1. Metro UI CSS
Metro UI CSS is a CSS framework that implements the Metro style interface of Windows 8.

2. CSScomb

CSScomb can sort CSS properties using specified sorting methods, and provides multiple versions, including:
CSScomb Online CSScomb for Sublime Text 2 (Also in Package Control) CSScomb for Textmate CSScomb for Coda & Coda 2 CSScomb for Espresso 2 CSScomb for IntelliJIDEA/WebStorm/PyCharm CSScomb for Notepad++ CSScomb for Vim 3. CSS3Ps
CSS3Ps is a free cloud-based Photoshop plug-in that converts Photoshop layers into CSS3 implementations with exactly the same appearance. You can select multiple layers and layer groups and convert them with one click. Stroke is converted to a CSS border property. Inner shadow, inner glow, shadow, and outer glow are converted into CSS box-shadow properties. You can see the resulting styles in your browser and share them with others. It works with Windows or Mac OS X and Photoshop CS3 and above. Best of all, it's completely free!

4. ResponsiveAeon
ResponsiveAeon is an HTML5/CSS3 framework that can create responsive layouts very quickly. It has a grid system based on 12 columns with a total width of 1104px and provides 3 very easy to understand basic classes to use. The framework enables the use of @mediaqueries and supports any device size. In addition to grid systems, there are also styles for typography, lists, tables, buttons and tables.

5. RefineSlide
RefineSlide is a lightweight (4KB compressed) jQuery plugin to quickly integrate a responsive, image-based slider effect into our website. The slider uses CSS3 transitions + 3D transforms (with JS fallback) and has a bunch of attractive transitions. It has an option to display thumbnails (automatically formatted and responsive) or arrows for navigation (keyboard supported).

Photon is a JavaScript library that enables adding simple lighting effects to any element in three-dimensional space. To create the effect, it uses a WebKitCSSMatrix object (WebKit is the only supported browser engine). The angle of the light can be defined and changed at any time providing functionality. It is possible to define an object by lighting it one by one or a group at a time, and we can customize the effect by setting the maximum black + white usage.

7. Gridpak
The purpose of Gridpak is to implement responsive web page design, improve your workflow and save time. Gridpak creates responsive and simple interfaces by generating PNG images, CSS and JavaScript.
The CSS generated by Gridpak is compatible with IE 8+, but it uses many experimental CSS properties, such as media queries, box size and background clipping properties, so we recommend that you use it in conjunction with Modernizer to ensure backward compatibility.

8. Morf.js

Morf.js provides a set of JavaScript methods to accelerate various CSS3 conversion effects. The supported methods are all shown in the figure above, and there is no need to write CSS3 code.
9. Gumby
Gumby is a responsive and 960 pixel width CSS grid framework that supports PC, tablet and mobile screen displays. Similar to Twitter's Bootstrap, it includes a Web UI toolkit with good-looking buttons, tables, navigation + labels and a small JavaScript file

AppJS is an exciting JavaScript library that allows us to quickly develop desktop applications (HTML, CSS and JavaScript) using web technologies. AppJS uses Node.js as backend support.

11. Browser Support
Browser Support is a simple search engine used to find out whether a certain CSS property is supported by a specified browser. Provides an autocomplete search input box.

12. SpritePad
SpritePad is a perfect solution that allows you to create CSS sprites in seconds. Simply drag and drop your images onto the canvas and they are instantly available as a PNG sprite + CSS code.

13. HTML5 Please
HTML5 Please helps you check whether features such as HTML5 and CSS3 are ready.

jsFiddle is a web application mainly used to help test JavaScript and CSS code snippets.

15. Animate.css
Animate.css contains some CSS that implements various animation effects.

16. Excessive
Excessive is a CSS compression tool developed in Python that can drag and drop as many files as you want and merge them into one file and compress it on the fly.

17. CSS Refresh
CSSrefresh is a JavaScript library that is used to implement the function of immediately changing the web page style effect without refreshing the page. It is plug-and-play and does not require configuration. You only need to introduce the JS file into the page.

18. Impress.js
impress.js is a Javascript package. Its function is to allow you to create dazzling content display effects. It mainly uses the rotation, distortion, scaling and other features of CSS 3D Transforms. Therefore, only the latest version of Firefox can Or Google Chrome or Safari to see the effect it produces. It seems that it can also be used in the IE 10 browser that has not yet been released.

19. Bear CSS
Bear CSS is a free web application that generates CSS styles based on given HTML.

20. Less CSS
Less CSS is a widely used CSS preprocessor that extends CSS through simple syntax and variables, which can reduce a lot of CSS code.
LESS gives CSS dynamic language features, such as variables, inheritance, operations, and functions. LESS can run on the client (supports IE 6+, Webkit, Firefox) or on the server (with the help of Node.js ).

21. css2less
css2less is a small tool developed in Ruby to convert css into files in Less CSS format.

22. ResponsiveGS
Responsive GS is a fluid grid CSS framework for quickly developing responsive Web sites.
Responsive GS is available in three flavors: 12, 16 and 24 columns, and supports all standard devices using media queries.

23. CSS3 Shapes
CSS3 Shapes is an online website that uses CSS3 to achieve various graphic effects.

24. CSS Arrow Please
CSS Arrow Please is a web-based CSS style generator that can be used for all CSS such as stripes, buttons, tables, loading icons, etc. It is completely implemented using CSS, no images required.

25. WebPutty
WebPutty is an application that allows you to write CSS code online, with an editor that supports syntax highlighting and a preview panel on the side that allows you to see changes in real time.

26. CSSFx.js
When writing CSS, it is often necessary to append many prefixes according to different browsers, such as -moz-border-radius. There is also a lot of dissatisfaction in the industry about this. cssFx is a js that can automatically generate prefix for you, which can save you a lot of time and energy.

27. Dirty Markup
Dirty Markup is a free web-based application that helps you clean clutter easily. The editor uses a simple + function AceEditor and each beautification can have a variety of choices to get the best results.

Crunch is an editor based on Less CSS developed by Adobe AIR. Mainly used for editing Less and compiling it into CSS.

29. CSS3 Test
CSS3 Test is an online website that tests browsers' CSS3 support.