Objects are similar to classes in JAVA and maintain OO characteristics. A CSS object consists of 4 parts: HTML that may be one or more DOM nodes; CSS style declaration starting from the class name of the wrapper node; sprites components such as background
The most commonly used layout properties in CSS are Float (detailed explanation of CSS floating property Float) and the other is the CSS positioning property Position.
When the mouse comes out of SPAN, the mouseout event is triggered because the event bubbles up. The item's onmouseout event secondary menu disappears, but at this time, the item is moved into the item and the mouseover event is triggered, so it is dis
After the CSS of the page has been modified for several versions, some styles may no longer be used, or some styles may have been renamed and the original ones forgotten to be deleted. In short, there may be some useless styles on the page.
For cascading, if there is a style conflict, the CSS writing order will prevail, and the final style will prevail. Inheritance, the child tag will inherit some styles of the parent tag. Priority, when two or more rules apply to an element at the same time
Some people may ask, isn’t there a vertical-align attribute in CSS to set vertical centering? Even if some browsers don't support it I just need to do a little CSS
The align-self attribute defines the alignment of flex items individually in the cross-axis (vertical axis) direction. align-self has an additional auto (default value), which represents the align-items attribute value inherited from the flex container.
There are many ways to implement image preloading, usually mostly using Javascript to keep things scrolling. Don't be constrained by Javascript preloading anymore, use CSS and you can preload your images without any hassle.
CSS Sprite has been around for a while and has risen as a way to make your website faster. Steve Souders just presented SpriteMe! at Velocity '09 (discussion - why use a CSS Sprite Generator or other server-based tool when you can use canvas and toDat
The compatibility of CSS with browsers sometimes gives people a headache. Perhaps when you understand the techniques and principles, it will not be difficult. I have collected the compatibility tips for IE7, 6 and Fireofx from the Internet and sorted them
The main change is the positioning of the background image, but this time it is a little different from the one in Chapter 2. This time you need to take into account the changes in the two rounded corners below.
My thoughts on CSS framework and CSS modules have always been vague, and I am completely following the trend. The problems I encountered at work recently forced me to pay attention to this issue. I am used to one person doing everything, planning-designin