api python
该存储库用于 TempMail.lol Python API。
该库与版本 2.xx完全不同,请参阅用法以了解有关 Python 库的更改的更多信息。
如果您使用新的 API 密钥,请切换到新版本的库。如果您仍在使用 BananaCrumbs ID,则必须使用 v2。
您可以使用 PIP 安装 TempMail API:
pip install tempmail-lol
如果您有 TempMail Plus 或 Ultra 订阅,则可以在 API 中使用它。请看下面的用法。如果您需要帮助,请在我们的 Discord 服务器中询问或发送电子邮件至 [email protected]。
您不需要 API 密钥即可使用 TempMail 的免费套餐。
from TempMail import TempMail
# Create a new TempMail object
tmp = TempMail ()
# If you have an API Key, use it here (you do not need an API key to use the free tier)
tmp = TempMail ( "tm.1234567890.randomcharactershere" )
# Generate an inbox with a random domain and prefix
inb = tmp . createInbox ()
# Or... use a prefix
inb = tmp . createInbox ( prefix = "joe" )
# Generate an inbox using a specific domain (you can also use your custom domain here)
# Prefixes on custom domains has no extra characters. For example, a custom domain example.com
# with a prefix of "whoever" will make "[email protected]". If you do not provide a prefix,
# a random one will be created for you.
inb = tmp . createInbox ( domain = "mycustomdomain.com" , prefix = "optional" )
# Check for emails (throws exception on invalid token)
emails = tmp . getEmails ( inb )
# Or... use the token (which is a string)
emails = tmp . getEmails ( inb . token )
print ( "Emails:" )
for email in emails :
print ( " t Sender: " + email . sender )
print ( " t Recipient: " + email . recipient )
print ( " t Subject: " + email . subject )
print ( " t Body: " + email . body )
print ( " t HTML: " + str ( email . html )) # may be None
print ( " t Date: " + str ( email . date )) # Unix timestamp in milliseconds
和 sha512 哈希的文本记录存储在您的域中。
请参阅accounts.tempmail.lol 中的更多详细信息。