N-Queens Visualizer
A visual exploration of local search algorithms which generate solutions to the N-Queens problem. Featured on React Rocks.
VIEW LIVE: https://haseeb-qureshi.github.io/n-queens-visualizer
- Visualizes N-Queens problem using different local search algorithms
- Created an action queue to process moves asynchronously without violating the Flux pattern
- Uses custom-written easing function to simulate real-time speed modulation
- Transmits minimum possible information within action dispatches, to minimize space & time costs
Backlog of features:
- DONE Number queens
- DONE Implement all methods (backtracking, brute-force permutations, random permutations, simulated annealing, and iterative repair)
- DONE Speed bar
- DONE Smooth out speed modulation
- DONE Display number of iterations
- DONE Fix iterative repair action overload bug
- DONE Make brute force permutations show exact number of iterations
- DONE Display temperature for simulated annealing
- DONE Colorize temperature
- DONE Make algorithm selection immediately seed board
- DONE Slow down slowest speed
- DONE Replace easing function with correct speed modulation using dynamic intervals
- Pause and play buttons
- Optimize parameters for simulated annealing (currently resolves 68% of the time)
- Asterisk; mouseover iterations displays: number queens swapped, not total computations
- Highlight attack paths
- Animate movement of queens
- Show animations for every reset
- Make resizable from 4-20 N
- Show text explaining each search method
- Convert simulated annealing failure to modal
- Guided tour through sequence of possible search strategies