Original picture
final renderings
1. First duplicate the layer, then use Filter-Liquify. Observe the character’s arms, shoulders and face where they look plump. Use the “Fold Tool” to adjust the appropriate brush size and slowly push it here.
After completion, MM has become thinner now. As shown below:
3. The next step is to adjust the layer, select the highlight area, select Invert, and make adjustments.
4. Change the image mode to: Lab mode, apply the image, as shown below:
Then change the image mode to: RBG mode, execute Image - Adjustment - Levels, channel: red, input level: 67, 1.00, 255, as shown below:
6. Darken the background a little, select the main body of the character, select - Feather, the feather radius is: 50 pixels, select Invert, CTRl+J, and get a new layer.
6. Change the blending mode of layer 2 to: Multiply. As shown below:
7. Sharpen the layer appropriately. Set the values as shown below, and then get the final effect: