(1) This program is modified from SDCMS, complete data background, without any restrictions (2)V1.1 SP2 backend has added information search and search classification functions (3)V1.1 SP2 corrects the label code and replaces the label code of version 1.0 (4) V1.1 SP2 fixes the problem that the website cannot be displayed normally in subdirectories (5)V1.1 SP2 adds URL submission and friendly link functions (6) V1.1 SP2 corrects some bugs in the frontend and improves the backend code (7)V1.1 SP2 adds some categories and changes the front-end display (8)V1.1 SP2 adds weather forecast display based on visiting IP (9)V1.1 SP2 corrects the BUG that the Chinese label of TAG is incorrectly displayed in the IIS7.0 environment (10) Add sitemap functions sitemap.html and sitemap.xml and RSS functions (11) Improved the way of generating information, automatically pausing for 5 seconds every 20 pieces of information generated (12) Add website integration with Baidu and no external Baidu connection code (13) The entire site generates HTML, which is easy to be included by search engines. (14) Backend login verification code, website information backend settings (15) Template background management, the background management directory can be modified (16) Add background modification of category directories and category page file names (17) Server information or component query