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CSS tutorial
  • CSS adjusts element size (resize)

    CSS adjusts element size (resize)

    CSS adjusts the size of elements (resize) The resize attribute is a property in CSS3UI that allows users to adjust the size of elements. The resize attribute is a property in CSS3UI that allows users to resize elements. resize: none|both|horiz……
  • CSS responsive layout (adaptive layout)

    CSS responsive layout (adaptive layout)

    CSS responsive layout (adaptive layout) What is responsive layout? Responsive layout means that the same page has different layouts on different screen sizes. Today, when the mobile Internet is highly developed, the web pages we develop on desktop browser
  • What is css sliding door technology

    What is css sliding door technology

    Allows various specially shaped backgrounds to adapt to the text content within the element and stretch and slide freely. A background image with a sufficient width is set on the background of the link and the link text at the same time, stretching one to
  • What is css sprite technology

    What is css sprite technology

    Gather all the scattered background images involved in the page into a large image, and then use the large image for the web page. When a user accesses a page, they only need to send a request to the server once. Use properties such as background-position
  • css weight calculation rules

    css weight calculation rules

    Use a four-digit string to represent the weight. Each number represents a level, with levels decreasing from left to right, with no carry between levels. The inherited style has a weight of 0. Inline styles have greater weight than all selectors.
  • Three major features in CSS

    Three major features in CSS

    For cascading, if there is a style conflict, the CSS writing order will prevail, and the final style will prevail. Inheritance, the child tag will inherit some styles of the parent tag. Priority, when two or more rules apply to an element at the same time
  • Specifications for using css selectors

    Specifications for using css selectors

    When grouping selectors, place the individual selectors on their own line. Add double quotes for attributes in the selector. It's best not to go beyond 5 selector levels. Each selector occupies its own column, and all selectors in a column except the
  • What is the align-self attribute in css

    What is the align-self attribute in css

    The align-self attribute defines the alignment of flex items individually in the cross-axis (vertical axis) direction. align-self has an additional auto (default value), which represents the align-items attribute value inherited from the flex container.
  • What is the flex-shrink attribute in css

    What is the flex-shrink attribute in css

    Flex-shrink refers to the shrinkage ratio of a single element when the flex container runs out of space. Negative values ​​are not supported, and the default value is 1, which means that all flex items will shrink by default. If set to 0, it means no shri
  • What is the flex-grow property in css

    What is the flex-grow property in css

    Flex-grow refers to expanding the width occupied by flex items. The expanded space is the remaining blank space after excluding the elements. Negative values ​​are not supported, and the default value is 0, which means that the remaining white space is no
  • What is the flex-direction property in css

    What is the flex-direction property in css

    Flex-direction is used to control the overall layout direction of children, whether from left to right or right to left, top to bottom or bottom to top. Specifies how internal elements are laid out in the flex container and defines the direction of the ma
  • What is the flex-wrap property in css

    What is the flex-wrap property in css

    The flex-wrap attribute specifies whether the flex item can be split into rows or columns. Accepts three values, nowrap default value, wrap width overflow and wrap display, wrap-reverse width overflow wrap display.
  • What is css word spacing

    What is css word spacing

    The word-spacing attribute is used to set the distance between tags or words in HTML pages. This attribute is valid for English, but not for Chinese. There are three types of word-spacing attribute values, Normal, length value and percentage.
  • Standardization of css code

    Standardization of css code

    Use four spaces for indentation. Add a space before the opening brace of each declaration block. The closing curly brace of a declaration block should be set individually. Each declaration statement: insert a space after, and no space before. All declarat
  • How to understand css ordinary sibling selector