Original picture
final renderings
1. Open the image and copy the background layer. Filter → Blur → Gaussian Blur, parameter value is about 4, as shown in Figure 1:
Figure 1
2. Change the blending mode of the layer to: Screen. The effect is as shown in Figure 2:
Figure 23. Duplicate the background layer again, use blending options, and overlay. As shown in Figure 3:
Image → Adjustment, adjust curves, saturation, and when you are satisfied, merge the layers.
Figure 3
4. Enter the channel panel:
First go to Blue Channel→Image→Apply Image, set the blending, Multiply Low→Opacity 50%→Invert check. (Figure 4, Figure 5) Figure 4
Figure 5
5. Then go to Green Channel → Image → Apply Image, set the blending, Multiply Low → Opacity 20% → Invert and click OK. (Figure 6)
Figure 66. Finally, red channel → Image → Apply Image, set the blending, deepen the color, and leave everything else unchanged. (Figure 7)
Figure 7
7. Return to the layers panel. The effect is basically there. Adjust the color balance until you are satisfied. (Figure 7)
Figure 8
8. Type, merge the layers, and you’re done. (Figure 9) Figure 9