Recently, many friends' websites have had the same problem, that is, the title and description of the website in Baidu search results are displayed abnormally and incompletely, the website snapshot has no description, and the website snapshot cannot be previewed, but the website snapshot is updated every day, regarding this issue , what is the reason? What is the cause? Here the author will talk to you about the causes and solutions to this problem.
1. The trouble caused by the robots.txt file
Generally speaking, this happens when a specific URL is set to "nofollow, noindex" in Robots.txt, although this instruction tells the search engine not to follow and include this link. But if there are a certain number of external links pointing to this link, search engines may include the URL. At this time, the title may be a URL and the description may be empty. Of course, this situation mostly occurs with the GOOGLE search engine. It is rare for Baidu to include "nofollow, noindex" links, but this possibility is not ruled out.
The author optimized a website for a client a month ago, and this problem also occurred. It was because the robots.txt file was modified, resulting in incomplete snapshots of the website title and description. I have been looking for the reason for several days and have not seen any results. I thought it might be a problem with robots.txt, but I accidentally discovered it later, so I immediately modified it. As a result, the website returned to normal the next day. Therefore, it is recommended that friends who have this problem must check the robots.txt file.
2. Changes to website content and title
This is a more serious situation, such as after all or most of the title, description, or URL path of your website have been modified and adjusted. This will cause a large number of dead pages and will lose the trust of search engines. After the page disappears from the search engine, the search engine will start to include the page again because of the external links to the page. At this time, the description is also very likely to be for Empty.
After website revision or large-scale changes, it is recommended to set up robots to prohibit crawling error pages and the production of 404 error pages. This can reduce user loss on the one hand, and on the other hand, it can tell spiders that this is a wrong address and is prohibited. The spider crawls web pages that do not exist, and during this period keeps updating original content and high-quality external links for the website.
3. Baidu’s ability to capture data is insufficient
It has been observed that this situation occurs mainly because Baidu’s ability to capture data is not strong enough. Especially for websites that use CDN, generally speaking, the Baidu crawler caches the server IP corresponding to the domain name for more than one day. When the spider crawls the website, it does not cache the DNS record according to the DNS protocol, but caches the DNS record for more than one day, so when the spider crawls the website, it does not cache the DNS record according to the DNS protocol. If the CDN changes IP, Baidu Spider will continue to crawl the old server IP that cannot be accessed within a day. This will cause the data of a certain node to not be crawled, and the website title and description will not be displayed properly.
Baidu’s data analysis and processing capabilities still need to be strengthened. Webmasters who encounter this situation do not need to panic, as it will usually return to normal within a week.
Finally, let me tell my webmaster friends that if you find no problems when you check the website itself and factors outside the site, then don’t panic. It is most likely a problem with Baidu itself or database adjustment. Under normal circumstances, it will be restored within a week. normal. During this time you should continue to analyze what is going on inside and outside your site.
This article is contributed by the webmaster of . I hope it will be helpful to everyone. You are welcome to reprint it. Please indicate the source for reprinting. Thank you for your cooperation!!
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