vue thinkphp admin
English | 簡體中文
vue-thinkphp-admin is a more targeted background authority management project based on vue+thinkphp5.0;The project ensures a close connection between front-end permissions and the back-end, when by tial for when 類型 the ended the when by access by when by ) for when by the whed the when profession when by access by when by acc back-end with an enhanced authority authentication for a more secure system.
Mainly used in the project are vue、vuex、vue-router、element-ui and thinkphp5.0,which are necessary for you to acquire if a secondary development is needed.
Main Directory Structure and Document Introduction
|-client 客户端
| |-build
| |-config
| |-src 主体内容
| | |-api 接口文件目录
| | |-assest 资源文件目录
| | |-components
| | |-filters 全局过滤文件目录
| | |-router 路由文件目录
| | |-store 全局状态管理目录
| | |-utils 工具类目录
| | | |-components.js 所有路由component在此目录引入,配合后台权限使用
| | | |-http.js 引入axios,提供get/post/put/delete方法,如需更多自行增加
| | | └─index.js 全局一些公共方法
| | |-ivews 所有页面目录
| | └─...
| └─static
|-server 服务的
| |-application 应用目录
| | |-admin 模块目录
| | | |-controller 控制器目录
| | | |-model 模型目录
| | | |-validate 验证目录
| | | |-common.php 模块下的公共方法
| | | └─...
| | |─public WEB目录(对外访问目录)
| | | |-uploads 上传目录
| | | |─index.php 入口文件
| | | └─...
| |-sql 数据库文件目录
| └─...
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