Use channel selection to quickly cut out a transparent wedding dress
Author:Eve Cole
Update Time:2013-03-22 10:25:42
Source: Tutorial Network Author: Syyyglb There are many ways to cut out wedding dresses, and channel cutout is a good choice. General process: First, you need to use pens and other tools to cut out the character parts, including the wedding dress. Then make a copy of the cut-out character layer, select the clearer channel of the wedding dress in the channel and call out the selection. After returning to the layers panel, invert the selection and delete the image except the highlight part. The resulting image is what we cut out. The wedding dress part can be appropriately brightened later. Original picture
final effect
1. Open the original image material, press Ctrl + J to duplicate the background layer, hide the background layer, and then use the magic wand and eraser tool to remove the background part.
2. Duplicate the cut out character layer, then create a new layer above the background layer and fill it with black as a reference layer.
3. Press Ctrl + Alt + 3 to bring up the blue channel highlight selection.
4. Press Ctrl + Shift + I to invert the selection, and press Delete to delete unnecessary parts. After canceling the selection, adjust the color levels and contrast appropriately, and make it slightly brighter. The effect is as shown below.
5. Move background copy 2 below background copy 1, return to the background copy 1 layer, use the soft-angle eraser tool to erase the wedding dress, and then merge the visible layers.
6. Finally, add your favorite color or background material to the background layer to complete the final effect.