk about each of them in detail.We can put any type in
  • Detailed explanation of CSS positioning property Position

    Detailed explanation of CSS positioning property Position

    The most commonly used layout properties in CSS are Float (detailed explanation of CSS floating property Float) and the other is the CSS positioning property Position.
  • Interaction: alert, prompt, confirm

    Interaction: alert, prompt, confirm

    As we’ll be using the browser as our demo environment, let’s see a couple of functions to interact with the user: alert, prompt and confirm.
  • Should web pages remove the dotted boxes around links?

    Should web pages remove the dotted boxes around links?

    Some websites focusing on CSS and XHTML, Web 2.0 and Web standards are discussing how to remove the dashed box (outline) around hyperlinks when the mouse is clicked, such as outline:none or outline:0.
  • Getting Started with CSS3 Transforms

    Getting Started with CSS3 Transforms

    Although people expect some changes on the screen, CSS and HTML can do too little for interaction in the page, and those still need to be implemented in code.
  • CSS compatibility and JS event bubbling issues in level 2 drop-down menus

    CSS compatibility and JS event bubbling issues in level 2 drop-down menus

    When the mouse comes out of SPAN, the mouseout event is triggered because the event bubbles up. The item's onmouseout event secondary menu disappears, but at this time, the item is moved into the item and the mouseover event is triggered, so it is dis