The latest and most perfect high-imitation hao123 program has a complete background. It has been modified and improved by me many times. It has been uploaded to everyone for use by more netizens. This program has a dynamic version and a static version, please download according to your needs.
Last updated: 2012-03-17
1. Modify the bug of forced closing under IE, modify the shortcut icon on the homepage, and add support for subdirectories.
2. The style is fully updated and synchronized with the latest version of hao123 in 2012.
3. Improve the Baidu search box and add related keyword prompts after inputting keywords.
4. Modify the bug of forced closing under IE, modify the shortcut icon on the homepage, and add support for subdirectories.
5. Add a guestbook to enhance the interactivity of the website.
Default backend address:/admin/login.asp
Default user: admin
Default password: admin888