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Javascript tutorial
  • Hello, world!

    Hello, world!

    This part of the tutorial is about core JavaScript, the language itself.
  • Code structure

    Code structure

    The first thing we’ll study is the building blocks of code. StatementsStatements
  • The modern mode, "use strict"

    The modern mode, "use strict"

    For a long time, JavaScript evolved without compatibility issues. New features w
  • Variables


    Most of the time, a JavaScript application needs to work with information. Here are two examples:
  • Data types

    Data types

    A value in JavaScript is always of a certain type. For example, a string or a number.There are eight basic data types in JavaScript. Here, we’ll cover them in general and in the next chapters we’ll talk about each of them in detail.We can put any type in
  • Interaction: alert, prompt, confirm

    Interaction: alert, prompt, confirm

    As we’ll be using the browser as our demo environment, let’s see a couple of functions to interact with the user: alert, prompt and confirm.
  • Type Conversions

    Type Conversions

    Most of the time, operators and functions automatically convert the values given to them to the right type.
  • Basic operators, maths

    Basic operators, maths

    We know many operators from school. They are things like addition +, multiplication *, subtraction -, and so on.
  • Comparisons


    We know many comparison operators from maths.In JavaScript they are written like this:
  • Conditional branching: if, '?'

    Conditional branching: if, '?'

    Sometimes, we need to perform different actions based on different conditions.
  • Logical operators

    Logical operators

    There are four logical operators in JavaScript: || (OR), && (AND), ! (NOT), ?? (Nullish Coalescing). Here we cover the first three, the ?? operator is in the next article.
  • Loops: while and for

    Loops: while and for

    We often need to repeat actions.For example, outputting goods from a list one after another or just running the same code for each number from 1 to 10.
  • The "switch" statement

    The "switch" statement

    A switch statement can replace multiple if checks.It gives a more descriptive way to compare a value with multiple variants.
  • Functions


    Quite often we need to perform a similar action in many places of the script.For example, we need to show a nice-looking message when a visitor logs in, logs out and maybe somewhere else.
  • Function expressions

    Function expressions

    In JavaScript, a function is not a “magical language structure”, but a special k