Photoshop brings out cyan-blue non-mainstream tones in character pictures
Author:Eve Cole
Update Time:2013-03-20 14:58:01
Source: Siyuan Forum Author: Northern Hemisphere Loneliness The most important thing for non-mainstream effects is to have personality, whether it is composition or tone, it needs to be special. For example, in the tutorial below, the author uses the channel inversion operation to obtain some pictures with very special colors, and then appropriately changes the blending mode of the layer to obtain pictures with very unique tones. Original picture
final effect
1. Open the original image material and press Ctrl + Alt + 1 to bring up the red channel highlight selection, as shown below.
2. Create a new layer, fill it with cyan: #99EDE6, and change the layer blending mode to "Hard Light". The effect is as shown below.
3. Duplicate the background layer to get a copy of the background. Click on the Channels panel, select the blue channel and press Ctrl + I to invert it.
4. After returning to the layers panel, change the blending mode of the background copy layer to "Overlay". The effect is as shown below.
5. Create a new layer on top of the layer, press Ctrl + Alt + Shift + E to stamp the layer, and change the layer blending mode to "Soft Light". The effect is as shown below.
6. Create a new layer to stamp the layer. Execute: Filter > Others > Displacement, customize the value. The purpose of this step is to make the image more personalized. After confirming, create a new layer and add some silk patterns.
7. Finally add some decorative brushes to complete the final effect.
Final effect: