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Web design tutorial
  • The XHTML header Doctype declaration is essential!

    The XHTML header Doctype declaration is essential!

    DTD (Document Type Definition) is an XML document that explains which tags, attributes or values ​​are valid for a specific type of HTML. HTML follows certain rules.
  • Basic operators, maths

    Basic operators, maths

    We know many operators from school. They are things like addition +, multiplication *, subtraction -, and so on.
  • Ten ways to reset browser CSS (2)

    Ten ways to reset browser CSS (2)

    Tantek Celik Reset CSS:link,:visited { text-decoration:none } ul,ol { list-style:none } h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,pre,code { font-size:1em; } ul,ol,li,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,pre,form,body,html,p,blockquote,fieldset,input
  • Clean up your css

    Clean up your css

    After the CSS of the page has been modified for several versions, some styles may no longer be used, or some styles may have been renamed and the original ones forgotten to be deleted. In short, there may be some useless styles on the page.
  • In-Depth Analysis: Can HTML5 Become the Terminator of Flash?

    In-Depth Analysis: Can HTML5 Become the Terminator of Flash?

    Adobe's Flash technology helps fill the gap in cross-platform multimedia experiences on the web. In addition to the hot-selling iPhone and the upcoming iPad, Flash can be found in almost all other operating systems, whether it is a desktop operating s
  • What technologies do you need to learn to make web pages?

    What technologies do you need to learn to make web pages?

    HTML is the language of the web, and every web developer needs to have a basic understanding of it.
  • Comparisons


    We know many comparison operators from maths.In JavaScript they are written like this:
  • Three major features in CSS

    Three major features in CSS

    For cascading, if there is a style conflict, the CSS writing order will prevail, and the final style will prevail. Inheritance, the child tag will inherit some styles of the parent tag. Priority, when two or more rules apply to an element at the same time
  • DIV CSS web page layout makes search engine spiders no longer tired
  • Six coding techniques often used in web page production

    Six coding techniques often used in web page production

    The text in the table does not wrap automatically. What should I do? There are two possible situations: First, you use CSS to set the font of the text in the table to English font, so that the text in the table does not wrap automatically in DW. , but thi
  • Do you know how to use DIV+CSS? How to grasp the key points

    Do you know how to use DIV+CSS? How to grasp the key points

    The emergence of DIV+CSS eliminated a group of web design and production personnel, and created a group of web design and production personnel.
  • What are WEB standards? Beginners understand WEB standards

    What are WEB standards? Beginners understand WEB standards

    WEB standards are not a single standard, but a collection of standards. A web page mainly consists of three parts: Structure, Presentation and Behavior.
  • Conditional branching: if, '?'

    Conditional branching: if, '?'

    Sometimes, we need to perform different actions based on different conditions.
  • Logical operators

    Logical operators

    There are four logical operators in JavaScript: || (OR), && (AND), ! (NOT), ?? (Nullish Coalescing). Here we cover the first three, the ?? operator is in the next article.
  • Top 15 Web APIs that are essential for personal web pages

    Top 15 Web APIs that are essential for personal web pages

    The full name of API is application programming interface, which is application programming interface. Programmers can write applications and widgets to interact with the page server. API provides a web-based data and function access interface.