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Javascript tutorial
  • Date and time

    Date and time

    Let’s meet a new built-in object: Date. It stores the date, time and provides methods for date/time management.
  • JSON methods, toJSON

    JSON methods, toJSON

    Let’s say we have a complex object, and we’d like to convert it into a string, to send it over a network, or just to output it for logging purposes.
  • Recursion and stack

    Recursion and stack

    Let’s return to functions and study them more in-depth.Our first topic will be recursion.
  • Rest parameters and spread syntax

    Rest parameters and spread syntax

    Many JavaScript built-in functions support an arbitrary number of arguments. For
  • Variable scope, closure

    Variable scope, closure

    JavaScript is a very function-oriented language. It gives us a lot of freedom. A function can be created at any moment, passed as an argument to another function, and then called from a totally different place of code later.
  • The old "var"

    The old "var"

    This article is for understanding old scriptsThe information in this article is
  • Global object

    Global object

    The global object provides variables and functions that are available anywhere.
  • Function object, NFE

    Function object, NFE

    As we already know, a function in JavaScript is a value. Every value in JavaScript has a type. What type is a function?
  • The "new Function" syntax

    The "new Function" syntax

    There’s one more way to create a function. It’s rarely used, but sometimes there
  • Scheduling: setTimeout and setInterval

    Scheduling: setTimeout and setInterval

    We may decide to execute a function not right now, but at a certain time later. That’s called “scheduling a call”.
  • Decorators and forwarding, call/apply

    Decorators and forwarding, call/apply

    JavaScript gives exceptional flexibility when dealing with functions. They can be passed around, used as objects, and now we’ll see how to forward calls between them and decorate them.
  • Function binding

    Function binding

    When passing object methods as callbacks, for instance to setTimeout, there’s a known problem: “losing this”.
  • Arrow functions revisited

    Arrow functions revisited

    Let’s revisit arrow functions. Arrow functions are not just a “shorthand” for wr
  • Property flags and descriptors

    Property flags and descriptors

    As we know, objects can store properties. Until now, a property was a simple “ke
  • Property getters and setters

    Property getters and setters

    There are two kinds of object properties. The first kind is data properties. We