Introduction to the Strange Novel Reading Program The Strange Novel Reading Program is an online novel serialization program specially created for individual webmasters. Intelligent collection of novel chapters and chapter content. Stay away from regular rules and cherish the various collection methods of the website. There is no need to purchase additional expensive novel collection software. The flexible and efficient plug-in mechanism allows you to customize the website functions at will. There are multiple sets of free themes. If you are still not satisfied, you can also customize and maintain dozens of themes. Collection rules. In addition, you can also customize the collection rules to meet the environmental requirements of the monster novel reading program. 1. Available www servers, such as Apache, IIS, etc. 2. php 5.2.0 and above 3. Zend Optimizer 2.5.7 and above 4. MySQL 3.23 and above, only for MySQL version 5. You need to open the PDO extension. Please search for extension=php_pdo.dll in the php.ini file and remove the ";" comment in front. 6. You need to open the PDO extended MySQL driver. Please search for extension=php_pdo_mysql.dll in the php.ini file and remove the comment ";" in front. 7. The SQLite driver of the PDO extension needs to be opened. Please search for extension=php_pdo_sqlite.dll in the php.ini file and remove the comment ";" in front. Installation of program for reading strange novels 1. Upload the files in this directory to the server 2. Set directory properties (this step can be ignored for Windows servers) The following directories require read and write permissions ./ program installation directory. A pseudo-static rule file needs to be generated in this directory ./.data contains subdirectories ./files contains subdirectories ./tracephp/config 3. Execute the installation script ./install.php Please run the install program in your browser, that is, visit http://yourdomain/install.php 4. Follow the prompts on the page to install until the installation is completed. 5. Default management account: admin Management password: admin DuguaiNovel v1.1 Release 20140213 Added a pseudo-static rule that automatically generates httpd.ini for the ISAPI_Rewrite extension under IIS. Optimized the environment detection during program installation. Fixed the problem that some WIN servers cannot log in to the background. This program does not currently support PHP5.3 or above.