Advanced Searching
Search Operators
Simple Examples
Finding Valuable Information
Google Dorking describes the process of using advanced search filters that allow to retrieve more efficient results. It is a technique often used by cybersecurity professionals in order to find valuable information about a target. While Google Dorking itself is legal (in most countries), it might quickly lead to actions that aren't, such as visiting a site with illegal content in it. Hence using TOR or a VPN is recommended. It is also beneficial to use a search aggregator like SearX.
Operator | Description | Syntax | Example |
() | Group multiple terms or operators. Allows advanced expressions | (<term> or <operator>) | inurl:(html | php) |
* | Wildcard. Matches any word | <text> * <text> | How to * a computer |
"" | The given keyword has to match exactly. case-insensitive | "<keywords>" | "google" |
m..n / m...n | Search for a range of numbers. n should be greater than m | <number>..<number> | 1..100 |
- | Documents that match the operator are excluded. NOT-Operator | -<operator> | |
+ | Include documents that match the operator | +<operator> | |
| | Logical OR-Operator. Only one operator needs to match in order for the overall expression to match | <operator> | <operator> | "google" | "yahoo" |
~ | Search for synonyms of the given word. Not supported by Google | ~<word> | ~book |
@ | Perform a search only on the given social media platform. Rather use site | @<socialmedia> | |
after | Search for documents published / indexed after the given date | after:<yy(-mm-dd)> | after:2020-06-03 |
allintitle | Same as intitle but allows multiple keywords seperated by a space | allintitle:<keywords> | allintitle:dog cat |
allinurl | Same as inurl but allows multiple keywords seperated by a space | allinurl:<keywords> | allinurl:search com |
allintext | Same as intext but allows multiple keywords seperated by a space | allintext:<keywords> | allintext:math science university |
AROUND | Search for documents in which the first word is up to n words away from the second word and vice versa | <word1> AROUND(<n>) <word2> | google AROUND(10) good |
author | Search for articles written by the given author if applicable | author:<name> | author:Max |
before | Search for documents published / indexed before the given date | before:<yy(-mm-dd)> | before:2020-06-03 |
cache | Search on the cached version of the given website. Uses Google's cache to do so | cache:<domain> | |
contains | Search for documents that link to the given fileype. Not supported by Google | contains:<filetype> | contains:pdf |
date | Search for documents published within the past n months. Not supported by Google | date:<number> | date:3 |
define | Search for the definition of the given word | define:<word> | define:funny |
ext | Search for a specific filetype | ext:<documenttype> | ext:pdf |
filetype | Refer to ext | filetype:<documenttype> | filetype:pdf |
inanchor | Search for the given keyword in a website's anchors | inanchor:<keyword> | inanchor:security |
index of | Search for documents containing direct downloads | index of:<term> | index of:mp4 videos |
info | Search for information about a website | info:<domain> | |
intext | Keyword needs to be in the text of the document | intext:<keyword> | intext:news |
intitle | Keyword needs to be in the title of the document | intitle:<keyword> | intitle:money |
inurl | Keyword needs to be in the URL of the document | inurl:<keyword> | inurl:sheet |
link / links | Search for documents whose links contain the given keyword. Useful for finding documents that link to a specific website | link:<keyword> | link:google |
location | Show documents based on the given location | location:<location> | location:USA |
numrange | Refer to m..n | numrange:<number>-<number> | numrange:1-100 |
OR | Refer to | | <operator> OR <operator> | "google" OR "yahoo" |
phonebook | Search for related phone numbers associated with the given name | phonebook:<name> | phonebook:"william smith" |
relate / related | Search for documents that are related to the given website | relate:<domain> | |
safesearch | Exclude adult content such as pornographic videos | safesearch:<keyword> | safesearch:sex |
source | Search on a specific news site. Rather use site | source:<news> | source:theguardian |
site | Search on the given site. Given argument might also be just a TLD such as com, net, etc | site:<domain> | |
stock | Search for information about a market stock | stock:<stock> | stock:dax |
weather | Search for information about the weather of the given location | weather:<location> | weather:Miami |
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"google" 1..100
Search for websites that contain the word "google" and a number between 1 and 100
Videos -site:youtube.*
Search for the term "Videos" but exclude results from YouTube
How to * a computer after:2022-01-01
Search for websites published after the 1st January 2022 dealing about how to
a computer
allintext:homework teacher school site:gov before:2020 ext:(html | php)
Search for websites published before 2020 which have the TLD
, are either html or php documents and contain the words "homework", "teacher" and "school"
@instagram chr3st5an
Search for the term "chr3st5an" on instagram
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intitle:"webcamXP 5" | inurl:"lvappl.htm"
Find open/public webcams
intext:password ext:log
Find log documents wich have the string "password" in it
Find vulnerable webservers
inurl:email.xls ext:xls
Find excel documents that contain email addresses
index of:mp3 intext:.mp3
Find mp3 (music) documents
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You can find more Google Dorks at the exploit-db
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The information provided here are dedicated to the public domain. Use them as you wish.
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