Maybe you think the dotted line that appears when the focus is clicked is ugly, so let's get rid of it!
1. Add the onFocus="this.blur()" statement to the <a> tag:
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<a href="#" onFocus="this.blur()">try</a>
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Two, add hidefocus to the <a> tag:
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<a href="###" hidefocus>link</a>
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Third, if there are too many connections, you can use external link .HTC files.
For example, the content of file is as follows:
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<public:attach event="onfocus" onevent="makeblur()"/>
<script language="javascript">
function makeblur(){
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Add the following code to CSS:
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A { behavior:url(; }
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Fourth, use CSS style and add code:
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a {blr:expression(this.onFocus=this.blur())}
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In this way, all articles on the site have no dotted lines.