Pembungkus C++ berorientasi objek untuk alat cURL
Jika Anda ingin tahu lebih banyak tentang CURL dan libcurl, Anda harus mengunjungi situs resminya
Bantu saya untuk meningkatkan proyek ini!
cd build
cmake ..
cd build
Catatan: cURL >= 7.34.0 diperlukan.
Saat menautkan curlcpp ke aplikasi Anda jangan lupa juga menautkan curl
. Contoh:
g++ -std=c++11 example.cpp -I/usr/local/include/curlcpp/ -lcurlcpp -lcurl
Saat menggunakan submodul git dan CMake-buildsystem, tambahkan baris berikut ke CMakeLists.txt
Anda :
ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(ext/curlcpp) # Change `ext/curlcpp` to a directory according to your setup
curlcpp sekarang tersedia juga melalui manajer paket homebrew:
brew install curlcpp
Berikut beberapa contoh penggunaan. Anda akan menemukan lebih banyak contoh di folder tes!
Berikut ini contoh permintaan HTTP sederhana untuk mendapatkan halaman web Google, menggunakan antarmuka curl_easy:
# include " curlcpp/curl_easy.h "
using curl::curl_easy;
using curl::curl_easy_exception;
using curl::curlcpp_traceback;
/* *
* This example shows how to make a simple request with curl.
int main () {
// Easy object to handle the connection.
curl_easy easy;
// Add some options.
easy. add <CURLOPT_URL>( " http://<your_url_here> " );
try {
easy. perform ();
} catch (curl_easy_exception &error) {
// If you want to print the last error.
std::cerr<<error. what ()<<std::endl;
return 0 ;
Jika Anda ingin mendapatkan informasi tentang sesi curl saat ini, Anda dapat melakukan:
# include " curlcpp/curl_easy.h "
# include " curlcpp/curl_ios.h "
# include " curlcpp/curl_exception.h "
using std::ostringstream;
using curl::curl_easy;
using curl::curl_easy_exception;
using curl::curlcpp_traceback;
using curl::curl_ios;
/* *
* This example shows how to use the easy interface and obtain
* information about the current session.
int main ( int argc, const char **argv) {
// Let's declare a stream
ostringstream stream;
// We are going to put the request's output in the previously declared stream
curl_ios<ostringstream> ios (stream);
// Declaration of an easy object
curl_easy easy (ios);
// Add some option to the curl_easy object.
easy. add <CURLOPT_URL>( " http://<your_url_here> " );
try {
easy. perform ();
// Retrieve information about curl current session.
auto x = easy. get_info <CURLINFO_CONTENT_TYPE>();
/* *
* get_info returns a curl_easy_info object. With the get method we retrieve
* the std::pair object associated with it: the first item is the return code of the
* request. The second is the element requested by the specified libcurl macro.
std::cout<<x. get ()<<std::endl;
} catch (curl_easy_exception &error) {
// If you want to print the last error.
std::cerr<<error. what ()<<std::endl;
// If you want to print the entire error stack you can do
error. print_traceback ();
return 0 ;
Berikut ini pembuatan formulir login HTTPS POST:
# include < string >
# include " curlcpp/curl_easy.h "
# include " curlcpp/curl_pair.h "
# include " curlcpp/curl_form.h "
# include " curlcpp/curl_exception.h "
using std::string;
using curl::curl_form;
using curl::curl_easy;
using curl::curl_pair;
using curl::curl_easy_exception;
using curl::curlcpp_traceback;
int main ( int argc, const char * argv[]) {
curl_form form;
curl_easy easy;
// Forms creation
curl_pair<CURLformoption,string> name_form (CURLFORM_COPYNAME, " user " );
curl_pair<CURLformoption,string> name_cont (CURLFORM_COPYCONTENTS, " you username here " );
curl_pair<CURLformoption,string> pass_form (CURLFORM_COPYNAME, " passw " );
curl_pair<CURLformoption,string> pass_cont (CURLFORM_COPYCONTENTS, " your password here " );
try {
// Form adding
form. add (name_form,name_cont);
form. add (pass_form,pass_cont);
// Add some options to our request
easy. add <CURLOPT_URL>( " http://<your_url_here> " );
easy. add <CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER>( false );
easy. add <CURLOPT_HTTPPOST>(form. get ());
// Execute the request.
easy. perform ();
} catch (curl_easy_exception &error) {
// If you want to get the entire error stack we can do:
curlcpp_traceback errors = error. get_traceback ();
// Otherwise we could print the stack like this:
error. print_traceback ();
return 0 ;
Dan apakah kita ingin memasukkan konten yang dikembalikan ke dalam file? Tidak ada yang lebih mudah dari:
# include < iostream >
# include < ostream >
# include < fstream >
# include " curlcpp/curl_easy.h "
# include " curlcpp/curl_ios.h "
# include " curlcpp/curl_exception.h "
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
using std::ostream;
using std::ofstream;
using curl::curl_easy;
using curl::curl_ios;
using curl::curl_easy_exception;
using curl::curlcpp_traceback;
int main ( int argc, const char * argv[]) {
// Create a file
ofstream myfile;
myfile. open ( " /path/to/your/file " );
// Create a curl_ios object to handle the stream
curl_ios<ostream> writer (myfile);
// Pass it to the easy constructor and watch the content returned in that file!
curl_easy easy (writer);
// Add some option to the easy handle
easy. add <CURLOPT_URL>( " http://<your_url_here> " );
try {
// Execute the request
easy. perform ();
} catch (curl_easy_exception &error) {
// If you want to print the last error.
std::cerr<<error. what ()<<std::endl;
// If you want to print the entire error stack you can do
error. print_traceback ();
myfile. close ();
return 0 ;
Tidak tertarik dengan file? Jadi, mari masukkan keluaran permintaan ke dalam variabel!
# include < iostream >
# include < ostream >
# include " curlcpp/curl_easy.h "
# include " curlcpp/curl_form.h "
# include " curlcpp/curl_ios.h "
# include " curlcpp/curl_exception.h "
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
using std::ostringstream;
using curl::curl_easy;
using curl::curl_ios;
using curl::curl_easy_exception;
using curl::curlcpp_traceback;
int main () {
// Create a stringstream object
ostringstream str;
// Create a curl_ios object, passing the stream object.
curl_ios<ostringstream> writer (str);
// Pass the writer to the easy constructor and watch the content returned in that variable!
curl_easy easy (writer);
// Add some option to the easy handle
easy. add <CURLOPT_URL>( " http://<your_url_here> " );
try {
easy. perform ();
// Let's print the stream content
cout<<str. str ()<<endl;
} catch (curl_easy_exception &error) {
// If you want to print the last error.
std::cerr<<error. what ()<<std::endl;
// If you want to print the entire error stack you can do
error. print_traceback ();
return 0 ;
Saya telah menerapkan pengirim dan penerima untuk memudahkan penggunaan kirim/terima tanpa menangani buffer. Misalnya, pengiriman/penerima yang sangat sederhana adalah:
# include < iostream >
# include < string >
# include " curlcpp/curl_easy.h "
# include " curlcpp/curl_form.h "
# include " curlcpp/curl_pair.h "
# include " curlcpp/curl_receiver.h "
# include " curlcpp/curl_exception.h "
# include " curlcpp/curl_sender.h "
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
using std::string;
using curl::curl_form;
using curl::curl_easy;
using curl::curl_sender;
using curl::curl_receiver;
using curl::curl_easy_exception;
using curl::curlcpp_traceback;
int main ( int argc, const char * argv[]) {
// Simple request
string request = " GET / HTTP/1.0 rn Host: rnrn " ;
// Creation of easy object.
curl_easy easy;
try {
easy. add <CURLOPT_URL>( " http://<your_url_here> " );
// Just connect
easy. add <CURLOPT_CONNECT_ONLY>( true );
// Execute the request.
easy. perform ();
} catch (curl_easy_exception &error) {
// If you want to get the entire error stack we can do:
curlcpp_traceback errors = error. get_traceback ();
// Otherwise we could print the stack like this:
error. print_traceback ();
// Creation of a sender. You should wait here using select to check if socket is ready to send.
curl_sender<string> sender (easy);
sender. send (request);
// Prints che sent bytes number.
cout<< " Sent bytes: " <<sender. get_sent_bytes ()<<endl;
for (;;) {
// You should wait here to check if socket is ready to receive
try {
// Create a receiver
curl_receiver< char , 1024 > receiver;
// Receive the content on the easy handler
receiver. receive (easy);
// Prints the received bytes number.
cout<< " Receiver bytes: " <<receiver. get_received_bytes ()<<endl;
} catch (curl_easy_exception &error) {
// If any errors occur, exit from the loop
break ;
return 0 ;
Contoh berikut menunjukkan bagaimana menggunakan antarmuka curl MULTI.
Saya telah menerapkan pengirim dan penerima untuk memudahkan penggunaan kirim/terima tanpa menangani buffer. Misalnya, pengiriman/penerima yang sangat sederhana adalah:
# include < iostream >
# include < ostream >
# include " curlcpp/curl_easy.h "
# include " curlcpp/curl_multi.h "
# include " curlcpp/curl_ios.h "
using curl::curl_easy;
using curl::curl_multi;
using curl::curl_ios;
using curl::curl_easy_exception;
using curl::curlcpp_traceback;
/* *
* This example shows how to make multiple requests
* using curl_multi interface.
int main () {
std::vector<std::string> urls;
urls. emplace_back ( " " );
urls. emplace_back ( " " );
urls. emplace_back ( " " );
// Create a vector of curl easy handlers.
std::vector<curl_easy> handlers;
// Create a vector of curl streams.
std::vector<curl_ios<std::ostringstream>> streams;
// Create the curl easy handler and associated the streams with it.
for ( const auto & url : urls) {
auto *output_stream = new std::ostringstream;
curl_ios<std::ostringstream> curl_stream (*output_stream);
curl_easy easy (curl_stream);
easy. add <CURLOPT_URL>(url. c_str ());
streams. emplace_back (curl_stream);
handlers. emplace_back (easy);
// Create a map of curl pointers to output streams.
std::unordered_map<CURL*, curl_ios<std::ostringstream>*> easy_streams;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < handlers. size (); ++i) {
easy_streams[handlers. at (i). get_curl ()] = (curl_ios<std::ostringstream>*)&streams. at (i);
// Add all the handlers to the curl multi object.
curl_multi multi;
multi. add (handlers);
try {
// Start the transfers.
multi. perform ();
// Until there are active transfers, call the perform() API.
while (multi. get_active_transfers ()) {
multi. perform ();
// Extracts the first finished request.
std::unique_ptr<curl_multi::curl_message> message = multi. get_next_finished ();
if (message != nullptr ) {
const curl_easy *handler = message-> get_handler ();
// Get the stream associated with the curl easy handler.
curl_ios<std::ostringstream> stream_handler = *easy_streams[handler-> get_curl ()];
auto content = stream_handler. get_stream ()-> str ();
auto url = handler-> get_info <CURLINFO_EFFECTIVE_URL>();
auto response_code = handler-> get_info <CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE>();
auto content_type = handler-> get_info <CURLINFO_CONTENT_TYPE>();
auto http_code = handler-> get_info <CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE>();
std::cout << " CODE: " << response_code. get ()
<< " , TYPE: " << content_type. get ()
<< " , HTTP_CODE: " << http_code. get ()
<< " , URL: " << url. get ()
<< " , CONTENT: " << content. substr ( 0 , 10 ) + " ... "
<< std::endl;
// Free the memory allocated for easy streams.
for ( auto stream : streams) {
delete stream. get_stream ();
} catch (curl_easy_exception &error) {
// If you want to print the last error.
std::cerr<<error. what ()<<std::endl;
return 0 ;