Website structure planning plays a very important role in website design. A well-structured website can not only improve user access speed, but also plays a very important role in the continued development and later maintenance of the website.
The content and link design of the website are both designed in a logical sense. In a physical sense, a website is a collection of documents and folders stored on disk. These documents include HTML files and various formats of image, audio, and video files. If so many files are stored in disarray on the server's hard drive, it will inevitably cause obstacles to the maintenance and expansion of the website. A reasonable site structure can speed up the design and management of the website, improve work efficiency, and save time. Website planning is to organize all the files on the website into a reasonable file directory structure. When planning the directory structure of your website, you usually follow certain rules:
(l) Create subfolders according to column content. Generally speaking, the structural method of reasonably building a document using folders is: First
First create a root directory for the website: then create multiple subfolders in it: then store the documents in the corresponding folders by category. If necessary, you can create multi-level subfolders.
(2) Resources are stored in different folders by category.
(3) The level of folders should not be too deep to avoid troublesome searching during system maintenance.
(4) Avoid naming files or folders in Chinese. Although Chinese naming is clearer and easier to understand for Chinese-speaking users,
However, because many Internet servers use English operating systems, they cannot provide good support for Chinese file names and folder names, which may lead to browsing errors or access failures.
(5) Avoid using too long file names. When long file names are used in a website, it may cause inconvenience to users using operating systems that do not support long file names when browsing. In addition, pay attention to case sensitivity when naming, because some operating systems on Internet servers, such as Unix, are case sensitive in file names.
(6) The naming should be as clear as possible. In order to facilitate management, it is best to name files with specific meanings that can create "hope".
"Literature makes sense" effect. For example, a folder that stores picture resources can be named images, a folder that stores text can be named text, etc. In this way, even after a long period of time, you can still have a general impression of the folder contents.
The source of this article is website promotion: Please indicate in the form of a link when reprinting.
Editor in charge: Chen Long Author Qingfeng’s personal space