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Java tutorial
  • How to create a java project using eclipse

    How to create a java project using eclipse

    1. Open eclipse and click file; 2. Click the new and JAVA PROJECT options in sequence; 3. Enter the new project; 4. Create a new java project and click the src package under the project; 5. Enter the new page; 6. Enter class , click finish.
  • Detailed installation of java IntelliJ IDEA

    Detailed installation of java IntelliJ IDEA

    Detailed installation instructions for java IntelliJ IDEA: 1. Run the downloaded exe file; 2. Click next; 3. Customize the installation directory and click next; 4. Check 64-bit and select all plug-ins. Click next; 5. Click install.
  • Common uses of Java Arrays class

    Common uses of Java Arrays class

    Common uses of the Java Arrays class: 1. toString method, outputs the array as a string according to the default format; 2. sort method, sorts the array in ascending order; 3. equals, compares whether the array elements are equal. If the array values ​​ar
  • Four ways to acquire locks in Java

    Four ways to acquire locks in Java

    There are four ways to acquire locks in Java: 1. The lock() method acquires the lock; 2. tryLock() tries to acquire the lock; 3. tryLock(long time, TimeUnit unit) will wait if it cannot get the lock; 4. lockInterruptibly() Interrupt thread waiting.
  • Notes on java custom exception classes

    Notes on java custom exception classes

    Notes on Java custom exception classes: 1. For a method of a parent class overridden by a subclass, the exception type thrown can only be a subclass of the exception class of the overridden method or itself. 2. Among them, it is necessary to distinguish:
  • How to encapsulate JDBC tool class in java

    How to encapsulate JDBC tool class in java

    The JDBC tool class is encapsulated in java: 1. Method to obtain the connection; 2. Method to obtain the database connection; 3. Method to release the connection; 4. Database connection object; 5. Object that executes the SQL statement and the result set
  • Solution to java ThreadLocal memory leak

    Solution to java ThreadLocal memory leak

    Solution to java ThreadLocal memory leak: 1. CleanSomeSlots() and expungeStaleEntry() methods can clear values ​​with null keys; 2. Clear all values ​​with null keys in ThreadLocalMap.
  • What is the JVM instruction system of java?

    What is the JVM instruction system of java?

    The JVM instruction system of java is: 1. Designed to implement the Java language. It contains instructions for calling methods and monitoring multi-priority systems; 2. The length of the 8-bit opcode in the VM allows the JVM to have a maximum of 256 inst
  • Java jvm execution program process

    Java jvm execution program process

    The execution process of Java's jvm: each instruction is translated into different platform machine codes through the JVM, and run through a specific platform. 1. Load class files; 2. Manage and allocate memory; 3. Perform garbage collection; 4. Java
  • Object storage and retrieval of java ThreadLocal

    Object storage and retrieval of java ThreadLocal

    java ThreadLocal object storage and acquisition: 1. From the set method, a copy of the variable copied by the current ThreadLocal is stored in ThreadLocalMap; 2. ThreadLocal itself does not store values ​​and is used as a key.
  • What is the memory model in java? What's the use?

    What is the memory model in java? What's the use?

    The memory model in Java is: 1. An abstract concept that has many similarities with the memory model of a computer; 2. It includes threads, working memory, and main memory; 3. The working memory can be compared to a computing cache, and the main memory ca
  • Future gets thread result in java

    Future gets thread result in java

    Future gets the thread result in Java: 1. Represents the result of an asynchronous task that may not be completed yet; 2. A Callback can be added to this result to perform corresponding operations after the task execution succeeds or fails.
  • Reentrant testing of java ReentrantLock

    Reentrant testing of java ReentrantLock

    Reentrant test of java ReentrantLock: 1. It is a reentrant read-write lock. The read-write lock maintains a ReadLock and a WriteLock internally; ReentrantLock is implemented using CAS+AQS queue. It supports the use of fair locks, unfair locks, and reentra
  • How does Scanner obtain a string in java

    How does Scanner obtain a string in java

    Scanner in java obtains a string: 1. next method, the entered valid character is followed by a space, next() will use the space as the terminator; 2. nextLine method, with Enter as the terminator, that is, nextLine() method What is returned is all the cha
  • What are the interview questions about locking in Java?

    What are the interview questions about locking in Java?

    Interview questions about locks in Java: The types of locks in Java are divided into six types. The two most common locking methods we have come across are lock and synchronized. This is also the most frequently asked principle and mechanism question in i