When linking documents in IE, if it encounters a document supported by OLE, IE will automatically call the corresponding program to open it. Sometimes this function is not what we need, although we can remind the user to right-click the mouse-->save target as ....command to download documents, but this is not very friendly after all. This article describes the use of FSO and Stream methods to implement direct downloading of documents by IE. <%@ language=vbscript codepage=65001%>
'Filename must be input
if Request(Filename)= then
response.write <h1>Error:</h1>Filename is empty!<p>
call downloadFile(replace(replace(Request(Filename),/,),/,))
Function downloadFile(strFile)
' make sure you are on the latest MDAC version for this to work
'get full path of specified file
strFilename = server.MapPath(strFile)
' clear the buffer
Response.Buffer = True
' create stream
Set s = Server.CreateObject(ADODB.Stream)
' Set as binary
s.Type = 1
' load in the file
on error resume next
'check the file exists
Set fso = Server.CreateObject(Scripting.FileSystemObject)
if not fso.FileExists(strFilename) then
Response.Write(<h1>Error:</h1>&strFilename& does not exists!<p>)
end if
'get length of file
Set f = fso.GetFile(strFilename)
intFilelength = f.size
if err then
Response.Write(<h1>Error: </h1>Unknown Error!<p>)
end if
' send the headers to the users Browse
Response.AddHeader Content-Disposition,attachment; filename=&f.name
Response.AddHeader Content-Length,intFilelength
Response.CharSet = UTF-8
Response.ContentType = application/octet-stream
'output the file to the browser
Response.BinaryWrite s.Read
' tidy up
Set s = Nothing
End Function
end if