The function creates a new SimpleXMLElement object and then outputs the contents of the body node:
<?php$note=<<<XML<note><to>Tove</to><from>Jani</from><heading>Reminder</heading><body>Don't forget me this weekend!</ body></note>XML;$xml=new SimpleXMLElement($note);echo $xml->body;?>The __construct() function creates a new SimpleXMLElement object.
__construct( data,options,data_is_url,ns,is_prefix );
parameter | describe |
data | Required. A well-formed XML string or the path or URL of an XML document (if data_is_url is TRUE). |
options | Optional. Specifies additional Libxml parameters. Set by specifying the option as 1 or 0 (TRUE or FALSE, such as LIBXML_NOBLANKS(1)). Possible values: LIBXML_COMPACT - activates an optimized configuration of nodes (can speed up applications) LIBXML_DTDATTR - Set default DTD attributes LIBXML_DTDLOAD - load additional subsets LIBXML_DTDVALID - Verify DTD validity LIBXML_NOBLANKS - remove empty nodes LIBXML_NOCDATA - Set CDATA to a text node LIBXML_NOEMPTYTAG - expand empty tags (e.g. <br/> to <br></br>), only valid in DOMDocument->save() and DOMDocument->saveXML() functions LIBXML_NOENT - substitute entity LIBXML_NOERROR - Do not display error reports LIBXML_NONET - Stop accessing the network while loading the document LIBXML_NOWARNING - Do not display warning reports LIBXML_NOXMLDECL - discard XML declarations when storing a document LIBXML_NSCLEAN - Remove redundant namespace declarations LIBXML_PARSEHUGE - Sets the XML_PARSE_HUGE flag, which relaxes any constraints imposed by the parser. This will affect things like the maximum document depth and text node size limits. LIBXML_XINCLUDE - use XInclude instead LIBXML_ERR_ERROR - Get correctable errors LIBXML_ERR_FATAL - Get fatal error LIBXML_ERR_NONE - do not get errors LIBXML_ERR_WARNING - Get simple warnings LIBXML_VERSION - Get the libxml version (e.g. 20605 or 20617) LIBXML_DOTTED_VERSION - Get the dotted libxml version (e.g. 2.6.5 or 2.6.17) |
data_is_url | Optional. If TRUE, it indicates that data is the path or URL of the XML document, not string data. The default is FALSE. |
ns | Optional. Specifies a namespace prefix or URI. |
is_prefix | Optional. Specifies a boolean value. TRUE if ns is a prefix, FALSE if ns is a URI. The default is FALSE. |
Return value: | Returns a SimpleXMLElement object representing data . |
PHP version: | 5.0.1+ |
PHP change log: | PHP 5.1.2: Added options and data_is_url parameters. PHP 5.2: Added ns and is_prefix parameters. |
Suppose we have the following XML file, "note.xml":
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?><note><to>Tove</to><from>Jani</from><heading>Reminder</heading><body>Don 't forget me this weekend!</body></note>
Create a SimpleXMLElement object from the URL:
<?php$xml=new SimpleXMLElement("note.xml",NULL,TRUE);echo $xml->asXML();?>