Volunteer service system v1.1 update log:
Added 2 database files
Update instructions:
Added 2 database files
A city's volunteer service system has functions such as organizing and publishing activities, volunteer registration and participation, etc. For specific functions, please see "Product Requirements Specification.doc"
Operating environment
Administrator login address
Initialize account: add admin21232F297A57A5A743894A0E4A801FC3 to the sys_user table
Main functions:
front page
1. Statistics, query, ranking volunteers
1. Register as a volunteer
2. Sign up to participate in activities
3. Receive evaluations on activity participation
4. Rank activity activity on the website
5. Evaluate the organization of activities
1.Organization registration
2. Organize release activities
3. Organize and recruit volunteers for activities
4. Carry out scoring and background management on volunteers obtained through participation
1. Review/edit/delete organizations and volunteers
2. Manage basic information such as region, service category, article category, unit, etc.
3.Publish articles