DYCMS is a comprehensive website platform that integrates website navigation, content publishing, and user management.
DYCMS main features Pure navigation interface (removing complexity and seeking simplicity)
Responsive front-end design aggregated search box (one-click switching between Baidu, Sogou, 360, and Bing search platforms)
Users can apply for inclusion on their own, and the administrator will review the article in the background. Post management and publishing functions. Each article has a comment function. Home page quotes popular and recommended lists. One article per day to read. User registration and login. User points system. User notes to invite friends.
Make sure your server meets the following conditions before use
PHP>=7.2.5 (minimum 7.3 recommended)
BCMathPHP extension
CtypePHP extension
JSONPHP extension
MbstringPHP extension
OpenSSLPHP extension
PDOPHP extension
TokenizerPHP extension
XMLPHP extension
fileinfoPHP extension