YY Live Wallpaper provides high-definition wallpapers of various themes. You can choose the type you like to download. As a useful tool, it can add color and charm to your device. It provides a stunning visual feast that makes your phone unique.
1. All wallpaper materials are of high quality, making your mobile phone wallpaper look vivid and textured;
2. The wallpaper can be automatically changed according to festivals, seasons, festivals and other activities to keep your phone fresh;
3. It also provides a variety of setting methods, including manual setting, automatic change, etc.
1. For holiday themes, special topics will be launched according to specific seasons and time points to present the beautiful times in detail;
2. If you want to make your mobile phone background more unique and novel, don’t miss YY dynamic wallpaper;
3. It provides high-quality wallpapers, updated frequently, colorful and diverse. The most important thing is that it can keep your personality and mobile phone in sync.
1. Provide users with various types of dynamic wallpapers to download and use. These dynamic wallpapers contain a variety of pictures;
2. For example, natural scenery, cartoon characters, fashion, etc., no matter what type of dynamic wallpaper it is;
3. Allow users to present a richer visual experience and a more personalized interface style when using their mobile phones.
1. Launched a new wallpaper DIY function, allowing users to make their own photos or materials into dynamic wallpapers;
2. Free editing according to personal needs, users can customize the perfect wallpaper they want;
3. The latest and most popular dynamic wallpapers will be recommended to users every day, allowing users to learn about the most fashionable and trendy dynamic wallpapers at any time.