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Javascript tutorial
  • Object methods, "this"

    Object methods, "this"

    Objects are usually created to represent entities of the real world, like users, orders and so on:
  • Constructor, operator "new"

    Constructor, operator "new"

    The regular {...} syntax allows us to create one object. But often we need to create many similar objects, like multiple users or menu items and so on.
  • Optional chaining '?.'

    Optional chaining '?.'

    If you’ve just started to read the tutorial and learn JavaScript, maybe the problem hasn’t touched you yet, but it’s quite common.
  • Symbol type

    Symbol type

    Otherwise, if one uses another type, such as number, it’s autoconverted to string. So that obj[1] is the same as obj["1"], and obj[true] is the same as obj["true"].
  • Object to primitive conversion

    Object to primitive conversion

    What happens when objects are added obj1 + obj2, subtracted obj1 - obj2 or print
  • Methods of primitives

    Methods of primitives

    JavaScript allows us to work with primitives (strings, numbers, etc.) as if they were objects. They also provide methods to call as such.
  • Numbers


    Regular numbers in JavaScript are stored in 64-bit format IEEE-754, also known as “double precision floating point numbers”. These are numbers that we’re using most of the time, and we’ll talk about them in this chapter.
  • Strings


    In JavaScript, the textual data is stored as strings. There is no separate type for a single character.
  • Arrays


    Objects allow you to store keyed collections of values. That’s fine.
  • Array methods

    Array methods

    Arrays provide a lot of methods. To make things easier, in this chapter, they are split into groups.
  • Iterables


    Iterable objects are a generalization of arrays. That’s a concept that allows us
  • Map and Set

    Map and Set

    Map is a collection of keyed data items, just like an Object. But the main difference is that Map allows keys of any type.
  • WeakMap and WeakSet

    WeakMap and WeakSet

    As we know from the chapter Garbage collection, JavaScript engine keeps a value in memory while it is “reachable” and can potentially be used.
  • Object.keys, values, entries

    Object.keys, values, entries

    Let’s step away from the individual data structures and talk about the iterations over them.
  • Destructuring assignment

    Destructuring assignment

    The two most used data structures in JavaScript are Object and Array.