Bahasa Inggris | 中文文档
Klien HTTP yang aman untuk tipe untuk Android. Ditulis berdasarkan OkHttp
Menunggu | Mengalir | RxJava (Kotlin) | RxJava (Jawa) |
//await return User
//tryAwait return User?
val user = RxHttp . get ( "/server/.." )
. add ( "key" , "value" )
. toAwait < User >()
. await ()
//or awaitResult return kotlin.Result<T>
RxHttp . get ( "/server/.." )
. add ( "key" , "value" )
. toAwait < User >()
. awaitResult {
}. onFailure {
} | RxHttp . get ( "/server/.." )
. add ( "key" , "value" )
. toFlow < User >()
. catch {
}. collect {
} | RxHttp . get ( "/server/.." )
. add ( "key" , "value" )
. toObservable < User >()
. subscribe ({
}, {
}) | RxHttp . get ( "/server/.." )
. add ( "key" , "value" )
. toObservable ( User . class )
. subscribe ( user - > {
}, throwable -> {
}) |
Mendukung coroutine kotlin, RxJava2, RxJava3
Mendukung Gson, Xml, ProtoBuf, FastJson, dan alat penguraian data pihak ketiga lainnya
Mendukung penutupan permintaan secara otomatis di FragmentActivity, Fragment, View, ViewModel, dan kelas apa pun
Mendukung enkripsi dan dekripsi global, menambahkan parameter dan header umum, cache jaringan, semuanya mendukung permintaan yang diatur secara terpisah
1、Menambahkan dependensi dan konfigurasi
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url "" }
android {
compileOptions {
sourceCompatibility JavaVersion . VERSION_1_8
targetCompatibility JavaVersion . VERSION_1_8
plugins {
// kapt/ksp choose one
// id 'kotlin-kapt'
id ' ' version ' 1.9.23-1.0.19 '
dependencies {
def rxhttp_version = ' 3.3.0 '
implementation ' com.squareup.okhttp3:okhttp:4.12.0 '
implementation " com.github.liujingxing.rxhttp:rxhttp: $rxhttp_version "
// ksp/kapt/annotationProcessor choose one
ksp " com.github.liujingxing.rxhttp:rxhttp-compiler: $rxhttp_version "
implementation " com.github.liujingxing.rxhttp:converter-serialization: $rxhttp_version "
implementation " com.github.liujingxing.rxhttp:converter-fastjson: $rxhttp_version "
implementation " com.github.liujingxing.rxhttp:converter-jackson: $rxhttp_version "
implementation " com.github.liujingxing.rxhttp:converter-moshi: $rxhttp_version "
implementation " com.github.liujingxing.rxhttp:converter-protobuf: $rxhttp_version "
implementation " com.github.liujingxing.rxhttp:converter-simplexml: $rxhttp_version "
implementation 'io.reactivex.rxjava3:rxjava:3.1.6'
implementation 'io.reactivex.rxjava3:rxandroid:3.0.2'
implementation 'com.github.liujingxing.rxlife:rxlife-rxjava3:2.2.2' //RxJava3, Automatic close request
implementation 'io.reactivex.rxjava2:rxjava:2.2.8'
implementation 'io.reactivex.rxjava2:rxandroid:2.1.1'
implementation 'com.github.liujingxing.rxlife:rxlife-rxjava2:2.2.2' //RxJava2, Automatic close request
ksp {
arg ( "rxhttp_rxjava" , "3.1.6" )
kapt {
arguments {
arg ( "rxhttp_rxjava" , "3.1.6" )
android {
defaultConfig {
javaCompileOptions {
annotationProcessorOptions {
arguments = [
rxhttp_rxjava : '3.1.6' ,
ksp {
arg ( "rxhttp_package" , "" )
kapt {
arguments {
arg ( "rxhttp_package" , "" )
android {
defaultConfig {
javaCompileOptions {
annotationProcessorOptions {
arguments = [
rxhttp_package : ''
Terakhir, bangun kembali proyek yang diperlukan
2、Inisialisasi SDK
Langkah ini opsional
RxHttpPlugins . init ( OkHttpClient )
. setDebug ( boolean )
. setOnParamAssembly ( Consumer )
3、Konfigurasi BaseUrl
Langkah ini opsional
public class Url {
//Add the @defaultDomain annotation to BASE_URL
@ DefaultDomain
public static BASE_URL = "https://..."
4、Lakukan yang diminta
// java
RxHttp . get ( "/service/..." ) //1、You can choose get,postFrom,postJson etc
. addQuery ( "key" , "value" ) //add query param
. addHeader ( "headerKey" , "headerValue" ) //add request header
. toObservable ( Student . class ) //2、Use the toXxx method to determine the return value type, customizable
. subscribe ( student -> { //3、Subscribing observer
//Success callback,Default IO thread
}, throwable -> {
//Abnormal callback
// kotlin
RxHttp . postForm ( "/service/..." ) //post FormBody
. add ( "key" , "value" ) //add param to body
. addQuery ( "key1" , "value1" ) //add query param
. addFile ( "file" , File ( ".../1.png" )) //add file to body
. toObservable < Student >()
. subscribe ({ student ->
//Default IO thread
}, { throwable ->
// kotlin coroutine
val students = RxHttp . postJson ( "/service/..." ) //1、post {application/json; charset=utf-8}
. toAwaitList < Student >() //2、Use the toXxx method to determine the return value type, customizable
. await () //3、Get the return value, await is the suspend method
1、Tutup permintaan
//In Rxjava2 , Automatic close request
RxHttp . get ( "/service/..." )
. toObservableString ()
. as ( RxLife . as ( this )) //The Activity destroys and automatically closes the request
. subscribe ( s -> {
//Default IO thread
}, throwable -> {
//In Rxjava3 , Automatic close request
RxHttp . get ( "/service/..." )
. toObservableString ()
. to ( RxLife . to ( this )) //The Activity destroys and automatically closes the request
. subscribe ( s -> {
//Default IO thread
}, throwable -> {
//In RxJava2/RxJava3, close the request manually
Disposable disposable = RxHttp . get ( "/service/..." )
. toObservableString ()
. subscribe ( s -> {
//Default IO thread
}, throwable -> {
disposable . dispose (); //Close the request at the appropriate time
Jika Anda menggunakan RxHttp v2.2.8 atau lebih tinggi, aturan penyusutan dan kebingungan disertakan secara otomatis. Jika tidak, Anda harus menambahkan opsi secara manual di
Jika proyek ini banyak membantu Anda dan Anda ingin mendukung pengembangan dan pemeliharaan proyek ini, silakan pindai kode QR berikut untuk mendapatkan donasi. Donasi Anda sangat kami hargai. Terima kasih!
Copyright 2019 liujingxing
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.