When running some ASP files, the anti-virus software will prevent the program from running, or directly delete your ASP files, because it treats your ASP files as ASP Trojan files. This is mainly because the anti-virus software will delete some ASP key files. The keyword is treated as a Trojan horse feature and the record is saved. Therefore, if this keyword is encountered, it will be prohibited from running or deleted. The solution is to break these keywords apart.
Copy the code code as follows:
dim tStream
set tStream = Server.CreateObject(adodb.stream)
Change to
Copy the code code as follows:
dim tStream
set tStream = Server.CreateObject(ado & db.stre & am)
If the anti-virus software thinks that the key string of the virus is a method or attribute of an object
Copy the code code as follows:
tStream2.CopyTo tStream,200
can be changed to
Copy the code code as follows:
execute(tStream2.Cop & yTo tStream,200)
Copy the code code as follows:
dim tStream
set tStream = Server.CreateObject(adodb.stream)
Change to
Copy the code code as follows:
execute(set tStream = Ser & ver.Crea & teObject(ado & db.stre & am))