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Java tutorial
  • Java bubble sort (Bubble Sort)

    Java bubble sort (Bubble Sort)

    Java Bubble Sort (Bubble Sort) 1. Bubble Sort Bubble Sort (BubbleSort) is a relatively simple sorting algorithm in programming. It repeatedly walks through the sequence to be sorted, comparing two elements at a time and swapping them if they are in the wr
  • Detailed explanation of Java Arrays.sort() method

    Detailed explanation of Java Arrays.sort() method

    Detailed explanation of the Java Arrays.sort() method. This method is a static method of the Arrays class, used to sort arrays. The time complexity is O(n*logn), and the method return value is void. After sorting, the sorted results are stored in the arra
  • Detailed explanation of Java Arrays.copyOfRange() method

    Detailed explanation of Java Arrays.copyOfRange() method

    Detailed explanation of the Java Arrays.copyOfRange() method. This method is used to intercept and copy an existing array, and copy an array with a closed left range and an open right range. Copy an original array starting from the subscript from to the s
  • Detailed explanation of Java Arrays.copyOf() method

    Detailed explanation of Java Arrays.copyOf() method

    Detailed explanation of the Java Arrays.copyOf() method. The array returned by this method is a new array object. Changing the element values ​​in the returned array will not affect the original array. The first variable represents the original array obje
  • Detailed explanation of Java Arrays.fill() method

    Detailed explanation of Java Arrays.fill() method

    Detailed explanation of Java Arrays.fill() method in JavaAPI: publicstaticvoidfill(Object[]a, intfromIndex, inttoIndex, Objectval) assigns the specified Object reference to the specified Object array...
  • Java Arrays class

    Java Arrays class

    Java Arrays Class Java provides a tool class specifically for operating arrays, the Arrays class, located in the java.util package. The Arrays class contains various methods for manipulating arrays, such as sorting and searching. In addition, the Arrays c
  • Java irregular array

    Java irregular array

    Java Irregular Arrays Through the study in the previous section, we know that there is no concept of multi-dimensional arrays in Java, only one-dimensional arrays. We can understand multi-dimensional arrays as arrays of arrays, so an irregular array will
  • Java multidimensional array

    Java multidimensional array

    We need to know about Java multi-dimensional arrays. There is no concept of multi-dimensional arrays in Java, because from the perspective of the underlying operating mechanism of arrays, Java does not have multi-dimensional arrays. However, Java provides
  • Java two-dimensional array

    Java two-dimensional array

    Java two-dimensional array In Java, a two-dimensional array is regarded as an array of arrays, that is, a two-dimensional array is a special one-dimensional array, and each element of the two-dimensional array is a one-dimensional array. 1. Definition of
  • Java Map collection

    Java Map collection

    Java Map collection Map is a container that stores elements according to keys. Keys are like subscripts. In List, subscripts are integers. In Map, keys can be objects of any type. There cannot be duplicate keys in the Map, and each key has a corresponding
  • Java Set collection

    Java Set collection

    Java Set Collection Set collection is a collection composed of a series of unordered, non-repeated elements of the same type, because when storing data, the hashCode value of its elements must be determined first, and if it is different, it will be stored
  • Java List collection

    Java List collection

    Java List collection In the Collection system, the List collection is ordered, and the insertion position of each element can be precisely controlled. Elements can be accessed and traversed through indexes. List collection refers to a collection composed
  • How to create a java project using eclipse

    How to create a java project using eclipse

    1. Open eclipse and click file; 2. Click the new and JAVA PROJECT options in sequence; 3. Enter the new project; 4. Create a new java project and click the src package under the project; 5. Enter the new page; 6. Enter class , click finish.
  • Detailed installation of java IntelliJ IDEA

    Detailed installation of java IntelliJ IDEA

    Detailed installation instructions for java IntelliJ IDEA: 1. Run the downloaded exe file; 2. Click next; 3. Customize the installation directory and click next; 4. Check 64-bit and select all plug-ins. Click next; 5. Click install.
  • Common uses of Java Arrays class

    Common uses of Java Arrays class

    Common uses of the Java Arrays class: 1. toString method, outputs the array as a string according to the default format; 2. sort method, sorts the array in ascending order; 3. equals, compares whether the array elements are equal. If the array values ​​ar