Anglais | Chine | Démo en direct | le blog de Littlezhang
Un thème Hugo simple et rapide, 100% sans JavaScript .
Un thème Hugo dérivé de la première version de Hugo-notepadium.
[WIP] Le projet et le fichier readme sont toujours en cours ! Vous pouvez me contacter si vous avez des questions.
Demander la version Hugo : 0.68.0+
Il existe deux façons d’utiliser ce thème pour le site Hugo.
Utilisez les modules Hugo. Hugo Modules est alimenté par Go Modules. Si vous avez installé Go, cette option est recommandée . Plus de détails peuvent être trouvés dans Hugo Docs
hugo mod init < your_user > / < your_project >
[ module ]
[[ module . imports ]]
path = " "
Utilisez le sous-module git.
git submodule add themes/hugo-notepadium-mod
theme = " hugo-notepadium-mod "
Presque tout peut être configuré dans le fichier config.toml
de votre site. Si vous souhaitez modifier le thème, vous pouvez aller dans Personnaliser le thème
Il y a un exemple config.toml
baseURL = " "
title = " Hugo-notepadium-mod "
copyright = " ©2021 hugo-notepadium-mod "
languageCode = " zh-cn "
hasCJKLanguage = true
defaultContentLanguage = " zh-cn "
enableRobotsTXT = true
paginate = 7 # The number of articles in per page
enableEmoji = true
# Enable Disqus
# disqusShortname = "XXX"
# Google Analytics
# googleAnalytics = "UA-123-45"
[ module ]
[[ module . imports ]]
path = " " # Use module to use this theme
[ minify ]
# Deploy with --minify command to minify assets
# Need Hugo version v0.68.0+
disableCSS = false
disableHTML = false
disableJS = false
disableJSON = false
disableSVG = false
disableXML = false
minifyOutput = true
[ minify . tdewolff ]
[ minify . tdewolff . css ]
keepCSS2 = true
precision = 1
[ minify . tdewolff . html ]
keepComments = false
keepConditionalComments = true
keepDefaultAttrVals = true
keepDocumentTags = true
keepEndTags = true
keepQuotes = false
keepWhitespace = false
[ minify . tdewolff . js ]
keepVarNames = false
precision = 1
[ minify . tdewolff . json ]
precision = 0
[ minify . tdewolff . svg ]
precision = 1
[ minify . tdewolff . xml ]
keepWhitespace = false
# Configure chroma highlight
# Reference
[ markup . highlight ]
codeFences = true
guessSyntax = true
noClasses = true
style = " dracula "
[ markup . goldmark . renderer ]
unsafe = true # enable raw HTML in Markdown
[ markup . tableOfContents ]
endLevel = 3
ordered = false
startLevel = 2
[ permalinks ]
post = " /:year/:month/:title/ "
[ author ]
name = "理头张" # Change to your name
[ params ]
author = "理头张"
description = " littlezhang's blog "
style = " auto " # default: auto. light: light theme, dark: dark theme, auto: based on system.
logo = " "
slogan = " "
# license = "<a rel=license href=><img alt=Creative Commons License style=border-width:0 src= /></a><br />This work is licensed under a <a rel=license href=>Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License</a>."
# If you use custom css files, declare them here
[ params . assets ]
css = [ " css/fonts.css " , " css/custom.css " ]
[ params . comments ]
enable = false # En/Disable comments globally, default: false. You can always enable comments on per page.
[ params . math ]
enable = false # load math globally, default: false. You can always enable math on per page.
use = " katex " # builtin: "katex", "mathjax". default: "katex"
[ params . nav ]
showCategories = false # /categories/
showTags = false # /tags/
# You can add taxonomies in there, then link new pages in [[params.nav.custom]]
# Reference
[ taxonomies ]
category = " categories "
tag = " tags "
[[ params . nav . custom ]]
title = " Index "
url = " / "
[[ params . nav . custom ]]
title = " Tags "
url = " /tags/ "
[[ params . nav . custom ]]
title = " Archives "
url = " /archives/ "
[[ params . nav . custom ]]
title = " About "
url = " /about/ "
Si vous avez installé le module thème par Hugo
hugo mod get -u # This will update all modules
hugo mod get -u # This will update current theme
Si vous avez installé le thème via le sous-module git, allez d'abord dans le répertoire du thème, puis git pull
cd themes/hugo-notepadium-mod && git pull
Open source sous licence MIT.