The latest and most perfect high-imitation hao123 program has a complete background. It has been modified and improved by me many times. It has been uploaded to everyone for use by more netizens. This program has a dynamic version and a static version, please download according to your needs.
2010-1-11 The latest fix is the column page style problem when the website is placed in a subdirectory. Users who have this problem please download the latest version to cover and fix it. 2010-1-15 Synchronize hao123 classification order, latest update hao123 occupation and hobby classification.
2010-7-28 Fully synchronize hao123 styles and categories.
2010-7-29 Support custom setting of weather forecast for the city where you are located.
2010-10-20 Synchronous group buying classification.
2010-11-7 Modified the automatic redirection to the official website when logging in to email addresses 163 and 126, and repaired the link to return to the homepage in subdirectories.
2010-11-8 Added joke classification and synchronized classification and sorting.
2011-1-10 Synchronize weather forecast data and automatically obtain IP to display city weather.
2011-1-10 Added design, Weibo classification, and synchronized classification and sorting.
2011-4-1 Improved automatic weather calling data.
2011-4-2 Added series classification and automatically called hao123 series data.
2011-5-8 Add movie classification and automatically call hao123 movie data.
2011-9-30 Reorganized the classification.
2011-10-14 Added new aggregation categories for utility tools, lottery tickets, music, and mini-games.
2011-10-24 Synchronize hao123 homepage time and weather display.
2011-11-7 Added new discount categories.
2011-11-9 Add compatibility to ie8, firefox, and Chrome.
2012-2-6 Fully updated the style, synchronized with the latest version of hao123 in 2012.
2012-2-28 Modify the bug of forced closing under IE, modify the shortcut icon on the homepage, and add support for subdirectories.
2012-2-28 The style is fully updated and synchronized with the latest version of hao123 in 2012.
2012-2-28 Improve the Baidu search box and add relevant keyword prompts after inputting keywords.
2012-2-28 Modify the bug of forced closing under IE, modify the shortcut icon on the homepage, and add support for subdirectories.
2012-3-17 Add a guestbook to enhance website interactivity.
2012-3-17 Modified the homepage template to be completely consistent with hao123.