We usually call static Web servers static websites . Its main feature is that all content on the server is ready-made and does not require additional processing on the back end. When we send a web page request to a static server, the server only needs to return the corresponding html
file based on our request path (URL).
A static website refers to a website that is entirely composed of HTML (a subset of Standard Universal Markup Language) code format pages, and all content is included in web page files. Various visual dynamic effects can also appear on web pages, such as GIF animations, FLASH animations, rolling subtitles, etc. Websites are mainly composed of static pages and codes. Generally, file names are suffixed with htm, html, shtml, etc. —— Baidu Encyclopedia
corresponds to static websites and is our most common dynamic web server . The biggest feature of this type of server is that all resources are usually not stored in the form of html
, but require back-end query data to form a web page and then return it to the user. , the content seen by each user may be different. For example, in a web server built in Java
, we can use JSP
to splice web pages to form user-specific pages.
(1) Dynamic web pages are based on database technology, which can greatly reduce the workload of website maintenance;
(2) Websites using dynamic web pages technology can implement more functions, such as user registration, user login, online surveys, user management, and orders. Management, etc.;
(3) Dynamic web pages are not actually web page files that exist independently on the server. The server returns a complete web page only when the user requests it;
(4) The "?" in dynamic web pages is generally not possible for search engines. Access all web pages from a website's database, or due to technical considerations, search spiders do not crawl the content after "?" in the URL. Therefore, websites using dynamic web pages need to do certain techniques when promoting search engines. Processing can adapt to the requirements of search engines.
(5) Static websites are not connected to the database, so in order to have the effect of a dynamic website, a large number of web pages must be produced, many of which can only be fake web pages and cannot realize the functions of a dynamic website at all.
——Baidu Encyclopedia
Since static servers do not require a back-end database, the structure is very simple and very suitable for scenarios such as document management and blogging. As far as blogging itself is concerned, I think static websites have the following characteristics:
they require low server configuration, and the most basic server can meet the performance needs of most people;
the response speed is fast, and the content is all ready-made html
, which can be accessed directly The results can be obtained;
one html
corresponds to one url
, the content is stable, and it is easy to be retrieved by search engines;
it is simple to create, and you only need to prevent the file from specifying the location after the server is set up;
the above points are all for the static blog system . If you use a pure static server to create a large-scale website of other types, it may be more expensive.
If you want to quickly build a static server, you can use the http-server
package based on Node.js
, which can complete the server setup in one minute. The steps are as follows:
npm i
http-server -g
enters the server folder and starts the server
http-server -a -p 9999
so that the server starts. The root directory is the directory where the server command is executed.
You can see all the files by visiting localhost:9999
. Here is the content of my files:
If we click on the file name, we will get the corresponding file. For example, if we click on *.html
, we will get the web page:
This looks like an FTP
server, should we stop there?
No, a qualified programmer will only be happy if he has his hands dirty! !
We can use the basic Node.js
built-in modules to complete the construction, so there is no need to install additional toolkits.
The main job is to create a server directory with the following structure:
web_server/ //Root directory |- static/ | |- css/ | | |- style.css //style | |- js/ | | |- common.js //js | |- index.js //Home page |- app.js //Server file |- mime.json //Extension configuration
const http = require('http');const fs = require('fs')const url = require('url')const path = require('path')FileMimes = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('./mime.json').toString())http.createServer (function (req, res) { //1. Get the address let pathname = url.parse(req.url).pathname pathname = pathname == '/' ? '/index.html' : pathname let extname = path.extname(pathname) //2.fs reads file if (pathname != '/favicon.ico') { fs.readFile('./static' + pathname, async (err, data) => { if (err) { res.writeHead(404, { 'Content-Type': 'text/html;charset="utf-8"' }) res.end(err.message) return } if (!err) { // 3. Return different content headers for different files let mime = FileMimes[extname] res.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type': mime + ';charset="utf-8"' }) res.end(data) } }) }}).listen(8081);console.log('Server running at');
{ ".323":"text/h323" , ".3gp":"video/3gpp" , ".aab":"application/x-authoware-bin" , ".aam":"application/x-authoware-map" , ".aas":"application/x-authoware-seg" , ".acx":"application/internet-property-stream" , ".ai":"application/postscript" , ".aif":"audio/x-aiff" , ".aifc":"audio/x-aiff" , ".aiff":"audio/x-aiff" , ".als":"audio/X-Alpha5" , ".amc":"application/x-mpeg" , ...//It’s too long, so I won’t post it here. The complete code is at the end of the article}
node ./app.js
The startup effect is as follows:
PS E:CodeNodedemos 3-static_web_server> node . app.js Server running at
to get the index.html
can also be deployed to a remote server
1. Buy a server.
Currently popular server providers include
- Tencent Cloud
- Alibaba Cloud
- Huawei Cloud
But now CSDN has joined in the fun: CSDN Cloud, CSDN seems to be based on Tencent Cloud, and the prices are similar.
2. Buy a domain name (optional, you can use IP to access it directly)
3. Website registration
4. Deployment <br/> The deployment of static websites is also very simple. Since there are few errors and you need to start and stop uploading new blog files frequently, you
directly copy the files to the server and then usenode ./app.js.
Building a static server based on Node.js
is very simple. We can use the http-server
package or hand-write code based on Node
The core content of the handwritten code is the mime.json
file, which means giving response
different return headers for different file types.
End of article
The following is the mime.json
code (it’s too long):
{ ".323":"text/h323" , ".3gp":"video/3gpp" , ".aab":"application/x-authoware-bin" , ".aam":"application/x-authoware-map" , ".aas":"application/x-authoware-seg" , ".acx":"application/internet-property-stream" , ".ai":"application/postscript" , ".aif":"audio/x-aiff" , ".aifc":"audio/x-aiff" , ".aiff":"audio/x-aiff" , ".als":"audio/X-Alpha5" , ".amc":"application/x-mpeg" , ".ani":"application/octet-stream" , ".apk":"application/vnd.android.package-archive" , ".asc":"text/plain" , ".asd":"application/astound" , ".asf":"video/x-ms-asf" , ".asn":"application/astound" , ".asp":"application/x-asap" , ".asr":"video/x-ms-asf" , ".asx":"video/x-ms-asf" , ".au":"audio/basic" , ".avb":"application/octet-stream" , ".avi":"video/x-msvideo" , ".awb":"audio/amr-wb" , ".axs":"application/olescript" , ".bas":"text/plain" , ".bcpio":"application/x-bcpio" , ".bin ":"application/octet-stream" , ".bld":"application/bld" , ".bld2":"application/bld2" , ".bmp":"image/bmp" , ".bpk":"application/octet-stream" , ".bz2":"application/x-bzip2" , ".c":"text/plain" , ".cal":"image/x-cals" , ".cat":"application/vnd.ms-pkiseccat" , ".ccn":"application/x-cnc" , ".cco":"application/x-cocoa" , ".cdf":"application/x-cdf" , ".cer":"application/x-x509-ca-cert" , ".cgi":"magnus-internal/cgi" , ".chat":"application/x-chat" , ".class":"application/octet-stream" , ".clp":"application/x-msclip" , ".cmx":"image/x-cmx" , ".co":"application/x-cult3d-object" , ".cod":"image/cis-cod" , ".conf":"text/plain" , ".cpio":"application/x-cpio" , ".cpp":"text/plain" , ".cpt":"application/mac-compactpro" , ".crd":"application/x-mscardfile" , ".crl":"application/pkix-crl" , ".crt":"application/x-x509-ca-cert" , ".csh":"application/x-csh" , ".csm":"chemical/x-csml" , ".csml":"chemical/x-csml" , ".css":"text/css" , ".cur":"application/octet-stream" , ".dcm":"x-lml/x-evm" , ".dcr":"application/x-director" , ".dcx":"image/x-dcx" , ".der":"application/x-x509-ca-cert" , ".dhtml":"text/html" , ".dir":"application/x-director" , ".dll":"application/x-msdownload" , ".dmg":"application/octet-stream" , ".dms":"application/octet-stream" , ".doc":"application/msword" , ".docx":"application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document", ".dot":"application/msword" , ".dvi":"application/x-dvi" , ".dwf":"drawing/x-dwf" , ".dwg":"application/x-autocad" , ".dxf":"application/x-autocad" , ".dxr":"application/x-director" , ".ebk":"application/x-expandedbook" , ".emb":"chemical/x-embl-dl-nucleotide" , ".embl":"chemical/x-embl-dl-nucleotide" , ".eps":"application/postscript" , ".epub":"application/epub+zip" , ".eri":"image/x-eri" , ".es":"audio/echospeech" , ".esl":"audio/echospeech" , ".etc":"application/x-earthtime" , ".etx":"text/x-setext" , ".evm":"x-lml/x-evm" , ".evy":"application/envoy" , ".exe":"application/octet-stream" , ".fh4":"image/x-freehand" , ".fh5":"image/x-freehand" , ".fhc":"image/x-freehand" , ".fif":"application/fractals" , ".flr":"x-world/x-vrml" , ".flv":"flv-application/octet-stream" , 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