Component-free paging is incredible. Just take a look at the effect of this article. Let’s share the specific implementation with you. Friends who are interested can refer to it.
Under MVC:
Code behind:
Copy the code code as follows:
public ActionResult sys(string page)
if (page == null)
string sql = "select top 15 * from dingdinfo ORDER BY dingdh desc";
ViewData["ds"] = dr.resultSet(sql, "dingdinfo");
if (page != null)
int pageSL = Convert.ToInt32(page);
string sql = "select top 15 * from dingdinfo where id not in (select top " + (pageSL - 1) * 15 + " id from dingdinfo order by dingdh desc )ORDER BY dingdh desc";
ViewData["ds"] = dr.resultSet(sql, "dingdinfo");
//Calculate pageCount
string sql1 = "select * from dingdinfo";
int pageCount = dr.resultCount(sql1,"dingdinfo");
int Chu = Convert.ToInt32(pageCount / 15);
int yuS = Convert.ToInt32(pageCount % 15);
if (pageCount > 15)
int pageJG = Chu;
if (yuS != 0)
pageJG = Chu + 1;
ViewData["jg"] = pageJG;
ViewData["jg"] = pageJG;
return View();
The page shows:
JS code:
Copy the code code as follows:
<script type="text/javascript">
function Page(id) {
window.location = "/bookIndex/sys/?page=" + id;
HTML code:
Copy the code code as follows:
<% int count =Convert.ToInt32(ViewData["jg"]);
if (count != 0)
for (int i = 1; i <=count; i++)
{ %>
<a href = "#"><%:i%></a>
The final effect of the page: