PPPwnUI adalah program yang dibuat dengan Python yang menambahkan UI pada eksploitasi PPPwn yang dibuat oleh TheFlow.
git clone https://github.com/B-Dem/PPPwnUI
pip install -r requirements.txt
Luncurkan aplikasi dengan
jendela :
Linux :
chmod +x PPPwnUI.sh
Kemudian :
Pilih Antarmuka Anda menggunakan menu tarik-turun
Pilih Antara Versi Eksploitasi yang ingin Anda gunakan (PPPwn Python, PPPwn_Go)
Pilih Payload Anda Antara :
PPPwn : (Tersedia untuk : 7.00, 7.01, 7.02, 7.50, 7.51, 7.55, 8.00, 8.01, 8.03, 8.50, 8.52, 9.00, 9.03, 9.04, 9.50, 9.51, 9.60, 10.00, 10.01, 10.50, 10.70, 10.71 & 11.00)
Muatan PPPwn Goldhen : (Tersedia untuk : 9.00, 9.60, 10.00, 10.01 & 11.00)
VTX HEN : (Tersedia untuk : 7.55, 8.00, 8.03, 8.50, 8.52, 9.00, 9.03, 9.04, 10.00, 10.01 10.50, 10.70, 10.71 & 11.00)
Payload Linux PPPwn : (Tersedia untuk : 11.00)
Muatan Khusus : (Muatan khusus Anda sendiri)
Kemudian klik Mulai PPPwn untuk memulai Eksploitasi.
Di PS4 Anda:
lalu Network
Set Up Internet connection
dan pilih Use a LAN Cable
dan pilih PPPoE
untuk IP Address Settings
dan PPPoE Pasword
untuk DNS Settings
dan MTU Settings
Do Not Use
untuk Proxy Server
Test Internet Connection
untuk berkomunikasi dengan komputer Anda Jika eksploitasi gagal atau PS4 mogok, Anda dapat melewati pengaturan internet dan cukup klik Test Internet Connection
. Jika skrip gagal atau macet menunggu permintaan/respons, batalkan dan jalankan lagi di komputer Anda, lalu klik Test Internet Connection
di PS4 Anda.
Di Komputer Anda:
ke direktori root USB exfat/fat32 dan masukkan ke PS4 Anda. [+] PPPwn - PlayStation 4 PPPoE RCE by theflow
[+] args: interface=enp0s3 fw=1100 stage1=stage1/stage1.bin stage2=stage2/stage2.bin
[+] Using PPPwnUI By Memz !
[+] STAGE 0: Initialization
[ * ] Waiting for PADI...
[+] pppoe_softc: 0xffffabd634beba00
[+] Target MAC: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
[+] Source MAC: 07:ba:be:34:d6:ab
[+] AC cookie length: 0x4e0
[ * ] Sending PADO...
[ * ] Waiting for PADR...
[ * ] Sending PADS...
[ * ] Waiting for LCP configure request...
[ * ] Sending LCP configure ACK...
[ * ] Sending LCP configure request...
[ * ] Waiting for LCP configure ACK...
[ * ] Waiting for IPCP configure request...
[ * ] Sending IPCP configure NAK...
[ * ] Waiting for IPCP configure request...
[ * ] Sending IPCP configure ACK...
[ * ] Sending IPCP configure request...
[ * ] Waiting for IPCP configure ACK...
[ * ] Waiting for interface to be ready...
[+] Target IPv6: fe80::2d9:d1ff:febc:83e4
[+] Heap grooming...done
[+] STAGE 1: Memory corruption
[+] Pinning to CPU 0...done
[ * ] Sending malicious LCP configure request...
[ * ] Waiting for LCP configure request...
[ * ] Sending LCP configure ACK...
[ * ] Sending LCP configure request...
[ * ] Waiting for LCP configure ACK...
[ * ] Waiting for IPCP configure request...
[ * ] Sending IPCP configure NAK...
[ * ] Waiting for IPCP configure request...
[ * ] Sending IPCP configure ACK...
[ * ] Sending IPCP configure request...
[ * ] Waiting for IPCP configure ACK...
[+] Scanning for corrupted object...found fe80::0fdf:4141:4141:4141
[+] STAGE 2: KASLR defeat
[ * ] Defeating KASLR...
[+] pppoe_softc_list: 0xffffffff884de578
[+] kaslr_offset: 0x3ffc000
[+] STAGE 3: Remote code execution
[ * ] Sending LCP terminate request...
[ * ] Waiting for PADI...
[+] pppoe_softc: 0xffffabd634beba00
[+] Target MAC: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
[+] Source MAC: 97:df:ea:86:ff:ff
[+] AC cookie length: 0x511
[ * ] Sending PADO...
[ * ] Waiting for PADR...
[ * ] Sending PADS...
[ * ] Triggering code execution...
[ * ] Waiting for stage1 to resume...
[ * ] Sending PADT...
[ * ] Waiting for PADI...
[+] pppoe_softc: 0xffffabd634be9200
[+] Target MAC: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
[+] AC cookie length: 0x0
[ * ] Sending PADO...
[ * ] Waiting for PADR...
[ * ] Sending PADS...
[ * ] Waiting for LCP configure request...
[ * ] Sending LCP configure ACK...
[ * ] Sending LCP configure request...
[ * ] Waiting for LCP configure ACK...
[ * ] Waiting for IPCP configure request...
[ * ] Sending IPCP configure NAK...
[ * ] Waiting for IPCP configure request...
[ * ] Sending IPCP configure ACK...
[ * ] Sending IPCP configure request...
[ * ] Waiting for IPCP configure ACK...
[+] STAGE 4: Arbitrary payload execution
[ * ] Sending stage2 payload...
[+] Done !
Program ini awalnya dibuat dengan ❤️ oleh Memz untuk Sighya.
Jika Anda merasa program ini bermanfaat, tinggalkan bintang di repo!
Dan jika Anda mendapat masukan, buka terbitan!