Photoshop quickly brings out the sweet blue tones of characters on location
Author:Eve Cole
Update Time:2013-03-15 10:38:10
Source: Siyuan Forum Author: Lisajiu This tutorial introduces how to colorize sweeter blue exterior pictures. The process is also relatively simple: now in Lab mode, use application images and curves to create a sweet background color, and then appropriately adjust the background and character tones in RGB mode. Original picture
Final effect 1
Final effect 2
1. Open the original image material, double-click the background layer to unlock it, and then copy one layer.
2. Click the channel panel, select the red channel, and use Neat Image for noise reduction processing.
3. Return to the layers panel. Select the menu: Image > Mode > Lab Color and select Unmerge. Then go to: Image > Apply Image, Value: Select the A channel; Blending: Overlay; Opacity: 50%.
4. Create a curve adjustment layer and adjust each channel. The parameter settings are as shown below.
5. Merge all layers, select the menu: Image > Mode > RGB Color, create a Curves adjustment layer, brighten it slightly, and complete the production of Effect 2.
6. After using the lasso tool to roughly outline the character area, press Ctrl + Alt + D to feather 5 pixels, press Ctrl + Shift + I to invert the selection, create a curve adjustment layer, adjust the background color, adjust the red and blue parameters, The settings are as shown below.
7. Use the lasso tool to roughly select the head area, feather 3 pixels, create a curve adjustment layer, adjust the skin, and customize the values.
8. After using the lasso tool to roughly outline the lip area, feather 1 pixel and create an optional color adjustment layer. Values: neutral color: cyan: -26; magenta: 27; yellow: -10; black: 7 .
9. Create a great fill layer, select white, and use a brush with an transparency of 40-50 on the mask to erase the excessive white areas.
10. Create a new layer and press Ctrl + Alt + Shift + E to stamp the layer. Use the Topaz filter to smooth the skin appropriately, add a layer mask, and use a black brush to erase the excessive areas.
11. Then carefully look at the picture below to see that the color of the forehead of the character is slightly different. Roughly select the area. Feather 3 pixels and create a hue/saturation adjustment layer. Adjust the whole picture. Values: Hue: -3; Saturation :-58.
Final effect: